Optimistic Eschatology is Superior to Pessimillennialism of all Varities

The more I study the work of Jesus Christ via his Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Session, the more I am convinced that the impact of that work was to inaugurate a new creational Kingdom that is entered by way of regeneration (regeneration being naught but a Person being caught up into the Resurrection reality that Christ established) with the purpose of incrementally and progressively expanding the already fixed Crown Rights victory of the Lord Christ.

Christ’s Resurrection inaugurated the new creation and let loose a divine New World Order Kingdom. Through the finished work of Christ the age to come has arrived in principle and having entered into this present wicked age it is rolling the present wicked age back as Sunlight rolls back the morning fog.

Eschatologies that refuse to embrace a full-orbed optimism are eschatologies that run against the grain of the Scriptures. Contemporary Eschatologies, in our current Evangelical defeatist’s climate, that complain about the danger of one’s eschatology being over-realized is like someone warning about the dangers of too much joy taking place in a morgue.

On this point, we would secondly observe that Christ’s resurrection is referred to as “first fruits” to show not only that his resurrection is the first of more to come, but also that the additional future resurrections must necessarily come because they actually belong to Christ’s resurrection itself. That the first fruit would resurrect without the later fruit also resurrecting in due season would be an oxymoron of the grossest variety.

The good news of resurrection also begins now however as we who are in Christ have already been given an inaugurated resurrection. We currently partake of resurrection life and are already citizens of the New Creation Kingdom. As such, under the tutelage of the Spirit, we walk in terms of God’s law-word, putting off the old man, and putting on the new man who now lives in the heavenlies w/ Christ Jesus. We live in the heavenlies because the heavenlies, as the age to come, now resides in this present wicked age as it goes from victory unto victory in pushing back this present wicked age.

We have not yet resurrected to all that we one day will, but we are resurrected more than we once were.

Brief Observation of the Logic of Gun Control

“False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils, except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

Cesare Beccaria

If it is the case that we have to control tools (which is all guns are) that can cause grave and serious harm then I propose that we also practice,

“Teacher control”
“Minister control”
“Lawyer Control”
“Doctor Control”
“Shrink Control”
“Social Worker control”

“Friend of the Court control”

I guarantee you that teachers, ministers, lawyers, doctors, shrinks, social workers, and friends of the court have each and all done far more harm to people as tools that are out of control (they are the tools of the humanists) than guns have done over the last 35 years.

In point of fact, if it is our desire to ban tools that can cause grave and serious harm then why not just ban Humanism, Marxism, Romanticism, Transcendentalism, Nihilism, Existentialism, Post-Modernism, etc. and all forms of nutcase occultism? (Let’s throw in Roman Catholicism, Pentecostalism, R2K’ism, Dispensationalism, and Baptist-ism just to be really safe.)

Of course, tools are only as good as the people handling the tools and with some tools, unlike guns, (see list in paragraph above) it is not possible to handle them safely. I’d rather my grandchildren go hunting with the two nutcases that shot up Columbine High School (if that were possible) than sit in a classroom with a typical University educated school teacher or sit in church under a typical Seminary-trained minister. I’ll take my chances with the guns.

Solzhenitsyn, McAtee Warn Against Propositional Nationhood

“But the world had never before known a godlessness as organized, militarized, and tenaciously malevolent as that practiced by Marxism. Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin, and at the heart of their psychology, hatred of God is the principal driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions. Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends. Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails the destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly go about carrying them out.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Harvard Address

The Soviet Union was the first propositional nation of the 20th century and its chief proposition that was required of all men to believe was, “There is no God,” and its second was like unto it, “There is no nationality.” The Communists denied race. They denied ethnicity. They denied religion. The new Soviet Man had allegiance only to the Soviet State and its propositions. There were no Estonians … No Ukrainians, No Georgians, No Muslims, No Christians … only the Soviet Comrade existed. Above the Soviets “was only sky … and no religion to.”

A propositional nation, is, by definition a slave colony because if it is required of you to believe the propositions of the said propositional nation you are no longer free to have loyalties that are contrary to the propositions to which your primary allegiance belongs. A propositional nation is a slave colony because in a propositional nation you are not allowed to have any loyalties higher than the state. Whatever propositions the state advances, even if they are propositions that are counter to your religious convictions about the nature of Marriage (Obergefell vs. Hodges anyone?) –as just one example — you as the slave are obligated to embrace those state-sanctioned propositions or risk not being thought of as a member of the propositional nation. If your loyalties to your family, or your place, or your faith are higher than your loyalties to the propositions that make up the propositional nation then you are for all intents and purposes outside the law. In a propositional nation, one is a slave to the propositions that the state seeks to advance or one is for all intents and purposes an outlaw.

Solzhenitsyn wrote about the phenomenon of the “non-person.” These were the people who dared disagree with the Soviet propositions. They were also the people who were sent off to the Gulag Archipelago. Only once one was in the Gulag did the idea of identity by propositions waned;

“Before the camps, I regarded the existence of nationality as something that shouldn’t be noticed—nationality did not really exist, only humanity. But in the camps one learns: if you belong to a successful nation you are protected and you survive. If you are part of universal humanity—too bad for you.”

This teaches us to beware anyone who comes to you insisting either explicitly or implicitly that a chief truth — a chief proposition — about Christianity that must be believed by all Christians everywhere is that for the Christians all their previous identities of race, family, and national religion disappear once they are converted.  This is just Communism going under the brand of Christianity.

One cannot be a citizen of the world. Identity is local. Identity is the characteristic of a people who have inhabited a land over a sustained period of time, who have developed certain collective habits, evident in such realities as their religious bonds, their manners, their dress, the feasts they collectively enjoy, their language, their High days, their statuary, poetry music, and art, and the premium they put on teaching their children to think like them.

Rudyard Kipling captures this,

God gave all men all earth to love
But, since our hearts are small
Ordained for each one spot should prove
Beloved over all …

When the neo-cons and their barely educated clergy corps in America blather about this being a propositional nation, just keep in mind that they are serving up the same dish as Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. Next remember that the propositions, and their interpretations of them, are exactly contrary to Biblical Christianity.

Presuppositions in History

“There are certain historians and critics sincerely convinced that they are unbiased, impartial, ‘scientific,’ who reject as ‘biased’ any opinion that clashes with their own bias: they are fools endowed with God-Almighty complex. A second group considers themselves ‘unbiased,’ because they understand all principles and have none themselves; opportunism is no more admirable in historiography than in daily life. Then there are the wolves in sheep’s clothing — the propaganda agents who boast of their lack of bias. Finally, there are those who frankly admit their bias but do their utmost to not be blinded or sidetracked by it. Impartiality is either a delusion of the simple-minded, or a banner of the opportunist, or the boast of the dishonest. Nobody is permitted to be unbiased toward truth or falsehood.”

Gaetano Salvemini
Harvard Professor
Author = “Prelude to World War II”

The Biblical Christian historian admits that he interprets and reads history through a Christian world and life view. For example, he doesn’t see chance or fate in history but rather he sees the providential hand of God. The Christian Historian views events as to whether they are in accordance with God’s revealed will or not, therefore, the Christian Historian, for example, would not glorify a Robespierre, a Lenin, or a social Revolution based on anti-Christ principles.

When we read history we need to keep the above principle in mind. Historians, like most white-collar professionals, do not write from a Biblical Christian perspective and so we must dine with them using a long spoon. We must seek to reinterpret their unbiblical interpretation in a biblical direction. This takes a great deal of practice and time to learn.

It’s a Steel Cage Match Folks

Being queer is more than sleeping with a person of the same gender…. it means transforming the very fabric of our society’s view of family. The goal is radically reordering society’s view of the family”

Paul Ettlebrick
Gay Activist

The push for sodomite rights is not a concession we throw to a tiny percentage of our population in a compromise that will bring no real harm to society. Pushed with ethical fervor through appeals to anti-discrimination, equal rights, equality legislation, and the checking of privilege, this social movement deconstructs the foundational social concepts like family, gender, and social achievement. There is no ‘live and let live,’ when faced with advocates of this agenda.

Dr.Peter Jones

The Other Worldview — pg.96

The sodomite/trannie agenda will not be satisfied with having a “place at the table.” As I have often said their goal in coming out of the closet is to shove heterosexual normies and all those Biblical Christians who support the Scripture’s view on family into the closet. They desire us to be treated the same way that they were treated for millennia. Of course, that was our mistake. We should not have shoved them in a closet. We should have followed Scripture’s prescription for those who embrace the perverted lifestyle.

We are, however, past that exit, and the thing we need to be clear about is that the LGBTQ movement will eventually demand the criminalization of being heterosexual. They will eventually pursue the idea that heterosexuality is a perversion. It is just a matter of time. At the same time, they will seek to mainstream more and more perversions. Already, we are seeing a push to normalize pederastry. (They are even now seeking to lose the label “pedophile” in place of “minor-attracted adults.”)

See this podcast for a brief outlining of this new push to normalize;

For those who like precision technically, pedophilia and pederasty are different perversions though there can certainly overlap between the two.

The LGBTQ contest with Biblical Christianity is a steel cage wrestling match. Two opponents are thrown into a steel cage that has not exit. Only one will walk out alive. Either Biblical Christianity will crush the LGBTQ movement or Christianity will be redefined as being inclusive of LGBTQ’ism. There is no other options.

And already we are seeing, even in the formally most of conservative quarters, that Christianity is being redefined in such a way that it can include perversion.