So, Rev. Joseph Spurgeon has taken it upon himself to ink a new declaration for everyone to sign touching the issue of race, and WW II. It seems that in the Evangelical/Reformed world you just can’t be somebody unless you’re writing a new declaration.
I’ll be glad to admit that this one is superior to its previous bastard statement (Antioch Declaration) but this one still demonstrates that neither Joseph nor its signers realize what time it is.
I see this document as a “Kinder and Gentler” version of the Antioch declaration. George H. W. Bush would be proud.
Below are some of the highlights (lowlights?) of the new document being offered. It is hilarious that Doug Wilson and Uri Brito have signed this thing. Spurgeon expects anybody to sign a document on this subject who have repeatedly been given the mailed glove by these black knights?
Behold the document;
“I affirm that while the Allied powers rightly opposed the evils of Nazis, that some of their actions violated Christian principles of justice and morality.”
Joseph Spurgeon
Statement On Natural Affections
A Kinder and Gentler Antioch Declaration
Bret responds,
Some of the actions?
Some of the actions?
You mean like lying about the Bagel death totals, the lampshades made of human skin, bars of soap made out of Bagel fat, knowingly allowing the bombing of Pearl Harbor in order to have casus belli, like Operation Keel Haul, you mean like the post-war German death camps where over a million surrendering Germans died and where the Geneva convention was operated around by labeling POWs as “disarmed enemy forces,” you mean like dropping the Atomic bomb when the peace settlement that was accepted after the dropping of the bombs was the same that had been agreed to 6 months prior to the dropping of the bombs, you mean like getting in bed with Joe Stalin, you mean like giving Stalin all of Eastern Europe?
I could go on and on but to suggest that “some of their actions violated Christian principles of justice and morality,” is like saying that some of Charlie Manson’s groupies could sometimes go a little overboard.
In the end the Nazis were no more evil than the Allies in that conflict and likely even less so. One could even just as accurately write that “while the Nazi powers rightly opposed the evils of the Allies some of their actions violated Christian principles of justice and morality.”
Additionally, I reject the egalitarian ideologies of communism and secular liberalism promoted by some Allied powers, as these are contrary to biblical truth
Bret responds,
Some Allied powers?
Which Allied powers didn’t promote Communism?
Inasmuch as all the Allied powers got in bed with the Christ hating Reds in that much they all promoted communism.
What Revisionist WW II History have you read? Any?
I affirm that marriage can lawfully occur between people of different ethnicities and races, as there is no biblical prohibition against such unions…
A Kinder and Gentler Antioch Declaration
Bret responds,
In our current climate this is an example of egalitarianism — a doctrine that another statement in this document said was not Christian. See below.
Just exactly who denies this? This implies that there are people out there in the Church who deny this… who are these people? Names please.
Still, I’ll stick with Dr. John Edwards Richards statement who as recent as 50 years ago could write these words explaining the Causes of Separation in 1973 where the PCA separated from the liberal PCUS.
The Socialist, who declares all men are equal. Therefore there must be a great leveling of humanity and oneness of privilege and possession.
The Racial Amalgamationist, who preaches that the various races should be merged into one race and differences erased in oneness.
The Communist, who would have one mass of humanity coerced into oneness by a totalitarian state and guided exclusively by Marxist philosophy.
The Internationalist, who insists on co-existence between all peoples and nations that they be as one regardless of ideology or history.
John Edwards Richards
One of the founders of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
“No human can measure the anguish of personality that goes on within the children of miscegenation… Let those who would erase the racial diversity of God’s creation beware lest the consequence of their evil be visited upon their children.”
One of the founders of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
Look, we are in a position where the White race in general and the Christian White people in particular are fighting for their very existence. This document does not yet realize the peril we currently are in. Instead, it treats the wound of our situation lightly. This document, while an improvement over the Antioch Declaration will not provide a safe space for Christian White people in the Church or in this nation. What is required is a flame-thrower (Doug will like that reference) and all we are offered here is a glowstick.