Reflecting On The Powell Endorsement

All his life African American Colin Powell has seen his career advanced by white Republicans who typically gain, each election cycle, about 6-8% of the vote of the black community. This means that Powell had to live with the perception among large percentages of the black community of being an Uncle Tom. This accusation has followed many many black people like Walter Williams, William Grigg, Clarence Thomas, Ward Connerly, J.C. Watts and Thomas Sowell, whose convictions found them being to “white” according to the majority black report. One only has to remember the foul things said by black people against Clarence Thomas when he was nominated to the Supreme Court.

When Colin Powell came out in favor of Barack Obama, Colin Powell did two things. First, Powell, got his blackness back. Second, Powell advanced his chances to ride the anticipated black Barack wave.

One thing that people should learn in this Powell endorsement is that most people’s loyalty (and their certainly are exceptions) to their people is stronger than their loyalty to foreigners who advance their career. This simple observation has for centuries been taken for granted by people as can be seen by people in leadership surrounding themselves with family members placed in important positions. (Think of John Kennedy putting Bobby in charge of the Justice Department as just one example.)

Another thing that should be learned from the Powell endorsement is that multi-culturalism doesn’t work. When push comes to shove people will gravitate towards their natal culture.

Critiquing Noonan

Peggy Noonan is a gifted writer. Unfortunately she is also a Republican elitist who, like so many of her “inside the beltway media” friends, thinks that the problem with Palin is her lack of intelligence.

Noonan was against Palin from the beginning as this youtube clip reveals.

The problem with Noonan isn’t that she is wrong about Palin’s lack of knowledge, experience or familiarity with some basic core political philosophy. I’ve been making these same observations since shortly after Palin was nominated. I think Noonan is spot on in that analysis.

No, the problem with Noonan, in the true spirit of elitism, is that she seems to think that Palin, because of these deficiencies could perform any worse as a leader of America then most of the leaders that are currently running this country who have the knowledge, experience and familiarity with some basic core political philosophy which Peggy thinks is so important.

The point here is that the elitist experts running the country have bollixed things up royally, and this despite their so called “expertise,” which Noonan seems to believe is currently present in our leaders. Given how bollixed things are in the political realm, the question has to be asked if, ‘it is even possible that Sarah Palin could do any worse then those whom the elitist Noonan fawns over so readily.’ For that matter, I seriously wonder if the special education class at the local government school could perform any worse then Peggy’s “experts” who have been leading us.

Noonan, essentially makes the case that Palin is a novice who has no business being in the world of high stakes political leadership. In a normal world I would agree, but from where I’m sitting in the cheap seats the current parade of fools that we style leaders, couldn’t possibly be underperformed — not even by someone with the name of Forrest Gump.

So the fact that Palin’s isn’t qualified, is no reason to take Noonan’s warning seriously. We are awash in unqualified people (including former speech writers making their careers in journalism) serving as our leaders. What difference could it possibly make if a unqualified commoner were elected versus an unqualified elitist?

The ship of state is being run by fools. When such a situation obtains it hardly matters which fool, elitist or commoner, is serving as Captain of the Ship.

Something Evil This Way Cometh

“Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking….Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.

I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate, And he’s gonna need help. And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you – not financially to help him – we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.”

Senator Joe Biden
Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee

Joe Biden is a doofus blowhard that can only be taken seriously by other doofus blowhards. Still, one can only wonder if Biden knows something, from his intelligence briefings, that has him pushing the “scare button.”

Alternately, maybe Biden is setting Americans up for a false flag operation.

How can Biden, who supposedly is talking about a hypothetical something, know ahead of time that, “it’s not gonna be apparent initially … that we’re right?” If he doesn’t know with specificity what the problem coming is, then how can he know with specificity that the reaction of an B. Hussein Obama administration is not going to initially be seen as being right?

What do you know Joe that you’re not telling us?

What Constituency Does The Powell Endorsement Bring Obama?

Will more black people vote for Obama then otherwise would have since Colin Powell endorsed B. Hussein Obama? I mean once you get to around 94% of the black vote how much more black vote can you reasonably expect? What endorsement for Obama should we expect next — Bill Cosby?

Maybe this will deliver the “I was a black person who made my career on the basis of being promoted by Republicans” vote.

I don’t fault Colin Powell though. Who could fault a man for sticking with his people?

Maybe he thinks this endorsement makes up for lying for Bush to the United Nations about weapons of mass destruction.

Is there anybody in Washington who even knows what character means anymore?