Something Evil This Way Cometh
“Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking….Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.
I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate, And he’s gonna need help. And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you – not financially to help him – we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.”
Senator Joe Biden
Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee
Joe Biden is a doofus blowhard that can only be taken seriously by other doofus blowhards. Still, one can only wonder if Biden knows something, from his intelligence briefings, that has him pushing the “scare button.”
Alternately, maybe Biden is setting Americans up for a false flag operation.
How can Biden, who supposedly is talking about a hypothetical something, know ahead of time that, “it’s not gonna be apparent initially … that we’re right?” If he doesn’t know with specificity what the problem coming is, then how can he know with specificity that the reaction of an B. Hussein Obama administration is not going to initially be seen as being right?
What do you know Joe that you’re not telling us?
What Constituency Does The Powell Endorsement Bring Obama?
Will more black people vote for Obama then otherwise would have since Colin Powell endorsed B. Hussein Obama? I mean once you get to around 94% of the black vote how much more black vote can you reasonably expect? What endorsement for Obama should we expect next — Bill Cosby?
Maybe this will deliver the “I was a black person who made my career on the basis of being promoted by Republicans” vote.
I don’t fault Colin Powell though. Who could fault a man for sticking with his people?
Maybe he thinks this endorsement makes up for lying for Bush to the United Nations about weapons of mass destruction.
Is there anybody in Washington who even knows what character means anymore?
If You Are A Parent Don ‘t Ever Fall For This
A parent complained on an Internet blog about a school textbook that includes a chapter on Obama called ‘‘Dreams from My Father.’’
The school district said in a statement that it has received no complaints about the book, which it first used last school year. Even so, the 21,000-student district said it was reviewing its policies regarding the book’s use in a literature class.
B. K. Eakman in her book “The Cloning Of The American Mind” insists that the part I put in bold is the response that government school teachers are explicitly taught to give to parents who complain about something going on in their child’s class, even when (especially when) they aren’t the only complainers isn’t true. That’s right … the government school teachers are taught to tell bald faced lies.
Eakman insists that the reason for such counsel is that,
1.) It makes the parent complaining feel isolated as if out of a class, which has the children of multiple parents in it, they are the only ones who have a problem. It makes the complaining parents think they are being unduly and unreasonably critical.
2.) It serves to keep parents with the same shared concern from knowing of one anothers existence thus making it easier for the teacher (or in this case the school) to dismiss the complaining parents. If parents knew that there were other parents with their concern it would make the issue and the parents more difficult to control for the teacher.
Several years ago when contending with the local school over their sex education curriculum I had this exact same line — “that you are the first one to complain about this” — pulled on me.
Joe The Plumber For President
Joe Wurzelbacher has become the poster child for middle class Americans who haven’t been dumbed down to cow like stupidity. With Wurzelbacher’s insistence that stealing from people just because they’ve worked hard is always wrong Wurzelbacher defied class envy. Note how shocked the ABC people are.
Joe, if I ever meet you, I’m buying you a beer.