Remembering D-Day — 77 Years Later

On this day in 1944, the Allies stormed Normandy. This was contrary to easier approaches that would have meant fewer casualties in order to defeat Germany. The route that should have been taken was attacking Germany through Italy. This would have preempted a Stalinist take over of Central Europe. Naturally, Stalin was opposed to this alternate route demanding as he had for some time, that the Allies invade France. FDR finally sided with Stalin over Churchill’s objective with the consequences that many more Allied lives were lost that would have otherwise been necessary and Stalin would occupy much more territory than he otherwise would have gained.

The result of landing at Normandy as combined with the refusal to the request of both Patton and Montgomery to move laser-like towards Berlin as opposed to fighting on a broad front extended the war longer than was necessary, again giving Stalin time to roll into Berlin.

The whole of American involvement in WW II was a MASSIVE MISTAKE that was undertaken by people who were more concerned about Bolshevik and Zionist interests than they were concerned about American Interests.
The boys who died on Normandy were murdered by a fifth column occupied US Government before they were murdered by Germans.

No one doubts the bravery of those Allied lads on the beaches of Normandy. One could only wish on this 77th anniversary of D-Day that their bravery could have arisen earlier before they were drafted — bravery that would have resisted their own Government.

The only result that anyone will remember from WW II in 100 years is that because of it the globe was covered with Communism AND the Khazars were provided with a homeland.

FDR? Churchill? DeGaulle? … they were every bit of much the sons of Satan that Hitler, Stalin, and Hirohito were.

RIP … the Normandy boys who took orders without thinking about it. Brave you were. Informed you were not.

In the end one needs only to look at the result of a War to know what the war was being fought over.

1.) The end of World War II empowered Bolshevism in Eastern Europe, Central Europe, and very soon thereafter China. Therefore, one must conclude that WW II was about making Communism a global power.

2.) The end of WW II saw Zionist Israel positioned to become a Nation state. Therefore, we must conclude that WW II was fought for the sake of Zionism as well as Communism.

3.) A year before the end of WW II saw the implementation of a new Global economic order as secured @ Bretton Woods I. Therefore, we must conclude that WW II was fought in order to create a new Economic Global Elite.

4.) WW II ended with the creation of the United Nations. The UN was intended to be a kind of Global Police order that could operate as independent from Nation-States. Therefore, we must conclude that WW II was fought to create a New World Order.

Francis Nigel Lee On The Christian View Of Nations

“Christian philosophy views the nation as a God-ordained dynamic category which necessarily would have originated even if sin had never occurred, by men leaving their parents and multiplying and replenishing and ultimately subjugating the entire earth outside of Eden, whence they would thus have emigrated. And even before the destruction of the tower of Babel, Semitic, Hamitic, and Japhethitic or Indo-Germanic clans and embryonic nations were already distinguishable (Gen. 10). Sin did, of course, have a very detrimental effect on developing nationality, yet the dynamic confounding of tongues into the various languages at Babel (Gen. 11) was sanctified by the just as dynamic speaking in tongues on the day of Pentecost; yet Pentecost did not annul nationality as such. Hence Paul, even after his conversion to Christianity, remained a Jew of the Jews; even though for evangelization reasons, he was always ready to become a gentile for the gentiles. So nations are ordained, created, preserved, and sanctified by the Lord, and will probably still be identifiable as nations on the new earth.”
Dr. Francis Nigel Lee
Communism vs. Creation — pg. 140
1.) Per Lee… the nation is biologically/genetically oriented as it is family telescoped and enlargened through the generations. Biblically speaking and so normatively speaking there is no nation apart from shared blood. That this is true is seen throughout the Scripture as nations are defined by their shared ancestry (i.e. – Moabites, Edomites, Ammonites, Ishmaelites, etc.).  The whole idea of multicultural nations, except in the most restrained sense, is a completely modern idea.
2.) Per Lee… the nations were uniquely Semitic, Hamitic, and Japhethetic finding common ancestors in Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 
3.) Social order organization by nations then is, per Lee, the normative and biblical standard for men.
4.) Pentecost, per Lee, sanctified Babel and did not reverse Babel.
5.) Nations will exist as nations even in the New Jerusalem of the eschaton.
Hence, to fight against Nations and by extension, Biblical Nationalism is to fight against God.
Now, one can disagree with all this if one desires, but if one disagrees with this one is disagreeing with the universal thinking of the Church prior to 1950 or so. What Francis Nigel Lee offers up here is basic Christianity 101 for nearly 2000 years.
Keep in mind that Lee is writing this in this book to put into relief what Christianity believes contra Communism on the subject of Nations.

Unfettered Sex Brings Unfettered Death

A social order trajectory that begins with unconstrained libidinous passion will end in social order horror that consumes individuals, families, and nations. For example, the French intelligentsia philosophes embarked on the trajectory of emancipating the sexual impulse from the moral order and the end result was the tender strokes of Madame la Guillotine. What began as a loosening of sexual mores ended with the loosening of heads off of shoulders.

Consider also, as an example, the Weimar Republic of the 1920s. What began as the Sexual cabaret of Europe in the 1920s where every kind of fetish and deviance possible could be had for the right price ended with unnamed tyranny and rampant death for the “fatherland.”

Consider also the Bolshevik Revolution. Alexandra Kollentai led the way in sexual freedom for women. Women, under communist rule, were considered as belonging to no man but as belonging to the state for purchase. Kollontai, with Lenin’s approval, sought to destroy the concept of marriage and families. The results of this sexual freedom were so disastrous that even the Communist realized that they had to reverse course lest they wipe themselves out by sexual freedom.

Consider also the sexual revolution come to flower in the 1960s. Here sexual freedom hits a high watermark and a little over a decade later abortion is legalized in Roe v. Wade and the blood of the unborn begins to spill by the barrel.

There is a nexus between the liberation of sex from God-ordained expression and the consequent social order blood in the streets that naturally follows. We are witnessing that again in the West as we seek to eliminate any boundaries for sex. It almost seems that there is a principle at work here… a truism that demonstrates that unfettered sex guarantees unfettered death.

Nursery Rhymes For Christian Toddlers

I do not like Mooselimbs in Vans
I do not like them or their Koran
I do not like them on a bridge
I do not like them driving on a ridge
I do not like them on the roads
I do not like them bearing heavy loads
I do not like Mooselimbs in Vans

I do not like them or their Koran

I do not like Mooselimbs and bombs
I do not like them as children or Moms
I do not like them in a School
I do not like them in a pool
I do not like them at a race
I do not like them at an Army Base
I do not like them at my house
I do not like them walking with my spouse
I do not like Mooselimbs and bomb
I do not like them as children or Moms

I do not like Mooselimbs and guns

I do not like their idea of fun
I do not like them as a sniper
I do not like them unless with Piper
I do not like their Allahu Akbar
I do not like them in a car
I do not like Mooselimbs and guns
I do not like their idea of fun

I do not like Mooselimbs at all

I do not like their adhaan prayer call
I do not like them in the West
I do not like them with bomb vests
I do not like them or their Koran
I do not like books that should be banned
I do not like Mooselimbs at all
I do not like their adhaan prayer call

I like Mooselimbs in their own lands
Bombing, shooting all they can
I like them fine in Tangiers
I like them fine not anywhere near
I like them fine in Riyadh
I like them fine in Bagdad
I like Mooselimbs in their own lands
Bombing, shooting all they can

McAtee Spanks Horton … Again

“If we think that the main mission of the church is to improve life in Adam and add a little moral strength to the fading evil age, we have not yet understood the radical condition for which Christ is such a radical solution.”

Michael S. Horton
R2K Master Jedi
1.) False dichotomy. The consequence of the main mission of the Church — the placarding of Christ crucified — results in an improvement of life. That Horton wants to rig any challenge to his grunge thinking by characterizing the improved life that comes from the Church succeeding at its main mission in placarding Christ by adding “in Adam” merely reveals how desperate he is to twist the truth in his direction.

Does Horton not believe that the bowing of the knee of men and peoples to the Lordship of Jesus Christ eventuates in morally improved lives?

2.) We would agree that the EVIL AGE is fading, but as the age in question is evil it is not possible to add moral strength to it because by definition the age is EVIL.

3.) I know of no Christian thought leader who wants to add moral strength to this evil age. I know of no Christian thought leader who desires to improve life in Adam.
4.) Horton’s quote is merely a reflection of his pessimistic eschatology. Per Horton, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Per Horton Christians should not expect men and nations to be Redeemed with the consequence that given life in the last Adam the age to come pushes back this present evil age and moral improvement is realized.
5.) I agree that the Church’s main mission is not about moralism. However, once Christ conquers a man and people, their lives are morally improved as the Holy Spirit works in them to increasingly become what they have been freely declared to be.
Do yourself a favor. Ignore Horton.