In brief the denial of race as a biological reality is heresy of Docetism where Jesus only appeared to be a man, as seen in its early stages.
Ideas have consequences.
Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne, Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.
In brief the denial of race as a biological reality is heresy of Docetism where Jesus only appeared to be a man, as seen in its early stages.
Ideas have consequences.
Biden’s first campaign ad for 2024 has just been released and it is clear that the man is running a racial campaign.
So much cynicism.
1.) Biden is asking everyone to vote for him to support “Democracy,” and yet this Republic was built by men who often commented on how much they hated Democracy.
2.) Biden is the one who stole election 2020 and yet in this ad he is the one who is saying he is going to protect 2024 election so that everyone can vote “fairly.” He is going to make sure every vote counts. This is a twist on Alinsky where you imply you’re going to protect the electorate from what you were guilty of doing last election cycle.
3.) This is a purely racial. Note at the beginning of the ad when it talks about protecting people’s votes that the ad shows minority faces or a single mother w/ two children voting. However at the 31 second mark when Biden says “There’s something dangerous happening in America” suddenly all we see are white faces. White people are the danger.
4.) There is a flashback to MLK “I have a dream speech.” More dog whistling communicating that Biden is running an anti-White campaign.
5.) At 50 seconds Biden tells us that our children are watching and we flash to a picture of two minority children on a bus who are front and center in the photo.
6.) There is a flash photo scene of white people marching in a Nazi parade.
Watch this video scene by scene. You will see that Biden is campaigning on the need to stop White people.
Now, having said that, I concede that Gordon has a point about Wilson’s Federal Vision pukefest theology but, let’s be honest here Chrissy, no one should be complaining about Federal Vision who doesn’t rail against R2K. But of course you won’t do that since you are sympathetic to R2K. So,
Gordon prefers his heresy over Wilson’s. Stalemate.
Who will take out the R2K garbage. I know Chrissy won’t.
Elsewhere Gordon offers,
“DeYoung expressed, “Pugnacity and jocularity are not the occasional and unfortunate by-products of the brand; they are the brand.” He’s exactly correct. As Christendom has collapsed in the West, Wilson has offered a vision that plays on the fears and emotions of those who are panicking. This is precisely why the mission of the church, all of the sudden, takes a drastic turn in its elevating of cultural transformation while ‘saving people from their sins’ becomes only a means to this greater end.”
As I’ve said before try to keep in mind how mind numbingly stupid this position is. I know this because when someone who is mixed race comes in for a bone marrow transplant, the Doctors don’t say, “Hey, no problem. Race is a social construct and as such we’ll grab one of our Korean Janitors to give you some bone marrow.” No, when someone needs a bone marrow transplant suddenly race is seen to be as real as it never ceases to be and the poor kid who is mixed race is likely up crap creek in terms of finding a donor.
Denying the biological reality of race is just stupid and the preachers quoted below who embrace this stupidity should be marked out to be avoided. I would even go further and say anybody who makes league with these idiots and recommends them as a good source of truth likewise should be marked out as “there be dragons here.”
Bonaventure Hinwood
Race; Reflections of a Theologian, p. 103
And for the quotes that demonstrate that the modern “conservative” Reformed clergy are drinking deeply from the WOKE well.
Save your lives and the lives of your children. RUN from these false shepherds.
Doug Wilson
Owen Strachan
Dallas Statement on Social Justice
Voddie Baucham
Inspired by a friend’s post elsewhere. I added a few Carolina Reaper peppers and contributed a few observations of my own.
BLMc responds,
3.) All Governments enforce a religious orthodoxy of some sort. All Governments descend from and support some God or god concept. This means that the Government that Scotty wants, whatever he might call it, will indeed be a Government that enforces some religious orthodoxy. (We know it will be a pagan religion since the last thing Scotty wants is Christianity being enforced by the Government.)
But let me guess… Per R2K, Jesus died so that King’s are no longer required to give homage to Christ lest they perish in the way.
5.) Scotty hates Christendom but keep in mind that since there is no such thing as neutrality, that Scotty by hating Christendom, loves him some pagandom. With apologies to Robert Zimmerman, Scotty’s cultural vision is going to have to serve somebody. Now it may be the Devil or it may be the Lord, but his common public square is going to have to serve somebody.
BLMc responds,
Can you imagine R2K Clark being with Gideon’s army before the victory against the Midianites? R2K Clark is tugging on Gideon’s cloak and simpering… “But Gideon, you’re just not accepting reality.”
What next?
Well, obviously what would be next is that Magistrate would being ruling underneath the Sovereignty of King Christ.
R. 2K Clark doesn’t provide another way to engage with the culture than any culture warrior does. All culture warriors understand that the Gospel must be preached. However, they also understand that once Magistrates convert that consequence will be Christendom.
However, culture warriors, further understand that if wicked Magistrates don’t repent that the Scripture gives full allowance for a Christian people to overthrow their wicked magistrates.
And if R. 2K Clark isn’t aware of that he might check out Christopher Goodman’s (an associate w/ John Knox in Scotland) work on Christian resistance to wicked Magistrates.