The Bible Characters Who Nobly Lied

19 Elisha told them, “This is not the road and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for.” And he led them to Samaria.

  II Kings 6:19

Here Elisha lies to his enemies who have been struck blind after his prayer to that end. Elisha tells the blind Syrian company that he will lead them to Elisha but instead leads them into entrapment and surrender.

Elisha lied.

RJR offers,

“Like Rahab in Jericho and the Hebrew midwives to Pharaoh, Elisha saw no morality in telling the truth to men determined to do evil and murder…. God does not condemn Elisha. Truth must serve God and His justice. Not evil.”

The Pietism of modern-day Christianity insists that when Abraham lied twice about Sarah being his sister and not his wife that Abraham sinned even though the Scripture never declares that. As Rushdoony says above we do not owe the truth to those who will use the truth to persecute God’s people, or who will use the truth to kill the judicially innocent.

250 Words on God’s Sovereignty

God’s name and God’s glory are so tightly wound up with God’s sovereignty that an attack on God’s sovereignty is an attack on God’s name and glory. The theme of Scripture is the pursuit of God for the glory of His name as demonstrated by His absolute sovereignty. Even in the complex of Redemptive events fully flowered in the death, resurrection, ascension, and session of our Lord Christ what is front and center is the pursuit of God in glorifying His name as demonstrated by His absolute sovereignty. Even in the salvation and judgment of man and men the center is not man but God pursuing the glorification of His name via the demonstration of His Sovereignty. The Justification of man thus is not the teleological end of God’s doing. No, the teleological end of our Justification is our entering into God’s pursuit to glorify God’s name by living and defending the Sovereignty of God in all He does.

As this is true the Biblical Christian is the most formidable of all opponents because when he arises to speak, he arises at that same time to promote the name and glory of the Sovereign God he is bound to by the strongest cords of tender gratitude. Cords of tender gratitude because being convinced of his own sin his heart is full of gratitude towards the God who promoted His glory and name by sovereignly saving him despite who he knows himself to be.

The Sovereignty of God … no hope without it.

The FEDS Continued Work to Make Us Exiles in Our own Land

In ancient warfare, the victor would often deport populations to other locations. This was for the purpose of making sure there would be no strength left in order to rise up again by the conquered peoples. At the same time, the victor would move in aliens and foreigners into the land conquered so as to ensure a diversity that could not come to an agreement to make war. In all this, there was also the punitive side of losing a war. Most people don’t know this but this was true of the American War of Northern Aggression.  The women and children of Rowsell, GA were forcibly deported by train to the north for the crime of making cloth for the Confederate government. They seem to have been lost to history. Elsewhere, nearly 30,000 families were driven out of their homes in western Missouri and made refugees under Order No. 11 issued by the Lincoln government. All of this action was perfectly consistent with deporting a native population while importing an alien population.  Similarly, the Irish were deported under Cromwell to quell unrest and then Scots Covenanters likewise under James II. Josef Stalin also did this kind of thing after WW II in order to pacify insurgent populations — especially the Balkans. This is a tried and true technique for controlling restive populations.

The point here is that we in the States are undergoing 1/2 of this same ancient technique right now in the States. We, evidently being a conquered people, are now being salted with aliens and foreigners to the end of creating in us such diversity that we will never again be able to rise up to throw off the chains of our captors. Government-sponsored immigration — legal and illegal — is the movement of the Conqueror upon a defeated people and is perhaps the clearest indicator that the Federal Government is now ruling against the will of the people to the end of conquering the people the FEDS are supposed to be serving.

The poet Bertolt Brecht captured this idea in this poem, “The Solution.”

After the uprising of the 17th June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?

By its policy on immigration, bogus refugee status, and the asylee program, as well as proposed legislation on how voting is conducted that if passed will allow for cheating on a routine and unprecedented scale the Federal Government is seeking to dissolve the people so that another can be elected. Our own government is waging a hot war against traditional Americans and so far the response of historic Americans has been nugatory.

Exposing the Stupid Blathering of Liberal Greg Johnson Aimed at Fundamentalists

“Fundamentalism is too simple and too easy to be true. Its cavalier spirit with God’s glory is the first indicator of its falsity. When all answers are simple, all of the rules clear and easily kept, when doubt and fear and bewilderment and mystery are disavowed and disallowed where certainty about all things is the only permissible path, and leaders exist not to point beyond themselves but to enforce unchallengeable conformity to themselves, there you have fundamentalism in all of its ferocious, shaming, soul-shriveling horror. It is exactly there where you may find many forms of religion, but also exactly there where you won’t find the authentic Christian Faith confessed, explored, & lived. It is one reason why contemporary Evangelicalism is in such disarray & those with questions flee its quarters. A recovery of the Evangelical spirit marked by a humble, thoughtful, & deep reception of Scripture combined with a respectful, humble deep reception of people – the single-hearted double listening that arises from the twin loves of the Great Commandments – must become a priority.”
David Cassidy
Co-Signed Greg Johnson
Fundamentalism is typically the first stick that a liberal fundamentalist like Greg Johnson (he of sodomite but celibate PCA Minister fame) will reach for when he’s been turned to jelly in an argument by an orthodox Christian. I have found that Liberals are consistently the most Fundamentalist people I know. In what follows below I hope to expose Liberal fundamentalism by making them eat their own words.
1.) How much more simple and easy can Liberalism be if all it has to do to stake its superiority is to claim that its opposition is “too simple and easy to be true?” I mean … such a claim is hardly the stuff out of which profundity is made.
2,) Cassidy and Johnson assert but do not demonstrate that Fundamentalism has a cavalier spirit as it concerns God’s glory. I can make the same assertion. “Liberal fundamentalism has a cavalier spirit as it concerns God’s glory.” See, that was easy, and like Cassidy and Johnson, I’m dead serious about that.
3.) In Liberal fundamentalism all answers are simple. How do I know that? Because the answer is always characterized by the lack of certainty that says, “I’m not sure,” as if doubt is somehow an automatically superior position to take. Never mind that the Liberal Fundamentalist is absolutely certain about their uncertainty and if you challenge their certainty in uncertainty then you’re a fundamentalist prig who is always committing the sin of certainty.
4.) Look, you can’t get much more simple than someone telling you, “All the rules are unclear and so can’t be kept.” You can’t get much more simple than telling people, “It’s all bewilderment and mystery so do what thou wilt.” You can’t get much more simple when uncertainty about all things is the only permissible path. You can’t get much more simple than having leaders who point beyond themselves to a great realm of mystery, uncertainty, and bewilderment. In all this one finds Liberal fundamentalism with its demanded conformity to the leader’s insistence that nothing is knowable with certainty, and that doubt is good, fear is understandable, and uncertainty is to be treasured above all prizes.
5.) Liberal Fundamentalism is exactly where you find all forms of mystery religions but also exactly where you won’t find authentic Biblical Christianity confessed, explored, & lived.
All of this is one reason why Liberal Fundamentalism can never provide a satisfying resolution for those seeking answers by which to live. Liberal fundamentalism is in disarray and thinking people are forever fleeing its quarters. We must have a recovery of the Evangelical faith marked by a humble, thoughtful, and deep reception of the certainty that comes from being confident that the Scripture gives us a sure and certain “thus saith the Lord,” to which we can find a sure foundation and not the slippery forever changing base that Liberal fundamentalism offers.
Only with a sure and certain Word can we fulfill the twin commandment requirement to love God and our neighbor.
There is no hope in the dead and uncertain faith of Liberal fundamentalism which Cassidy and Greg Johnson champion.

Ignore their bloviating. It means nothing. Besides, they can’t be certain that they are right because that would be committing the sin of certainty.

The Nations and Their Gods

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance. Ps. 33:12


Has it ever changed that any nation or people are not a nation and people of some god? I see no evidence of that idea anywhere in the Scriptures. Nations and peoples remain as organized by and identified with their god or gods. This is an inescapable category. And if this is true we are forced to ask, which god is the god of our country and people?

Consider that as every civil government is a law structure, and all laws are simply enacted morality, and all morality has a theological foundation, and to have a theological foundation is to have a god that is driving the morality which is driving the laws. So whatever law structure a nation has is inescapably theological. Thus, the state is an establishment of religion as that religion is a reflection of some god. Thus all nations and people, as seen by their law system, still belong to some god or gods.

Which brings us back to the text and causes us to ask, “Can we be characterized as a people belonging to the Lord?” Of course, we belong to the Lord as belonging to the Church … and as belonging to Him familially and individually. But as we belong to a people, we need to ask do we as a nation … as a people belong to God? The Saudis belong to Allah. Japan belonged to the Emperor-god at one time. I think as I look around I would have to say the Americans belong to some Sodomite god. We hate children as seen by our abortion stats. We have legalized sodomite coupling. We have laws forcing Christians to do business with the perverted. Or maybe our god should just be called Demos and it is the case that the voice of a perverted people is the voice of our perverted god?

But be sure of this much… it is still the case that all nations (all peoples) belong to some god or gods. A nation (people) belonging to God or some god is an inescapable concept and this explains why we as Christians should be in friction with our larger culture because our God and the pretender god of this “nation” who we have empowered in this country are in conflict.