“Racist” — The Last Refuge Of The Defeated Cultural Marxist

The following stories are just a smattering of the “news” stories that are circulating in the “shape the public mind through false information” business. You will notice that there is a theme of alleged racism that unites all the differing stories.






I could, with great ease, multiply many times over this theme of racism that has suddenly surfaced with great repetitiveness in the American Pravda media.

Why this sudden uptick in “White Americans are Racist” stories? The answer is found in fact that the accusation of “Racism” has recently been the chief means of leverage for advancing an anti familial-centric organizing of men, anti-American sense of nationality, anti-Christian faith, and anti-Western Civilization agenda. These traits that advocate the importance of a Christian sense of family, A Christian idea of country, The Christian faith, and Western civilization have, for decades now, been labeled as “White” and those who embrace family, country, Christian faith, and Western civilization have been attacked as “Racist.” The Cultural Marxists sense they are on the edge of thoroughly re-making America by legislative fiat and the resistance that has suddenly resurfaced — a resistance driven by the remnant memory of Christian civilization — has them reasoning that the only way such resistance can be beat back is by the taming charge of “racist.”

The experiment of civilization built upon Cultural Marxist tenets, pursued now for the last sixty years, is on the verge of collapse. The only way it can be propped up is by a force that has always been latent in its revolutionary praxis. This force first exhibits itself by the means of seeking to confine men by means of words like “racist,” and “intolerance.” When this verbal hostility fails (and it looks like it will fail) the next step is hostility by means of arms. I will be surprised if the current tension in America between the Cultural Marxists and those who have not yet been thoroughly brainwashed by the cultural Marxist agenda will not end in some kind of violence.

The fact that the disagreements that are dividing America are ideological and cultural more then they are racist is seen by the existence of a small percentage of minorities who prioritize the Christian concept of family, and who have a love for God, country, and Western Civilization. There does exist within America many minorities who hate the cultural Marxism that is destroying their people.

However having said that, it must be admitted that America has a racial problem to go with its ideological, and cultural problem. The minority community has been largely co-opted by the Cultural Marxist mindset and ethos. America’s social engineering programs, based on Cultural Marxist ideology, and implemented heavily among the minority communities has failed with the result that the minority family cohesiveness has been decimated, ressentiment against whites has been nourished, educational performance has declined, and allegiance to and support for the cultural Marxist state has been fostered. The overwhelming percentages of minorities voting for candidates who offer more cultural Marxist programs as a solution for already failed cultural Marxist agendas is the proof that America has a racial problem.

There is also a racist problem among white people but it is not the white people that so often are accused of “racism.” The racist problem that I’m speaking of is the racism that believes that minorities are so inept, so stupid, so unworthy, that no minority can make it without their cultural Marxist massa’s twisted soul killing benevolences extended to minorities through the redistribution of other people’s wealth, and the artificial quota system that proclaims that minorities can’t successfully compete against whites apart from artificially inflating minority scores. Our universities, government agencies, and “churches” are filled with these kind of white racists. The 40 year attempt by white racist Cultural Marxists to empower the minority community has instead done what all racism finally does and that is it has enslaved, impoverished and kept ignorant large swaths of the minority community.

The recent charges of “racism” being promulgated by the American Pravda media and the American cultural Marxist politicians will not succeed in 2009. The race card has been so overplayed that it has lost its bite. Indeed, speculation arises that the tension raised by introducing the charges of “racism” may have the opposite effect than desired creating a hardness of heart towards wherever the minority plight is legitimate.

Response To My Representative — Congressman Schauer

Dear Congressman Schauer,

Thank you for your form letter response to my personal letter to you regarding the prospective health care legislation that is creating such a stir throughout the nation.

Before I respond to the details of your letter allow me to register one small disappointment. I was most disappointed that you refused to have a town hall meeting in your district during the August recess. Certainly, Congressman, you can’t actually believe that those district wide phone calls were a legitimate replacement for a town hall meeting. The conference call methodology, which was characterized by canned questions chosen in advance, was successful only at distancing yourself from your constituency by muting your opposition. Do not think for a second that your district is any less volatile than the thousands of other congressional districts across the nation on the issue of Democratic attempts to force fascism upon this country all because you manipulated the process in your district.

Now allow me to turn to your letter.

First, you note that over a million residents of Michigan are living without health insurance. You do not tell me how many of those over one million do not want health insurance. Many young people choose to go without insurance, preferring instead to spend their dollars on other interests. Congressman, the fact that you assert, in a unsubstantiated fashion, that over 1,000,000 Michigan citizens do not have health insurance means very little unless you break that number down between those who do not have health insurance because they don’t want it and those who do not have health insurance because they can’t get it.

Secondly, you do not tell me where in the Constitution you find the authority for the Federal government to socialize health care. As a US Congressman who has taken an oath that you, “will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution,” surely you have justified in your mind how a Federal takeover of health care is Constitutional. I would dearly love to see your reasoning on this.

Next you tell me that you desire a “uniquely American solution” to our health care situation. I am suspicious that you must have tested this phrase in a focus group setting because I notice that you use it several times in this letter and you used it several times in your “town-hall” phone conferences. Allow me to suggest that it is not possible to find a uniquely American solution to our health care woes by doing anything that has either the Federal Government taking over health care or that puts the Federal Government in the position of eventually taking over health care. That sir, as you know, is socialism and it is a contradiction of the worst variety to embrace any form of socialism (i.e. – Fascism, Cultural Marxism, Communism) as a “uniquely American solution.”

Congressman Schauer, if you really desire a “uniquely American solution” to our health care woes you will pursue policies that will allow the market to do its work. You will allow insurance companies to compete across state lines. You will introduce tort reform. You will reconnect the consumer with his medical dollars spent. You will create tax free medical savings programs. You will decrease the government regulation upon the health care industry which has created our problems to begin with. You will create legislation that will allow small businesses to ban together in order to access the same cost advantage from Insurance companies that large companies get due to their size. So, you can see, I am in favor of doing many things that will help the citizens of Michigan.

Your letter to me implies that you support the public option. Please understand that at least some of your constituent understand that if a public option is crafted into this bill that means the eventual end of choice, which you say you support. Such language also means the end of private insurance options, which you also say you support. Keep in mind Congressman, we are not all blind to the slippery way that people like you use language.

As you consider your vote keep the following things in mind.

* Is the bill Constitutional? Where does the Constitution allow the Federal government to believe that all citizens have a “right” to health care?

* You say you want a bill that promotes personal responsibility. Will any bill that “promotes personal responsibility” also at the same time disallow health care or lessen the opportunity for health care by those who don’t follow the personal responsibilities guidelines as set by the Federal Government and its legislation?

* Does the plan you support shift control from insurance companies to the Federal Government? As bad as insurance companies are Congressman, I would rather deal with their bureaucrats then Government bureaucrats.

* In your desire to vote for a bill that does not raise the Federal deficit do you realize the impossibility of that without either a sweeping tax increase or severe restrictions as to who can receive health care or both?

In closing Congressman, I realize how much pressure the Democratic leadership must be bringing upon you to vote for socialized health care. Allow me to remind you Congressman how narrow your victory margin was in the 2008 Congressional race. I can say, with almost certainty Congressman, that should you vote for a Marxist health care plan that will be produced by a Democratic majority your 2010 race will be more of an uphill battle than your previous one.


Bret L. McAtee
Pastor — Charlotte Christian Reformed Church

American Nationalisms

“In fact official American belief regards the Declaration of Independence as the beginning of an endless process of active movement toward an ever more egalitarian and universalist society. This is because of the intervention between us and the Founding Fathers of that sea-change in the thinking of men that is summed up in the term ‘the French Revolution.”

Dr. Clyde N. Wilson
From Union To Empire

Wilson’s thesis is that American Nationalism has undergone a series of transmutations, the degree of which, has left the successive American Nationalism incomprehensible to the previous American Nationalism. Wilson suggests that the taking of the Declaration of Independence as a document that insures a endless process of active movement toward an ever more egalitarian and universalist society, is the consequence of the second American Nationalism, as crafted by the French Revolution and birthed in America through the war of Northern Aggression. Wilson seems to suggest that the American commitment to the idea that all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights was a far different stripe from the French Revolution egalitarianism that came to be eventually accepted in the American Nationalism that was successive to the form of Nationalism of the Founding Fathers. It would seem that the difference between these two competing notions of equality is the difference between the older belief that men are equal in respect to the application of law and the newer belief that men should be equal in opportunity and outcome.

Wilson goes on to note that there was another American Nationalism that was propelled during the Progressive era and consolidated during the after WW II.

“During and after WWII American society for the third time made a perilous leap into the cauldron of history, boiling down its existing consensus in the optimistic prospect of molding itself into a newer and more daring form. The Civil Rights revolution and a revolutionary alteration of the immigration laws were simultaneously undertaken in the 1960’s. It was as if the Melting pot, having proven itself able to boil down all of Europe, was now to test its capacity to do the same for the whole world.”

The question that Wilson raises is whether or not such a stripped down American Nationalism that is posited only upon unitarian notions of egalitarianism provides enough ingredients in order to make a cultural glue by which a culture may find cohesion.

In a culture where there exist no communitarian mystic chords of memory that includes either a shared ethnicity, a shared literature, a shared music, a shared religion, a shared history, or a shared language there exists nothing that can bind a people together except a shared prosperity. The question that begs being asked is whether or not a nation can stay together when national prosperity turns to national adversity except by brute force as used by the State.

Preston Brooks & Joe Wilson — South Carolina Congressmen

Tuesday night US Congresssmen Joe Wilson broke the etiquette rules of political decorum by shouting out “You Lie, You Lie” during a Yankee President’s speech. The last time a South Carolinian Congressman broke Washingtonian decorum in such an arresting fashion for the sin of Yankee lying US Congressman Preston Smith Brooks beat the snot out of a Yankee Senator named Charles Sumner using a walking cane to administer the lashing. Given the firestorm that Wilson’s shout out has created one would have thought that Wilson had cane lashed Obama as opposed to merely boisterously correcting the Yankee President’s lies.

Congressman Brooks lived in a culture of honor that demanded retribution against Sumner’s lies against a family member serving in the US Senate. Having long jettisoned a culture of honor it may be that shouting out “You Lie, You Lie” is the closest thing a South Carolinian today can get to administering a cane lashing to a notable liar. At the very least in both cases, each of the South Carolinian Congressman felt deeply aggrieved by the lies that they were being subject to. Congressman Brooks, living in a culture of honor, and having vindicated his family’s honor never apologized and was amply resupplied by well wishers and admirers for the cane he broke over Sumner’s back. Congressman Wilson, living in a culture of political correctness, immediately apologized for speaking the truth at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

The one and only point here that we need to take to heart is how each response to lies heard by our respective US South Carolina Congressmen reflected and reflects, during their respective eras, the division that was then and is now present in this country. When Rep. Preston Brooks took exception to a Jacobin Politician’s lies the nation was being violently pulled apart over a intense disagreement over the role and nature of the Government. On one side were those, like Sumner, who sought to expand the role of the Federal Government beyond its Constitutional boundaries. On the other side were those, like Brooks, who sought to restrict the role of the Federal Government to its Constitutional boundaries. The occasion of, what was to become a bloody disagreement, was the issue of slavery.

153 years later is a South Carolina Congressman once again serving as a harbinger of a violent national contest? Like Brooks, Wilson took exception to a Jacobin Politician’s lies. Like the era that Brooks lived in, Wilson lives in an era where the nation is violently being pulled apart over an intense disagreement over the role and nature of government. Today, on one side are those, like Obama, who is seeking to expand the role of the Federal Government even further beyond our Constitutional boundaries. Today, on the other side are those, like Wilson who is seeking to restrict the role of the Federal government to its Constitutional boundaries. The occasion of this disagreement once again is the issue of slavery.

Both in 1856 and in 2009 Jacobins and Marxists in the country were and are seeking to enslave men to the Nation State. It was in order to avoid enslavement to the ambitions of a burgeoning National government that the South seceded. We are once again at the point where we are going to have to make some difficult decisions on how to deal with the ambitions of a burgeoning National government that intends to enslave the citizenry through controlling our lives through a socialized health care mechanism.

Citizens today should perhaps look at the attempt at socialized health care the way that Southerners looked at the attempt at the socialized Morrill Tariff act. Both proposed acts, in the end, were about the ability to enrich the government at the expense of impoverishing American citizens. Perhaps the way we are threatened to being financially squeezed today by the Federal Government will cause us to sympathize with the way that Southerners were being financially squeezed in the run up to the War.

South Carolina US Congressman Preston Brooks was upset by that.

So is South Carolina US Congressman Joe Wilson.

Maybe we should send Joe some canes in appreciation.

Mohler and Piper Fall Into The Obama Soup

Dr. Mohler’s Thoughts:

The controversy over President Barack Obama’s speech to America’s school children scheduled for Tuesday morning continues to incite controversy. On the surface, this seems incredible. Why would a speech calling for students to remain in school and set personal goals for themselves incite any controversy at all? Is this just another eruption of the Culture War?

At first glance, that seems to be exactly what this fracas is all about. Much of the controversy is reckless, baseless, and plainly irrational. Some have called the speech an effort to recruit America’s children into socialism. Others have argued that any presidential speech piped into classrooms is illegitimate. But a presidential speech to students is hardly unprecedented. This speech by this president has led to an unprecedented uproar.

At this level, the controversy is a national embarrassment. Conservatives must avoid jumping on every conspiracy theory and labeling every action by the Obama administration as sinister or socialist. Our civic culture is debased when opposing parties and political alignments read every proposal by the other side as suspect on its face.

Instead of gushing over Obama’s words why can’t Mohler say something like,

The problem with Obama’s speech to America’s school students is not so much in the content as in the presuppositions behind the speech. There was a time when Parents understood it was their responsibility to raise, educate and motivate their children. Now, not only have we turned to the state to educate and raise our children, but we find it perfectly acceptable for the President to play the role of “Parent in Chief.”

The great Dr. J. Gresham Machen understood this. Machen, speaking of education could say,

“The most important Christian Education institution is not the pulpit or the school, important as those institutions are; but it is the Christian family. And that institution has to a very large extent ceased to do its work.

~ J. Gresham Machen, in Education, Christianity, and the State.

But instead of taking the opportunity to once again emphasize to his natural constituency the necessity to get their children out of government schools, Mohler takes the opportunity to lament over cultural war resistance to a man who desires to implement his Marxist ideology on America.

Certainly Obama’s speech is not the most sinister thing he has yet done but Obama, unlike many Christian spokesmen, doesn’t compartmentalize his belief system. All that Obama does, including speaking to America’s children is done with a view towards the cultural Marxist end he desires to achieve. As such, any resistance to Obama in anything that he does is a necessary resistance.

The fact that Mohler can warn people against finding something sinister or socialist in every deed Obama is a warning that reveals a great amount of naivete.

John Piper’s take:

This is the speech I expected the President to give to our children—excellent.

Given that he is not directing them to Christ, which would be the best counsel, his advice is a wonderful gift of common grace from God to the students of our land.

If you settle for the news headlines that say the president tells the kids to wash their hands and take care of the environment, you will miss the wisdom and courage in this speech. Within its spiritual limitations it is simply amazing.”

Like Mohler, Piper doesn’t seem to realize what is going on in government schools. Why would Piper refer to this as common grace? Given the worldview that America’s children are learning in government schools, the encouragement to children to do well in government schools would seem more like the doctrine of common damnation.

Would Piper have spoken this way if Joe Stalin had given the speech? Would Piper have gushed about Stalin’s speech being simply amazing? No, Piper wouldn’t say that because he would realize how hypocritical it would be for the Murderer of millions to be blathering on about the necessity to do well in school. Yet Piper speaks in glowing terms about a man who has voted repeatedly to deny babies born from botched abortions medical care. Piper speaks in glowing terms about a man who shares the same exact ideology and faith system as Joe Stalin.

If one realizes the stakes there is nothing irrational about opposing Obama at every turn. I don’t want America’s children admiring Obama any more than I wanted them admiring Bush or any number of other leftist politicians.