Rev. Sacha Walicord Goes After R2K

Someone else is finally saying it. Start @ 19 minute mark.

Key quote;

“Christ is the mediator of this covenant of grace and here is something we need to hear — especially have to hear in the United Reformed Churches, as increasingly our people are being confused with a false understanding of exactly this topic. You have to understand that the Law and the Gospel are not opposites. They are in full harmony as Paul in vs. 21 reiterates … He asks exactly the question that has been plaguing the United Reformed Churches and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church for a along time; ‘Is the law then contrary to the promises of God? Certainly not’ he says. How much clearer do we want it? How crafty does it get with our enmity against the law of God? How deception can preachers become in luring our people away from the truth – away from a wonderful benefit of the covenant of grace, (of God’s dictated order of life) and changing the Gospel into something else?

And Paul continues, ‘If a law had been given that could give life then righteousness would indeed be by the law.’ Now this describes exactly the trap in which many of the contemporary Reformed have fallen. They do rightly understand that we have been saved through faith in Jesus Christ but they go ahead and say, “Since it is the promise and not the law that saves we have to abandon the law’ and they become anti-nomians. They become enemies of the law – discarding the law altogether. They portray the Law and the Gospel as contrarians – as competitors and they pit the two, as it were, against each other, just like the Marcions of old did with their heresy. That’s in its core the fasle understanding and the false doctrine — the so-called Radical Two Kingdom doctrine, which is being heavily promoted by a seminary on the west coast and by many of its graduates almost cult like — even in our Federation and we have to begin of calling this out this as what it is. It is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But it is another Gospel.

There I said it with all the possible repercussions and consequences. It (R2K) is another Gospel.

Because that is clearly not what the Bible teaches and that is not Gospel that Paul preaches who driven by the Holy Spirit says just the opposite.

Dr. Rev. Sacha Walicord

Wherein A. W. Pink Face-Plants David Van Drunen on the Noahic Covenant

“ [the Noahic Covenant] concerns ordinary cultural activities (rather than special acts of worship or religious devotion), it embraces the human race in common (rather than a holy people that are distinguished from the rest of the human race), it ensures the preservation of the natural and social order (rather than the redemption of this order), and it is established temporarily (rather than permanently)”

~ David Van Drunen, LGTK, p. 79.


A.W. Pink commenting on Scofield’s view of the Noahic covenant as a common covenant pertaining simply to temporal matters:

“It seems pitiable that at this late date it should be necessary to labor a point which ought to be obvious to all God’s people. And obvious it would be, at least when pointed out to them, were it not that so many have had dust thrown into their eyes by carnal “dispensationalists” and hucksters of “prophecy.” Alas, that I myself once had my own vision dimmed by them, and even now I often have to exert myself in order to refuse to look at things through their colored spectacles. That there were temporal benefits bestowed upon Noah and his seed in Jehovah’s covenant grant is just as sure as that Noah built a tangible altar and offered real sacrifices thereon. But to confine those benefits to the temporal, and ignore (or deny) their spiritual import, is as excuseless as would be a failure to discern Christ and His sacrifice in what Noah presented and which was a “sweet savour” unto God.

Yet so dull of spiritual comprehension are many of God’s own people, so prejudiced and stupefied are they by the opiates which false teachers have ministered to them, we must perforce proceed slowly, and take nothing for granted. Therefore, before we seek to point out the various typical, mystical, and spiritual features of the Noahic covenant, we must first establish the fact that something more than the temporary interests of this earth or the material well-being of its inhabitants was involved in what God said to our patriarch in Genesis 9. Nor is this at all a difficult matter.”

Divine Covenants

Machen the Kinist

“Human institutions are really to be molded, not by Christian principles accepted by the unsaved, but by Christian men; the true transformation of society will come by the influence of those who have themselves been redeemed … [I]t is not true that the Christian evangelist is interested in the salvation of individuals without being interested in the salvation of the race.”

J. Gresham Machen
Christianity & Liberalism — pg. 158-159