Deliver Us Obama … Hear Our Prayer Obama

At about the 1:30 portion of this video-tape you will find a responsive reading begun. Soon thereafter you will hear the congregation repeating regularly,

“Deliver us Obama … Hear our prayer Obama

How many of these types of video-tapes need to show up before we realize that there are large numbers of people who see Obama as the Great Leader?

The Things We See

“It was not too many years ago that when a man misbehaved badly his neighbors and co-workers were able to discern it and exert pressure for reform. It did not always work, but it kept many of us better than we might have been. This sort of social pressure is far removed from the police state. It is, rather, the only alternative to a police state.”

Dr. Clyde Wilson
From Union to Empire — pg. 235-236

This quote hit me right between the eyes as I was reading it. You see recently one of my family members was privy to a highly placed community member hitting (I would almost say “beating”) his wife. The witnessing of it was quite accidental and completely unintentional. My family member came to me asking what do to. I was speechless. I didn’t have an answer. In Wilson’s terms I did discern it but I had and have no ability to exert pressure for reform. Having spoken to this person before about a different touchy matter, I’m confident that if I spoke to the person in question again I would be blown off just as I was on the previous matter.

I hurt for the wife. No woman should be subjected to that kind of abuse.

Concerning Perversion

“(In regards to AIDS) the priorities of the public health establishment, who after all are bureaucrats as well as ‘scientists,’ would appear to be (1) to protect the ‘community’ of deviants from public outrage and discrimination; (2) to pursue heroic curative and preventive measures to save the deviant ‘community’; and (3) to protect the decent public, insofar as it does not conflict with Priority 1….

We are all sinners and fall short of perfection, and we are enjoined to stand ready to extend our hand to our repentant fellow creatures. But I do not detect very much repentance, as opposed to regret and resentment, among the representatives of the ‘lifestyle’ that has put us all in danger. In fact in heeding the admonition not to stigmatize (this ‘lifestyle’), we are all actually throwing up obstacles to repentance.”

Dr. Clyde Wilson
From Union To Empire — pp. 234-235

1.) The disease of AIDS and the ‘lifestyle’ that is associated with it has become a politically protected disease and ‘lifestyle.’ This in turn has made it a culturally protected disease and ‘lifestyle.’ Culturally, it is considered bad form to stigmatize perverted behavior. Indeed, one who does attempt to put a stigma upon perversion is more often than not the person who becomes stigmatized by our culture.

2.) The pursuit of the legitimacy for homosexual marriage is really just a cover for the pursuit of the legitimacy of all homosexuality. Homosexuals aren’t really interested in marriage. The whole idea of monogamy is completely counter intuitive to the desire for the complete removal of all sexual norms that so many in the pervert community desire. What Homosexual marriage achieves is the not the normalizing of monogamous homosexuality but rather the normalizing of homosexuality in all its expressions. When homosexuals get the right to marriage then just as unfaithfulness is no big deal for heterosexual marriages so unfaithfulness will be no big deal for homosexual marriages. Homosexuality, in all of its multifaceted expression of perversion will be normalized with the institutionalizing of homosexual marriage.

3.) The necessity to decry the perversion that is homosexuality does not come from a sense of inherent righteousness or superiority from those who decry it but rather from a realization that certain taboos in cultures must be maintained lest individuals in the culture be exposed to things that would not otherwise be exposed to were the taboos to remain strong. Since Wilson is correct in noting that, “we are all sinners,” it must be the case that if public standards of decency are to obtain then it must be sinners, seeking to uphold the standards of Scripture, who are the ones who raise the banner of decency in the face of those who would redefine decency.

4.) We must hold out Christ as the only hope for those who have been wounded by perversion. Christ came to rescue all types of sinners from all types of sin and we must be forward not only in proclaiming God’s hatred of perversion but also His willingness to forgive who sue for peace.

5.) We do perverts no favors by trying to making peace between their perversion and the Christian faith. In many quarters of the Church today there is a mad rush to prove how acceptable the Church can be towards unrepentant perverts. We accept the sinners at the cost of rejecting the Savior. It used to be the case that we would only accept changed sinners but now it is the case that we will only accept a changed Savior. Jesus must change to get over His previous hang up against unrepentant perverts, and if He won’t … well, we can always find a different chap, who is more amenable to these perversions, to hang the “Jesus” name tag on. The new chap wearing the “Jesus” name tag will have the good sense to accept perverts and reject those who reject perverts.

A Standard Quote From Mencken On Education

“The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues, and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else… Their purpose, in brief, is to make docile and patriotic citizens, to pile up majorities, and to make John Doe and Richard Doe as nearly alike, in their everyday reactions and ways of thinking, as possible.”

H. L. Mencken
Raconteur & 20th Century Libertarian Man Of Letters

First Day Of School

The seasons roll by. Here in Charlotte, and in many other locals around the nation Government schools have started recently. This is always a time of angst for me as I observe the multitude of children who begin another year of learning to think in ways foreign to the Christian faith. Combine this with the fact that a whole subculture is created where children and young adults, because of the time they spend together, end up aspiring to be like their peers and not like their families or like adults. Now sprinkle the exposure to disease that is brought about by cramming hundreds and thousands of children into one building. (Head lice or H1N1 flu anybody?). Now lightly top with exposing our children to possible immoralities like getting the snot kicked out of them on a school bus by animals

or of being seduced by a nymphomaniac school teacher

or of being exposed to violence at school

not to mention the every day basic cruelties that happen — which we have become inured to — when you create a “Lord of the Flies” community.

I admit it. I don’t get it. I don’t understand why parents willfully put their children in these environments. Parents will even say how painful it is to watch little Johnny or Suzie go to school without even realizing that they are inflicting the pain on themselves. Why shed tears as you watch your children go to school when you could dry your tears and experience the joy of watching your children grow up as you educate them yourself?

Recently, someone commented to a parent that was weeping over their child’s first day of school by saying,

“Nothing harder or sweeter then seeing kids grow up!”

The problem here is that when you send your children to government schools to be raised one is not “seeing them grow up.” Why do we believe there is a bitter sweetness in sending our children to be educated and raised by people, who, in the preponderance of cases, we don’t even know? The comment above is nothing but foolish sentimentalism. Somewhere along the way we got in the habit of doing something destructive to our children and now we speak about it being “sweet.” It’s like getting in the habit of hitting oneself every morning with a ball ping hammer and then going on to glowingly speak about how refreshing such a quaint little habit is.

I know I’m in the minority. I know I am not liked for having this conviction. I also know that the reason I am not liked for having this conviction is because people know I’m right and they hate both my being right and the wrongness of what they are doing to their children.

I’ll be glad to live with being despised because of this if people would just begin to follow their instincts and quit sending their children to government schools.