Walsh on the Deconstruction of the Family

The attack on normative heterosexuality — led by male homosexuals and lesbians, and invariably disguised as a movement for ‘rights,’ piggybacking on the civil rights movement of the 1960’s — is fundamental to the success of Critical Theory, which went straight at the hardest target (and yet, in  many ways, the softest) first. The reason was simple: If a wedge could be a driven between men and women, if the nuclear family could be cracked, if women could be convinced to fear and hate men, to see them as unnecessary for their happiness or survival — if men could be made biologically redundant — then that political party that had adopted  Critical Theory could make single women one of their strongest voting blocs.

And so Eve was offered the apple: In exchange for rejecting a ‘traditional’ sex role of supposed subservience and dependency (slavery, really), she would become more like a man in her sexual appetites and practices (this was so called ‘freedom’), and she would be liberated from the burdens of motherhood via widespread contraception, abortion on demand, and the erasure of the ‘stigma’ of single motherhood (should it come to that) or spinsterhood. Backed by the force of government’s fist, she would compete with men for jobs, high salaries, and social status, all the while retaining all her rights of womanhood. the only thing she had to do was help destroy the social order.

The results has been entirely predictable: masculinized women, feminized men, falling rates of childbirth in the Western world, and the creation of a technocratic political class that can type but do little real work in the traditional sense. Co-educational college campuses have quickly mutated from sexually segregated living quarters to co-ed dorms to the ‘hook up culture’ depicted by novelist Tom Wolfe in I am Charlotte Simmons to a newly puritanical and explicitly anti-male ‘rape culture’ hysteria, in which sexual commissars promulgate step-by-step rules for sexual encounters and often dispense completely with due process when adjudicating complaints from female students.

Crucially, at every step of the way, ‘change,’ from the old norms was being offered as ‘improvement’ or ‘liberation’ — more fulfillment, more pleasure, more experience. And yet, with each step, things got worse — for women. Eve’s bite of the apple sent humanity forth from the Garden, sadder but wiser. Today’s transgressive Western woman is merely sadder and often ends her life completely alone, a truly satanic outcome. G. K. Chesterton’s parable of the fence comes to mind, in the ‘The Drift from Domesticity,’ in The Thing (1929):

In the manner of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which probably will be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law, let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this, let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer, “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”

A splendid example of Chesterton’s Fence was the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, championed by Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts. “Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will non inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area,” said the Massachusetts Senator. “In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think … The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.” Half a century on, those predictions have proved dramatically wrong: the question is whether Kennedy and his fellow leftists knew quite well at the time that there forecasts were bogus — although (as someone or other famously said) what difference, at this point, does it make?

In the same way, much of contemporary, ‘reform’ is marked by impatience, ridicule, and haste, cloaked in ‘compassion,’ or bureaucratic ‘comprehensivity,’ disguised as ‘rights’ prised out of the Constitution with a crowbar and an ice pick, and delivered with a cocksure snort of derision against any who would demur.

Michael Walsh
The Devil’s Pleasure Palace; The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West — pg. 88 – 89

The Case Against Trump

The Lord Christ instructs us to “make righteous judgments” (John 7:24). Scripture reminds us, “Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life”

In light of those Scriptures I am compelled to assess all things as belonging to God’s people.

Should I apply making a righteous judgment regarding Donald Trump and his candidacy for President this is what I know,

1.) He has twice broken sacred wedding vows. If a man can break these sacred wedding vows as before God and man what reason do I have to believe that man on anything? If he lied to lied to God and to his wives why should I ever believe he is telling me the truth? Ronald Reagan’s divorce was an issue in 1980. Reagan was the only man ever elected President with a divorce in his background. Have Christians fallen so far in their estimations of a candidates character that Trump’s two divorces are no longer a legitimate consideration in voting for him?

2.) Until very recently Trump was pro-abortion. Does a 65 year old man really suddenly change his view on something like this? It is possible but I don’t think it likely. Trump has his stories that he tells regarding his shift but I, as a discerning voter, am not obliged to believe him.

3.) Up until recently Trump was funding Hilary Clinton and far leftist Sen Chuck Schumer. He has been chummy with the Clintons. He says that is just the price of doing business in New Y0rk. That strikes me as indicative of a lack of backbone and principle that a man would compromise his own principles just so his business could prosper. This is an important consideration.

4.) As late as September Trump was praising the Socialist health care of Canada saying that it “works for them.” That is not true. It does not work. Now since then he has walked back his support for socialized medicine but what am I to believe … his first instinct or the later appended statement?

5.) The two things that Trump has done I can salute is that he has given good speeches denouncing Political correctness and Immigration. But talk is easy and given the above I don’t think any Christian has a solid basis to believe or support Donald Trump.

6.) He is obviously trying to manipulate the Christian vote by his saying that he “loves the Bible,” and dropping that he is a Presbyterian. However, when asked for specifics he dodges the question thus revealing that he couldn’t cite a favorite scripture if his life depended on it. What does this say about his integrity, to cite how he loves the Bible but to refuse to offer one specific verse when asked?

7.) Much of Trumps millions has been made on Casinos. In my own lifetime non conservative Christians would have ever supported a candidate as conservative if they were pushing gambling.

8.) Trump has articulated his support for sodomite marriage saying that “the Supreme Court has ruled” and it is “the law of the land.” Trump could have said that he disagreed with the Obergefell vs. Hodges decision. Trump could have said that he agreed with the Minority opinions but instead he is willing to support this outrage against the whole concept of marriage and the law.

9.) When the revolutionary Marxist Nelson Mandela died, Trump tweeted out,  “Nelson Mandela and myself had a wonderful relationship—he was a special man and will be missed.” Is any right thinking Christian who, understands the battle against Communism, going to vote for a chap who sentimentalizes a villain like Mandela?

10.) Mr. Trump called Eric Snowden, who faces Espionage Act charges for his role in leaking information about the NSA’s phone-snooping program, a “total traitor” and said he “would deal with him harshly.” Here we have Trump calling a whistle-blower on mega Statist activities of spying against the citizenry, a “total traitor,” who he “would deal with harshly.” Snowden should be given a medal for fighting Statist tyranny but not according to Trump. Doesn’t that tell us that Trump is a Statist?

Now, if I have reason to reassess Trump I will do so, but to date all of this is all I need to know to know that Donald Trump is out of bounds when it comes to the vote I have … a vote that belongs to the Lord Christ and not me.

And I haven’t even mentioned his pompous arrogant mannerism nor the superficial answers he gives to nearly every policy question put to him.

Trump has no core. He is whatever people want him to be. He is doing the same thing Obama did in 08 only with a twist. Whereas Obama was a blank canvas that people could project their image upon, Trump is a canvas that has every painting on it one can imagine and so you can just choose the Trump you want him to be that fits with your projections. Trump will take care of any number of things simply because he is Trump. He has a “fabulous plan” that we will love. He has a “great idea” that will take care of all of that. However, when asked concrete detailed specifics there is very little that Trump offers.

Trump is a populist and populists by definition are long on charisma and short on policy. Populists get people excited and mesmerize voters into thinking that they are a messianic type deliverer.  Please do not misunderstand. I love that Trump is making chaos of the Republican field. I love that Trump is tweaking the nose of the Republican establishment. I love what Trump is saying on issues like Immigration and Political Correctness. However, I can love all that and still be opposed to Christians casting their vote for Donald Trump.


Marinov’s Malapropism

Considering the mass shooting by a Muslim gun owner:  The liberals say that we can’t blame all Muslims, but we surely can blame all gun-owners – & ban guns. The conservatives say that we can’t blame all gun-owners but we surely can blame all Muslims – & ban all refugees.
Each side says the other side is schizophrenic & hypocritical. And each side wants to give more power to the Federal government to deal collectively with a group for the crimes of one person.

While I mourn the loss of life, I can’t but notice God’s irony to both camps.

~Bojidar Marinov

1.) All because liberals say things doesn’t mean that liberals are making sense. To not note that is more than unfortunate.

2.) How does it follow that gun owners are to blame when terrorists use guns to murder people?

3.) The shootings happened in a “gun free zone,” where guns were banned. How did that ban work?

4.) Actually the liberal says we can’t blame any Muslims since to blame any Muslim would be “racist.”

5.) I see a great deal of torpid in this camp but I see no irony in the least.

6.) Where are the Conservatives that say we can blame all Muslims? What the Conservative actually says is that we have a Muslim problem that warrants us to conclude that Islam is not a faith system that can co-exist within Western civilization. How many shootings have to occur before Mr. Marinov gives up on his open borders fantasy?

7.)  Of course we can’t blame all gun owners. How can a gun owner in Longtown, SC be blamed for a Muslim nutcase killing 14 people who were occupying a gun free zone?

8.) The fact that Liberals insist that conservatives are  shizophrenic & hypocritical doesn’t mean they are schizophrenic & hypocritical.

9.) Conservatives do not desire to give more power to the Federal Government. Mr. Marinov seems to forget that one of the responsibilities of the Federal Government is “to provide for the common defense.” Protecting the citizenry for enemies, foreign and domestic is part of the oath that many Federal officials take. Mr. Marinov is just in error on this matter and his error is in service of his errant desire for open borders.

10.) The only irony in any of this is Mr. Marinov’s ability to find irony where it does not exist.

Critical Theory


Having co-opted, if not actually invented, the “social sciences”, cultural Marxism and Critical theory seek to legitimize their attempted murder of beautiful facts with a gang of brutal theorems, each one more beguiling than the last, iron fists in velvet gloves, grimacing skulls beneath seductive skins.

Michael Walsh
The Devil’s Pleasure Palace — pg. 49

Cultural Marxist, “Critical theory,” was first practiced by Satan in Genesis 3 when Satan, later to be echoed by Herbert Marcuse, diabolically asked Eve, “hath God really said,” thus implying that God’s legislative Word was not authoritative. As such Critical theory, in its origin, is the methodology of regions sulfuric. The Frankfurt school’s “Critical Theory,” exists to challenge existing Western civilization traditional standards by means of questioning what it styles as the “power structures” which hold sway just by means of longstanding dictatorial and tyrannical authority. “Critical theory,” seldom offers anything constructive, preferring instead just to point out the “unfairness,” of existing cultural arrangements. Critical theory, thus, holds that there is no received civilizational tenet that should not be questioned and attacked. All the former totems, shibboleths, and taboos having descended from the Christian West are challenged as completely arbitrary, or are the result of a conspiracy of power to keep the perverted, the feminist, and the anti-Christ down.

The lie in “Critical theory” is found the fact that it refuses to hold itself to the same standard that it holds all that it beats down. Critical theory complains about the unfair power structures that provide hegemonic control over culture but it fails to note that Critical theory itself has become the supportive tool of a power structure that desire to establish a new hegemony. Critical theory props up a sodomite agenda, a feminist dominance, and a satanic culture in the name of an egalitarianism that favors the hegemony of nihilism.

It’s methodology is just to criticize the hell out of whatever it desires to pull down. If it desires to pull down classical literature it will complain about the prevalence of White Christian males in the corpus of great Western Literature and will offer, in place of a standard cultural literacy, unheard of Lesbian amputees who wrote as members of some pygmy tribe in Africa. If it desires to pull down historic legal-theory it will complain that law order has presupposed an oppressive transcendent Christian god and that other law orders reflective of Totem Pole Aztecs who were wrongly shunted ought to be considered as just as legitimate as that law order that has been in the ascendancy in the Christian West for centuries.  If it desires to pull down the Christian model of the biblical and traditional family it will first mis-characterize patriarchy by faulting it in Adorno’s “Authoritarian Personality,” as being unhealthy, insane, and dysfunctional by definition. Once the Christian family was deconstructed all other family forms could be introduced as legitimate. The consequence is family is no longer defined with the consequence that every imaginable perverted combination is introduced as “family.” Whatever the target the secret in Critical theory is just to rip and tear down.

Cultural Marxism and Critical theory has been so successful due to the fact that they never go on the defensive. The mode of the this school of thought is to attack, attack, attack.  It excels in putting its opponents on the defensive by screaming injustice, while often mocking its opponents view. The reason it has been so successful as a tactic is because the West has forgotten the whys and wherefores of its belief system. Having for so long assumed its position, it no longer has the means and arguments to defend its position let alone go on the attack against Cultural Marxism and Critical theory pointing out and mocking its own contradictions and sheer utter silliness.  Critical theory is a foundational-less and toothless paper tiger and if handled rightly it can be exposed as absurd almost instantaneously.

Until Christianity can produce apologists and worldview thinkers again the consequence will be that Cultural Marxism with its Critical theory will sweep everything in its path.

14 Dead in San Bernardino ask, “Do you still think Open Borders is a good idea”

Given the murders in San Bernardino yesterday by husband and wife Muslims (Tashfeen Mali being a first generation Immigrant and her husband Syed Farook being a second generation Muslim immigrant)  now is a good time to re-examine the whole open borders issue that many Christians leaders are now supporting and who are telling the Christian rank and file that they must support in the context of endless immigration.

We should note again that support for untrammeled Immigration and Open Borders is driven by,

1.) The desire to have a conviction that has been deemed fashionable and praiseworthy.

2.) The desire of the Chamber of Commerce to have the cheapest possible labor; damn the consequences to anything like a National culture.

3.) The desire of the Democratic party to increase its voter base.

4.) The desire of the Republican party to enrich itself by doing the bidding and reaping the rewards of the donor class.

5.) The desire of many Churches to be nicer than God.

6.) A mistaken understanding on the part of many Christians, as informed by their mistaken leadership, that the Scripture requires us to commit ethnocide out of love for the stranger and the alien.

7.) The desire of the Elites to forever end the influence of Biblical Christianity forever in this country.

8.) The desire of the Elites to create a “have vs. have not” social order with themselves as part of the have class.

9.) A mistaken thinking on the part of many well intentioned though delusional Christians that somehow connects more aliens, foreigners and strangers here with the idea that more people will be then converted.

10.) The desire of the NWO types to make a cafe colored melange out of the whole world with the thinking that the New World Order Man will complete the New World Order attempt at rebuilding a New World Order Babel that is one race, one religion and one culture.

11.) The desire by Statists to keep the nation so balkanized that there will forever be a need for the Federals to provide the muscle to keep the peace between warring interests. Immigration of diversity is job security for Statists.

People like Joel McDurmon and Bojidar Marinov need to re-examine the positions on open borders for which they’ve been thumping.   Clearly after 14 more deaths (we are not counting the 13 deaths inflicted by Major Nidal Hasan or the 3 more by the Tsarnaev brothers) there is a need to admit that the ideas that these men are supporting are just not valid. (Of course, those policies were neither ever Biblical.) The whole idea, floated by Mr. Marinov, that if Muslims were here it would make converting them easier is seen as past dubious.

It is interesting that Dr. R. J. Rushdoony at one time flirted with the same kind of thinking. According to one of his colleagues, Dr. Ian Hodge, Dr. Rushdoony first went onto the Indian reservations thinking that if he could learn to evangelize those far away from any semblance of Christianity, he would find it easier when he came back into civilization. Hodge went on to say that Hodge knew “of no evidence that he (Rushdoony) was successful in this.” Surely we must ask ourselves that if even the most zealous of Christians, like RJR, found it difficult to evangelize in a non Western context what makes us think we will be wildly successful with evangelizing transplanted Muslims? This isn’t a lack of confidence in the power of the Gospel. This is a steely eyed look at the fact that the kind of immigration that men like Dr. McDurmon and Mr. Marinov champion is a kind of immigration that gets people killed as San Bernardino testifies.

There is another category also we must speak to and examine. There are just scads of Evangelical Pastors who say things like, “Love requires us to let the alien and stranger live here.” Ask yourself Pastors,  are the dead 14 in San Bernardino feeling your love now?  There are scads of Evangelical Pastors who suggest that taking a hard stand against Immigration from third world countries is a sign of “racism.”  Let me ask you Pastor, even if your charge of racism is true (and it isn’t) which would you rather be guilty of; racism or murder? Thinking that allowing Third Worlders here so that we can convert them is like insisting that we should hire members of the Manson family to do our babysitting as a means of giving them the Gospel and converting them. After all, not all Manson family members were involved in cutting open Sharon Tate.

One more thing. This whole ignoramus fallacy that “diversity is our strength” has got to go because such thinking is getting people murdered.  Those 14 dead people in San Bernardino represent diversity.  Those 13 people murdered by Hasan represent diversity. The five serviceman murdered by Mohammad Abdulazeez in Chattanooga represent diversity.   The 264 people terrorized in Boston by the Tsarnaev Brothers represent diversity. The Beltway snipers John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo (Both Muslim) represent diversity. All this damn diversity is getting real live people murdered. Any open borders policy that would allow for this kind of thing to continue is just mindless insanity dressed up as sophisticated exegesis.  Keep in mind folks that the goal of all this diversity is to create a need for the Federal Government. When a nation is as balkanized as this one is becoming via different people groups and different religions the only way the peace can be kept is by the FEDS providing muscle to keep the peace (see #11 above).

As an aside let us note that when the Islamic sympathetic Commander in Chief heard about this shooting all he could call for was an assault on 2nd amendment rights. Not a word about banning third worlders from this country. Apparently he is too busy reciting his mantra, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”