Silver Anniversary

Today my wife and I celebrated our 25th anniversary.

It is difficult for me to understand where the years have gone. I still feel like I’m same old 24 year old I was on the day we were married.

I can’t speak highly enough concerning my wife. She was willing to marry someone who was more then a little rough around the edges, being convinced, for reasons known only to her, that God’s hand was upon my life. Jane has been my closest confidant and God has used her to bring significant stability into my life. Like all good wives she has been patient. In the tradition of all good wives she has only seldom spoken a cross word. She has never betrayed my trust, never wavered in her love for me, never tired of extending forgiveness for my boneheadedness. She has been stellar in all respects. I know, beyond any doubt, that with Jane, I received far better than I deserved. She has been one expression of God’s mercy to me.

Without Jane it is difficult to see how I would have developed the ability to trust people. Without Jane my social skills would be completely in abeyance. Without Jane I wouldn’t have learned how to let things pass.

On our first anniversary we were in Seminary and she had to teach me that Seminary was no excuse for not celebrating anniversaries. On our fifth anniversary we had just started our first pastorate. By then I had learned that celebrating anniversaries was important. We rented a swanky Hotel room that cost us very little due to my connections with the travel industry. Other anniversaries I remember was the one when we picnicked, the one where we got away at a New England Oceanside bed and breakfast, the several where we went out for a night on the town, and the one when I was finally able to buy her a decent anniversary gift.

In the 25 years we’ve been married we have moved six times (five times in the first five years alone). We managed to finish Seminary together where things got so tight we learned how to make garbage soup out of potato peelings, carrot peelings, and boiled chicken or turkey bones. We’ve had three children. We’ve been at two Churches. We’ve traveled quite a bit within the Continental United States (compliments of free flight benefits when I worked at United Airlines), we’ve seen dreams we’ve had squashed without understanding why, and we have repeatedly seen God’s hand of providence as a married couple.

Jane Louise is all that a husband could ask for and more. She is the embodiment of all that Scripture speaks of when it speaks of a godly wife.

I pray my son will one day find a woman as fine as his mother. Every night I go to bed believing and praying that there must be at least one more woman out there like Jane for Anthony.

Happy Anniversary Jane.


After the initial melt down the Government tried to sell the bailout as a investment whereby the Feds could make money on the 700 Billion dollar loan.

Even if the Gov’t made a profit they’d find some dumbass new entitlement in order to fritter away whatever profit they might gain from it.

These people are monumentally stupid. It’s painful and embarrassing to hear many of these “Leaders” speak from the floor. You want to grab a pitchfork and storm the Bastille. Well trained 15 year-olds could out think these morons.

And one more thing …

Never was it more clearly seen that ideas have consequences then this whole fiasco. All of this was set up by the irrational push of egalitarianism. We must put minorities who can’t afford homes into homes they can’t pay for (sub-prime mortgages).

For the Democrats it was just a more sophisticated way to shake down whitey. It was reparations dressed up as a three bedroom house and a two car garage.

For the Republicans, led by Rove and Bush it was a decision to try and make the minorities instantly equal and instantly Republican and so they did all they could to illegitimately jam them in those houses theorizing that home ownership turns one into a voting Republican.

These people belong in the kind of pit that they threw Edmund Dantes in.

To expect these idiots to fix the situation is like giving a license and a bottle to the Captain of the Exxon Valdez while telling him to have another go at that harbor.

Now Here Is A Curio

I just heard on the radio that the Congress won’t be getting back to the Economic problem until Thursday in order to make way for the Jewish Holiday Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) which begins at sundown on Monday September 29 and ends at nightfall on Wednesday October 1. Maybe we can do something to extend the Jewish holiday so that Congress won’t be back in session until the market finds its bottom.

One wonders if all this was happening during the Christmas season if there would be the same sensitivity to the Christian holiday.

Interestingly there are 43 members of the US Congress who are Jewish (29 Democrats / 1 Republican) which represents about 7 % of the house. In the US Senate the Jewish representation is at 13% (9 Democrats 2 Independents 2 Republicans. That is a pretty good representation when you consider Jews comprise about 2.5% of the US population.

What else is interesting is that when you look at those names they comprise some of the most Liberal members of the US Congress.

What This Campaign Could Be If Somebody Had A Little Imagination

You know it wouldn’t be very hard at this point for John McCain to make this election one in which the American people are asked to decide between socialism and freedom. Just recently I read that Obama is slamming McCain for being in favor of deregulation. Well, by necessity this means that Obama is for government regulation.

Why not throw out the confusing terms regulation vs. deregulation and start talking about what is behind those terms. Obama is admitting that he is in favor of Centralized planning of our economy. He is admitting that he is against free markets and free people. It doesn’t get much simpler then this. McCain could campaign on being for freedom while Obama is for slavery. It wouldn’t take that much to paint that picture and paint it convincingly.

One thing though that McCain would have to do is to come out powerfully against this bailout. Then he could travel the country playing the roll of populist and freedom lover both at the same time. He could paint Obama, with his support for the bailout as being for the rich, for socializing our financial sector, and for enslaving the middle class for the next two generations. McCain would ignite a firestorm of support if he just started running against big government socialists.

If McCain did this Palin suddenly becomes even more of an asset because she would be released to be Palin. I honestly believe that woman believes in things like free markets, smaller government, and serious reform but having been tied to McCain she has lost her voice. If McCain would craft this election as Freedom vs. Slavery Palin would be free to voice convictions that come natural to her.

But he won’t do it. He won’t do it because he hasn’t got it in him to see the opportunity that Obama and this crisis is giving him. The American voter isn’t stupid. They are against this bailout and they are against knowing full well that not doing a bailout is going to bring some economic hard times. If McCain would only tap into that it would change everything.

Rebuttal To Article Trying To Shame Those Who Vote Third Party

This article is in response to Gary De Mar bellyaching about Christians voting third party in a recent article written by De Mar.

First, I want to make it clear that Gary De Mar is not an enemy. The disagreement here is tactical and not strategic. Gary and I both share the same strategy of defeating the pagan left. The disagreement here is whether or not Gary’s tactics are counterproductive to achieving his strategy. The disagreement here extends to Gary’s accusations that the tactics of those of us who advocate voting third party are counterproductive to our shared strategy of crushing the pagan left.

First, Gary, like so many others, does not seem to comprehend why voting third party is necessary. Voting third party is necessary to communicate, in the only way that the major parties can understand, a profound discontent that will require substantive change in the major parties before those major parties can hope to attract again the votes of those who are voting third party. If Christians keep voting for Republicans, as Gary advocates, what is communicated to the Republican Party is that there is no necessity for the party to change in the direction of the political convictions of those who have bolted the party to vote third party. If the Republican Party believes the “Christian” vote is in its back pocket it will have no incentive to improve on issues that Christians care about. A Party that believes that it has a constituency that it can’t lose, no matter what, will ignore that constituency.

Second, building third parties, historically, has been a means by which the American Parties segues ideologically to new political positions. In the first couple of decades of the 20th century the Socialist party was a third party that ran Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas as Presidential candidates. Both Debs and Thomas were soundly trounced. What most people don’t know is that the Democratic Party, under the candidacy of Franklin Roosevelt, eventually adopted large portions of the Socialist party platform into the Democratic Party, thus going a long way towards remaking the Democratic Party into the image of the Socialist party. Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas were never elected President but their Party and its ideas changed the Democratic Party forever. Other examples of this phenomenon in history can be recited.

Gary, doesn’t seem to understand that a third Party movement, supported by a healthy minority, though never winning, can work to be the means by which a party transitions ideologically. When Gary chastises people for voting third party and uses his influence to keep Christians from lending third party their strength he is insuring that the Republican Party will never take the Christian vote seriously.

Third, Gary seems to operating under the assumption that if Christians can manage to take over the Republican Party as a vehicle to advance their convictions that those styled “country club” Americans will support the Party. Gary’s reasoning seems to be that if Christians support the Republican Party now, while holding their noses, that what will happen is that other elements of the Republican Party will support De Mar type candidates while holding their noses. This is a questionable assumption on Gary’s part.

Fourth, voting third party is necessary in order to communicate that there are sizable portions of the electorate that are not generally satisfied with the two parties. The way the current two party system works is to funnel people into the major parties so that their vote communicates “general agreement” with the Party. Voting third Party gives a voice to people who are not in “general agreement” with the two Parties. Gary may be able to use his vote to communicate “general agreement” with the Republicans, but I find nothing in the Republican party with which I am in general agreement.

Fifth, voting third party is necessary in order to bring change through incremental gradualism. Those like Gary who advocate voting for Republican as a means by which to incrementally bring about change in the Republican Party would be hard pressed to reveal where any incremental progress has occurred. Indeed, if anything, it would be quite easy to point to incremental regress in the Republican Party (Mega growth in the size of the Government during the Bush administration, Increase of Entitlement programs, Increase in the extension of Empire, Attempt to Socialize the Financial sector of the economy, etc.). Gary, by voting for the Republican Party, communicates approval of this incremental regress.

Finally, on a practical level, we ought to be asking ourselves if we follow Gary’s advice how we are to prevent young Christians who get involved in the GOP to keep from being subsumed by the Borg. One only has to look at Patrick Henry College and their support for anti-home schooler Mike Huckabee to see that while in theory building a college to change the Republican Party from within might have seemed like a good idea, in the end it has just contributed to another educational establishment making good little soldiers for the fascist state as opposed to rebels who will fight the pagan left Borg.

Will Republican sycophants follow these tactics for bringing about significant change in our political process? Probably not. They will bellyache about how some Christians will remain true to their principles and those syophants will continue to compromise trying to achieve their strategic goals by using tactical means that are counter-productive to those stated goals.