Recently one of the State Elementary Schools in Charlotte Mi. (Weymouth Elementary) was recently retired from housing Elementary school students and will now be used to run a Government school daycare center. Families who have young children where both parents work will drop their children off for the day while the parents go off to work.
Recently I was driving by Weymouth and I noticed that they put themselves up a brand new sign. And it is the sign that finds me writing a blog post.
The sign read,
“Weymouth Child Development Center”
My first instinct was to think, “Wow, I’m amazed that they are being so honest about it.”
Here we have a setting where parents will drop their children off for the day and while they are at work they can have the satisfaction of knowing that a bunch of strangers are developing their children for them. How will their children be developed? The parents won’t know. What will they teach the little children? The parents don’t know. But what they do know is that their children are being developed and they know that they get to pay those people good money for the privilege of having those strangers develop their children for them.
As I thought about it I thought the new sign said it all. All schools, whether schools that happen in the home, or private schools or state schools should be thought of as “child development centers.” Children, who are not yet shaped in their thinking, enter into these locales and are shaped and massaged in their thinking and character in a particular direction.