Observations on The Relation of Christianity to Christian Culture

Recently I have been seeing people say; “Christianity is not a culture.” I believe that is not a very nuanced statement.  Now the folks who I have been seeing say this are not R2K people. R2K routinely utter this kind of tripe because R2K does not believe that it is possible to use “Christian” as an adjective for anything but the Church and maybe individual Christians. R2K believes that all cultures are “common” (read neutral). R2K believes that all culture can and should be religion free prefering to think instead that Christianity as a religion that shapes culture will and should be replaced by Natural law.  R2K believes it is a confusion of categories to speak in terms of “Christian culture.”

However, the folks I see now saying that “Christianity isn’t a culture” are not R2K but are those who are chanting this, I believe, with the intent of avoiding the idea that says “since Christianity is a culture therefore all cultures that are Christian will be clones of one another.” If this is what the idea of Christian culture necessarily meant I would be forced to agree with this sentiment. However, the fact that cultures can indeed be Christian is not to say that all Christian cultures must look the same. Despite recent errant accusations that theonomy and theonomists desires a global Christianity where all cultures will look the same because they are all Christian, I still insist that Christianity produces culture. I just don’t agree that all culture that Christianity creates will look the same, and neither did the 1st generation theonomists, though many of their latter day disciples seem to embrace this knuckleheaded conclusion.

Theonomy has always held to the incarnation of the one and the many principal. As applied to culture this means that there can be many distinct Christian cultures that while differing in extraneous matters all remain Christian. Theonomists have always believed that not all Christian cultures will look alike. For example… Charlemagne’s Christian culture would have looked different from the Cavalier Christian culture in the antebellum South would have looked different from the Puritan culture in New England in the early 18th century would have looked different from Calvin’s Geneva would have looked different from Knox and Goodman’s England would have looked different from Lutheran Germany. Yet, as distinct as they each were they could all rightly be referred to as “Christian cultures.”

We can see this if we look at a map of the world. We can colour it according to the depth of Christian influence. In Europe Switzerland and the Netherlands there was once a greater moulding by Calvinism, whereas  German culture was shaped by Lutheranism, yet the Christian cultures were hardly clones of one another. Part of the reason for this is because each people group expressed a slightly different variant of Christianity and part of the reason for this is that the people group themselves were genetically and so constitutionally different peoples.

So, Christianity as a faith system does contribute to the creation of cultures. Indeed, one can’t have Christian culture without Christianity. Now, having said that the cultures that Christianity produces will be variegated and sundry depending on the people group who is embracing the Christian faith we still retain the fact that they are each and all Christian. There exists a trinitarian modeling of “the one” and “the many.”

All that I am saying here was said by Abraham Kuyper long ago;

“The Javanese are a different race than us; they live in a different region; they stand on a wholly different level of development; they are created differently in their inner life; they have a wholly different past behind them; and they have grown up in wholly different ideas. To expect of them that they should find the fitting expression of their faith in our Confession and in our Catechism is therefore absurd.

Now this is not something special for the Javanese, but stems from a general rule. The men are not all alike among whom the Church occurs. They differ according to origin, race, country, region, history, construction, mood and soul, and they do not always remain the same, but undergo various stages of development. Now the Gospel will not objectively remain outside their reach, but subjectively be appropriated by them, and the fruit thereof will come to confession and expression, the result may not be the same for all nations and times. The objective truth remains the same, but the matter in appropriation, application and confession must be different, as the color of the light varies according to the glass in which it is collected. He who has traveled and came into contact with Christians in different parts of the world of distinct races, countries and traditions cannot be blind for the sober fact of this reality. It is evident to him. He observes it everywhere.”……

Abraham Kuyper:
Common Grace (1902–1905)

Part of the problem we are having here in understanding what I am saying and what Kuyper said before me is due to the fact that our cultural Anthropology as found among churchmen today is not particularly epistemologically self consciously Christian. My South African Friend Joshua Paries nails this matter on the head when he recently wrote;

I think the main problem with mainstream Christian anthropology and why it gets culture so wrong is two-fold:

1. Any distinct and genetically homogenous collective of mankind is not seen as a sacred expression of God’s Image equal to that of individuals. And therefore such collectives, in the eyes of the Church, have no right to advocate for a unique identity separate from the influence of other distinct peoples.

2. The first mistake bleeds into the second.The Church fundamentally misunderstands the nature of “culture”. “Culture” has become shorthand for the standards of religion, ethics and morality on a collective level.

“Christian culture” has thus become a generic code of faith and conduct that completely disregards the specificity of a people’s collective identity to which it is being applied.

An apropos analogy would be the Church ignoring the Creational distinctions between men and women and insisting that the “culture” or expression of Christianity should be identical for both genders.

Christianity should not be understood as a culture; rather, culture is the manifestation of a unique collective identity informed by religion.

It is this inability to reckon with God as the author of both the Creationally-ordained distinct and varied identities of mankind’s races and the general standards/principles of worship and obedience set forth in the Word that creates the reality-denying anthropology of the Church.

No one denies that both an artist and an engineer can both serve Christ while freely allowing for the manifold differences springing from their inherently distinct “expressions of being.”

The same would go for a Christian with Down’s Syndrome on one hand and a Christian with an IQ of 200 who started calculus at age six. And yet no amount of shared faith could bridge the gulf in their day-to-day existence and the expression of their personal identities.

Yet the idea that genetically homogenous individuals might share and live out a distinct cultural identity or expression of being common only to those of the same blood is deliberately disregarded by the Church as ‘Darwinism’ and ‘racism.’

To date, as far as I can see as I look over the theological landscape of the Church, the only blokes who are getting this whole matter of Christian culture correct are the Kinists. All other parties out there (Moscow, Ogden, Natural Law following Wolfe) are fuzzy on this matter seeking to fold into their definitions of “Christian culture” allegiance to concepts where propositional dynamics are forefront resulting in the Kinists being seen as “the Darwinist” and “the Racists.”

Election 2024 — A Brief Reprieve?

Do you suppose the Democratic party has learned anything from their defeat in 2024?Do you think that they will now reverse themselves touching their conviction that the planet is going to implode from climate change? Do you think that they will give up on the whole utter nonsense of “The Green New Deal?” Do you think that Democratic Governors will cease appointing sexual freaks like Rachel Levine to key posts in their administrations? Do you think that some Democrat will now arise who will say loudly and boldly, “Sex change operations for children at hospitals receiving state funding will no longer be a thing?” or “We are no longer housing males who pretend to be females with the female population in our prisons?” Will some Democrat say, “The whole concept of required DEI hiring as policy was not well thought out from the beginning.” Will Democrats give up on the policy of equity where they discriminate against able bodies cis-gendered whites in favor of crippled, lesbian, minorities?” Will some prominent white Democrat come out and say; “I love white people,” or “we must pursue policy that will strengthen and advantage our core population so that the whole country can prosper?” Will some Democrat apologize for the statement that “white supremacy groups are the greatest extant domestic terrorist threat to our country?” Will any Democrat, after the drubbing of 2024, now pursue a policy that finds the health of the traditional family as a cornerstone?” Will some Democrat come out and say, “Our push for sodomite marriage was not beneficial to our country?”

To the contrary, I suspect that the Democratic party is now so much the vehicle of the New World Order Cultural Marxist left that it will double down on the agenda that Democrats have been pursuing since the rise of the Clintons and the Obamas. I think this radical Cultural Marxism is in their bloodstream and as a party they will not be able to shift. Instead, what I anticipate is that they will now try to cloak their extremism. 2028 front running candidates like Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer will still run from the left while still desperately seeking to present themselves as moderate.

What has happened is that the Democrats have become Darth Vader’s embodiment of “The Empire” and we should be certain that they are even now plotting to “strike back.” The unfortunate reality here is that the coalition that defeated the Democratic Empire in 2024 may well not be stable enough to consistently defeat the Empire. This is due to the fact that in way of principle many of the Rebel forces hold to the same ideas of the Empire, even if those principles have not worked themselves out to their logical conclusions. For example, Rick Grenfell and Peter Thiel who are both part of the rebel forces are themselves sodomites. Tulsi Gabbard is Buddhist. Vivek Ramaswamy is Hindu. RFK Jr., Trump, and Matt Gaetz are all sexual Draculas. The Rebel forces are littered with Zionists from the new Sec. Def. to Huckabee as the new Ambassador to Israel. Still, we can continue to hope that God still draws straight lines with crooked sticks. But we shouldn’t count on in this case.

All of this reminds us that the Church must continue to be salt and light – and that to the Rebel forces as much as the Empire stormtroopers. The Church must lift up Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords who alone can deliver men from those sins that they are so tenaciously clinging to thinking that in those sins they will find meaning and fulfillment when in point of fact those very sins explains their unbearable guilt, their constant misery and continuing alienation from themselves, others, and from God.

Having said that we must admit that the Church itself, in many if not most of its expressions, is the Church of the Empire. It will not be a reforming agent until it is first Reformed. I have concluded that will not likely happen without abandoning the current infrastructure of conservative denominations. These denominations are maintained by men who have embraced Cultural Marxist leftist principles and so is of no use in terms of being salt and light. It is not a certainty but it is a pretty safe bet that our political parties will not reform the Church until the Church becomes again Reformed itself so it can be an agent of Reformation.

So, it looks we have been given a window of opportunity to get our house in order before we could see the Empire striking back.

Let us pray that we put the time we have to good use.

“Who Is My Neighbor;” The Anthology That Proves Kinism — 2nd Edition

Over the past couple years I have had numerous people ask me where they can buy a copy of “Who Is My Neighbor.” This book is an anthology of quotes from History, Church Fathers, Founding Fathers, and numerous others proving that Kinism has always been the position of Western man. These quotes demonstrate that what we call “Kinism” today (of whatever stripe or variety) has always been held throughout Western Civilization as being the norm. The quotes from the Church Fathers in the book demonstrate that Kinism was the norm in the Church as well. Indeed, it was just basic Christianity 101. People who rant and rave against Kinism (and their name is legion) are alone as seen in the testimony of the quotes found in this volume.

Today Kinism is denied by people like Doug Wilson, Andrew Sandlin, Joe Boot, and Owen Strachan, John Piper, and numerous others. Indeed, to find a member of the clergy who embraces what is found in this 2nd edition of “Who Is My Neighbor” is almost unheard of. That fact is part of the proof of how badly the Western church is in decline.

This book also supports with unmistakable clarity the necessity for Christian ethno-Nationalism. (Frankly, Christian ethno-Nationalism is merely the logical consequence of Kinism.) If ever a book proved that Kinism was believed in all times and in all places wherever God has granted the Church orthodoxy this book proves it.

But of course, Kinism is denounced today almost universally in the Church and Christian Nationalism likewise is inveighed against at every turn. The men who put this anthology together are to be greatly thanked for this work.

Like the first edition this edition will be ignored. People will try to drop it down the memory hole. They will insist that those who have put this book together are guilty of quote mining or taking quotes out of context. They are fools. It is simply the case that prior to 1950 or so you couldn’t find a churchmen who would contradict what is found in this book and if you did find a churchmen who did contradict it they were Anabaptist or belonged to some other crazy cult.

Those who oppose Kinism and Christian Nationalism have all of history against them. They have the Scriptures against them. They have the reality of God implanted natural affections against them. The Church will not know Reformation again apart from returning to this doctrine.


O. B. Frothingham & The Spirit of the Age

“The interior spirit of any age is the spirit of God and no faith can be living that has that spirit against it. No church can be strong except in that alliance. The life of the time appoints the creed of the time and modifies the establishment of the time.”

O. B. Frothingham

Note first when OBF speaks of “God” he is not speaking of the Christian God but is speaking of man as God. It is man who creates the spirit of the age and so it is man who is Frothingham’s God.

Second, we would offer that this explains the current condition of the “Conservative” church today. The “conservative” Church is in alliance to one degree or another with Cultural Marxism, since Cultural Marxism is the spirit of the age. This quote also explains that rabid hatred for Theonomy in the Church because theonomy always pushes back against the spirit of the age. As the Church is infected with the spirit of the age the Church hates theonomy.

This quote also explains the rise of the Church growth movement and then after that the rise of the Emergent Church. They are both reflections of Christianity as syncretized with a Cultural Marxism which is now the spirit of the age.

Frothingham gives us a classical definition of humanism. If there is no God and no divine law word then if the Church wants to prosper it must yield to the Spirit of the age — a spirit defined by sovereign man’s will. This quote is also a pledge of allegiance to philosophical existentialism which teaches that existence precedes essence, which is to say that man has no nature and as such man can, at any moment, completely remake himself in to whatever he wants himself to be. Man has no “ought” in his life from above or from his past to which he is required to conform. He is a totally free being without constraints. All that exist is the existential moment and this moment is uninfluenced by any sense of oughtness … by any sense of what has gone before … by any sense of outside norms. Because of this existentialism that Frothingham identifies man takes up the great Luciferian commandment of “Do What Thou Wilt,” and if man will not take up this existentialism/humanism man will be left to be solitary swimming against the cultural current and too often likewise alone in the modern church. He will be as Bunyan’s “Pilgrim” in the classic “Pilgrim’s Progress.”

This kind of philosophy gives us what has been called “the religious spirit of transgression,” but it can only be known as such by those who have not quaffed from this spirit. This is so because even the idea of “transgression” can only be spoken of by those who have a standard beyond and/or above them. Those who embrace this Frothingham philosophy cannot speak of “transgression” because they have no objective measure for what is in bounds morally and what is out of bound morally. The only time modern man can speak of transgression  is when someone commits the sin of not transgressing.

All of this means that for modern man to be religious today he must be one who is determinedly non-Christian. He must be the man who breaks every commandment of God. He must be the man who forswears any taboo of the past that was based on Christian reasoning and/or tradition. This means the religious people in our culture today, per the Frothingham quote, are the Feminists, the sexual perverts, the George Floyd rioters and those who supported them. The deeply religious people of our age are those who overthrow the faith once and forever delivered unto the saints in favor of rainbow flags, illegal immigration, Lesbian Bishops, and new creeds like the Cultural Marxist Belhar Confession.

For our modern deeply Frothinghamian religious age, it is the case that the more wicked a person is, by the previous standard of Christianity, the greater their faith is seen to be and the more intensely is their religious commitment exhibited. This means that the flaming sodomite, the proud surgically created hermaphrodite, the militant feminist are some of the most deeply devoted religious people you will ever meet. It’s just that their religion is the religion described in the Frothingham quote. These are folks living out the religious creed of their time.

In all this we are reminded, as Christians, that when we dip into this mindset, or give in an inch to this Spirit of the Age we are at that moment committing celestial treason. We have joined in high rebellion against the God of the Bible. When we insist that the Church must move in the direction of this new religion or must be sympathetic with these religious adherents of this different faith, we at that point denying the truth that the Church is the pillar and ground of truth.

We are thus living in an age where the question that demands being answered is, “Who will live more consistently in terms of their faith?” One has to give a tip of the cap to the Frothingham religionists who are so dedicated to their faith that they will surgically remove body parts, who will alter their speech and dress in order to keep the commandments of their religious order, who will completely unsex themselves in order to follow their religious code of transgression.

Unfortunately, for them, all those who hate God love death and try as they may to be good little religious doobies their religion of transgression will only end in both temporal and eternal death. The Frothingham age, undergirded by anti-Christ philosophy inspired by Hegel, and Kant, before Frothingham and carried on by Sartre, Camus, and the postmodernists after Frothingham, is dying. This is a philosophy built on sand and now the waves of reality are blasting it and unsurprisingly the house is collapsing. It can not bring the blessedness and freedom it promises.

Stolen Election 2020

In 2008 George W. Bush was an extremely unpopular two term President. His approval ratings were all time lows. John McCain became the Republican nominee and was saddled with an economy (remember the 2008 Wall Street Market crash) that was horrid. In that election cycle that heavily favored the “out of power” party due to  a severe decline in the economy that almost always ends with the incumbents being thrown out of office, Barack Hussein Obama received 69,498,516 votes with 52.9% of total votes cast.

In 2012 Obama runs again for President and with the power of incumbency combined with a stable economy and a weak opponent (Mittens Romney) Obama garners; 65,915,795 votes with 51.1% of votes cast. Incumbents almost always are re-elected with the power of the White House behind them.

The recipe for throwing out incumbents is one or more of the following;

1.) A serious downturn in the economy

2.) A major foreign policy blunder
3.) Exposed significant corruption

Obama’s first term had avoided all of these and so he was re-elected with a comfortable margin over the weak neo-conservative candidate Mitt Romney.

In 20216 Hillary Clinton runs as Obama’s heir apparent. She has a good economy to run on. She faces a man who is considered one of the weakest candidates in Republican history ranking right up there with Wendell Willkie according to some. Despite having the power of incumbency (She was Obama’s Sec. State) and despite a decent, if not spectacular economy, Hillary is deeply unpopular and loses to Donald John Trump garnering 46.1% of the vote which translates to 65,853,514 votes.

In 2020 Trump runs for re-election. The nation is in turmoil from a manufactured pandemic. Prior to the pandemic though Trump was atop an economy that was better than any economy since Ronald Reagan’s second term. Trump runs against geriatric Joe Biden, who even in 2020 was showing signs of dementia. Remember the Democrats had not allowed Joe to lose the Iowa Democratic primary that year by reporting that the results could not be known for over two weeks due to a technological problems. By the time the results of Iowa election came in they were both disputed and any bump that might have been given to the winning candidate was no longer possible. Biden then finished 5th in New Hampshire but because of the support of James Clyburn he wins South Carolina and goes on to be the Democratic nominee. Biden runs a campaign from his basement, seldom doing campaign events due to fears of Covid. Despite his lackluster campaigning Biden wins a staggering 81,283,501 votes. The incumbent Donald Trump earns more votes (74,223,975) for a sitting President than had ever occurred previously in history.

Keep in mind that all this happens in the context of changed election laws in states allegedly precipitated by the pandemic. Biden received more votes from the Black community than was even cast for Barack Obama. Biden receives more votes for President than any man in US History.

Now in 2024 Trump runs again against Kamala Harris. It is true that Harris was running with a bad economy even though she had the power of incumbency behind her. As we know Kamala, as a black female, loses and in her loss she receives fewer black votes than Biden did. Trump receives fewer votes (roughly 600,000 fewer coming in at 73,663,351) than he did when he lost to Biden in 2020.

All of this to demonstrate, via vote totals, that it is beyond the ability to reckon that Biden was not elected by a well organized cheating campaign aided and abetted by the scamdemic. Clearly, the DEMS cheated again in 2024 but less efficiently so since several states had tightened up their election laws after 2020. The cheating of the DEMS is seen in 2024, by way of just one example, all the free media they received from the Lugenpress reporting “objective news.”

I would bet my retirement that the DEMS stole election 2020 and nobody will ever convince me otherwise. The DEMS cheated in a host of different ways. One of the major ways was exposed on the documentary 2000 mules. The DEMS used the fake Covid scamdemic to change election laws which allowed them to steal an election.

Further, I would bet that the DEMS tried to steal election 2024 but they couldn’t overcome the wave for Trump given how some states had tightened up election laws.