Of Pious Christian Colleges, Extra Large Drag Queens, & Notable Alumni

So, an old College buddy this morning directed me to the WIKI page for my Alma Mater wherein I discover a section that it has a list of “Notable Alumni.” I was shocked not to have been on that list. Beyond that, keep in mind that this school (Marion College when I attended… Indiana Wesleyan University today) was and remains the flagship college for the Wesleyan church. IWU is the place that Wesleyans send their sons to be trained to be ministers in their churches. When I attended chapel was required and there was a ‘Spiritual Emphasis Week” every year.

Back to our list of Notable Alumni. Now, I may not be able to communicate the humor in all this as it kind of lands in the territory of an “inside joke.” However, I’ll give it a try.

There was a chap on the Notable Alumni list I was friends with when I attended. His name is Joseph Adda. Somewhere there is a photo of Joe and me on graduation day standing together w/ our diplomas in graduate gowns and mortar caps. Joe, it seems went on to be a member of the Ghana parliament. There is another chap who was a high ranking official at one time in Syria. But the one that really caught my eye and filled me with mirth was Notable alumni Silky Nutmeg Ganache whose claim to fame per WIKI was being a Drag Queen and Contestant on Season 11 of RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Here is just one of many Silky Nutmeg photos you can find on the web;


Now the humor here is not at the expense of that poor creature going by the name of Silky Nutmeg Ganache. He is in a bad way. The humor is that Silky would be listed as a Notable Alumni of this Indiana Wesleyan University. You see IWU is a real buttoned-down Institution afflicted with the typical kind of uptight pietism that one often finds among Christians (especially as existing in the Holiness tradition). Now, it’s been 40 years since I was a student and 10 years since I was on campus last but IWU was afflicted with the polyester panted AMEN corner who thought coloring outside the lines was something only pagans did. IWU was run by the God, baseball, and American pie crowd. These chaps had such starched piety that they would wrap the Christian flag around them as sleepwear. If IWU were a woman it would have to have been said to her what Rhett Butler said to Scarlett O’Hara… “You need kissed; and badly.” Given all that reality and then to see IWU have a Notable Alumni named Silky Nutmeg who is famous for being a Drag Queen enters into a humor orbit heretofore undiscovered.

To be honest, the piety of Indiana Wesleyan University and the Wesleyans in general probably needs a few more Silky Nutmegs as a graduate. Maybe IWU will start a “Drag Queens Honors Program?”

Silky Nutmeg … I sincerely hope you discover the goodness of God in the land of the living but even if you don’t I thank you for the belly laugh this morning at IWU’s expense.

What Bringeth the Biden?

OK … If Biden is Inaugurated Wednesday this is what I expect over the next 6-9 months.

1.) Re-commitment to Paris climate accords
2.) Return to Obama Iran “peace” treaty
3.) Turning off the tap of Keystone oil pipeline
4.) Signing the Equality Act
5.) Signing the Net Neutrality Act (Beware euphemisms)
6.) Electronic Health Passports
7.) Laws governing the production of ammunition
8.) Gun buyback program
9.) Beginnings of Green New Deal programs
10.) Amnesty for 30 Million Illegal Immigrants
11.) Some kind of Student debt forgiveness program
12.) Beginning of Reparations debate
13.) Aggressive programs to transfer wealth; whites to minorities
14.) Return to fairness act enforced by FCC
15.) A push to shut down homeschooling.

I’m sure there are others not that it matters. Once #10 is implemented it is all over in terms of a conservative backlash.

Remember, the Dems hold both the Senate and the House. Party discipline will be at maximum effort. Joe Manchin isn’t going to save your Keester.

The FEDS know they are ruling against the interest of the governed, therefore expect their implementation to be ruthless.

There is one more I thought of including but didn’t since I’m not sure they would do this since the Church is so little of a threat. However, it is possible there will be legislation cracking down on what can and cannot be said from pulpits.

Biden has already made clear that his administration will go out of its way to help minority and women-owned small businesses. This is how the transfer of wealth from whites to minorities will begin. Also, this transfer of wealth will be accomplished by the continued confiscatory taxation of the white middle class which will be committed to minorities in “social safety-net (hammocks) programs.”

The descendants of Europe — even those moderately liberals — who are not perverts are about to learn what Southerners learned between 1865-1877 and that is what it means to be ruled by one’s ethnic and ideological enemies. There is no use in denying this. At every turn, we read that some problem that needs to be addressed is the fault of white racists. Biden’s recent appointments to his Climate team, Maggie Thomas and Cecelia Martinez have cited racial inequality as perpetuating climate change, arguing that the Biden administration’s environmental policy must be centered on “racial and economic justice.” Biden’s appointment to the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Christine Clark is on record as stating that whites are inferior to blacks. Quoting approvingly an Academic, Carol Barnes, Clark said, “that human mental processes are controlled by melanin. That same chemical, which gives blacks their superior, physical, and mental abilities.”

I understand that all of this is committing the sin of noticing but if the Christian descendants of Europe don’t wake up to how they are being singled out for economic persecution they will soon not have the muster to resist in any respect their planned demise. Christian Sons of Japheth the intent is to turn you into hewers of wood and drawers of water.

Celebrating St. MLK Day in my Own Unique Fashion

I am not a fan of MLK day. It is akin to S. Africans celebrating Nelson Mandela day, or Ugandans celebrating Idi Amin day, or Chinese celebrating Mao Tse Tung day. It’s like celebrating poop. Who celebrates poop? MLK was a vile human being who embraced Marxist tenets, was surrounded by Communist Lieutenants, is now recognized as plagiarizing his way through life, and whose marriage ethic made Coretta Scott King the most cheated on woman in America. All this information is public knowledge. (You better get the books that detail all of it before they drop down the coming memory hole if you want to read how all this is substantiated.) If blacks need a hero (and every people group needs heroes) why couldn’t they settle on Booker T. Washington instead of allowing White Marxists to pick their heroes for them?

When it comes to King we simply have embraced the journalistic truism that teaches that when one is confronted on writing the truth of a man or on the legend of the man; write the legend. MLK was not noble… was not a visionary … was not a pacifist. He was insufferably cruel to his wife, to the hookers he paid good money to and if we are to believe President Lyndon Baines Johnson, MLK was a “hypocritical preacher.”

Much of King’s most famous works and speeches were largely plagiarized. The Doctoral thesis that made MLK, Dr. MLK is now routinely recognized as having major portions of it completely, word for word, plagiarized. MLK’s “I Have A Dream” speech was plagiarized in significant portions. MLK’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” had portions that were significantly plagiarized. The man is a phony completely created by the Communist propaganda of the Left.

However, all of the above seems to make very little influence on people so I have taken to playing the jester to this hallowed of all days.

In honor of MLK’s ubiquitous plagiarizing I have gathered some quotes from MLK that many believe were said by other men but which were really as original to MLK.

(1) “We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in Washington DC, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

(2) “Libertae, fraternitae, egalitae.”

(3.) “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself.”

(4) “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

(5) “If you have seen me you have seen the father.”

(6) “Love, love me do
You know I love you
I’ll always be true
So please, love me do
Whoa, love me do”

(7) “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”

(8) “I am not a crook.”

(9) “Is Paul dead?”

(10) ” We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first—rock ‘n’ roll or Christianity.”

Tales From The Crypt — Corporate Culture

Sometime around 1990 I was working unloading baggage for the Major Airline carrier I worked at for 13 years. After unloading the luggage I went inside the baggage area to make sure all was well with the passengers picking up their baggage.h Shaniqua was the agent who that evening was working the lost baggage office the evening in question. Shaniqua did not like me because I refused to kiss the back of her front by insisting that she pull her weight working along with everyone else. Shaniqua was bad about stiffing her fellow employees in terms of sharing the workload. On that evening I had the keys to the baggage office which she needed. She was about 10 feet away from me and I lazily tossed the keyring to Shaniqua, pivoted to return to the baggage tug, and be on my way to my work thinking nothing about having tossed the keyring to her.

The next day I get called into the “bosses” office. Shaniqua had reported to the Manager that I had not lazily tossed the keys to her (in a large bending unthreatening arc) but rather I had maliciously thrown the keys at her and worse yet, “almost hit her” with that Medieval weapon. As such Moe (the Boss) was informing me that he would be putting a letter in my work file declaring “I was racist.”I assured Moe he would be doing no such thing and that in the face of his contretemps and protests to the contrary. In his words, he was “tired of your racism.” And this despite the fact that nobody in management had ever said a peep to me on “my racism.” What Moe didn’t know is that I was connected to some uptown high profile lawyers at that time in life. So, after work that day I picked up the phone and gave my lawyer friend a call. I told the lawyer I just wanted this to go away. The lawyer was more interested in filing a significant suit against this Forbes fortune 500 corporation. I finally talked the lawyer in just making it all go away. He relented and said he could do that.

About a week later one of the other employees who had heard about the situation told me that a letter had arrived at the station from the uptown Lawyer company; “McPherson, Riley & Smith.” I just nodded in acknowledgment of that information.

About another week after that I walked into Mo’s office and start pressuring about seeing the letter in my file that he promised stating I was a “racist.” Moe started tripping over his words speaking gibberish about how he had changed his mind. I just smiled and walked out of the office.

However, I had to pay for that stunt because when the next raise came along Moe cheated me a significant amount out of the raise that was supposed to be automatic. I found that out years later. I’ve always been convinced that when they closed that station Shaniqua and Moe were relieved to be done with dealing with me. Moe, because he couldn’t handle the racial tensions arising from having a core group wouldn’t work and because he couldn’t handle another core group who wasn’t going to put up with doing their own job and somebody else’s at the same time.

I have regretted several times over the years that I didn’t let that lawyer get into the pockets of that Airline the way he tried to talk me into when I first spoke to him.

A Prayer For A Christian People

Grant to our son’s unblemish’d ways
As learned from their Father’s honorable days
Grant to our daughter’s purity refined
Modeled by generations of Mothers design
Grant us a Nation conversant with peace
Yet powerful enough to make wars cease
Grant us the inheritance of home and place
Where our families can spread to be a glorious race
Grant us the renown to make thy name great
That all thy enemies fall before thee prostrate
Hear our prayer; be pleased to favor these requests
That Nations may know we are your seed whom you’ve blest