The International we serve
Let all colors bleed into one”
Will get the hell that they deserve
Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne, Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.
“The one badge of Christian discipleship is not orthodoxy but love.”
Billy Graham
Circa 1957
The Christian has to say to Homosexuals, ‘We will not treat you in those ways. We can’t revile you, but we can’t affirm you. The reason that we can’t revile you is same reason why we can’t affirm you, because of the Bible, because of God’s love, because of His grace, because of His goodness.’”
Rev. Alistair Begg
A recent post here dealt with Rev. Alister Begg’s comments advising a Grandmother that she can indeed attend the perverted wedding of her grandson, and with a gift.
In the face of withering criticism coming from what remains of the Christian dissident voice in America Rev. Begg decided to double down and tell his critics to, in essence, “go pound sand.”
Actually, I admire Begg’s willingness to give the middle finger salute to his critics. I always like seeing backbone. Now if it only was backbone as standing for a righteous cause instead of backbone standing for wickedness.
Rev. Begg opens up by appealing to Luke 15 and the parable of the prodigal son. Rev. Begg tries to position himself as the Father who eagerly anticipates the return of the prodigal son. Rev. Begg sees himself as the loving Father in the prodigal son parable. Further, he sees the perverted grandson getting “married” to another pervert to be the prodigal son and Begg sees all his critics as Pharisees and tax collectors, who are the Older son in the parable.
The problem here of course is obvious to those with eyes to see. In the Parable of the prodigal son, the prodigal is returning to his Father, with a mindset of repenting to take a servant’s place in the household. To the contrary, in real life, the prodigal (perverted) grandson remains in the pig stye dining with the swine, still refusing to return to his grandmother’s God and Christian faith. So, the passage that Rev. Begg appeals to in order to double down finds him guilty of gross eisegesis.
Let it be said here that any Christian worthy of the name Christian would be the first in line to welcome back any returning prodigal pervert. The Christian faith prides itself on the fact that it restores prodigals.
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous[b] will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,[c] 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Furthermore, any Christian worthy of the name Christian would even be willing to exercise great effort to articulate the saving message of Christianity to all prodigals, commanding them to repent. However, what a Christ honoring Christian will never do is celebrate perversity, or drink a toast to perversity, or be found countenancing a stiff necked perversity happening in God’s face. A Christ honoring Christian does not deny the message of Christ in the hopes that by their denial of the message of Christ they might win some to Christ.
Rev. Begg in his sermon quotes from a book the he wrote on the necessity of loving one’s enemy. Rev. Begg admits that he does not like perverts but that is irrelevant since he is called to love them. The problem here, I think is Begg’s understanding of love. Allow me to posit that Begg advising the grandmother to attend that “wedding,” is not counsel wherein biblical love is found. It is not Christian love to the lost as God defines love to join in celebration of a pervert marriage, though I am glad to concede that it is Christian love to the lost as fallen man defines love. The most loving thing possible that Begg could counsel is to explain to the grandmother how she is demonstrating love for her grandson by not attending the wedding. Rev. Begg is using the word “love” here in the sense of “that harlot sure loved her latest customer.”
The love I am talking about is the idea found in teaching parents that it is love for a child that visits the child with discipline, and even, when warranted, spankings. Rev. Begg’s logic is the same logic that says that disciplining your children is not loving. However, as any parent knows, as painful as discipline is for both parent and child it is the very nard of love and to neglect it is not loving but is full on hate. This is what Begg told the grandmother. Begg told the grandmother, “In the name of love, you go ahead and hate your grandson by attending this ‘wedding.'” It is profoundly unwise counsel coming from a chap who is 72 years old and who has been in the ministry his whole adult life.
We should note here that Rev. Begg’s warning against Pharisaic behavior is still worthy of hearing. We all (or at least I do) have this tendency towards self-righteousness, and as such it is always good to be probed by God’s warning Word on this matter. Having said that, I continue to insist that Rev. Begg has missed the mark in accusing people of being Pharisaic because they oppose his advice. Speaking only for myself, my life has found me attending gay bars and having gay friends who were genuine friends hoping by some means to communicate Christ. (To my great sadness they never did embrace Christ.)
Rev. Begg said in his double down sermon;
“In that conversation with that grandmother, I was concerned about the well-being of their relationship more than anything else. Hence my counsel. Don’t misunderstand that in any way at all.”
Now, I will be accused of being picayune but here is Begg’s major problem. We can applaud Begg for his well intended compassion here but, as the saying goes, “good intention pave the road to hell.” Rev. Begg’s concern should have been about the well being of God’s glory more than anything else. How is God glorified by the grandmother celebrating a monstrosity called a “wedding,” which is in point of fact a mockery of God and His reality?
In the end one wonders how far Rev. Begg would take this kind of logic? I mean, let’s try a couple reductio-ad-absurdum.
If a lesbian “couple” decides that one of them will get impregnated with the sperm of the brother of her partner so as to be parents does Rev. Begg recommend that their Christian grandmothers tell the lesbians that while grandma loves Jesus and therefore can’t affirm their lifestyle choices, grandma should nevertheless go to the baby shower and take a gift?
If a farmer decides to marry his favorite milk cow does Rev. Begg recommend that the farmer’s grandmother tell the farmer grandson that while grandma loves Jesus and therefore can’t affirm her farmer grandson’s lifestyle choices, grandma should go to the wedding and take a gift — perhaps a silver cowbell for Bessie?
Where does this kind of irrationality end? Honestly the only difference between what Rev. Begg has counseled and these other hypothetical counseling scenarios is that sodomy has now been accepted socially while the others have not. It is still safe to not be seen as being mean, if one counsels grandma not to attend my two pretend scenarios but it is not culturally safe to tell grandma that she shouldn’t attend her grandsons pervert “wedding.”
Rev. Begg goes on to say in her sermon;
“What happens to homosexual people, in my ‘experience,’ is that they are either reviled or they are affirmed. The Christian has to say, ‘We will not treat you in either of those ways. We cannot revile you, but we cannot affirm you. And the reason that we can’t revile you is the same reason why we can’t affirm you, because of the Bible, because of God’s love, because of His grace, because of His goodness.’”
And yet Rev. Begg has no problem whatsoever reviling those non-sodomites who are Christian for insisting he must repent. To those Christians Begg lifts the reviling voice by calling them “Pharisees,” and “Fundamentalists.” Clearly, then the problem for Begg is not the issue of reviling. He has demonstrated he is perfectly capable of doing that. The issue for Rev. Begg is “who shall be reviled.” For Begg, we do not revile perverts but we do revile those we wrongly categorize as Pharisees and Fundamentalists.
Rev. Begg, in his sermon goes on to say that a main reason why there is this problem is that he is a product of British Evangelicalism and not American Fundamentalism. Indeed, in many respects this is the key thing is Begg’s sermon because British Evangelicalism has always been weak. The Brit Evangelicals have been weak on social issues. John Stott, for example, was a proto pioneer for WOKEism. (See his vol. on the Sermon on the Mount.) British Evangelicalism was weak on Biblical inerrancy and inspiration. Even Lloyd-Jones, as solid as he was, found his own church become a laughing stock, after he left, because of his quirky doctrine on the sealing work of the Holy Spirit being a distinct second work of grace. Lloyd-Jones would have never countenanced what replaced him but it was because of his quirky doctrine that his work at Westminster chapel thoroughly deteriorated. British Evangelicalism sucks as is seen by British culture.
We find ourselves asking … Hey Alistair… how’s that British Evangelicalism working out for Britain these days?
Churches filled?
Clergy Orthodox?
Christian family life blooming?
Christian Worldview evident everywhere?
Christian Statesmen abound?
Grooming young girls brought to a halt?
Were I Alistair I would go real slow on glorying in British Evangelicalism over American Fundamentalism.
And while we are on Fundamentalism lets us say note here a dirty little secret. Everyone is a fundamentalist. Rev. Begg just prefers his fundamentalism of celebrating license while I prefer my fundamentalism of maintaining orthodoxy. However, Alister is just as much a Fundamentalist as anybody he would like to name who is opposing him. He is showing in this whole sermon that he is sticking to his fundamentals and one of his fundamentals is celebrating perversity. Rev. Begg is a liberal fundamentalist.
Begg goes on to note how he has been orthodox in the past on marriage and how he has opposed sodomy in the past. He seems to think that because he got it right in the past that makes his getting it wrong today ok, as if being in severe contradiction is not a problem. Sorry, Alistair but a past getting it right does not make sense of a contradiction presently where you get it grossly wrong.
As my Grandmother used to tell me when I did something stupid; “Your heart was in the right place,” so I don’t doubt that Rev. Begg’s heart is in the right place. He has the best of intentions. It’s just that his intentions are driving him to say stupid things that don’t really serve his intentions. Also, there is the matter that when Rev. Begg speaks like this it makes easier for some other young minister somewhere to also compromise because, “Well, if someone like Alistair Begg can say this then certainly I have to be gracious as well.” But, again, this isn’t gracious speech. This is hateful speech on Rev. Begg’s part and good intentions doesn’t change that.
Let’s send British Evangelicalism back to Britain.
“Or say that your nephew started an alt-right web site that really caught fire and took off. It grew such that the traffic was really significant, and so he is now running a politically inflammatory merch warehouse, with a set of offices next to it. Their organization has decided to launch a print magazine, one that would supplement the articles on the web site with more in-depth reporting. The editorial policy they are seeking to advance consists of a blend of white nationalism, health and fitness advice, and they occasionally like to dabble in various hints of Holocaust-denial. You have expressed your dissent, your strong dissent, in several conversations with your nephew. He knows where you stand. But they are hosting a barbecue in order to celebrate the launch of the magazine, and you receive an invitation. Do you go? Again, are you kidding me?”
Doug Wilson
Blog & Mablog
Alistair Beggs the Question
Doug never ceases trying to be clever. Here Doug compares Alistar Begg’s wrongly suggesting that a grandmother attend her pervert grandson’s “wedding,” with attending a BBQ celebrating one’s Nephew’s alt-right entrepreneurial adventure.
Let us consider why this is stupid.
1.) Let’s pretend that instead of Doug’s nephew being a white nationalist in America he is a Bagel Nationalist in Israel. Does Doug still have the same vapors at the thought of attending this celebratory BBQ?
2.) Doug is begging the question by assuming that White Nationalism is automatically sinful always all the time without proving this position. It’s ironic that Doug would fall into this because it is the very same thing he accuses Alistair Begg of doing.
3.) I’m assuming that Doug doesn’t have a problem w/ the heath and fitness side of things but you never know w/ Doug.
4.) Before I can affirm the sin of and ill-advisability of “holocaust-denial,” Doug is going to have to define that for me. For example was it sin for the Chicago Tribune to report the following 32 years ago;
Jewish and Polish scholars of the Holocaust now agree that the Auschwitz death toll was less than half the four million cited here for four decades. The actual number was probably between 1.1 million and 1.5 million….
If I agree with the Chicago Tribune is Doug going to cast me to the outer darkness of not having anything to do with the CREC. Is Pope Doug going to tell the CERC to shun me for agreeing with the powers that be @ Auschwitz?
5.) Where is the sin in wanting to discuss the total numbers of dead during what is called by others who are not me “the Holocaust?”
6.) If Doug had been where he is at now in 1950 he would have said that people who denied the Katyn Forest story were “Katyn Forest deniers” who must not be allowed to be in the presence of good people.
7.) So, having said all that Doug has not made the case in the slightest that his pretend Nephew scenario where one attends the Nephew’s barbeque is anything at all like the scenario where one attends a perverts “wedding.” Complete and utter failure on Wilson’s part.
8.) But before giving up on this I want to go on record as saying I hope Doug continues to write like this because in doing so Doug is shooting himself in the foot. He is ruining his brand over the long term. Short term there remain the normies who will cheer for this tripe but over the long haul Doug is guaranteeing he is going to become increasingly irrelevant. So… keep on damning these kinds of things Doug and I’ll keep getting people phoning me asking if they should get out of the CREC.
What other event in history do you know of where it is illegal for scholars to discuss, debate, and dispute a matter of historical record? Just the fact that so many European countries are willing to throw you in jail for “Holocaust denial” if one does this ought to suggest that something is rotten in Denmark, and elsewhere in Europe and in Moscow Idaho. Doug even thinks Holocaust Denial is worthy of casting one out of the Christian church.
In all this Doug is supporting the Bagel narrative that the Western Christian civilization narrative comes via Auschwitz as opposed to Calvary.
Rev. Allister Begg recently said, knowing that his comments would not be accepted in some (conservative?) corners that it would be acceptable to attend a sodomite wedding of someone close to you. Here are Begg’s comments given in a some kind of audio interview;
“…. we field questions all the time that go along the lines of ‘My grandson is about to be married to a transgender person, and I don’t know what to do about this, and I’m calling to ask you to tell me what to do’—which is a huge responsibility.
And in a conversation like that just a few days ago—and people may not like this answer—but I asked the grandmother, ‘Does your grandson understand your belief in Jesus?’
‘Does your grandson understand that your belief in Jesus makes it such that you can’t countenance in any affirming way the choices that he has made in life?’
I said, ‘Well then, okay. As long as he knows that, then I suggest that you do go to the ceremony. And I suggest that you buy them a gift.’
‘Oh,’ she said, ‘what?’ She was caught off guard.”
Once this news came out R. C. Sproul 2.0, then followed shortly thereafter saying (paraphrasing) we should go easy on guys like Begg who have been faithful shepherds for so long even if they get one wrong.
In my mind, this proves that both Begg and Sproul 2.0 have accepted sodomy at some level. I say this because I’m fairly certain that Begg would not say, “Go ahead and go to a wedding where a chap marries his milking cow,” and I’m fairly certain that Sproul 2.0 would not say, in the face of that kind of hypothetical statement, “we need to go easy on otherwise faithful men if they get these matters wrong.”
Let be crystal clear here. I do agree with Sproul 2.0 that we should not casually cast otherwise faithful men aside if they get some matters wrong. For example, I don’t completely cast aside someone if they are an Amillennialist or premillenialist in their eschatology. However, if an “otherwise faithful man” goes Full Preterist I am going to cast him aside. I don’t completely cast someone aside if they are infralapsarian. However, if an “otherwise faithful man” tells me he is now an Open Theist I am going to cast him aside. In the same manner if the previously otherwise faithful man — Alister Begg — tells me to turn a blind eye to sodomy by sanctioning my attendance at a sodomite wedding, I am going to cast him aside. I am not going to read him anymore. I am not going to recommend him any more. I am not going to quote him any more.
And frankly, I’d be giving serious consideration of treating someone like Sproul 2.0 the same way.
Let’s pretend that Alister Begg gets an invitation to a sodomite wedding plus one. Do we really think that Alister is going to go to Jesus and say… “Hey, Jesus. You want to go to this sodomite marriage with me? It’ll be a great witness?”
Now neither one of these men are going to give two shakes that I cast them aside in my thinking. That’s ok. It is possible there will be others out there who see the logic of what I am trying to get at here.
The issue of perverted sexuality if a pivotal issue in the attempt to continue to completely unravel what little remains of Christendom. When men like Begg and Sproul shout from the rooftops that which they are shouting there has to be folks who stand up next to them holding a sign that says, “The guy next to me who is shouting is full of Bologna.”
There are plenty of men, both past and present, that we can learn from and read without having to spit out the little green sputum-balls in their teaching.
I’m sorry, but advising a grandmother that she can attend her perverted grandsons wedding as with a gift, as long as she has told little Johnny in the past that him boinking other little boys is sin, is just ludicrous and contradicts the scripture that teaches us “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but expose them.”