There is always a great deal of talk about the terrible theocracy that some Christians allegedly conspire to form on the dead carcass of our present form of government. As such a great deal of energy is spent by Christians on the defensive, providing an apologetic against such trifle. Perhaps it is time to go on the offensive and locate and expose the terrible theocracy that is about to form on the dead carcass of our present form of government.
Theocracy is defined as government by the rule of God as mediated by priest-craft. Typically when we think of modern day Theocracies we think of countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Qatar. Would we ever think of the federalized United States being a Theocracy?
We are currently on the cusp of turning this country into an explicit theocracy where the God is the State with the priest-craft being those who are the representatives of the State. As proof for this I offer the reality that in classical theology it is always the right of a God to own everything (The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof) and His prerogative to distribute what He owns as He pleases (God gives them their food in due season). Clearly, we are about to empower legislators and an executive that believes that the State owns everything and as such has the prerogative to re-distribute what the State (god) owns as it (he) pleases. It is the pagan left that is turning this country into an explicit theocracy.
Also in classical theology children belong to the god. This is why in pagan theology it was not uncommon to see people render up their children to god by way of sacrifice. There can be little doubt that the State (god) has for decades believed that children belong to the State. The State, as god, has so much believed this that it has taken it upon itself to insist that its priest-craft (representatives) alone are qualified to teach the state’s children. If the pagan left is re-empowered in this election cycle we can be sure that it will pursue further legislation to force all people to bring the state’s children to the State temples in order that they may be catechized into the state religion that teaches that “in the state they live and move and have their being.” It is the pagan left that is turning this country into an explicit theocracy.
One more piece of evidence is seen in the fact that in ancient theology there were blasphemy laws prohibiting certain speech — sometimes on penalty of death. If the pagan left is re-empowered in this election cycle we already know that the priest-craft of the State is going to pursue legislation that prohibits certain kind of speech (think “fairness doctrine” and newly empowered “hate speech” legislation). The State as god through its pagan priest-craft is going to make sure that neither the god (state) or its priest-craft is spoken against. It is the pagan left that is turning this country into an explicit theocracy.
For our purposes here one thing that is true of the God in classical theology is His desire for justice. In classical theology God defines what justice is and is wrathful against injustice. Once again with the empowerment of the pagan left we are going to see a state that is taking the place of god. It will be the State that defines what justice is, with its mad pursuit of egalitarian notions of social justice, and further it will be the state, as god, through its priest-craft, who will be wrathful against injustice as it defines injustice. It is the pagan left that is turning this country into a explicit theocracy.
The pagan left, which so earnestly desires its own form of theocracy, screams against the bogey man of Christian theocracy, but only so that it may more artfully pursue its own pagan theocratic plans. Pagan theocracy advances its theocratic aspirations by offering themselves as those who desire to deliver America from the clutches of evil Christian theocracy.
Should American voters really desire to escape Theocracy they need to realize that the pagan left is the greatest threat to explicit theocracy that they are currently facing.