Stephen Mansfield’s Coming Book On Obama’s Faith

Steve Mansfield as written a book entitled “The Faith Of Barack Obama.” On his blog he complains that people are consigning him to the nether realm for writing this book. He claims that this is unjust since nobody has yet read the book. But, even given his blog explanation for the book, one wonders what Mr. Mansfield was thinking unless he intended to write a book telling us about the pagan faith of Barack Obama.

Before we get into that though, people need to realize that Mansfield is the same guy who wrote a book entitled, “The Faith Of George Bush.” Now, if Mansfield could, with a straight face, write a book finding the Christian faith of George Bush, what makes anyone think that he couldn’t similarly find the Christian faith of Barack Obama? If a guy can write a book telling me about that the beauty of Congressperson Nancy Pelosi, I suspect he can write a book telling me about the beauty of Senator Barbara Mikulski.

Mansfield starts his defense of by saying he wanted to take a “fairly objective look at how Obama came to faith.” The problem already, is that this assumes that Obama has come to faith. Can we really conclude that someone has come to faith who wants to violate with repeated regularity the 6th (support of abortion), 7th (support of homosexual civil unions) and 8th (wants to increase confiscatory taxation) commandments? The fact that Mansfield can suggest that Obama has come to faith raises questions about Mansfield’s clarity of understanding as it pertains to what it means to “have faith.”

Next Mansfield says that he believes that “Obama’s story of faith captures the current religious trends in America just as George W. Bush’s did five years ago when I wrote The Faith of George W. Bush.” Certainly nobody can disagree that it may be the case that Obama’s faith may capture the religious trends in America, but all that means is that the religious trends in America are decidedly not Christian, just as Obama’s faith, to date, is decidedly not Christian.

Mansfield then suggests that not having had a brain bypass he is interested in how ideas shape culture. Great! Many of us share that interest. The evidence of Mansfield having a brain bypass surgery comes to the fore though when he suggests that Obama’s ideas have a relation to Christian faith. That is almost as bad as suggesting that George Bush’s ideas have a relation to the Christian faith. When Mansfield makes these kind of correlations it is not a wonder that some people might question his Christian or conservative credentials.

Mansfield insists that in his book he was just trying to objectively understand and explain Obama. That is a noble undertaking, but it can be done without suggesting that there is anything Christian about the candidate. Indeed, one could write such a book by opening up declaring that,

“It is not my intent in this book to speak to Barack Obama’s faith. My intent instead is to simply try to explain and understand the man. I have come to my own conclusions regarding Obama’s faith but I want to allow the reader to come to their own conclusions as I explain and seek to understand the candidate. My book seeks to be even handed, so readers should expect to find here me giving Senator Obama every benefit of the doubt that I can. To give someone the benefit of the doubt should not be mistaken with agreeing with them even after the benefit of the doubt has been extended.”

It doesn’t look like Mansfield wrote that kind of book, therefore Mansfield’s head is being handed to him on a platter by much of his readership.

Finally Mansfield seems put off that people could be upset with him since in the book he plainly said he would not vote for Obama. Mansfield seems to think that whatever perceived favorable treatment he gave to Obama in the book would be finally negated by the omission that he could not vote for Obama. This communicates a lack of understanding on the part of Mansfield on how people are influenced. If I write something that can be taken as a favorable reflection on somebody, but finish by saying that I can’t vote for them, the effect may very well be that my written work provides a bridge for some people to cross to support the candidate even though I myself as the author might not be able to. Such a written work, could communicate how it would be understandable that Christians would vote for Obama and so could very well lead to be a work that would influence Christians to vote for Obama or at least make doing so seem reasonable.

Overall, I think the problem here is that you have a guy (Mansfield) writing a book about another guy’s Christian faith who is himself confused on what the Christian faith really is or looks like.

Author: jetbrane

I am a Pastor of a small Church in Mid-Michigan who delights in my family, my congregation and my calling. I am postmillennial in my eschatology. Paedo-Calvinist Covenantal in my Christianity Reformed in my Soteriology Presuppositional in my apologetics Familialist in my family theology Agrarian in my regional community social order belief Christianity creates culture and so Christendom in my national social order belief Mythic-Poetic / Grammatical Historical in my Hermeneutic Pre-modern, Medieval, & Feudal before Enlightenment, modernity, & postmodern Reconstructionist / Theonomic in my Worldview One part paleo-conservative / one part micro Libertarian in my politics Systematic and Biblical theology need one another but Systematics has pride of place Some of my favorite authors, Augustine, Turretin, Calvin, Tolkien, Chesterton, Nock, Tozer, Dabney, Bavinck, Wodehouse, Rushdoony, Bahnsen, Schaeffer, C. Van Til, H. Van Til, G. H. Clark, C. Dawson, H. Berman, R. Nash, C. G. Singer, R. Kipling, G. North, J. Edwards, S. Foote, F. Hayek, O. Guiness, J. Witte, M. Rothbard, Clyde Wilson, Mencken, Lasch, Postman, Gatto, T. Boston, Thomas Brooks, Terry Brooks, C. Hodge, J. Calhoun, Llyod-Jones, T. Sowell, A. McClaren, M. Muggeridge, C. F. H. Henry, F. Swarz, M. Henry, G. Marten, P. Schaff, T. S. Elliott, K. Van Hoozer, K. Gentry, etc. My passion is to write in such a way that the Lord Christ might be pleased. It is my hope that people will be challenged to reconsider what are considered the givens of the current culture. Your biggest help to me dear reader will be to often remind me that God is Sovereign and that all that is, is because it pleases him.

12 thoughts on “Stephen Mansfield’s Coming Book On Obama’s Faith”

  1. I could not agree more, you really hit the issue with clarity. Today people do not know the difference from good and evil. Isaiah 5:20 states…”Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil….”. Mansfeld clearly is posturing Barack Obama as a man of honesty, simplicity, faithfulness and truth, and Mansfield further sites these values on his own personal blog. Barack Obama’s senatorial record makes him the most pro-abortion candidate for the presidency in US history, and he is arguably the most pro-homosexual candidate as well. The last time I read my Bible, especially the book of Kings, it refers to the kings that allowed these ‘sins’ as ‘wicked’ kings. The Bible says that Righteousness is what ‘exalts’ a nation. Stephen Mansfield even had the audacity to have Desmond Tutu give a ‘front cover’ endorsement of his book. Tutu is the outspoken Bishop of the Anglican church that has faught tirelessly to throw off all moral restraint, and move his church to ‘accept gay bishops’.

    My six year old has more discernment that Mansfield. Mansfield has shown his extreme lack of discernment by pinning a book that will influence millions of the middle right towards voting in a president that will plummet our nation into further sin, thus further judgment.

    1. Wow! Desmond Tutu does promote gay ministers, and Stephen had Desmond endorse his book on Barak Obama! You right, this is amazing that Stephen Mansfield is on Fox news, and speaks in churches, and gives the appearance of being sold out for Jesus, yet he buddies up with gay-clergy endorsing leaders! Why did Jesus and his Father not have Desmond Tutu endorse the Bible? Could you see Jesus getting Mr. Tutu to endorse the gospels?
      Stephen Mansfield needs to admit that he assisted getting us a president who is pro abortion/MURDER, pro HOMOSEXUAL, Pro Communist, pro Muslim, and anti Christ. Just admit you are against Christ yourself Mr. Mansfield. You speak some nice things for Christ at times, and the demons do this as well, however look at what you write down with your pen, look at how twisted your words are, you cannot have unclean and clean spewing out of the same mouth. God will SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH, and your tongue will be stopped.

  2. I could not agree more, you really hit the issue with clarity. Today people do not know the difference from good and evil. Isaiah 5:20 states…”Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil….”. Mansfeld clearly is posturing Barack Obama as a man of honesty, simplicity, faithfulness and truth, and Mansfield further sites these values on his own personal blog. Barack Obama’s senatorial record makes him the most pro-abortion candidate for the presidency in US history, and he is arguably the most pro-homosexual candidate as well. The last time I read my Bible, especially the book of Kings, it refers to the kings that allowed these ‘sins’ as ‘wicked’ kings. The Bible says that Righteousness is what ‘exalts’ a nation. Stephen Mansfield even had the audacity to have Desmond Tutu give a ‘front cover’ endorsement of his book. Tutu is the outspoken Bishop of the Anglican church that has faught tirelessly to throw off all moral restraint, and move his church to ‘accept gay bishops’.

    My six year old has more discernment that Mansfield. Mansfield has shown his extreme lack of discernment by pinning a book that will influence millions of the middle right towards voting in a president that will plummet our nation into further sin, thus further judgment.

  3. I agree with Ivan. The author evidently, though claiming to have been a pastor, did not read his Bible to see what God has to say about abortion and homosexuality. And Obama doesn’t just believe in partial-birth abortion. He voted against the “Born Alive Act”. A true Christian would NEVER express these beliefs.

    1. Stephen Mansfield said he visited the reverend Jeremiah Wrights church and that the gospel was preached powerfully and Jesus was honored. Stephen, did you not realize that the choir director there was gay? Stephen are you gay? Are you in a relationship with a married woman as a front? Does Jesus receive honor when a worship leader leads the congregation (that you were part of) in worship to God, even though the worship leader is gay? Does God accept this kind of worship. I guess you did not read where Aaron’s son’s offered strange fire. Stephen you are way way way out of line. You are not a true shepherd, you are a hypocrite, and you are causing God’s children to sin, just as Jeroboam caused Israel to sin.

  4. Thanks Stan,

    Did you see Stephen Mansfield’s recent blog?
    Here is a quote “Barack Obama is not my candidate and I do not share most of his political principles. But Barack Obama is my fellow countryman and I refuse to let politics keep me from pride and gratitude that a black man who grew up in a family often on food stamps has now graduated from some of the great universities in our land, served in the nation’s senate, and is a nominee for President of the United States. Hopefully, a bit more of our national curse is broken this day. God, how I love this country.”

    I love this country as well, yet the Bible states that “The King by judgment establisheth the land..” Pr. 29:4a

    Obama has anit-Christian values, and Mansfield states that Obama is just a ‘liberal’ Christian. I am not so sure there is such a thing? We are talking about the possible future President of the United States of America, and we do not have statesmen who can stand up and say that God’s laws and principles are what will ultimately ‘establishes’ our land. Dt. 4:8 states “And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?” This is not about color, and there have been plenty of people of color who have stood for godliness in this country that we can be proud of. I do not take pride seeing a man of any color that is so anit-God, who is being chosen by the people of our nation. I do not take pride in a man stating we are no longer a Christian nation, but a nation; we are now a Nation of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, . .’ Maybe for Stephen Mansfield this is something to take ‘pride’ in.

    1. Stephen continues to use his ability of rhetoric and is now campaigning that this battle with abortion will go back to the states where it belongs. He makes it sound like he is very pro life, when in fact the problem is not whether the issue is the states or the government, the real issue is Ez. 44:23, states that the preachers (Stephen was one in the Bible belt himself) are to teach the people between the holy and the profane. Stephen did the antithesis, and went out and wrote a book that watered down the fact that Obama was pro homosexual, pro abortion, pro Islam, pro communist, and on and on, and sold this like it was the best IPO ever to the illiterate, untaught, gullible Christians in our country. Somehow a pro homosexual, pro abortion, pro Islam, pro communist candidate is a person with a ‘Christian faith’. Stephen must have not recognized when he visited Obama’s church, that the choir director was an alleged ‘down under’ homosexual. Now Stephen stands up like a hero with all of the answers, as he is interviewed on TV, writes news columns, his blog, etc. When will people realize that Stephen got paid to write a book that assisted with Obama who is a type of anti-Christ, get elected! Stephen, you cannot fool everyone.

  5. What Mansfield means by people becoming more sophisticated, is basically people moving away from the knowledge of right and wrong. Instead of common sense, we are now highly sophisticated. With preachers like Mansfield, we can begin to re interpret the Word of God to a god of our own imagination. A President who legistlates murder can now be called a ‘Christian’. This is not sophisticated, this is men professing to be wise, and becoming ‘fools’. I hope Mansifled apprecaites the revenue he made on the book, just as Balaam loved the wages of unrighteousness. Mansfield seems to disregard comments like mine as ‘mean spirited’. For his sake, may he repent, and admit his error. Mansfield is a contradiction, claiming his strong stance against abortion, while all the while his penmanship assisted ‘herding’ netural voters to plumit our once Christian nation into total apostacy.

  6. Joey,

    Thanks for your insight. Stephen Mansfield was a pastor in Nashville Tennessee for many years.
    Most recently he has been with Every Nation
    Ministires under the leadership of Rice Broocks.
    Stephen also speaks often at the Every Nation
    Ministry Church of Brett Fuller. Stephen even
    went there to teach people about how to vote,
    and from the message painted B. Obama as a
    ‘Christian’. You are correct that Stephen and
    other leaders who endorse men like him have
    preached America and the church into a state
    of apostacy. Now without salt, and without
    the ability to chagne the world, we are ‘good
    for nothing’. Stephen’s book on the faith of
    B. Obama did not have an ounce of salt in it,yet
    it was endorsed by many in the evangelical camp.

  7. Jessica,

    I could not agree more. Proverbs states that the man that causes the righteous to go adstray (vote for abortion) shall fall himself into how own pit. Interestingly this past week a plane crashed in Montana killing 14 people. The family who died in the crash is the family of Irving ‘Bud’ Feldkamp, owner of the largest for-profit abortion chain in the nation.

    Those who have pursued profit (book sales) at the expense of spilling the blood of the innocent, will find that the cost of their abominable actions is exceedingly high. For Stephen Mansfield writing a book presenting an abortionist candidate as a ‘Christian’ was a business transaction. Ahab murdered Naboth, as it was only a business transaction as he coveted his vineyard. Mansfield has coveted the wages of unrighteousness with no conscience as to what his book promotes (the murder of babies). Mansfield states one thing with his mouth, then his hand skillfully does another. This is an abomination.

    I fear for Every Nation Ministries, and their leaders for standing with Stephen Mansfield in his book deal, and having Stephen preach to their congregations repeatedly. Pastor Brett Fuller of Grace Covenant Church in Virginia is hosting Stephen Mansfield in Apirl of 2009. This is an example of a Church that like Jehu was used by God for vengance, but in the end Jehu was judged as well for they continued to promote the calf worship that was instituted by Jeroboam. Stephen Mansfield needs to read and weep, and then in fear bow his knee for his part in assisting the USA into a totale depraved backsliden state. Where are the leaders to rebuke such a man? What is his mentor Rice Broocks doing?

  8. Stephen Mansfield is an idiot. I am sure he is enjoying the riches he raised pushing his book that basically told people B. Obama is a man of truth.

    Obama Commits U.S. Millions To Worldwide Abortion Industry
    WASHINGTON (SR) – President Obama signed an executive order Friday to repeal the Mexico City Policy that protected Americans from being required to fund groups that promote and pay for abortions around the globe.
    The plan was originated by President Reagan in 1984. It prohibited non-governmental organizations that receive federal funds from providing or promoting abortions in other nations.
    “Every American has a moral responsibility to pay for the killing of unborn babies worldwide,” a grinning President Obama said after signing the bill.

    Way to go Stephen, congratulate yourself, go out to eat tonight, and use your fat checking account from funds from your book that has helped and assisted murdering millions of babies not just in America, but around the world. And by the way, continue telling people how you are so against abortion, REALLY? Stephen are you deceiving yourself? If you are against abortion, then REPENT FOR YOUR BOOK! ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG!

  9. Wow, did you see Stephen Mansfield’s recent blog on pope Francis, Stephen said he would be conservative on the issue with gays. Obviously Francis and the Catholic Church are showing their true colors, as Francis would not dare judge a sincere ‘gay clergy’ man. The problem we have ladies and gentlemen is not so much Obama, but people like Stephen Mansfield. Stephen Mansfield is a former pastor in the Bible belt, and now he is a self-proclaimed sort of statesmen, who talks to world leaders and corporations and trains their leaders? What? Why would a former Bible belt pastor write a book that helped an anti-God senator win the White House? And after all of the ‘fruit’ of Obama’s first term, anti-God, pro homosexual, pro Islam, anti-Israel etc., etc., Mansfield updated his book and continues to speak on TV, Fox News, radio, etc., and tell Americans that our President is a (I Quote) “Liberal Christian”. Folks, do you think Liberal counts as LUKEWARM? Did Jesus ever mention ‘liberal Christian’? We need to REWRITE the parable of the sower, Jesus missed the ‘liberal ground’, we have seed by the wayside, the rocky places, and thorns, and then good soil, what about the ‘liberal ground’ soil Jesus. Wow, we need to spread this NEW GOSPEL right from our former Bible belt Pastor Stephen Mansfield and preach this gospel to get those LIBERAL SOULS in the door to AVOID HELL. No need to REPENT, you can be LIBERAL, in other words, you can be pro murder like the President, and pro homosexual, and go ahead and promote the Muslim Brotherhood who is against Israel, God does not say ANYTHING in the Bible about protecting Israel anyway right????

    Folks, we have a LUKEWARM church!!!!!

    Recently a Church Mansfield frequently is a guest speaker with were twitting and patting themselves on the back for the up rise in Egypt of the Christians who oppose the Muslim Brotherhood. This Church is patting themselves on the back, and they are the ones who helped promote Obama along with Mansfield. Obama is the one who put the Muslim Brotherhood in power. Do you see the contradiction, our leaders are blind leading the blind. When the Church put Obama in power, they did not repent then, they were celebrating! Now they think their prayers are being heard, and it is their prayers that are driving out the Muslim Brotherhood, all the while this group of the Church is still courting Obama and false teachers like Stephen Mansfield.

    We need real statesmen. Jesus would definitely judge pope Francis statement about gays. Jesus had no problem calling men ‘FOOLS’, look at Matthew 23:17. We have issues in that we have supposed statesmen who say DON’T JUDGE, and be careful to not call anyone a FOOL. Jesus said Woe to you when all men speak well of you (Lk. 6:26). The problem is we have spiritual leaders who stick their finger in the wind. Proverbs states that ‘IN the multitude of people is the king’s honor: but in the want (lack of followers) of people is the destruction of the prince (pr. 14:28). Pastors are more concerned with church growth, and followers, vs. SPEAKING TRUTH. A PROPHET does not give a lick about followers. Did Jeremiah have followers? Did Elijah approach the prophets of Baal with a bunch of understudy Jr. Prophets when we faced 850 false prophets? What about Noah, he sure had a line of church attendees to get his CD’s! A PROPHET does not mince words.

    Our Pastors are become BRUTISH! They teach Replacement Theology, they have the stupidity to call Obama a Christian, and our pastors and leaders and ‘false’ prophets are “strengthening the hands of evil doers” (Jer. 23:14). Come on folks, when you have BIBLE BELT pastors write a book that puts an anti-God leader in the White house, you are STRENGTHENING THE HANDS OF EVIL DOERS!. We don’t want to offend anyone, Jeremiah was not a WIMP, Jeremiah said that the King ‘Jehoikim’ was going to have the ‘BURIAL OF AN ASS’. I believe some of our false teachers and false prophets and hirelings are going to have a RUDE AWAKENING in the days ahead. They have forsaken God, and have fallen away from their duty of teaching the sheep the difference between the HOLY & PROFANE, and the difference between the CLEAN & UNCLEAN. They are BEATING the sheep, vs. FEEDING the sheep.

    Thank God for this ministry, and may God’s army of His true followers rise up and be statesmen for Him!

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