Obama’s Speech To Be President Of The World

“The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes; natives and immigrants; Christian and Muslim and Jew cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down.”

Barack Hussein Obama
Berlin Speech

I don’t know if I’ve read a speech from an American Politician speaking in such a public context that was more explicitly globalist than the speech delivered by Barack Hussein Obama in Berlin last week. It was clear when reading the speech that Obama has his sites set on something quite loftier than President of These United States. Obama clearly understands that if he is elected as President he is literally the leader of the free world.

There is much that troubles me about Obama’s wall deconstruction vision. Obama wants all kinds of walls to fall choosing the fall of the Berlin wall as a metaphor for barriers in society and between nations that he believes likewise need to come down. The problem is that the metaphor doesn’t work well without some kind of enemy named that needs to be defeated. It is true that the Berlin wall fell but it was only because some enemy (communism) was totally defeated and extinguished. It would seem then, that in order for Obama’s other walls to fall what has to first happen is that an enemy has to be identified so that it may be defeated so that the B. Hussein Obama’s walls can fall.

First, what will a President Obama do to make sure that the walls between the haves and the have not countries will fall? What enemy is to be defeated here? Is the enemy the wealthy? Will they be defeated by his entering into some kind of trans-Atlantic socialistic redistribution of wealth where America will “share” (by plunder) its wealth with those designated as have nots? People don’t generally seem to realize that Marxist plans to tear down walls between countries with the most and countries with the least result not in the country with the least being lifted to a plane of equivalence with the rich country but rather the richer country, as an enemy, is brought down to the same level of misery as the country that has not. Socialism never enriches people, but instead gives those who are impoverished the satisfaction of knowing that everyone is as miserable as they were and are. Tearing down walls between the countries with the most and countries with the least when not pursued in the context of genuinely free market incentives only leads to all countries being equally impoverished and results in the enemy of wealth creators being defeated. If Obama does for the poor countries of Europe what LBJ did for the poor people of America in his war on poverty we are certain to move from our current economic twilight to the darkest midnight. If the walls between the countries with the most and the countries with the least are to fall then some enemy in all this needs to be identified and crushed just as the communists were crushed leading to the fall of the Berlin wall. My guess, given what Obama has spoken about concerning his economic plan, is that the enemy is private property not held by the State. This is the enemy that must be defeated so that the countries with the least can become the equal of the countries with the most.

Second, what will a President Obama do to make the walls fall between races and tribes. Who is to be the enemy identified here? Is the enemy that must be destroyed before the walls fall between races and tribes those who find satisfaction in the race and tribes God placed them? Will President Obama have a forced miscegenation program? Will he give tax incentives to people to marry out of their race and tribe? (By the way… what tribes still exist in Europe?) It is clear as Obama’s speech is read in full that Obama believes in the idea of America being a proposition nation.

“What has always united us – what has always driven our people; what drew my father to America’s shores – is a set of ideals that speak to aspirations shared by all people…

It is his belief that Mongolians, Rwandans, and Venezuelans,et. al. can be genuine Americans if they just believe the same set of ideals. The insistence that a nation is made out of shared culture, shared history, shared sense of homeland, shared religion, and a shared extended family is the enemy that must be destroyed if the walls are to fall between races and tribes. America is to become the universal propositional (set ideal) nation where concrete realities are set aside for abstractions. The walls that come with being a particular people in a particular place with a particular history, religion, culture and lineage must come down. Everyone should understand that the result of the walls falling down between races and tribes is becoming part of one global race and tribe. The pursuit of the erasing of racial, ethnic and cultural distinctions is the pursuit of the Tower of Babel wrapped in soaring egalitarian rhetoric.

Third, a President Obama would tear down the walls between native and immigrant. Consistent with our approach so far, we ask, where is the enemy that needs to be defeated before those walls can fall? I suspect the enemy is the native who cherishes his way of life and how his culture and society is organized and doesn’t desire to pay for his own destruction through confiscatory taxation so as to prop up the, more often than not, illegal immigrant. Immigration in America is being used to destroy what is left of what little remains of Christendom and the lingering memory, kept alive in out of the way lacunae, of what it means to be uniquely American. America’s globalist imperial elite have decided that they desire a constituency that is anything but American and so the walls must fall between native and (illegal) immigrant so that we can achieve status as a universal nation.

Fourth, and perhaps most troubling is that a President Obama desires to tear down the walls between Christians, Jews, and Muslims. And so we ask, who is the enemy that needs to be defeated so that these walls can fall? The answer to that question is any adherent of these particular faiths who take their God and faith seriously. In order for the walls to fall down between these faith expressions the content of these faiths systems must be watered down so that the respective gods in the systems are made subservient to the new faith system that will unite the global village where the distinctions that come with economic variance, race, tribe, homeland, culture, or religion are completely eclipsed. What is ironic here is that the pursuit to tear down the walls between Jews, Christians and Muslims, could conceivably unite them in order to oppose a one world religion.

Obama’s speech in Berlin was boilerplate globalism. He understands that the next epochal move for humanity, as directed by the religion of humanism, is to reconstruct Babel. Before that can be achieved the walls that keep the unitarian and unipolar world from being achieved must be destroyed. This is a different vision from Christianity. Christianity sees a world where walls fall because false religions (Judaism, Islam, humanistic globalism, etc.)are destroyed through the proclamation of the Gospel and Spirit wrought regeneration but where the diversity of races, tribes, and culture is retained and treasured. The vision of the Christian faith and the vision of unipolar humanistic globalism is the difference between heaven and hell.

Dear Pastor — Thank You

Dear Sir,

I’ve bee reading through your R2kt virus posts. I can’t tell you how important they are to me. I started attending a PCA church infected with this perspective and it took a long time and a lot of studying to realize where all this was coming from (Westminster West it turns out). I’m now running a mile from the place thankful that the Lord opened my eyes when he did.

Thank you for taking the time to write on this subject.


Name Withheld

The Banner

“We’re no longer going to be united by the Form of Subscription binding us to the confessions. We’re only going to be united by subscription to The Banner.”

Heard from a Calvin Theological Seminary Professor
At the Christian Reformed 2008 Synod

I’m somewhat confident that this was said tongue in cheek. I am also somewhat confident that it was a case of half in jest all in earnest.

Personally, I think this is already true to a large extent. As doctrinal preaching continues to be in decline in all American Churches including the Christian Reformed Church that which binds the CRC denominational membership together is the one thing that they have in common and that one thing they have in common, denominationally speaking is The Banner.

I am fairly confident that one reason why the decision was made to send The Banner free to the home of all CRC members was that it might serve as a kind of touchstone for its membership. If The Banner is the one thing in the denomination that everyone reads then The Banner becomes a kind of literary glue holding the denomination together while serving at the same time as an ideological information guide on what to believe.

This is disconcerting. In the nearly 14 years I have been associated with the Christian Reformed Church The Banner has been a publication that reflects the mainline liberal influence in the denomination. A denomination, thus united by subscription to The Banner will be a denomination that is characterized by the pursuit of a politically correct multi-cultural agenda. Anybody who disagrees with The Banner will certainly be free to do so, but because The Banner is serving as that which glues the denomination together the person who disagrees with The Banner will automatically be seen as the one out of step with the denominational consensus.

Ever since I’ve pastored a CRC church people would tell me that I shouldn’t worry over what The Banner reports because, after all, that’s just The Banner. I thought they were wrong before and I think they are wrong now. The Banner is monumentally significant in the life of the CRC and the sooner everybody realizes that the sooner people might be more concerned about what does and doesn’t get printed in The Banner.

Where Is The Battle Fiercest?

“The battlefield where the devil has amassed his greatest forces and is thrusting his deadliest armies is the surrender of our national sovereignty and independence, and the creation of global government. And it is our own political and corporate leaders that are facilitating this chicanery. Furthermore, by refusing to oppose this surrender, our Christian leaders are complicit as well.”

Chuck Baldwin
Presidential Candidate — Constitution Party

Though I will vote for Mr. Baldwin in November this statement is utterly false. Make no mistake, National sovereignty and independence are crucial but they are not where old slewfoot is gathering his deadliest armies. Old slewfoot understands that National sovereignty and independence will drop into his lap like over-ripe fruit if he uses his deadliest armies to attack the sovereignty and independence of God.

America’s incremental loss of National sovereignty and independence is because of a increasing surrender to the armies of General Slewfoot of the notion of God’s absolute sovereignty and independence. If Candidate Baldwin desires to rescue America’s sovereignty and independence he must see that where the battle rages hottest in that contest is in pulpit’s throughout America. When the Church surrenders a sovereign and independent God it is only a matter of time until the people in the wider culture surrender their National sovereignty and independence. If we will not bow to God’s eternal sovereignty and independence it will only be a matter of time until we surrender our independence in order to bow to the temporal sovereignty of some usurper.

America was founded as a nation by a people who understood God’s absolute sovereignty and independence. The colonialists shook off attempts at English sovereignty going into battle with battle cries like, “no King but King Jesus.” Their descendants, having lost their Father’s sense of God’s sovereignty and independence, will inevitably come under the dominion of some tyrant’s sovereignty.

Candidate Baldwin will never win in the worthy cause of restoring a sense of National sovereignty and independence if the nation is in the spiritual bondage that comes from denying God’s absolute sovereignty and independence. The Battle therefore is not hottest on the score of National sovereignty and independence. That is just a brushfire skirmish. Where the real Battle rages and where Satan is attacking with his fiercest serpentine army is America’s pulpits. The reason National sovereignty and independence is such an issue is that the American clergy have given up on God’s total and absolute sovereignty and independence. They will not be rallied to oppose globalism until they are rallied to oppose the encroachments in the Church against God’s sovereignty.

I applaud Candidate Baldwin’s fight against globalism and I join him in it but I realize that the fight against globalism (tower of Bableism) will never be won until God is seen to be as sovereign as He never ceases to be.

Bias And Advocacy Journalism

Back in 1971 Edith Efron wrote “The News Twisters.” Her thesis was that the major media was distinctly liberal in its reporting. She used the coverage of the 1968 election to prove her thesis. The book was a bombshell in the Media Centers of this country and much time was subsequently spent by leftists seeking to deconstruct Efron’s thesis.

Thirty Seven years later one would have to be brain dead to not notice the advocacy journalism that exists in America. If you watch the major media market you’ll see them selling Barack Hussein Obama the way that Ivory used to sell soap. One indication of the infatuation of all things Obama one notices is that all three major news network anchors followed Obama on his recent World Tour much like Deadheads used to follow the Grateful Dead from venue to venue. Another indication of the bias for Obama by major media outlets was the recent refusal of the New York Times to print a submitted editorial by Republican Presidential candidate Juan Mequeno after Barack Hussein Obama had an editorial published.

On the other hand if you listen to talk radio you hear a constant anti-Obama drumbeat. The difference is that talk radio tends to admit their bias while the major media outlets still pretend to objectivity. Another difference seems to be that while the liberal major media bias is clearly pro-Obama, talk radio is more anti-Obama then they are pro-Mequeno.

From this we need to realize that we are now living in a time that is much like Europe has experienced for decades, which is to say that we live in a time of advocacy journalism. It is folly on any news consumer’s part to think that by listening or reading any one news outlet they can find out what the truth is, unless they have the infrequently found ability to listen and read the news looking for what has been left out or barely mentioned.

The problem with advocacy journalism is bad enough but it is compounded by the reality that for all the different journalistic advocacy that is going on, with all its supposed differences, it is pushing products that are surprisingly the same. What I mean by that is the advocacy battle by the different media outlets that is going on in the Presidential campaign is like a battle between those who favor mashed potatoes against those who favor fried potatoes. If your a person who doesn’t like potatoes at all you don’t see much difference and what you’d like to see is somebody advocating baked apples.

Christians need to realize the reality of advocacy journalism in order to practice reading for what is not present or for what is not emphasized. Christians also need to realize, as it touches the Presidential campaign, there is nobody in the major media outlets or the radio talk show outlets, who are advocating baked apples. In order to find baked apples advocacy one needs to turn to genuinely minority news outlets.

In order to find some journalism that will get one out of the rut of the majority news outlets I recommend John Lofton and the American View ( www.theamericanview.com ) as well as the covenant news and backwater report outlets ( www.covenantnews.com , www.backwaterreport.com). John Lofton of the American view is very direct and pointed in his radio interviews and some people take exception to what they consider a “ambush approach” but personally I like Lofton’s approach as it does not allow people who are being interviewed to avoid the contradictions in their views or policies.

At the very least a dedicated reading of these alternate news and opinion sites for 6 months will help one see what is often left out in the other advocacy outlets.