Zacharias “Benedictus”

Text– Luke 1:67-80
Theme — God
Subject — God’s Faithfulness to His Word

Proposition — God’s faithfulness to His Word in Zacharias’ “Benedictus” is seen by the recollections found throughout the song.

Purpose — Therefore, having seen God’s faithfulness to His Word in Zacharias’ “Benedictus” to fulfill all that He had promised let us be thankful that God continues to be faithful to His covenant people in all things.


In Luke 2 Luke records Zachariah’s prophecy and in verse 70 Zachariah can say, in reference to the advent of the Messiah, ‘As He (God) spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets, who have been since the World began.’ Clearly Zachariah is teaching us here that the Scriptures of the Old Covenant spoke of and taught Jesus the Messiah, and that from the very beginning.

Luke makes this same observation regarding Christ in the OT again at the end of His gospel (24:27) when he records Jesus, following His resurrection, leading a bible study on the road to Emmaus with two disciples who had missed how the redemptive events were spoken of in the Old covenant Scriptures.

It is obvious that Luke is telling us that the old covenant Scriptures, were, in the phrase of the Puritans, ‘the cradle where one would find Christ.’ All the Scriptures, from Genesis 3:15f are first and foremost about Christ and tell God’s story of how He does all the work in redeeming a people of His own choosing to be their covenant faithful God. We do a great disservice to Scripture when we use it to cram God into our story instead of seeing that God uses Scripture to tell His story – a story that the redeemed are swept up into as so many leaves are swept up into a tornado. God’s story is objective but as men, in each generation, are placed into its storyline by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, that objective story continues to change everything in its path in each generation.

Zachariah was part of Redemptive History. His prophecy was part of God’s objective story of God’s raising up a horn of salvation for His people (2:69). His recognition that all of Scripture was teaching the story of Christ is our good news. BUT Zechariah also understands that this good news is done for a couple of purposes. The first purpose was so that God would be seen as faithful to His promises and covenant (vs. 72). The second purpose was that God’s people might serve Him without fear (vs. 74).

In God’s story when God provides salvation, one purpose of that provision is that God’s people might live in a covenantal faithfulness that echos back God’s covenantal faithfulness to His name and His people. When God’s elect are swept up into His story it is always with the consequence of having been freely saved they will now freely serve according to God’s standards.

Calvin can say at this point on this idea,

“Zechariah’s point was, that, being redeemed, they might dedicate and consecrate themselves entirely to the Author of their salvation. As the efficient cause of human salvation was the undeserved goodness of God, so its final cause is, that, by a godly and holy life, men may glorify his name.”

Calvin then goes on to talk about our responsibility to live a life of service to God, citing the abundant scripture that teaches this truth and ends by saying,

Scripture is full of declarations of this nature, which show that we “frustrate the grace” (Gal. 2:21) of Christ, if we do not follow this design.”

So Zechariah’s Benedictus (Luke 2:67-79) teaches us that God does all the saving but also that those who are saved serve God in every area that God has dominion over. We do disservice to this idea when we do one of three things,

1.) Forget that the Scriptures are first and foremost about God’s work of doing all the saving.

2.) Forget that Scripture do not end with souls saved but rather speak clearly of what the redeemed life looks like in every area of life.

3.) Invert the order so that we do not realize that #2 is always the consequence of #1 being rightly set forth and so speak as if #1 is dependent upon number 2.

But lest we get ahead of ourselves let us map the passage out.

We should note that the passage comes to us in a literary style called a Chiasm.

Explain — Demonstrate Chiasm

This literary device is seen throughout Scripture and the constant usage of it gives us insight into the way the Hebrew people thought.

Zacharias is prophesying about two different individuals, (Jesus and John) but the Chiasm forms a unitary thought because the two different individuals are understood in light of God’s keeping His promises made in the Abrahamic Covenant. He believes the Abrahamic Covenant is finally being fulfilled.

The chiasm is as follows:

A 68 – Visited by God

B 69 – Horn of Salvation

C 70 – Prophets since the world began

D 71 – Salvation from Enemies

E 72 – Mercy promised to fathers

E’ 73 – Covenant to father Abraham

D’ 74 – Salvation from Enemies

C’ 76 – Prophet of the Highest

B’ 77 – Knowledge of Salvation

A’ 78 – Visited by Dayspring

Verses 75 and 79 do not fit into the chiasm, but that is because these verses conclude the section about Jesus and John respectively.

At each one of the points Zachariah recalls Scripture in order to articulate God’s faithfulness to all He promised.

This reminds us of the tie between Revelation and Redemption. When Zachariah speaks, he speaks by recalling God’s verbal Revelation. Zacharias’ mind is conditioned and shaped by Revelation.

I only offer that at this point because we should, like Zacharias, be shaped by a proper understanding of God’s Revelation. This is important because the Church in the West has largely become un-moored from thought patterns that are conditioned and informed by a right understanding of God’s written Revelation.

Vs. 68 — Blessed Be the Lord God of Israel

Zachariah opens this thanksgiving by praising God’s name.

Even this kind of opening is a typical Scriptural pattern

I Kings 1:48 And the king also said, ‘Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who has granted someone[a] to sit on my throne this day, my own eyes seeing it.’”

As to this greeting Calvin offers here,

Zechariah thus distinguishes God from all the idols which were then worshipped. He makes it clear that although God was, in a sense, hidden, and appeared to have withdrawn his help from those he had chosen and reserved as his inheritance, nevertheless he remained, from first to last, God. Now anyone judging the condition of the Jews at that time might well have thought they were deluded fools to trust in what the Law held out to them. …In short, anyone who saw the Jews’ plight was bound to conclude that they had been wrong to hope in God who had revealed himself in the Law, and that his promise of a Redeemer had been entirely vain.

Zechariah counters this temptation and supplies believers with the arms to overcome it, by affirming that the God of Israel retains his power and that our preoccupation with temporal affliction takes us far away from him. God’s power is not weakened by our affliction nor has he abandoned those who hope in him. He does indeed test them and brings them almost down. Despair and turmoil may surround them. Nevertheless God is in heaven. He keeps his promises and fulfils them when the time is right. That, then, is the reason why Zechariah fixes upon the God of Israel, and not as the ignorant do upon some vague deity who rules in heaven. He knows that the one who made covenant with Abraham and the other patriarchs, who gave his Law by Moses and who promised to redeem his people through the servant he would send, is truly God. We must reject every other idle thought and cling to him alone.

…We need, therefore, Zechariah’s teaching, and the assurance that the God of Israel who in former times made himself known to the fathers, and who welcomed them, few in number though they were – that he who sent his only Son to be our Redeemer, is indeed the living God. And although he allows us to suffer torments and permits the wicked to raise their horns against us, although we lack the means to resist and, as the saying goes, can be swallowed as easily as a gnat, nevertheless he remains our God and defender, and has given invincible power to our Lord Jesus Christ. He has committed us to his protection in order to lead us to salvation. So we should always wait for his help, even though we fear he may come late and that all will be lost if he tarries. We should continue even so in patience, and overcome all the blandishments with which Satan tries to dazzle us and to destroy our faith (pp.71-74).

And why does Zachariah bless God’s name?

Well, because God has visited and provided Redemption.

Zacharias’ idea of divine visitation hearkens back to the same kind of language used in Exodus when God visited and Redeemed Israel.

Exodus 3:16 Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say unto them, Jehovah, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, hath appeared unto me, saying, I have surely visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt:

There should be little doubt that Zachariah is purposefully using this kind of language with tie ins to the God’s previous visitations. All that heard Zachariah speak would this prophesy would have understood that God’s intra-testamental period of silence was finished and He was visiting, speaking, and redeeming again in the context of the promised Messiah.

Redemption is one of the major themes of Scripture and we find it here immediately on Zachariah’s lips.

Redemption throughout the Scripture, it must be remembered is accomplished by God at a cost. When Israel was Redeemed from Egypt it was at the cost of the First-born of Egypt. And when God Redeems His people in the New Covenant it comes at the cost of His own First-Born.

So, Redemption happens here in a setting wherein God seeks to buy back for Himself, at a cost to Himself, that which is His by creation but has been stolen from Him and sold into slavery and bondage.

Israel, at this point is in bondage. God’s people were in bondage to sin and to false teaching concerning God’s Revelation as well as being in bondage to Roman rule.

Zachariah sees through all that and sees that God has provided Redemption.

Of course our bondage today still comes through sin and because of false teaching concerning God’s Revelation. And just as their deliverance was through the Messiah that was coming so we are Redeemed by Christ who provides all of our redemption.

We should emphasize what Zacharias emphasizes here. All of Zacharias’ prophecy is about how God has rescued and Redeemed His people. God is doing all the Redeeming and saving here. Even when we get to vs. 74 where Zacharias speaks of “our service” even that service is understood as only possible because God has saved His people for that end. We have been Redeemed to serve him without fear in Holiness and Righteousness but we served as people who are and have been Redeemed.

The Reformed Church is a Church, when it is being true to its origins and calling, which always labors to keep that theme of Redemption before God’s people. We have been Redeemed completely by God’s initiation and action. We are saved by faith alone in Christ alone by grace alone. There is nothing of us in this Redemption that Zachariah speaks of.

During every season, including the Advent season, we are reminded that God sent Christ to accomplish Redemption. There is over the cradle at Christmas the shadow of the Cross as repeatedly pictured from the Revelation of God in the OT.

Week II

Refer to Handout

Illustration — Cloth soaked in Dish of Water // If you could animate this cloth what would it speak?

Zachariah is the Cloth and what he has spent his life soaking in is the OT and when Zachariah speaks he speaks that which he was soaked in His whole life. He speaks the Scriptures.

Of course what we want to first emphasize here is the continuity between the Old and New Testament. Zachariah is one of the first spokesmen in what we would call the NT age and what he cites is the OT Scripture. This is consistent with what Augustine taught … “The New is in the Old Concealed and the Old is in the New revealed.”

Secondly, we want to note that Zachariah is really not that unusual in that he speaks out of the fullness of a text in which he had been saturated all of his life. We all spend our lives soaking in our texts so to speak and then speak and act out what we’ve soaked in all our lives.

And this explains why the texts we soak in should be texts that are able to make us wise. It explains why the primary text we should soak in, is Scripture. The Apostle Paul could say elsewhere in Scripture that “Bad company corrupts good character,” and so we must be very careful about the company we keep in terms of the texts that we saturate our lives in — Whether those texts are literal texts or other people.

This redemption that Zacharias speaks of is accomplished by a “horn.”

The primary means by which God would accomplish this redemption of Israel was through the Messiah. Zacharias speaks of the Messiah as a horn of salvation. In Scripture, horns are frequently a symbol of strength and power, as with the horns of an oxen (Deut 33:17),

17 In majesty he is like a firstborn bull;
his horns are the horns of a wild ox.
With them he will gore the nations,
even those at the ends of the earth.
Such are the ten thousands of Ephraim;
such are the thousands of Manasseh.”

I Kings 22:11 Now Zedekiah son of Kenaanah had made iron horns and he declared, “This is what the Lord says: ‘With these you will gore the Arameans until they are destroyed.’

Daniel 8:5 As I was thinking about this, suddenly a goat with a prominent horn between its eyes came from the west, crossing the whole earth without touching the ground. 6 It came toward the two-horned ram I had seen standing beside the canal and charged at it in great rage. 7 I saw it attack the ram furiously, striking the ram and shattering its two horns. The ram was powerless to stand against it; the goat knocked it to the ground and trampled on it, and none could rescue the ram from its power.

So when Zachariah (Luke 1:69) mentions that God has raised a Horn of Salvation for His people, of course the reference is to Jesus Christ who is strong to save.

Jesus Christ …. the Messiah is the Horn of Salvation.

There is incipient in Zacharia’s song that the Messiah is a kind of Hero / Champion who when He Triumphs His triumph is at the same time the triumph of His people. In other words … when the Hero / Champion triumphs all the people triumph in, with and through Him.

This idea of the one triumphing for the many and the many triumphing in the One’s triumph gives us a retrospective understanding of David and Goliath’s fight. David was a typological picture of Christ and just as all of Israel triumphed in, with and through David’s triumph over Goliath, so God’s people triumph in, with and through the Lord’s Christ triumph over Satan, Sin, and Self. His victory is our victory.

House of His Servant David — This indicates that Zachariah is referring to Christ who was, Humanely speaking, from the tribe of David.

So Jesus is this powerful Horn of God who is raised up in order to accomplish Salvation.

And of course we all know that the way this Horn of God provides Salvation is by His substitutionary death on our behalf wherein, as our Champion / Hero he took upon Himself our sins and having paid their penalty he turned away God’s just wrath that was against us and clothed us with all that the Father required in order to be counted admitted and loved in His presence.

As He spoke by the Mouth of His Holy Prophets — Again a reference back to Scripture

Note — Zachariah understands that God is the Speaker and that prophets are the living muses of God

See Handout

These Prophets have been since the world began —

God has never left Himself w/o testimony. He has raised up His spokesmen since the World began in order to speak Christ.

Again … this is a reference to prior revelation. Note again here as I tried to emphasize last week the symbiotic relationship between revelation and redemption. Revelation is God speaking. Redemption is God acting out what God promised in His speaking. We could not know what Redemption was without Revelation and Revelation would be empty speaking without Redemption.

In the Scripture we have God speaking Redemption in Christ. As Chris is not only our Redemption but also our Wisdom, Righteousness, and Sanctification, (I Cor. 1:30) we can expect the Scripture to also speak Wisdom, Righteousness and Sanctification. As God speaks this way in His breathed out Revelation (Scripture) we need look nowhere else for God’s revelatory word. The Scripture alone is able to make us wise unto Salvation because the Scripture speaks God’s redemption in Christ.

71 — That we should be saved from our enemies
And the hands of all who hate us

Zacharias returns for a second time to the theme of salvation from our enemies. This was the great longing of Israel, and the ultimate sign that the Messiah had come. The Exodus from Egypt was a prototype of kind of deliverance that Israel looked for.

One finds a sub-theme in Scripture of deliverance from enemies and rejoicing in their demise.

I Samuel 2 / Exodus 15

This picks up the theme that we’ve spoke of often here. When Salvation is mentioned in Scripture it is joined, hip & thigh, to Judgment. God’s people are saved in the context of God’s enemies being judged. If you desire Biblical Salvation you can not have it without judgment upon the enemies of God and God’s people.

72 – 73 Crescendo Point — God has remembered

God remembering in Scripture is not merely God recalling but God recalling with purpose.

Exodus 2:24 — God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.

Genesis 8:1 But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind blow over the earth, and the waters subsided.

God remembers and Keeps His promises. That is God’s character.

Contemporary Application

Now, we must say here that because this is true, and because you are in Christ we can say that God has not forgotten you. We might readily admit that it sometimes may seem that way and that circumstances might suggest that, but God has not forgotten His people. They are safe and secure in Christ. What comes into their lives comes into their lives from the hand of a God who has remembered them.

Note connection between the people. God remembered the Fathers (long dead) means that God now remembers them.

Vs. 74– Salvation’s Purpose

Serve him w/o fear

9 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: “Let my people go, so that they may worship me.

Our release from captivity of sin is never with a view of serving self. Our release from the bondage of self is that we may serve God. Christian, there is freedom in Christ but that freedom is to be a bond-servant to Christ. As we were made for Christ, we only find freedom when we are yoked to Christ.

I’ve been doing some heavy reading lately about those throughout History want the kind of freedom that is offered by the serpent — the freedom to flout God’s ways. It is a ugly depressing tale to read of those who in searching from freedom from God bind themselves to the ugliest of chains.

God has saved us that we might find the true freedom of serving Him.

Inferior Cultures … Inferior Men … Inferior Gods

The belief in the equal validity of all culture’s and so all the truths of all cultures which arises from postmodernism must necessarily lead to the devaluing and suppression of objective truth. Further, the concomitant belief in the equal value of all cultures must necessarily lead to the devaluing and suppression of the reality that some cultures are superior while other cultures are inferior. AND since culture is just the outward manifestation of a peoples inward beliefs, the belief that all cultures are of equal value carries with it the necessary belief that all theologies are of equal value and therefore suppresses the reality that cultures informed by Biblical Christianity are superior to those inferior cultures that are informed by the religious beliefs reflective of other inferior gods.

This means that it is not true that all cultures must be respected. Indeed many cultures, should we desire to treat them honorably, should be disrespected, opposed, and attacked. It would be the very definition of being hateful to treat with kindness a culture that is deeply inferior.

Of course, saying this out loud in public will find one tagged with the label of “hater,” but should we ever pull ourselves out of the morass of the inferior culture we are now living in more and more of us must be willing to stand up and say our culture is inferior. We likewise must say, as even living in an inferior culture, that other cultures can be even more inferior.

The denials of inferior R2K “theologians” notwithstanding we must herald a Christ who can heal and so transform and lift cultures. We must bring a Christianity that promises the renewal of individuals and so the renewal of the inferior cultures in which they are currently living. We must tell men as part of giving them God’s Law that men live in inferior cultures because they are inferior men and they are inferior men because they serve and worship inferior gods. Cultures, men, and the gods they serve are all intertwined.

The Disrespect for Marriage Act

Does Biden and the FEDS know something that Doug Wilson doesn’t?

Yesterday, amidst much pomp and circumstance Joe Biden signed the “”Respect For Marriage Act.” This Bill disallows any State in the future from passing legislation that forbids or criminalizes any one from entering into a marriage with a person of the same sex or from entering into a marriage with a person of another race.

Biden’s remarks during the signing makes that clear;

“For most of our nation’s history, we denied interracial couples and same sex couples from these protections. We failed. We failed to treat them with the equal dignity and respect. And now, the law requires interracial marriage and same sex marriage must be recognized as legal in every state in the nation.”

While most conservative Christians will (for now) insist that same sex marriages are against God’s design for marriage most would not concede that interracial marriage is against God’s normative design for marriage. And yet, it seems the FEDS are tacitly admitting that both sodomite marriage and inter-racial marriage are unnatural marriages by yoking the recognition of said marriages in the same bill.

Men have short memories but it really is the case that inter-racial marriages were seen as almost just as scandalous in 1961 in much of the West as same-sex marriages are seen today. And a day is coming, I suspect, when we will recall the day when same-sex marriages were seen as just as scandalous as the eventual coming scandal that some will see in sanctioning Adult-young children marriages.

Now, we energetically admit that same-sex marriage is more unnatural than inter-racial marriages just as we would concede that same sex marriage is more unnatural than human-cow marriage. (I’m sure that even now there are activists out there about to insist; “But what about our rights to get married to Bessie the Cow?”) However, all because something is more unnatural than something else doesn’t mean that the less unnatural something is still not unnatural. Inter-racial marriage is unnatural in as much as it seeks to smash together into one union realities (race, culture, background, tastes, history etc.) that are by their very nature vastly dissimilar. However on the scale of unnaturalness inter-racial marriage is just not as much un-natural as same sex marriage.

Allow me to submit that as a people we would have never gotten to same sex marriage if we had not already blown past centuries of previous legislation that disallowed the unnaturalness of inter-racial marriage.

Keep in mind here that it doesn’t matter how prevalent something is for it to be unnatural. If somehow all future marriages contracted ended up being same sex that wouldn’t make all those marriages any less unnatural. One doesn’t arrive at determining what is natural and unnatural by counting noses.

Allow me to also observe that having arrived at the codification of the un-natural and even more un-natural we will now keep going from un-natural to ever more un-natural. There will be no stopping point for what constitutes marriage. Polygamy and Polyandry will eventually make a huge comeback, though in terms of the history of mankind those are far less unnatural than the unnaturalness of sodomite marriage.

Further, threesomes plus will be sanctioned I am sure. I can even see the day when marriage between a man and child will be sanctioned…. perhaps even as between a man and his favorite farm animal. Once is marriage is redefined away from God’s definition of marriage there is no rational stopping point.

Of course, all of this is an attack on the Biblical definition of marriage and family. One of the chief designs of those who hate Christian civilization is to destroy marriage and the family and by this legislation that Biden signed yesterday we are close than ever to that reality.

At the end of the day my objection to all this rests in the continued attempt of the New World Order to completely relativize all truth so that the International FEDS will be the ones dictating right and wrong. I also object to the project that seeks to make all color bleed into one in the attempt to completely destroy the idea of distinct race and ethnicity that God created us with. I also object to the incipient egalitarian impulse of all this.

In these kinds of controversial statements there is always the necessity to qualify so that those who want to set their hair on fire will find some reason to calm down. Here is my qualification;

Even though I firmly believe that inter-racial marriage is unnatural I fully realize that these arrangements are going to exist. And while I do think people should be dissuaded from contracting said marriages, and that for the good of the social order that marriage is supposed to be supporting and for concern of future children of said marriages, at the same time I don’t believe people who enter into those marriages are beyond the grace of God or beyond support from communities as I do believe is the case for those who enter sodomite marriages who refuse to leave them.

Every culture/social order will have to survive some un-naturalness in its midst. However, every culture/social order can only survive so much un-naturalness. With the bipartisan support of the “Respect for Marriage Act,” we have reached a whole new level of “un-natural,” with its insistence that we must respect marriages between two women or two men. This is a level of unnatural wherein the Biblical family unit will not survive.

This brings us to the irony in the name of the Bill. Washington will consistently reveal to the careful observer what they are doing by the euphemistic titles they give to their bills. It is almost always the case that the title of Federal Legislation is inverse to the reality. Can you imagine anything more disrespectful to marriage than redefining it so it is inclusive of sodomite marriages?

In conclusion the note here that is being reached for is love for healthy natural families. Doubtless, the accusation will be tossed that I am the “Hater,” when in point of fact I am the one who is saying what I am saying out of love for future marriages and for people and for future children. Only someone who hates a natural order will hate me for advocating for what has been held to be natural for thousands and thousands of years, and that merely because I refuse to invest in the lie.

A Discussion on Alienism, Alienists & Their Technique

Lately it has been all the rage to go all self-righteous on the wickedness of Kinism. Barnyards full of shinola has been shoveled upon this completely Biblical and Historical truth. I have done plenty of defending of Kinism on Iron Ink but tonight I thought I would go on the offensive by attacking the position that is the opposite of Kinism and that is Alienism. Alienism goes by other names such as Oikophobia, and Xenophilia. Alienism could also justly be considered the racial colonization of white people. Alienism could also be justly considered white people genocide.

Here is a working definition of that worldview which Kinism is fighting hammer and tong;

Alienism is a non-Caucasian supremacist and genocidal ideology that holds that non Caucasian races should be the central organizing principle for social orders. This is seen in the push for the replacement of whites in their own homelands. This, likewise then entails the genocide aspect of the Alienist supremacist ideology. Alienists, because of their supremacist ideology do desire to see whites enter into as much inter-racial marriage as possible since that serves both the supremacist and genocidal aspects of Alienist ideology. Alienism is often associated with the concept of humanist theocracy, in which the state is governed by humanist law. The Alienist movement has been widely embraced by the both mainstream and putatively conservative churches thus revealing that the Alienists have successfully taken over these institutions once owned by the Kinist; Jesus Christ. Alienism is embraced by many self-hating white people as well as large majorities of minorities. Typically Alienism is driven by the non-Christian cultural Marxist World and Life view.

Ironically enough Alienists when viewed through a different prism are themselves Kinists as I explain here;

Alienism is Kinism

Alienism in America is seen most visibly as America becomes increasingly non-white and “post-racist.” In this context the historic Christian white America of the past becomes increasingly alien and incomprehensible. All that was good, and true, and beautiful about the America prior to the hegemony of multiculturalism is besotted with accusations of being vile, ugly, and “racist,” as hurled by the Alienists. The heroes of America from once upon a time, per the Alienists, must be changed out for the heroes of the “new America.” The truth of the old Christian white America must be surrendered in favor for lies being called “truth,” as put forth by our new Alienist overlords. A new Alienist morality also enters in as the old Christian morality is blamed for the the plight of those who have now seized power.

The game of the Alienist is put forth as merely making old wrongs right but in point of fact what is going on is the displacement of Christian white America in favor of the inverting of normalcy which is a trademark among Alienists. The ascendancy of Alienism means that every heretofore normal value of society is destroyed in the name of whatever was once alien to Christian white society. If it goes against the grain of what was only recently normative it is to be embraced in order to throw off Christian white understandings of normalcy. This is the morality of Alienism.

Typically modern Christians are afraid to identify or call out Alienism for fear of being labeled “Kinist” or “Racist” or “Nationalist,” or some variant thereof. For modern Christians the #1 fear is being labeled with one of the above pejoratives. One can appreciate their fear since being successfully smeared with this by the Alienist can result in loss of career, friends, and reputation. A game has been played on the Christian white man which has placed them in this position. That game involves a double standard that is difficult to identify. Lawrence Auster in his book, “Our Borders, Ourselves; America in the Age of Multiculturalism explains this bait and switch;

“The collective existence of whites is always about ‘power,’ which is bad, while the collective existence of brown people is always about ‘identity,’ which is good. When people of color feel threatened, it is their identity which is good. When people of color feel threatened, it is their identity that must be protected and nourished. But when whites feel threatened, it is their power that they must give up. ‘The Far Right fears ethnic pluralism because it threatens their power,’ says David Maybury-Lewis. But what if Maybury-Lewis had said, ‘The Far Right fears ethnic pluralism because it threatens the identity of Whites, indeed their very existence as a people and culture’? Suddenly the ideological shift of the discussion would have shifted, and we would recognize that whites have (or ought to have) the same concerns about their collective identity and existence that non-whites have about theirs.”
Lawrence Auster
Our Borders, Ourselves — p. 46

The Alienist employs this double standard with great effectiveness against the Christian white man with the result that the Christian white man can bear any insult except that of being called a “racist,” or “Kinist” or “nationalist,” since the Christian white man has been convinced that embracing the interests of their people, instead of being healthy, is only about the naked use of power in order to keep non-Caucasians down. In this double standard used by the Alienist the only way the Christian white man can show how noble he is, is by surrendering his inheritance, his land, and even his God to the Alienists. This kind of surrender is just a form of ethnocide.

No Charge Advice to the CREC on the Issue of Proposed Memorials

The Kinists continue to make a splash in the Ecclesiastical world. The splash is usually in the form of those reputed to be pillars in the church spitting out our name like someone spitting out a mouthful of petrol after a siphoning event gone bad.

It’s funny how Kinists are constantly referred to pejoratively as “Elijah One-tooth,” while at the same time it will be said that we are a bookish group who spend too much time in our libraries. It will be said that we are irrelevant since our numbers are so miniscule and yet whole denominations will erect confessional walls to make sure we are kept out.

The most recent seeking to raise confessional like walls against Kinism is the CREC — home of Pope Doug I. Now, the new word for a confession is a memorial and it looks to be the case that the CREC is going to try and raise a memorial to squelch all the white boy summer young guys in their denomination. I mean, you don’t speak to an issue unless it is threatening your bailiwick. Believe me, the CREC finds Kinism to be a real threat.

In light of all this we have two new proposed memorials that those reputed to be pillars in the CREC are pushing. The first one is titled, “On Ethnic Balance” and reads;

“We believe the human tendency to congregate around shared affections is natural and can be good — it creates the blessings of cultures and subcultures, for example. But as with all natural goods in a fallen world, there is a temptation to exalt it to a position of unbiblical importance, thus making it an idol. While an ethnic heritage is something to be grateful for, and which many be preserved in any way consistent with the law of God, it is important to reject every form of identity politics, including Kinism — whether malicious, vainglorious, or ideologically separatist/segregationist.”

Just a few observations;

1.) As Calvin said, “the heart is an idol factory.” So, yes, shared affections can become an idol. Anything and everything can become an idol. So, since anything and everything can become an idol then why pick natural affections as the one potential idol that needs to be warned against? Could it be as suggested above that more and more people are becoming epistemologically self-conscious about the normalcy of properly ordered affections and so the CREC, being led by those who remain locked in Communist Civil Rights era thinking are knee-jerking against the idea, fearful that if people start loving their own again that will inevitably be followed by legislation demanding “white only public water fountains?”

2.) Here is a definition of identity politics. Remember, the CREC is committing themselves as being opposed to those who operate per the definition that follows;

politics in which groups of people having a particular racial, religious, ethnic, social, or cultural identity tend to promote their own specific interests or concerns without regard to the interests or concerns of any larger political group.

I hope the CREC realizes that with the forbidding of “identity politics” they have just committed themselves to opposing legislation that supports quotas, diversity hiring, and set asides. I hope the CREC realizes that with this memorial they have put themselves in the position of opposing the Black Congressional caucus, the Hispanic Congressional caucus, the NAACP, not to mention black churches and black Universities everywhere. With this memorial the CREC is going to have to do something about CREC member Chocolate Knox saying things like, “Give me the black church or I die.”

But, perhaps, as I suspect, what the CREC is really going after white people daring to do identity politics. Maybe it is the case in the “thinking” of the CREC, as I suspect, that only white Kinists are guilty of embracing identity politics that never fail being malicious, vainglorious, or ideologically separatist/segregationist?

If that is the case then clearly the CREC is being racist against white people and that sure sounds like identity politics.

2.) Note how the above violates the law of non-contradiction;

On one hand ethnic heritage is something to be grateful for and which many be preserved in any way consistent with the law of God, but on the other hand that ethnic heritage — which is something to be grateful for — must reject the normative means by which we preserve the ethnic heritage for which we are grateful. Which is it old chaps?

3.) Sorry, but I have to ask if the CREC really means this. Can you imagine a Chinese church seeking to become a member church of the CREC with the stipulation that they intend to remain a Church that serves the Chinese people. Can you believe that such a application for CREC membership would be rejected? Neither can I.

The CREC with this proposed memorial is really going after white Christians who dare to love their own kith and kin. The CREC seems to believe that white Christians who would echo Chocolate Knox by saying, “Give me the white Church or I die,” are unlike Chocolate Knox idolaters.

The second proposed memorial of the CREC is on Anti-Semitism. Now, keep in mind that Pope Doug I has been making quite the big deal about how Jewish his family is recently. The cynic in me thinks that Pope Doug I is doing this because he is seeking to inure himself from charges of Anti-Semitism. If Pope Doug can get out in front of this issue by;

1.) Broadcasting that his grandchildren are descendants of Rabbi Cohn
2.) Damning by way of implication those who he deems as the true Anti-Semites
3.) Embracing a memorial on the subject

then Pope Doug I makes it harder for him to have the Anti-Semite card played against him. So, in order to clear himself he will throw others under the bus.

Hey … who ever said church politics were pretty?

Here is the proposed CREC memorial on Anti-Semitism

“We believe that conversion of the Jews is key to the success of Christ’s Great Commission, and it is incumbent upon us to pray and labor toward that end. While, apart from Christ, the Jews are as all others — alienated from God — they have remained an object of God’s care because the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. God’s plan for converting them is for them to see Gentile nations under the blessings of Christ’s lordship, thus leading them to long for the same. Hence, the cancerous sin of Anti-Semitism has not place in God’s plan.”

A couple observations;

1.) If the Jews are the key to the success of Christ’s Great Commission it is hard not to see how all the focus of missions should not be placed upon the conversion of the Jews. This brings us back to the 19th century heresy called “Dispensationalism.”

2.) In the same vein when it is said that the Jews have remained an object of God’s care how else can we take this except to observe that God watches over Jews more than he does Intuits, Peruvians, or Ndebele. This wards of Anti-Semitism by embracing Philo-Semitism.

3.) This requires a unique reading of Romans 11 that isn’t accepted by everyone in the Reformed world.


All in all, this proposed memorial is just a return to the Judaizing so warned against in Scripture, as it makes the Kingdom of God Jew central and Jew dependent.

Here is my proposal for a memorial for the CREC. I hope someone will pass this on to Pope Doug and the Cardinals in the denomination in hopes that those men will come to his senses;

“We believe the human tendency to have disordered affection is natural in fallen man and is a result of the fall and an evil that men often fall into. Disordered affections create a conflict of interest in families, cultures, nations, and churches. As with all fallen men living in a fallen world, there is a temptation to call good, “evil” and evil, “good.” Alienism is guilty of this. We resolve to teach God’s people the biblical importance of loving their Fathers and Mothers and families without turning them into idols. Contrary to the zeitgeist we promise to esteem ethnic heritage reminding God’s people to be thankful for the families/tribes/nations He has ordained to set us in. In this context we resolve to warn all of God’s people against an Alienism, Xenophilia, and Oikophobia that would displace rightly ordered affections for disordered affections.”