David Dickson — Reformed Guy Who Couldn’t Teach At Escondido

[Chapter 20; Of Christian Liberty, Quest. IV; Magistrate to punish by the law].

“Do not lastly the Lutherans, Anabaptists, Arminians, Quakers, and all sort of Hereticks, and Sectaries err, who maintain, ( under the pretext of Christian Liberty) that the Civil Magistrate, is not obliged in duty, to punish any man with the sword, for errors in doctrine, but that they ought to be tolerated, and suffered, providing such persons as own them, do not trouble, or molest the Common-wealth? Yes: By what reasons are they confuted? … The Lutherans, Anabaptists, Arminians, and other sectaries are confuted? (1) Because, it is evident, from many examples of Godly Magistrats, who did extirpat Idolatry, and inflict punishment upon Idolaters, as did Jacob the Patriarch, … Of Asa, who decreed that whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel (according to the law of God; Deut. 13.9.) should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man, or woman; 2 Chron.15.13….(4) It is evident from the office of the Magistrat, who is the Minister of God against them, that do evil, and beareth not the sword in vain: Rom. 13.3,4. (5) Because, it is expressly commanded in Scripture, that punishment be inflicted upon Idolaters, even by the nearest relations. If then, the Father may kill the Son, may kill the Daughter, the Husband the Wife of his bosom: and if one brother may stone another brother with stones, that he die, for being Idolaters; much more may the Civil Magistrat do this; Deut.13.6 to the 13 verse; Deut.17.2 to the 7 verse; Lev.24.16 (8) Because, Ezra did esteem it, a great favour and blessing of God, conferred upon the Church; for which he thanked God, that had inclined the heart of Artaxerxes, to publish a Decree, for the punishment of those, that did not observe the Law, whether it be, (saith the Text) unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment; Chap.7.23,25,28 “.

David Dickson 1583-1663, Truth’s Victory Over Error. Edin. 1684. pp. 157-162

[WCF. chapter. 23; Of the Civil Magistrate Quest.1. Magistrate; Power of sword].

” CHAP. XXIII. Of the Civil Magistrate. Question 1. Hath God armed the Civil Magistrat, with the power of the Sword, for the defence, and encouragement of them that are good, and for the punishment of evil doers? Yes. Rom.13.1,2,3,4. I Peter 2.13.14. Well then, do not the Socinians err, who maintain, that it is not the duty of the Civil Magistrate, to punish the guilty with death? Yes. By what reasons are they confuted? (1) Because, GOD hath expressly commanded, that transgressing Idolaters be put to death; Deut.17.7. Deut. 19.21. (2) Because, it appertains to the office, and duty of the Magistrate, to punish the guilty with death; Rom. 13A I Peter 2.14. (3) Because, the capital punishment of evil doers makes others stand in awe, and fear to offend; Deut. 13.11 Deut. 19.20:…”

ibid., p. 206. Dickson further cited Exod. 21.12. The use of Case law confirms that by “evildoers” in Romans 13, is meant transgressors of the Law of God.

[WCF. chpt. 23 Quest. II. Civil magistrate; punishment of blasphemies, etc.]

” Quest.II. Is it the duty of the Civil Magistrate, to take order, that all Blaspemies, and Heresies be suppressed, all the ordinances of God duely settled, administered, and observed; all abuses in worship, and discipline reformed, all Idolaters, Gainsayers, and other obstinate dissenters, be obliged and forced to quite their tenets and opinions, and conform themselves to the true worship , and service of God, according to his law? Yes (5) Because, whosoever blasphemed the name of the Lord, was surely put to death; lev.24.16….(6) Because, the supream magistrate is Custos utriusque Tabulae, a keeper of both tables of the law of God. as well the first Table, which relates to Religion, and our duty to God; as of the second which relates to righteousness, and our duty to our neighbour. If then, he may punish evil doers, who offend against the second Table, and force and compel them to obedience, by the sword of justice, which God hath put into his hand, much more may he punish Idolaters, and Blashemers, who offend against the first Table, and force and compell them to obedience:…”

ibid., pp. 210-211. Dickson uses an afortiori argument (from the lesser to the greater), which depends on a belief in the right of the magistrate to punish 2nd. table crimes. Thus the Christian may be a Civil magistrate.. ” (3) Because, the Magistrate exercises, and executes Gods judgements; Deut.1.17.”p.212

If People Believe This Stuff We Deserve To Die As A People

Classical Agitprop

What are we to expect next?

45 second Commercials trying to convince us that McCain wants to protect our borders and limit imperial overreach?

Or maybe commercials trying to convince us that the two parties are really quite different?

Or best of all…

Maybe somebody will be so shameless as to make a commercial trying to sell us on the idea that ministers have enough intelligence to make us take what they say or recommend seriously?

It is all so embarrassing.

A Very Good Read

Sometimes Thomas Fleming comes across as a grumpy old man who is guilty of playing the hermit who slams his door against the cultural night bidding all within ear shot, “to hell with the whole thing.” However in this piece Fleming does a masterful job of summarizing where we are at in our American moment.

Brownsville Comes To Charlotte

Often times people will visit here and not understand the whole ethnic dynamic that I sometimes explore. This article will help you understand.

Soon, I will offer more of my thoughts on the whole subject.

Fergusson — Another Historic anti-R2Kt Virus Figure

The magistrate’s right to punish idolatry etc.

” The main question then is, concerning State Toleration. Concerning which some do affirm, That whatever the Church may do in inflicting Church censures on Heriticks, Maintainers of Heterodox Opinions: Yet, Say they, no civil Punishment, such as Death, Imprisonment, Mulcts, or fines, should be inflicted on any Error or Blashemy whatsoever; providing the Maintainers of them carry themselves peaceably, do not trouble the State, or do evil against the Commonwealth in civil Things: We again on the contrary do hold, that it is the duty of the Civil Magistrate to suppress Error, Heresies, and every sin against the First Table, as well as it is his Duty to suppress Adultery, Fornication, Sedition, and other sins against the Second Table: And that he is not only bound to suppress Errors and Blashemies, that are contrary to fundamental Truths, or the Light of Nature; but all Error contrary to other points of Truth.”

81 James Fergusson (1621-1667), A Brief Refutation Of The Errors Of Toleration, Erastianism, Independancy And Separatbn. 1692. pp. 51-52.

These sermons were originally preached in 1652 but published posthumously by his son.

The magistrate’s power to punish blasphemy and heresy

” If it was the approven practice of Kings and Magistrates under the Old Testament to suppress Error, Heresie, and Blasphemy, then Magistrates under the New Testament are bound to do the like.”

ibid., pg. 54.

Later [pp.61-62], Fergusson says That whatever was commanded to be done by Magistrates under the Old Testament as a part of their duty, thus Magistrates under the New Testament are obliged to as a part of their duty also, .”he cites Exod.22.20; Lev.24.15,16;Deut.13.1

The Messiah & The Mouth — Obama & Biden

In good Messianic fashion B. Hussein Obama picked a guy who has the mouth of a prophet. Biden has been delegated by the Messiah to go forth and herald to the masses that the great “I am that I am” has arrived. Biden’s message will be along the lines of … “I bear witness that there is no God but Obama and that Biden is His servant.”

B. Hussein Obama’s pick of Biden is risky and traditional at the same time. It is traditional because he has picked a experienced insider politician who balances the ticket by how white he is. Indeed, Biden may be the first white male who was picked because of his whiteness and his maleness. In making Biden his VP running mate Obama is conceding his difficulty with securing the traditional white male blue collar Democratic base, and he is hoping that Biden will bring these voters home.

Biden is risky as a pick because he doesn’t help Obama regionally or even necessarily in any of the contested battleground states such as Virginia, Colorado, Florida, or some of those rust belt states. Historically, a Vice Presidential running mate is chosen in order to give a ticket regional, and ideological balance. Biden as VP fails the need for regional balance, as the Democrats were in no danger of losing Delaware or the Atlantic Coast States North of the Mason Dixon Line — the region where Biden is from. Biden as VP also fails the ideological balance as Biden is marginally less Marxist then B. Hussein Obama.

There are only two reasons that B. Hussein Obama chose Biden. The first, and most important is the one I mentioned earlier, and that is that Biden is White. The second is that Biden brings the aura of experience to the campaign. The Obama campaign no doubt is betting that people will be a little less nervous in voting for the neophyte Obama if they know old Joe is around to provide gravitas.

Look for Biden to provide entertainment value in the campaign. Historically he has an incredible knack for saying stupid things and it is hard to believe that he will be able to get through this campaign without dropping a few verbal daisy cutters. Having said that though Biden perfectly fits the role of attack dog that Vice Presidential candidates are expected to fill. Expect Biden to be a the perfect junkyard dog in this respect. The best way to muzzle Bide will not be to take his charges seriously though. The best way to muzzle Biden is to mock him. The man takes himself so seriously that the best way to unravel him is to not take him seriously at all. Biden will melt in the face of being mocked and laughed at.

Keep in mind also that Biden has is own history. He is the guy who in his own presidential run back in 1988 decided he liked British Politician Neil Kinnock’s speeches so much he decided to plagiarize them on the stump in his own campaign. Between Obama’s plagiarizing Deval Patrick’s speeches and Biden plagiarizintg Neil Kinnock’s speeches one wonders if they will be able to come up with an original thought between them. In Biden you also have a guy who has said less than complimentary things about Obama in the past. Still, I suppose if Kennedy could choose Johnson and Reagan could pick Bush a good campaign will be able to overcome those past sentiments uttered by Biden regarding Obama.

In the end I don’t think that Biden brings to Obama what Obama hopes he will bring. Biden will not be the difference in any of those battleground States, and I don’t think he will make white males feel any better about voting for a Black candidate who is a Marxist and who embraces Black liberation theology.

Still, don’t underestimate the Stupid party (Republicans) in their notorious capacity for losing. Indeed, I think that this choice by Obama may embolden McCain to choose Lieberman as his VP given that McCain may reason that he can afford to choose the guy he really wants in light of the fact that Obama’s choice is so weak.