Texas State Congressman James Talarico Says Something Really Stupid

“Christian Nationalists are not interested in Christian values. They are only interested in legislating Christian dominance. Christian Nationalism (CN) is putting prayer in schools and taking free lunches out. CN is teaching the bible in schools but refusing to give teachers a pay raise. CN is forcing schools to post the ten commandments while nominating a candidate for President who has violated almost all of them. It is not about Jesus. It is about power.”

James Talarico
Texas State Congressman

1.) If Christian Nationalists are not interested in Christian values then they are not, by definition, Christian Nationalists.

2.) What could possibly be wrong with legislating Christian dominance? Is it only Christianity when one legislates the dominance of other non Christian religions?

3.) I am a Christian Nationalist. I am not interested in putting prayer in schools but I am interested in taking “free” lunches out. In point of fact, what I am really interested in is legislating a dominance that results in closing down completely government schools.

4.) There is no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody, somewhere is paying for that lunch.

5.) I am a Christian Nationalist. As a Christian Nationalist I am opposed to the humanist hacks they call “teachers” to teach the Bible in government schools. Can you imagine how badly they would do so? I am also opposed to giving teachers a school raise. In point of fact, in my Christian Nationalist world all government school teachers would be out of work since all government schools would be shut down. I would shut down government school since, as a Christian Nationalist, wanting dominance, I do not want humanists being dominant over children as seen in their teaching the children that humanism should be dominant in their thinking.

6.) If schools are shut down then the idea of posting the ten commandments is now big deal. However, if government schools are not shut down, why shouldn’t the ten commandments be posted since the refusal to post them demonstrates the States desire to have its religion be dominant.

7.) This chap was adamantly opposed to posting the 10 commandments in Texas schools and he contributed to killing the bill in Texas.

8.) In desiring to post the ten commandments while nominating Trump who has violated all of them, Christians are involved in contradiction for sure. However, all because someone supports something wrong (nominating Trump) doesn’t mean it is wrong for them to support a good thing (posting the ten commandments.) It merely means they are inconsistent. Talarico’s inconsistencies are all over this stupid quote. Does that mean everything the man does is wrong?

9.) What ever could be possibly wrong with wielding power? So what if it is about power? When one embraces Christ are they at that point no longer to have authority or power? Should they not have the power of Fathers or Husbands? Should they not have the power of employer or politician?

10.) Why is it that the idea of embracing Jesus automatically means the idea of giving up power? I don’t doubt that for some Jesus is used as a mask to grab power but that doesn’t mean that automatically Christianity and power are incompatible.

My Predictions For Election 2024

I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet. Having said that I thought I would have a go at predicting the outcome of the US Presidential election.

If cheating could be cut off, I believe that Trump would win going away. However, I think the Democrats have perfected the art of cheating, and I think that cheating will allow Heels Up Harris to win this election cycle.

Understand, that given my druthers I’d prefer Trump to win but what I might prefer to see happen can not be allowed to color what I think will happen.

There are some recent things happening though that mitigate against my instinctive belief that the worst of things is always bound to happen in the short term. First, Trump was endorsed by Joe Rogan last night. Rogan has a huge audience and I can’t help but wonder if that that can’t make a little difference in Trump’s favor. Also last night the Libertarian Party in the State of New Hampshire endorsed Trump, excusing themselves from supporting their own weed smoking Hippie candidate. This endorsement doesn’t mean much nationally but it could swing a few votes in New Hampshire, which most polls have Harris up about 4%. (However, I just saw a poll this morning done by Dartmouth that said Heels Up Harris was up 28% points in New Hampshire. If that ends up being accurate that presages Trump being destroyed in this election. I don’t think that will be accurate.)

There are other reasons to suspect that Trump might win. Realities like the Washington Post and the L.  A. Times refusing to endorse Harris might point towards a Trump victory. These Lugenpresse rags almost always endorse the Democrat. Also, Harris has failed to secure several of the major Union endorsements. This also could be read as an indicator that Trump wins.

Then there is the energy surrounding the Trump rallies. Unlike Harris rallies, no one has accused the Trump campaign of bussing in people to fill up the venues. The energy at the Trump rallies is electric and yet another indicator that Trump should win. Couple that with how several of the Tech moguls from Silicon Valley supporting Trump and one could be easily convinced that Trump will win tonight.

I also think that the Amen corner of Israel support favors Trump in this contest. I think that Israel believes that they would get more willing support from Trump than they would from Harris. Trump, having the Israeli Amen corner in his corner is a significant factor.

On top of all this the pollsters and pundits are saying that the early voting numbers favor the Republicans in comparison to 2020. Another indicator that Trump should win.

Yet despite all this I still think Harris ekes out a victory via cheating. I mean the cheating is already well established. Think about the billions of dollars of free advertising that the Lugenpresse has given Heels Up Harris. Think about all the blanketing of the Television airwaves in favor of Heels Up Harris. According to campaign finance laws all of this is illegal and so cheating. The support of the legacy press for Heels Up Harris is no longer even close to subtle. They are in full throated support of the female MK-Ultra candidate. Believe it or not, much of America still gets its “news” information source from the Lugenpress.

Another indicator of a Harris victory is the money raised during the campaign. Heels Up Harris’ campaign has given Democrats a substantive fundraising lead, with last-minute federal filings released ahead of Election Day suggesting her campaign is maintaining a massive lead over former President Donald Trump in the final days of the race, based on the bigger donors cutting checks to each candidates’ campaigns. The initially Biden and subsequently Harris—campaign committee raised $997.2 million and Trump’s campaign committee raised $388 million in total between Jan. 2023 and Oct. 16, 2024, the most recent date for which Federal Election Commission filings are available, ending with $118 million and $36.2 million in cash on hand, respectively. This is a strong indicator in favor of a Heels Up Harris victory.

Then there are the polls which consistently insist that this race is razor thin close. In a razor thin close contest Harris will win every single time no matter how many times the race could be repeated in alternate universes. For example, we are being told that states like Pennsylvania likely won’t have its counting done until Saturday. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that the reason it will take so long to get the votes tallied is so that the Democrat criminals in Pennsylvania have enough time to manufacture the votes needed for Harris to win in a close contest. I can see that scenario being played out in several close state contests.

Michigan is another state they say is “to close to call.” Keep in mind though that in Michigan the Demoncrats own both houses, they own the Governor’s seat, Lt. Governor’s seat, the Secretary of State’s seat, and the Attorney General’s seat. There is no way in Hades that Trump will win a close race in Michigan.

If Harris wins, as I think she will, it proves that the Democrats could run a yellow dog at the top of the ticket and still win. Heels Up Harris has to be the worst Presidential candidate that I have ever seen in my lifetime. It is not even close. She has no public speaking skills. She can’t think on her feet. She has no substantial and detailed public policies. Her persona is irritable with her nervous laughter and haughty disposition. She has demonstrated little to no ability to connect with your average voter on a personal level. And by all accounts behind closed doors she is not a nice person.

Yet this is where we have come to in America. It demonstrates that our problems are not with our leadership but instead our problem is with our citizenry. That Kamala Harris, win or lose, could get close to 50% of the vote tells me that sanity is in short supply in America. We deserve the leaders we get. God’s judgments are altogether just.

Keep an eye on New Hampshire. As I said earlier if Trump is trounced in New Hampshire (and those results will come in comparatively early) Trump is not likely to win the election. Keep an eye next on Pennsylvania. It’s hard to see how Heels Up Harris can win this election without winning Pennsylvania. Of course, as I noted earlier, we will not likely learn of Pennsylvania’s vote until later in the week … if then.

I expect the outcome of this election cycle to be so close it is contested. I expect it to be so close that there will be civil unrest in some places. If it is that close I don’t expect Trump or Harris to concede. I do expect Trump to claim victory at some point and I expect that the Heels Up Harris campaign will come out vigorously denying his victory. I expect the “news” media to somehow put its thumb on the scale the way they did in 2020 by calling races way to early. I don’t expect the kind of live lamenting from the legacy media that we saw in 2016 when Trump won. I think they’ve been practicing to keep a straight face.

I suspect that there will be some surprises tonight along the way.

Finally, I suspect that we won’t know who is President when we go to bed tonight.

If Heels Up Harris wins tonight I believe the uniparty aspect of our politics is solidified for decades and decades to come. Even if a Republican party remains after a defeat tonight it will clearly be a “Me-too” party.

On the Senate and House side of matter, it looks as if the Republicans will gain the Senate while the House could go either way. Let’s opine that the Republicans keep the House by the narrowest of margins. If this is accurate then President Heels Up Harris will be slowed a little from her agenda.

If Harris wins I see her seeking to pack the SCOTUS, to implement a mandatory gun buy back program, I see an increase of censorship laws, I see amnesty for the illegals with very little being done about the border. I see the acceleration of the pervert class. I see more tax and spend with the continued shrinking of the middle class. I see the internet being censored more heavily. Hard to believe though it may be I see the ditz trying to implement price and wage controls. I see the the continuation of the goal to replace White people in America. In brief I see the expansion of tyranny.

However, its not as if America has not earned these just judgments of God’s.

Lord, in wrath, remember mercy.

Harris is NWO Evil Incarnate … But I Still Can’t Vote For Donald John Trump

Most of my adult life, I have heard every four years that “this is the most important election of our lifetime,” and theoretically it could have been true with each election. Now they are saying it again but this time I might actually agree that this is the most important election in our lifetime.

As important as it is, and as much as I want to vote for Trump because of my deep fears of how a Harris election would mean a complete takeover of these united States by the NWO, my conscience will not allow it. Yes, I’ve heard and even rehearsed all the arguments for voting for Trump but my conscience will not have it. In the end the following things remain true about Trump and despite how much a foolish hope would protest to the contrary, I can’t let that foolish hope deny the cold hard facts. Here is what the facts are;

1.) Like all US politicians Trump has a love affair with Israel. He has supported the genocidal Israeli attacks against the Palestinians coming after October 07, 2023 — as well as the broadening of that war by Israel. (For a different take on saintly Israel, see Alison Weir’s “Against Our Better Judgment.”) This support includes the photo op that all serious US politicians have to endure and that is being seeing praying with the little beanie cap and shawl at the Wailing Wall.

2) Trump also recently recited prayers, while wearing a yarmulke and a shawl, over the grave of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who some of the “Orthodox” Zionist Jews believed to be the messiah. Spend a little time investigating the Chabad Lubavitch movement and discover why, beyond the obvious that this is a huge problem.

3.) Trump has said in a recent speech, “we are going to remove the Jew-haters.” On the surface this might be understandable but as what constitutes a “Jew-hater” today is often defined as anybody who disagrees with the prevalent Jewish narrative on anything, this becomes Trump statement becomes a real concern.

4.) Trump has lobbied for the sodomite vote. Recently, his wife Melania held a second fund raising banquet with the “Log-Cabin” republicans. Trump also has kept sodomite Rick Grenfell as a close advisor over the years. Who can forget the iconic photo of Trump in a previous presidential campaign marching around the stage holding a LGBTQ flag?

5.) Trump in his past has been tight with Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons. His association in the past with the left political class includes writing checks to support previous campaigns of Heels Up Harris.

6.) Trump refuses a national ban on abortion, instead basically saying, “the states should be allowed to decided for themselves if the torture and murder of the unborn is acceptable.” Trump has said he wants to require insurance companies to pay for IVF surgeries. IVF is a significant contributor to the abortion industry as many eggs that are fertilized are later murdered because there is no longer  a need for them.

7.) Trump is a sexual pervert. His famous statement about meeting beautiful women, “I just grab them by the pussy” remains. His three marriages and children with three different women reveals a man who cannot control his passions. A man that cannot be loyal to his wedding vows is not a man who we should automatically conclude will be loyal to his vows to his country. I saw an old interview with him from 2016 where the issue was raised about all his divorces. The interviewer was making the point that previously that would have been enough to guarantee he could never be elected President. Trump responded that he thought there were issues so important to the country that his divorces wouldn’t matter. Turns out he was right. It still matters to me.

8.)  Trump spent like a drunken soldier during his 1st term with no fiscal discipline. Trump inflated the money supply and embraces Keynesian economics — the economics of socialism. Trump had no concern to balance a budget that has expanded exponentially.

9.)  Trump killed numerous people with his “Operation Warp Speed.” These people include, in my orbit, one Uncle, one Cousin, and several friends. In the context of the Covid lie Trump failed to oppose the ridiculous lockdowns, and foolish facemasks mandates which destroyed countless small businesses. Trump gave the mass murderers Fauci, Birx, Collins and others the keys to the kingdom and this after being warned early on to not follow their counsel by a top flight epidemiologist like Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya and that early in the crisis.

10.) Trump has said that he will ban transgender surgeries for children, but he added “without parental consent.” The codicil, “without parental consent” means that a single Mom could decide to physically abuse her child and the law would say that’s acceptable. Does the law allow parents to physically abuse their children in other ways?

11.) Trump, at one point during his presidency, said that the law should read that one first seizes the guns of alleged unstable people and then make them go through a legal process to get them back. This is the denial of due process. This is guilty until proven innocent instead of our tradition of “innocent until proven guilty.” Do you want the FEDS to have that kind of authority?

Further on the Second Amendment issue Trump abandoned his previous support for removing firearm silencers from Title II controls of the National Firearms Act of 1934. Add to that his support for red-flag laws resulting in gun seizures as well as his support for a ban on “bump stocks.”

12.)  A Sikh being allowed to pray at the Trump controlled 2024 Republican National Convention.

13.) Trump is on record as saying “We need more legal immigrants,” and that he is going to bring in a “lot more people.” This could be argued to be worse than illegal immigration since it would be impossible to remove legal immigrants. This would contribute to the already established white replacement.

14.)  Trump surrounded himself with neo-cons & idiots his 1st term. Trump says he has learned his lesson now on this score but his choice of J. D. Vance testifies otherwise.

15.) Trump’s headstrong support of Israel that found him moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Will this kind of support find us giving Israel a green light to set the Middle-East on fire if he becomes President again?

I understand people’s fears. I understand that Heels Up Harris is one part Jezebel and one part Athaliah and one part Evita Peron and is the walking version of “The Devil wears high heels.” Electing Harris would be a even worse outcome than electing Trump. However, as a Christian I can’t … I won’t navigate into the sea swallowing Charybdis in order to avoid the man eating Scylla.

Perhaps, ironically enough, I support all the things that people think Trump symbolizes and as such, generally speaking, I support the people who support Trump. However, my conclusion is that Trump isn’t what he has been sold as being Trump isn’t what people take, hope, and want him to be. He, like all politicians, is a product created in order to lure the consumer into being convinced that he meets a felt need.

As such, because of all this, I am not voting for Trump and I am praying earnestly that Harris doesn’t win, because I think a Harris victory would be a even worse outcome than a Trump victory. I am caught between the devil and the deep blue sea and I’m not giving my consent to either.

I am not voting for DJT and I don’t think right thinking Christians should either. However, I will not break fellowship with Christians do vote for DJT because I understand their fears. I hope they will not break fellowship with me.

One final word here to contradict the “we must vote for the lesser of two evils” argument. Please understand it is that reasoning that has led us to the place we now are. This reasoning results in the Overton window being pushed further and further to the left with each generation because when the “lesser of two evils” does win what happens is that the gains made when the greater of two evils won are consolidated and established as the new conservative position. The results then are when the greater of the two evils wins again the push to the left continues only to be consolidated again when the “lesser to two evils next wins.” The theory about the necessity to vote for the “lesser of two evils” has normalized the gains of the greater of the two evils.

I know people are will intended but what I see with a Trump vote is a people who cannot master their fears and trust in God to deliver. There is also evidence I think of being pushed along by the crowd. There is safety in numbers and it is a good feeling to be part of a team effort. Naturally, enough, most folks don’t have a broad view of political history. Understanding the politics of the French Revolution would go a long way in understanding our politics and understanding what happened to our political landscape with the rise of the Republican party and the war of Northern Aggression would help a great deal.

In the end, as I have said countless times, we will not be delivered from our current dilemma by voting harder with every election cycle. The Federal Government is never willingly going to devolve power back to the States and the States are never going to willingly devolve power back to the counties. As such voting is not going to solve our problems.

The best I can pray for is that God will use Trump like He once used Cyrus, but if Cyrus was running for office I could never vote for the man.

The Lord God omnipotent reigns.

Covenantal Continuity Between OT Israel & NT Church

The Beloved of God

A. Israel Is Beloved of God
Exodus 15:13/Dueteronomy 33:3/Ezra 3:11
B. Disobedient Israel Is Not Beloved of God
Leviticus 26:28, 30/Jerimiah 12:8/Jerimiah 16:5/Hosea 9:15/Amos 9:7/Mathhew
3:7/Phillipians 3:2/1 Thessalonians 2:14-16/Titus 1:10
C. The Christians Are Beloved of God
Romans 9:25/Ephesians 5:1/Colossians 3:12/1 John 3:1

The Children of God

A. Israelites Are the Children of God
Exodus 4:22/Deuteronomy 14:1/Isaiah 1:2, 4/Isaish 63:8/ Jeremiah 31:9/Hosea 11:1
B. Disobedient Israelites Are Not the Children of God
Deuteronomy 32:5/John 8:39, 42, 44
C. The Christians Are the Children of God
John 1:12/John 11:52/Romans 8:14, 16/2 Corinthians 6:18/Galatians 3:26/Galatians
4:5, 6, 7/Philipians 2:15/1 John 3:1

The Field of God

A. Israel Is the Field of God
Jeremiah 12:10
B. The Christians Are the Field of God
1 Corinthians 3:9

The Flock of God and of the Messiah

A. Israel Is the Flock of God and of the Messiah
Psalms 78:52/Psalms 80:1/Isaiah 40:11/Jeremiah 23:1, 2, 3/Jeremiah 31:10/ Ezekiel
34:12, 15, 16/ Micah 5:4/ Zechariah 10:3
B. The Christians Are the Flock of God and of the Messiah
John 10:14, 16/Hebrews 13:20/1 Peter 2:25/ 1 Peter 5:2, 3

The House of God

A. Israel Is the House of God
Numbers 12:7
B. The Christians Are the House of God
1 Timothy 3:15/Hebrews 3:2, 5, 6/Hebrews 10:21/1 Peter 4:17

The Kingdom of God

A. Israel Is the Kingdom of God
Exodus 19:6/1 Chronicles 17:14/ 1 Chronicles 28:5
B. Disobedient Israel Is Not the Kingdom of God
Matthew 8:11, 12/Matthew 21:43
C. The Christians Are the Kingdom of God
Romans 14:17/1 Corinthians 4:20/Colossians 4:11/Revelation 1:6

The People of God

A. Israelites Are the People of God
Exodus 6:7/Deuteronomy 27:9/2 Samuel 7:23/Jeremiah 11:4
B. Disobedient Israelites Are Not the People of God
Hosea 1:9/Jeremiah 5:10
C. The Christians Are the People of God
Romans 9:25/2 Corinthians 6:16/Ephesians 4:12/ Ephesians 5:3/2 Thessalonians 1:10/
Titus 2:14

The Priests of God

A. The Israelites Are the Priests of God
Exodus 19:6
B. Disobedient Israelites Are Not the Priests of God
1 Samuel 2:28, 30/Lamantations 4:13,16/Ezekiel 44:10, 13/Hosea 4:6/Malachi 2:2, 4,
8, 9
C. The Christians Are the Priests of God
1 Peter 2:5, 9/Revelation 1:6/Revelation 5:10

The Vineyard of God

A. Israel Is the Vineyard of God
Isaiah 5:3, 4, 5, 7/ Jeremiah 12:10
B. The Christians Are the Vineyard of God
Luke 20:16

The Wife (or Bride) of God

A. Israel Is the Wife (or Bride) of God
Isaiah 54:5, 6/Jeremiah 12:10
B. Disobedient Israel is Not the Wife (or Bride) of God
Jeremiah 3:8/Hosea 2:2
C. The Christians Are the Wife (or Bride) God
2 Corinthians 11:2/Ephesians 5:31, 2

The Children of Abraham

A. The Israelites Are the Children of Abraham
2 Chronicles 20:7/Psalms 105:6/Isaiah 41:8
B. Disobedient Israelites Are Not the Children of Abraham
John 8:39/Romans 9:6, 7/Galations 4:25, 30
C. The Christians Are the Children of Abraham
Romans 4:11, 16/Galatians 3:7, 29/Galatians 4:23, 28, 31

The Chosen People

A. The Israelites Are the Chosen People
Deuteronomy 7:7/Deuteronomy 10:15/ Deuteronomy 14:2/Isaiah 43:20, 21
B. Disobedient Israelites Are Not the Chosen People
Deuteronomy 31:17/ 2 Kings 17:20/ 2 Chronicles 25:7/Psalms 78:59/Jeremiah
6:30/Jeremiah 7:29/ Jeremiah 14:10
C. The Christians Are the Chosen People
Colossians 3:12/1 Peter 2:9

The Circumcised

A. The Israelites Are the Circumcised
Genesis 17:10, 13/ Judges 15:18
B. Disobedient Israelites Are Not the Circumcised
Jeremiah 9:25/Romans 2:25, 28/Philippians 3:2
C. The Christians Are the Circumcised
Romans 2:29/Philippians 3:3/Colossians 2:11


A. Israel Is Israel
B. Disobedient Israelites Are Not Israelites
Numbers 15:30, 31/Deuteromy 18:19/Acts 3:23/Romans 9:6
C. The Christians Are Israel
John 11:50, 51, 52/1 Corinthians 10:1/Galatians 6:15, 16/Ephesians 2:12, 19


A. Jerusalem Is the City and Mother of Israel
Psalms 149:2/Isaiah 12:6/Isaiah 49:18, 20, 22/Isaiah 51:18/Lamentations 4:2
B. Jerusalem Is The City and Mother of Christian
Galatians 4:26/Hebrews 12:22

The Jews

A. Israelites Are Jews
Ezra 5:1/Jeremiah 34:8, 9/ Zechariah 8:22, 23
B. Disobedient Israelites Are Not Jews
Romans 2:28/Revalation 2:9/Revalation 3:9
C. Christians Are Jews
Romans 2:29

The New Covenant

A. The New Covenant Is With Israel
Jeremiah 31:31, 33
B. The New Covenant Is with the Christians
Luke 22:20/1 Corinthians 11:25/2 Corinthians 3:6/Hebrews 8:6, 8, 10

An Olive Tree

A. Israel Is An Olive Tree
Jeremiah 11:16/ Hosea 14:6
B. The Christians Are An Olive Tree
Romans 11:24

Section 2

Old Testament Verses Referring to Israel Which Are Quoted
in the New Testament As Referring to the Christians

Quote # 1: Leviticus 26:11, 12/Ezra 37:27/2 Corinthians 6:16
Quote # 2: Deuteronomy 30:12-14/Romans 10:6-8
Quote # 3: Deuteronomy 31:6/Hebrews 13:5
Quote # 4: Deuteronomy 32:36/Psalms 135:14/Hebrews 10:30
Quote # 5: Psalms 22:22/Hebrews 2:12
Quote # 6: Psalms 44:22/Romans 8:36
Quote # 7: Psalms 95:7-11/Hebrews 3:7-11
Quote # 8: Psalms 130:8/ Titus 2:14
Quote # 9: Isaiah 28:16/Romans 10:11/Ephesisans 2:20/ 1 Peter 2:6
Quote # 10: Isaiah 49:8/2 Corinthians 6:2
Quote # 11: Isaiah 52:7/Romans 10:15
Quote # 12: Isaiah 54:1/Galatians 4:27
Quote # 13: Jeremiah 31:31-34/Hebrews 8:8-12
Quote # 14: Hosea 1:10 & 2:23/Romans 9:25-26/1 Peter 2:10
Quote # 15: Hosea 13:14/1 Corinthians 15:55
Quote # 16: Joel 2:32/Romans 10:13

Section 3

Old Testament Ethical Commands to Israel Which Are Quoted
In the New Testament As Applying to the Church

Quote # 1: Exodus 16:18/2 Corinthians 8:15
Quote # 2: Leviticus 11:45 & 19:2/1 Peter 1:16
Quote # 3: Deuteronomy 5:16/Ephesians 6:2-3
Quote # 4: Deuteronomy 17:7, 19:19, 22:24 & 24:7/1 Corinthians 5:13
Quote # 5: Deuteronomy 19:15/2 Corinthians 13:1/1 Timothy 5:19
Quote # 6: Isaiah 35:3/Hebrews 12:12
Quote # 7: Isaiah 48:20 & 52:11/2 Corinthians 6:17

With Apologies to Merle Haggard

I wish families were still wholesome and it was back when churches weren’t ghey
Back before Byrd and before the Feminist putsch won the day
Before Larry Norman and “Outlaw” when a man didn’t lisp and talked plain
Is the best of the free life behind us now and are the sane times
really forever insane?

Are we sinners supressin’ so as to be cast into hell?
With no repentance in sight — no relief from this sulfur born spell?
I wish a boy and a girl would still last a lifetime like they should
Is the best of the sane life behind us now or are the sane times really over for good?

I wish Colleges were still Christian and a church was a good place to be.
It was back before Keller decided to train to be “clergy”
Before AI sermons, when a pastor could still preach, and still would
Is the best of the sane life behind us now or are the sane times really over for good?

I wish Moscow was still Orthodox and Credenda was a good piece of mail
It was back before Doug Wilson hit the Federal Vision trail
Before R2K, and Van Drunen when the Church could own their King and still would
Is the best of the sane life behind us now or are the sane times really over for good?

Stop chasing the zeitgeist like a dog in heavy heat
Standup with the Father’s and be done with our Reformed “elite”
Let’s make a Church and a Family that’ll still last a life like they should…
The best of the sane life is still yet to come and the sane times ain’t really over for good.