McCain believes that we are safer from a 9/11 terrorist attack today then we were on 9/12.
Noted his support for a 9/11 commission, contrary to the Bush administration. Noted his opposition to torture. Noted the need to improve border control.
Obama likewise believes we are safer today then 9/12/01 but believes there are some areas that we have yet to improve upon.
Insists that we need to keep our eyes on Al Quida which he says is in 60 countries, including Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Obama says that he can bring respect back to America that was lost during Bush administration, thus insuring foreign country’s lending their help to us getting terrorist. Obama’s Messianic pretensions comes through in comments like this. Obama seems to be saying, “Elect me, because foreigners will like me.”
Obama keeps saying the Afghanistan is central. McCain says that Iraq is central.
Obama wants to take the savings of 10 billion a month that is spent on Iraq and invest in America (Read — entitlements). Insists that America has been so focused on Iraq that neglect of other areas of US policy, both domestically and internationally, has suffered.
McCain promises to, like a good Nanny, take care of the veterans.