Benevolent and Sovereign God
Would you not see the needs of thy people for thy name’s sake? See the exposure of your remnant and rise up, O Lord, to defend thy people. By thy mighty Spirit cleanse thy Church that we might once again be a set apart vessel that thou is pleased to dwell in. Deliver us from false Shepherds and wolves in our midst. Raise up again stalwart men to defend thy honor and name and to care for the tender lambs of thy Holy flock.
Set loose the tongues of those that serve you to speak in earnestness and authority. Grant, to them not only the minds to think your thoughts after you but then also the oratory to be convincing or condemning before men as you please.
Sovereign God, we confess that we are worthy of your Chastening. We have played the part of the harlot and our affections have been spent on those things that can not satisfy. But, O Sovereign God, in thy just chastening, remember mercy. For thy name’s sake keep thy people that they might once again sing the glories of thy covenant faithfulness.
Arise, O Lord Christ, and renew thy Church. For the good of thy own name let not thy people go into eclipse or to become a reputation against you. Cleanse us O Lord, and equip us again to be your agents and ambassadors in a World that desperately needs the Witness of Christ in its midst.
Give us confidence again to believe that Scripture is knowable and is a sure and certain Word against man’s word of flux.
We are shut up unto you Protector Sovereign. We have no place left to turn. The hour is late. If you will not turn us we will not be turned.
Come quickly to renew us Lord Christ