Wrath as an Inescapable Concept

In a world where fallen man makes the sky bronze in order to attempt to lock out the transcendent God of the Bible and His just wrath what happens is that wrath does not go away but rather is transferred to some new immanent God who is reified so as to have a pretend transcendence. Throughout history, this is usually some collective organization of man such as the State. The idol-State takes on a false transcendence and so levies its wrath in service of humanist projects that are injected with an aura of the divine as supported by the idol-state. So, whereas with God’s reality one has God’s covenantal judgments and so wrath for violating His standard, what happens when modern man seeks to lock God out of his reality is that modern man suffers the humanistic state, in God’s place, bringing to pass its own covenantal judgments as wrath against men who refuse to take the idol-state as god. Of course, the idol-state’s standard for bringing covenantal judgments as wrath against disobedience will be a standard completely contrary to God’s law-word.

We see already then that the wrath of some God or god is an inescapable concept. Man cannot live apart from covenantal judgments for disobedience to God or god as communicating his wrath for violating His or his standard.

We see this happening today, as for example, levied against those who refuse to think the idol-states thoughts after in on the matter of LGBTQ-ism. Increasingly the State is bringing covenantal wrath against those who refuse to accept the State’s insistence on the normalcy of perversion. Canada has already criminalized speaking out against perversion promising to visit its wrath against those who disobey the idol-state. The idol-state reasons as follows;

“Conversion therapy is premised on a lie, that being homosexual, lesbian, bisexual or trans is wrong and in need of fixing. Not only is that false, it sends a demeaning and degrading message that undermines the dignity of the individual.”

David Lametti
Minister of justice and attorney general of Canada

Because of this “reasoning,” Canada as the idol-state has crafted law criminalizing speech against LGBTQ-ism. You see, the wrath of a vengeful God has not gone away but has been merely been transferred to the idol-state following its own humanistic law-word.

What we see here is with the locking out of God from His creation the result is that God does not go away but rather is instantiated in the state and the idol-state as God will now exercise its own wrath and its own covenantal judgments against whatever it deigns to call sin per the new idol-state’s revelation.

Like Night Follows Day Side-B Pedophilia Follows Side-B Sodomy

Who knew that side-b sodomy would birth side-b pedophilia?

Today’s USA Today ran an article suggesting that the attitude of pedophilia, sometimes described by supporters as involving those who are “minor-attracted,” is “among the most misunderstood” in America. The supporters of the misunderstood pedophiles insisted that pedophilia is no more than “inappropriate.”

The article, based upon a released report went on to note that pedophilia should be the subject of a “destigmatizing” effort.

Quoting from the USA Today article,

“Pedophilia is viewed as among the most horrifying social ills. But scientists who study the sexual disorder say it is also among the most misunderstood,” reported Alia E. Dastagir. “Researchers who study pedophilia say the term describes an attraction, not an action, and using it interchangeably with ‘abuse’ fuels misperceptions” about pedophiles.

Understand what is going on here. It is the same thing that has been going on with the sodomy debate within the PCA last summer. The pedophiles are saying here that pedophilia can be “minority attracted” (which is a polite way of saying that pedophiles are sexually aroused by children) but one can be a pedophile and want to have sex with children but as long as the pedophile doesn’t follow through with those attractions he can be a contributor to society.

3 – 2 – 1 …. until side-b pedophilia is advocated in the conservative churches.

This is the same exact argument used by Greg Johnson and his fellow Johnson lovers in last year’s PCA General Assembly.  Some of us (like me) even suggested that this kind of thing was sure to be next.

I can see it now. There will be crocodile tears at a future PCA general assembly for the poor side-b pedophile who has a desire to bed children but who has not given into that temptation. “Why,” it will be argued, “side-b pedophiles should be even sainted.” Sure to follow will be… “Who of us can condemn side-b pedophiles? After all, we are all sinners. What makes one sin worse than desiring boinking little children?” We will hear things like … “The Scripture speaks more to the sin of inhospitality than it does to the sin of adults desiring to boink 10-year-olds.” Elders from Redeemer Church in New York City will forcefully advance “as we are all sinners we should look for as much compassion on those who want to back door 8-year-olds as we give to our own besetting sins as long as they don’t follow through with that desire.”

Martin Niemöller with an R2K Accent

First, the Cultural Marxists came for Trump
And I did not speak out
Because I was a Never Trumper

Then the Cultural Marxists came for the non-mask wearers
And I did not speak out
Because I wore my mask religiously

Then the Cultural Marxists came for the non-vacc’ers
And I did not speak out
Because there wasn’t a vaccine invented that I didn’t take

Then the Cultural Marxists came for the 2nd amendment supporters
And I did not speak out
Because guns are icky

The Cultural Marxists never came for me
Because I was an R2K Christian
And not even brain dead Cultural Marxists worry about R2K Christians

Egalitarian Statism … One Implication of Alienation from God

Colossians 1:21 And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled 22 in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight—

We must not skirt over this issue of man’s problem of alienation. Man’s alienation from God means that man is at enmity (war) with God (Romans 8:7) … has no peace with God … is hostile towards God. Of course, being alienated from God, man can find no peace anywhere else. Man outside of Christ, being alienated from God and in need of reconciliation is thus alienated as well from others and alienated from himself. There can be no peace along any horizontal axis if there is no peace along the vertical axis.

And so man outside of Christ has no peace. No peace with God. No peace with others. No peace with himself. This is never more true than when man outside of Christ is increasingly consistent with his Christ-hating presuppositions that drive his alienations, to begin with. So, the more fallen man is consistent with his Christ-hating presuppositions the more the weight of his alienation bears down.

Now, fallen man cannot live with this oppressive alienation and so he seeks to relieve it… to fix it. However fallen man’s fix for his alienation never takes into consideration the necessity that the verticle alienation must be resolved before any other alienation can be extinguished. As such, fallen man’s fix for his alienation (to others and himself) is to invent a new vertical wherein he can find reconciliation with hopes that once the new reconciled vertical is in place he can then find horizontal reconciliations with himself and with others.

This means a turn towards idolatry. If man will not be reconciled with God then he will seek to solve his alienation problems by creating a God in his own image sure that he can be reconciled to that idol-God and so find peace with his horizontal alienations.

Man thus creates a new God in town in hopes that he will be able to manipulate it so that it will provide horizontal reconciliations and so relief from his varied and sundry horizontal alienations. Throughout history, the new idol-God that is created by man outside of Christ is the God-State. Different mottoes throughout history demonstrate this idea. G

Within the State, Nothing Against the State, Nothing Outside the State

1.) “Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” Mussolini
2.) One People. One Empire. One Leader. — Nazi slogan
The state is the actuality of the ethical Idea. It is ethical mind qua the substantial will manifest and revealed to itself, knowing and thinking itself, accomplishing what it knows and in so far as it knows it. Hegel

Hegel is saying here that the State becomes the incarnation of the absolute idea. This is as close as Hegel got to God. Hegel would’ve agreed that in the State we live and move and have our being since the state is God as man reified – objectified.

It is this idol state – which is man said loudly – that man will now look for all the answers to his horizontal alienations. The problem though with this idol-state is that the reconciliations that it will offer up as a solution to man’s horizontal alienations are reconciliations that require uniformitarian arrangements. The idol-state will work to resolve the alienations with others and self but it will only do so at the price of eliminating distinctions that it believes make for man’s problem of alienation. Man will no longer suffer alienation, so the idol-state reasons, because that which drives man’s alienations is inequality. By eliminating inequality man’s alienation from others and self will likewise be eliminated. As such, the answer to horizontal alienation is a Borg oneness. If all are one then there is no way to be alienated from others or from self. How can alienation obtain if all is the same? By creating an idol-state that man is reconciled to the idol-state solves horizontal alienations by taking individual man by the hand to the end of providing reunification (reconciliation) with his fragmented self.

This explains that globalist push towards social uniformitarianism. If ideas have consequences then the consequence of the idea of creating an idol-state in order to provide vertical reconciliation pursued in order to seek to escape the God of the Bible and His reconciliation in Christ is globalist egalitarianism.

Doug Wilson Goes All Officer Al Powell From Die Hard I

“With this statement, Marcuse provided the methodology by which the new proletariat would march through the Western Institutions changing them so that those Institutions would no longer reflect the worldview of the alleged oppressor but rather would reflect and serve the worldview of the oppressed who hated Christianity and the ethos that characterizes the Christian faith. The new methodology included the ability to criminalize Christian thinking, morality, and behavior. It was Christian thinking, morality, and behavior which would be allowed no tolerance. We are seeing this methodology being played out today in the constant refrain of “White privilege,” and “Systemic Racism.” No tolerance will be allowed for “White privilege,” or “Systemic Racism,” and when one bores down on what these are one discovers that they are simply expressions of Biblical Christianity. It is Biblical Christianity — most commonly embraced by descendants of White-Europeans — that must not be tolerated. Marcuse’s Methodology explains the pulling down of statuary, the changing of names, and the elimination of all things Western Civilization.”

Bret McAtee
Been Screaming this kind of stuff for at least a decade

“Attacks on the West, America, traditional values, the patriarchy, hetero-normativity, and so on are all proxy wars aimed at Christ. And Christians are largely clueless.”

Doug Wilson

“Welcome to the party, pal.”

Officer John McClane 
Die Hard 1


Doug is speaking in the abstract here but when we start looking at the concrete Doug is tweeting a pretty large dog whistle. Concretely speaking, one has to ask who built ‘the West,” and then America? Who are the people that established traditional values, patriarchy, and hetero-normativity?

The answer is that it is the Christian white man who built the West and then America. The answer is that it is the Christian white man who established traditional values, patriarchy, and hetero-normativity.

And the upshot of all this is that the ultimate proxy war aimed at Christ that Doug correctly speaks of can not be successful unless that proxy war successfully destroys the Christian white man.

And what that means, in turn, is that Doug should be defending not only the West, America, traditional values, patriarchy, and hetero-normativity, and ultimately the Lord Jesus Christ but also Doug should stop with his “race doesn’t really exist” bilge and start defending the Christian white man whom God, out of His pure grace, called to build a civilization where patriarchy, traditional values, and hetero-normativity became the norm.

And though I shouldn’t have to say it, I will say it for the mentally deficient crowd as well as for the race pimps who lurk here, what I have said above in no way suggests that I believe that whites are ontologically inherently superior. The fact that the white man is the builder of Western civilization — a civilization that is indeed superior — is all accounted for by God’s inscrutable grace.

For who maketh thee to differ? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? but if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory as if thou hadst not received it?