I Get by with a Little Help From My Friends; False Bishop Tutu Dies … Finally

I have a few friends in South Africa. Here is one of their accounts on the death of Desmond Tutu. In light of all the similar praise that fell upon Nelson Mandela at his death, I thought it proper to see Desmond Tutu through the eyes of a South African.


Marco Summers

I once had a man call me something much worse than a cockroach in his soup for criticizing Archbishop Tutu, but I stand by this statement: ‘His earthly ‘good’ work, his humour, his intellect, his standing in society, all the praises, his Nobel Peace Prize, his work on the Truth & Reconciliation Commission, his friendly efficacious demeanor (I personally met him in London, UK once when I was a diplomat there & spent some amicable time with him) all are piffle if he did not believe the true Gospel.

How impressive you might have been Desmond, but now those works are a curse on your life before a holy God. It is such a clear thing in the Bible that your works will not bring you salvation. (Well: it’s clear to those who are saved.) The others [pagans] think good works give you some standing with God. Good people who do good works, they think, go to heaven.

So, a man who fought apartheid, stood strong on his principles in favour of homo sex, won the Nobel Peace Prize for campaigning for peace for humanity, cried tears on the Truth & Reconciliation Commission, criticized the ANC govt for its evils, etc. must be without doubt heading for heaven, right?


You can do all such ‘good’ things as a lifelong ideal, but still miss the truth of the Gospel of Salvation – which is a singularity: there are no other options, especially not a false gospel, whose proponents Paul called “accursed”.

The Daily Maverick [Newspaper] dripped of honour for the man Desmond Tutu and stated that he “left the legacy of an anti-apartheid fighter, rainbow-nation builder and a truly peerless human being”.

Those are nice words for a gravestone, or for a eulogy at a burial service, but they mean absolutely nothing spiritually – which is the real reality in the judgment of the court of heaven.

In times past Desmond Tutu, was interviewed by TV presenter John Bishop. The interview was taking place in the days preceding Easter. Bishop asked Mr. Tutu if he believed that Jesus Christ actually, physically rose from the dead. Mr. Tutu evaded answering this clear, straightforward question, and so Bishop asked him again, only to receive the same evasive religious-sounding, yet empty response. Bishop was obviously not going to let go of this question and thus with appropriate forthrightness he demanded a direct answer to his question, “Do you believe that the body of Jesus Christ actually came back from the dead after three days?” Mr. Tutu answered with great enthusiasm, “It does not matter whether or not Jesus’ body came back to life. What matters is that the spirit of Christ lives on today.”

 Elsewhere Tutu is quoted as saying;

“I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this. I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place. I am as passionate about this campaign as I ever was about apartheid.”

(Desmond Tutu
Speech at a UN’s gay rights campaign, 2013)

And again Tutu is on record as saying;

“When we say Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, you don’t believe that he got into a kind of ecclesiastical lift that took him into the stratosphere. This is a language that is being used figuratively because the realities that are being described are not human realities, they are supernatural realities. When we speak even about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is not the revivification of a corpse.”

One more from the putatively great Bishop Tutu;

“I give great thanks to God that he has created a Dalai Lama. Do you really think, as some have argued, that God will be saying: ‘You know, that guy, the Dalai Lama, is not bad. What a pity he’s not a Christian’? I don’t think that is the case, because, you see, God is not a Christian.”

(Desmond Tutu
Speech at Dalai Lama’s birthday, 2 June 2006)

In light of all this, my own observation is that a man with humanitarian achievements such as Desmond Tutu is a great test for whether Christians actually understand the true Gospel viz-a-viz the reality of God’s wrath on false prophets, or whether they are taken in by so-called good deeds for humankind. I believe He was a false prophet.

All the honor he gets [now] he will get for humanitarian humanistic human works, but spiritually he was corrupt.

I have personally seen overseas where he was asked on TV about other religions. He said that they are much older than Christianity, adding:

“The founder of Christianity only arrived on the scene 2000 years ago.”

That is blasphemy and it shows he did not know who Jesus Christ was – in spite of his title, his position, his clever demeanor, etc. The backward collar he wore was a symbol of his backward theology. He therefore clearly did not understand who the true Christ is. He also said on occasion in SA that the Dalai Lama “is the holiest man I know.”


This is what he said about a man who is a so-called living god in his religion of Tibet. It is abominable in the eyes of the true God who became man in Christ. No man is holy outside of Jesus Christ: To be in Christ is to have the only “hope of glory”.

My real hope is that Tutu repented before he died.

The alternative is too ghastly to contemplate but I do know he is in the hands of a perfectly righteous judge.

Christmas Hallmark Potpourri Through the Years

I have a wee bit of a diary I keep. These are some of my scribblings from Christmases past.

Christmas 2011

Whatever 2012 may bring we have a Messiah who was given to us as he was born of the Virgin Mary. We have been delivered from our sins by the Sin Bearer. Whatever may come we, of all people, have reason to be Merry.

Merry Christmas 2011. Christ is King.

My young adult Catechism / Worldview class gave me a wonderful Christmas gift. They have me a grey hooded sweatshirt that says on the front, “McAtee University,” with the two words separated by a University insignia.

So very cool!

Christmas 2012

On this Christmas, we have had once again the reminder of the comfort of Christ. Now let us be a warrior assembly and risk all for the Great King in light of that comfort.

He by whom all things were made was made one of all things. The Son of God by the Father without a mother became the Son of man by a mother without a father. The Word Who is God before all time became flesh at the appointed time. The maker of the sun was made under the sun. He Who fills the world lay in a manger, great in the form of God but tiny in the form of a servant; this was in such a way that neither was His greatness diminished by His tininess nor was His tininess overcome by His greatness.

(St. Augustine, Sermon 187)

Christmas 2013

There is the same hope this Christmas day, and the same reason to be encouraged as there was the day before the Birth of Christ. God has not forgotten His people and He still intends to “Holpen His People, Israel.” God still intends to pull down the wicked mighty and to raise up His people. We still live in a time of “Glad tidings and Great joy.”

God reigns… let the earth be silent.


Christmas 2014

It’s Eggnog and Booty

And time with my Cutie
This festive time of the year
What I am after
Is grandchildren laughter
And Steins full of dark beer

Merry Christmas

Christmas 2014

Christmas is the proclamation that the old gods have been shown the door.

“Maker of the sun, He is made under the sun. In the Father, He remains, from His mother He goes forth. Creator of heaven and earth, He was born on earth under heaven. Unspeakably wise, He is wisely speechless. Filling the world, He lies in a manger. Ruler of the stars, He nurses at His mother’s bosom. He is both great in the nature of God and small in the form of a servant.”

Augustine of Hippo


National Lampoon Christmas — 2015

And so wanes Christmas 2015
survived with amphetamines
And ample strong liquoring
to ward off the bickering
Sobering now with caffeine


Christmas @ 0300. 2015

May we, as a people, always have a reason to argue with each other (Covenanters vs. non-Covenanters) over whether we should celebrate Christmas. May there always be enough of us on each side of the question to make the discussion interesting. May our grandchildren not grow up wondering what it would mean to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Merry Christmas.

Christmas 2016

Merry Christmas to you Old Narnians out there. We remember the old ways before the Calomarines (Cultural Marxists) took over.

All will be set right.
Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas.

I always wonder what my Grand sires were thinking on Christmas day when they were my age … say 100 years ago?

And I wonder what my Grandchildren will be thinking about on Christmas day 100 years from now.

Time … keeps rolling like a river

To the Sea.

Tim Keller’s Doctrine of No Doctrine

“The Gospel of Christianity which is that you are not saved by good doctrine, not by your good works but by sheer unmerited grace. It pulls out the self-righteousness and superiority that tends to go along with religious belief. “

Tim Keller

1.) I’m so confused. Isn’t this a doctrine that Tim is giving me … a doctrine that apparently I must be conversant with in order to be saved? Presumably, it is even a good doctrine

If I’m not saved via good doctrine must I be saved via bad doctrine or am I saved with no doctrine? (which of course the advocacy of which would be a doctrine). Maybe this is the doctrine of being saved by “No Doctrine Alone?”

This diminishing of doctrine is NOT Christianity.

2.) Tim’s doctrine in the first sentence is obviously driving his self-righteousness as seen in his second sentence. Tim obviously views himself, because of his superior doctrine, as superior over those poor benighted Christians who believe that good doctrine is related to salvation.

Merry Christmas Greetings — 2021

While shepherds kept their watch by night
God sent His only Begotten Son into the World
Very God of Very God and
Very Man of Very Man
He is the Image of the Invisible God
The Firstborn over all creation
The Revelation of God proclaimed “He is the Light of the World”
The Angels spoke of Him in terms of “good tidings of Great Joy.”

He is before all things and
In Him all things consist
With the Promised coming
The Nations shall make their way to pay Him homage
And the families of the earth will be blessed
The Great King has come
And He has saved His people from their sins
And so far does His Triumph extend
That all things are reconciled in Him

Let now the Praise of God be on our Lips
And a double-edged sword be in our hand
For the service of His Kingdom
and the Praise of His Name
Remember, Believe, and Act upon
During this Advent Rejoicing
“God Gave the Word
Let us be the great company who proclaims Him.”

A Conversation With The Nihilist Ghost Of Christmas Past

These are the kinds of conversations that put the Merry in Christmas.

Seriously, I’m sitting here cracking up.


Stell Michelsen offers,

What is the meaning of life?  THERE ISN’T ANY.
Bret L. McAtee responds,

Stell ….

If you tell me that there isn’t any meaning to life then you’ve told me that for you the meaning of life is that there isn’t any meaning.

Nihilism is not possible.

 Merry Christmas
Stell Michelsen offers,

Oh, Nihilism certainly is possible, and one can be joyfully a Nihilist. But I do not care for debate, so we must simply disagree just now.

Bret L. McAtee responds,


Excuse me for laughing but you are saying you find meaning in the philosophy of nihilism which teaches that there is no meaning. LOL

Stell offers,

Joy is not equal to meaning or purpose.

Bret responds,

Stella, you mention joy but if I apply your same logic, I can say:

“What is the meaning of joy? There isn’t any. You can just laugh when there is no reason why you are laughing, which means you are insane.

But if joy has meaning, then that means that joy, being part of living life, gives life meaning.

Stella, you are involved here in some serious contradiction.

Still, have a Merry Christmas … if you can.