Today we are in a much more dangerous place as Christians. We are challenged not only by a revived Islam, but were are also challenged by the rise of Globalism, which is an expression of the New World Order Religion of Luciferianism with its written “scriptures” called the Talmud.
On top of that we are beset with serious fifth column movement within the Church — the one Institution that should be leading the way in resistance. We not only have to fight the enemies of Talmudic Globalism and revived Islam from without, we have to fight R2K, WOKE Christianity (anti-Christian Nationalism, refusal to stand up for White Christians, embrace of sexual perversion, etc.), and Federal Vision, etc. from within.
One thing is certain. We will not beat off these threats by prayer absent the sword. We will not defeat our enemies by pacifism. We will not push the enemy back by means of pietism. Those who desire the soft Christianity that lived off the capital won by hard and muscular Christianity in the days when Islam was rolled back and heresy meant with severe penalty need not apply. They and their descendants will be forgotten.
If you’re 30 and younger… if you want Christian civilization to survive you must learn the art of war. If you’re between 35-50 you must learn the strategy and tactics of war.