Barney The Dinosaur Says

“These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis. The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.”

US Congressman & Notorious Homosexual Barney Frank
2003 Response To Attempts To Reform Mortgage Industry

And this is one of the key guys who helped fix the problem he created.

Yeah right …

Debate #5 — Terrorism

McCain believes that we are safer from a 9/11 terrorist attack today then we were on 9/12.

Noted his support for a 9/11 commission, contrary to the Bush administration. Noted his opposition to torture. Noted the need to improve border control.

Obama likewise believes we are safer today then 9/12/01 but believes there are some areas that we have yet to improve upon.

Insists that we need to keep our eyes on Al Quida which he says is in 60 countries, including Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Obama says that he can bring respect back to America that was lost during Bush administration, thus insuring foreign country’s lending their help to us getting terrorist. Obama’s Messianic pretensions comes through in comments like this. Obama seems to be saying, “Elect me, because foreigners will like me.”

Obama keeps saying the Afghanistan is central. McCain says that Iraq is central.

Obama wants to take the savings of 10 billion a month that is spent on Iraq and invest in America (Read — entitlements). Insists that America has been so focused on Iraq that neglect of other areas of US policy, both domestically and internationally, has suffered.

McCain promises to, like a good Nanny, take care of the veterans.

Debate #4 — What To Do With Iran / Russia

The Iran question devolved into debate whether it is wise to sit down with lunatic international leaders like the leaders from Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc without some kind of preconditions or meetings at lower levels. Obama says “yes.” McCain say’s “no.”

McCain, in the way he addresses these questions keeps insinuating that Obama is naive on these issues because of his inexperience.

McCain wants to include Georgia and Ukraine into NATO which I think is insane. What would Americans think if Russia desired to bring Mexico and Canada into their orbit of influence. The kind of commitment that McCain wants to give to Georgia and Ukraine is likely to create a flash point where if conflict were to rise with Russia vis a vis Georgia and Ukraine NATO members. Putting Georgia and Ukraine in NATO is another evidence that we still have thirst for Empire.

It’s important to note that Obama agreed with McCain about NATO membership for these former Soviet countries.

Both seemingly desire to treat Russia as adversarial.

Debate #3 — Lessons From Iraq

Obama is a Democratic peacenik. His plans for Iraq will leave it divided into at least three warring countries. Obama wants to withdraw from Iraq, but he offers no intelligent plan on how to get out of Iraq without leaving it as a black-hole. Obama wants to beef up in Afghanistan. He desires to practice the same kind of policies with the dictator of Pakistan as Jimmy Carter practiced with the dictator (Shah) of Iran. Let’s hope the implications of Obama’s similar policies doesn’t end up like the Carter’s policies which eventuated a Muslim state in Iran. Obama desires to set a deadline to get out which traditionally is understood as disastrous in terms of policy since those who are fighting against America can bide their time knowing when troops will leave.

McCain is a neo-con Empire extender. His plan would likely have troops in Iraq forever. McCain obviously has more of what counts for international relations experience. He obviously knows about more warfare. I don’t agree with what would doubtless become McCains military adventurism.

They both turned sentimental on us citing for the national audience how they wear bracelets remembering those who died in battle in Iraq. What was interesting is that the mother who asked McCain to wear her son’s bracelet also asked Senator McCain to make sure her son had not died in vain, while the mother who asked Obama to wear her son’s bracelet asked Senator Obama to not let other sons die in vain.

In the end they are both international interventionists.

Debate #2 — They Just Don’t Get It

Both McCain and Obama seem to think that they will be able to govern the same way in terms of spending — this in spite of the recent financial meltdown. They both want tax cuts without talking substantially about cuts in entitlements. If they do talk about cutting entitlements its only cutting the entitlements that are in keeping with their ideology. However, for every entitlement they want to cut, they have some pet entitlement plan they desire to implement.

Neither want to deeply cut the entitlements.

Both of them are socialists. McCain a national socialist. He desires to take an American socialism and export it internationally. Obama is a international socialist. He desires to take the socialism of the UN and impose it on America.