“Here would be a small sampling of the sorts of things that sometimes fly in our ranks that shouldn’t sometimes fly in our ranks. And even if you don’t agree with my assessments here, this at least can have the benefit of explaining my behavior to you….
Jew-malice: of all the dead ends, of all the cul-de-sacs, of all the dry holes, of all the fruitless trees, of all the clouds without rain, of all the foam on all the waves on all the oceans, of all the gin joints . . .”
Blog & Mablog
Of course this requires the question of what precisely is defined as Jew malice in Doug’s world? Would Doug accuse RJR of Jew malice because RJR doubted 6 Million? Is it Jew malice to recite world history of the contest between Jews and Christians? Is it Jew malice to refer to the Jews as “The Synagogue of Satan” just like Scripture does? How about all those Church Councils in history that made not nice proclamations regarding the Jews? Just exactly how does “Ditches” Doug define this “Jew malice,” because the last thing I want to do is fall out of favor with Dougie.
I mean was Luther guilty of Jew malice? Was Chrysostom? Was Augustine? Was Calvin? I can give you quotes from each of these chaps that I’m pretty sure if anyone else said what those chaps said Doug would be phoning the “Jew malice” constables. I mean, seriously, there is no way Doug would countenance John Calvin. Doug would read Calvin out of Doug’s movement.
Sucks to be Calvin.
So what about it Doug? If you are going to gatekeep the Conservative Christian armada could you please tell us precisely and exactly what counts and doesn’t count as Jew malice. We are all waiting to hear from you on this so we don’t fall out of your Eminence’s favor.