Brownsville Comes To Charlotte

Periodically, I have to reminds myself just what a minority Reformed people are. I need to remind myself because sometimes I tend to think that all my posting and argumentation matters. The Reformed world is a backwater pond to the ocean of Christian expression. The current ocean of America Christianity is Pentecostalism. And so going to a Pentecostal revival service reminds me of the smallness of my voice and the smallness of the Reformed voice as compared to the larger voice of Pentecostalism that is what most people hear when they hear the voice of Christianity in their heads.

Pentecostalism in one form or another has crept in seemingly to a great number of historically non-Reformed denominations. For example, while on Holiday I saw the influence of Pentecostalism on the Church I attended when I lived in Maine. There was the ubiquitous pentecostal praise music accompanied by the swaying hand raised attendees. In the denomination I serve Pentecostalism, in its “Third wave” expression, received an official favorable report. There are Charismatic Catholics and tongue speaking Lutherans.

Anyway, having said all that I attended a Pentecostal revival service this evening that was featuring Steve Hill who was one of the main actors in the Brownsville Revival. Several years ago I did some research and reading on Brownsville as well as Toronto Airport and the Kansas City Prophets. As such I thought I would go to hear and see Steve Hill.

The service was just about what you would expect. It opened with 45 minutes of a band playing contemporary praise choruses. The music was simple, repetitive, and as with most of these services there was the ability to reach crescendos at just the moment when the joint voices reach their fevered prayer pitch in the congregation. I’ve always wondered how they manage to do that.

Steve Hill’s message was random and scattered. His methodology was entertainment Oprah like oriented and was filled with personal anecdotes and story telling. He had a real ability to connect with the audience. He told stories about how when he was doing in ministry in Chili he had the foot traffic in a community park and the auto traffic that went by the community park come to a complete and total standstill because the spirit fell on the park. He noted how he went from stopped car to stopped car to tell the drivers and passengers that what they were all sensing and feeling was the Holy Spirit and that they needed to repent. He noted how one business woman stood stock still for four hours straight because the Holy Ghost was upon her. The emphasis fell on conversion by Spirit’s work over conversion by proclamation of the Gospel though Steve did mention that he told people they must repent.

Steve started the message by showing a USA Today piece that reported coming hate laws speech in America. Steve suggested that the way that the only way America can avoid coming hate laws that will stifle Christian speech is for Americans to get saved. He spent about 5 minutes on sin and 3 minutes on Jesus dying for sinners and then he went on to what people need to have in order to succeed. (Hey, I said it was random.) He noted that his listeners need to avoid negative people and negative people were defined as anybody who doubts how continuing revelation comes to individuals. Clearly the emphasis on this part of the service was the validity of current expressions of gifts, signs and wonders. This was underscored by his insistence that we need the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This power is known by having supernatural occurrences in our lives.

Steve pushed for the necessity of an encounter with Jesus. I think he was emphasizing the personal relationship with Jesus necessity. It reminded me of something I read recently from Gordon Clark challenging the way Evangelicals have typically talked about a “personal relationship with Jesus.”

Steve gave us the Pentecostal Word of the Lord routine. He started the service by telling us that someone here is ________ and God told me to tell you this evening that _______. He informed us that the Jesus died for everybody. He told us that God was much more exacting in the Old Testament than He is today suggesting that OT penology isn’t for today.

The most important part of the service though was the altar time. Steve gave a typical altar call and then proceeded to slay people in the Spirit. Women were falling left and right, caught by the assigned catchers. The air was filled with the sounds of “heavenly languages.”

Somewhere in the mix we had an offering where Steve said with a straight face, “The small bill is of the Devil and the big bills are of God.”

On the positive side I really believe that God uses Pentecostals in the way of common grace. Pentecostalism does a wonderful job of supporting traditional Christian morality. It is long on emphasizing certain behavior patterns even if it is short on building a sound theological foundation under those behavior patterns.

In the end though it remains far to prone to measuring truth by means of emotion and experience. It remains far to little concerned with the life of the mind. Because of that its adherents are far to easily swayed by every wind of doctrine that blows. Were real Reformation to visit our country one sign of it would be Pentecostals becoming a little less existential and a little more Word oriented.

Pot Porrui On Obama and His Minions

You Don’t Pay Up, I Break Your Leg

The health insurance companies were ready to go along with socialized health care when they thought that they would make bunches of money off of the plan. Health insurance companies had thought that everybody was going to be forced to buy insurance from them and they believed that such a proposal would more than offset the coming requirement that they would be required to insure everybody regardless of pre-existing conditions. However a funny thing happened on the way to socializing health care. The Baucus bill includes the requirement for health insurers to cover all people but it only provides for a small fine for those who refuse to be insured. This means that many people will prefer to pay the small fine as opposed to health insurance premiums. Suddenly the offset between collecting more money from a larger pool of people in order to pay for insuring even sickie people suddenly disappeared. Now healthy people can wait until they get sick to purchase health insurance and the insurance companies won’t be able to say “no.” Of course such a bill means the end of private insurance companies and the institutionalizing of the federal government being the public insurer. Naturally the health care insurance companies are raising a stink. That stink included their commissioning a study that points out that the Baucus bill will increase the cost of insurance to those who already have it.

In response to the health insurance companies decision to fight against “health care reform” the Democrats are threatening to end their protection against anti-trust legislation. This amounts to the mob putting out a hit on somebody because they refuse to pay for protection. What the Democrats are saying is, “since you refuse to play ball on socializing health care we are going to destroy your industry.” The health insurance companies are going to lose either way so they might as well go out with a fight.

Obama & FOX News

Every network and cable “news” agency except one has been ideologically compromised and as such they kiss arse sycophants for Obama. The only news agency that isn’t playing ball is FOX. Nobody should be fooled into thinking that FOX is a conservative network. It isn’t. It simply likes its socialism baked in a nationalist crust as opposed to the international crust that networks like CNN, MSNBC, CBC, NBC, prefer their socialism filling to be baked in.

Obama has decided to try and to isolate the FOX network. Now, the best I can hope for is that the national socialists and the international socialists will beat each other up so badly that something genuinely conservative will be able to rise from the ashes.

Still, having said that something should be said regarding the blatant propaganda that the White House is putting out. The idea that FOX, unlike the other Obama lapdog networks doesn’t really give “news” but only perspective is laughable. Has anyone ever watched the red bias of the news shows of FOX’s competitors?

What Obama is doing here is following Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals.” Alinsky’s rule 12 states “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Obama is trying to get the other networks to ignore FOX. Obama’s problem here though is that the other networks have been ignoring FOX for years. What would be new? Secondly, Obama’s problem is that FOX is wiping the floor in terms of ratings with the other “networks.” If I were FOX I would turn the tables and freeze, personalize, and polarize Obama. FOX doesn’t need Obama.

In the end, I’m no fan of FOX except that it is the only resistance in town. As such, I’m hopeful that Fox and Obama and the other networks will beat the snot out of each other.

Cult & Culture … A Qualifier

We have affirmed constantly that cult drives culture. However, it seems that there are those who are taking that affirmation a bridge to far by suggesting that the Christian church as cult is responsible for our woeful culture. Actually, that is only marginally true.

In this reasoning there is a failure to understand that cult drives the culture even when the cult driving the culture is not the Christian cult. Today, in our culture the cult that is driving it is not so much the Christian church as it is the Humanist Church we find especially located in the Government schools. The Government schools are the cult that is driving our culture. Now, inasmuch as the Christian church doesn’t stand up and resist that humanist cult it is responsible for the the pagan cult and culture. And the Christian Church is responsible for our post-Christian culture in the sense that it is taking its clues for Worship from the Humanist cult and its culture. However, the Christian cult (The church)is not responsible in the sense that it is the originating cult for the culture that we currently swim in.

Cult and culture go together and when the Church is not being the Church in a culture then we must look for the animating cult elsewhere.

Obama Administration Sounds A Lot Like FDR Administration

At this link I point out how many Marxists are serving in the Marxist Obama administration.

It seems that we can add another one we failed to mention earlier. Recently White House communications director Anita Dunn informed us that one of her favorite political philosophers was Chairman Mao Tse Tung.

LOL … you couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.

Can’t you just envision Anita curling up to a cozy fire with Chairman Mao’s “Little Red Book?”

Yep … if you wanted to light up Anita’s arousal quotient all you had to do was whisper a little Mao in her ear. The one that would really get Anita in the mood was,

“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”

This is not the first time an American Presidential administration has been Marxist. During the Roosevelt administration the White House was crawling with Marxists. One was a gent named Rex Tugwell. Before the days when the current fellow travelers can be instantly exposed by Youtube, Tugwell wrote prolifically about his disdain for capitalism. In his book, “American Economic Life” Tugwell wrote that the Soviet Union’s

“worst enemies are being forced to admit that the system appears to be able to produce goods in greater quantities than the old one and to spread such prosperity as there is over wider areas of the population.’

Tugwell believed that Soviet central planning enabled the Soviets to plan and to carry out their industrial operations in accordance with a completely thought out program.” Tugwell wrote that “the available evidence as to the success of the scheme seems to indicate clearly enough that it (communism) works.”

Now the reason I mention Rex Tugwell in the context of the current White House Director Anita Dunn’s admiration for Chairman Mao is to point out the common thread of admiration between FDR’s “Brain Trust” and Obama’s Czars and staff. Despite the utter failure of Marxism the Obama administration is fascinated with this ideology. Retrospectively speaking we can say that at least FDR’s “Brain Trust” could not be convicted of knowing better. They were true believers and honestly believed that the Soviet project could remake the world. The Obama people live on the other side of the 20th century and ought to be able to see the the graves of 100 million people slaughtered by Marxists, but it seems that to true believers the belief system is indefeasible.


Friends and Readers,

Apologies for the slow posting the past few days. I managed to run headlong in to a pretty good flu bug and am now just recovering.

As it is, I am headed out to Maine for holiday and so my posting will continue to be hit and miss for a couple weeks. God willing, I will return refreshed and ready to hit the ground running with more posts from the catbird seat.

Tomorrow I will have a Classis meeting in Akron, Ohio and then it is on to points East. Classis meetings never fail to raise interesting observations into the way our church culture is reasoning. Your prayers are coveted.

Thanks for your readership and friendship.

p.s. — To those I have promised responses to, I promise I will get to them before I return. Mr. V. I’m thinking especially of you