Forbidding The Strong God

“Multiculturalism focuses on disenchanting the Western tradition because it alone has a hold on our spiritual and political imagination and provides us with a home. So, for example, progressives in Europe attack strong expressions of Christianity but accommodate rigid and illiberal forms of Islam. They do this because Christianity is a strong God of the West whose return must be prevented. “

R. R. Reno
Return of the Strong Gods — p. 118

This quote inadvertently confirms what I’ve long been insisting. Multiculturalism (the Child of Cultural Marxism) exists only penultimately to get rid of White people. The ultimate target of Cultural Marxism is Christ and Christianity and Christendom. White people aren’t hated because they are White. White people are hated because they are Christian. They are the carriers of Christian civilization. As such they must be wiped out. Not for the crime of being White, but instead for the crime of being Christian.

Note, here that R2K aids and abets this Cultural Marxist multiculturalist agenda when it agrees (as it ALWAYS DOES) with the idea of ridding ourselves of Christendom. Let it be said here though, that without Christendom, Christianity wanes and become just another kooky cult like L. Ron Hubbard’s Christian Scientism or Anna Bell Lee’s Shaker community. If Biblical Christianity is going to wax then it must build a Christendom to express itself. If R2K is successful Christianity will be the religion of only hobos, derelicts, and moon-bats. A religion that cannot incarnate itself into a distinct social order is a religion that is Gnostic. May God cast R2K as a kooky religion into the dustbin of cultic “Christianity” and grant repentance in the R2K community, who in the name of Christ are pulling down Christ from His throne and may He damn R2K’s dancing partner Cultural Marxism who right now is playing girl on top in many putatively conservative Reformed denominations.

Author: jetbrane

I am a Pastor of a small Church in Mid-Michigan who delights in my family, my congregation and my calling. I am postmillennial in my eschatology. Paedo-Calvinist Covenantal in my Christianity Reformed in my Soteriology Presuppositional in my apologetics Familialist in my family theology Agrarian in my regional community social order belief Christianity creates culture and so Christendom in my national social order belief Mythic-Poetic / Grammatical Historical in my Hermeneutic Pre-modern, Medieval, & Feudal before Enlightenment, modernity, & postmodern Reconstructionist / Theonomic in my Worldview One part paleo-conservative / one part micro Libertarian in my politics Systematic and Biblical theology need one another but Systematics has pride of place Some of my favorite authors, Augustine, Turretin, Calvin, Tolkien, Chesterton, Nock, Tozer, Dabney, Bavinck, Wodehouse, Rushdoony, Bahnsen, Schaeffer, C. Van Til, H. Van Til, G. H. Clark, C. Dawson, H. Berman, R. Nash, C. G. Singer, R. Kipling, G. North, J. Edwards, S. Foote, F. Hayek, O. Guiness, J. Witte, M. Rothbard, Clyde Wilson, Mencken, Lasch, Postman, Gatto, T. Boston, Thomas Brooks, Terry Brooks, C. Hodge, J. Calhoun, Llyod-Jones, T. Sowell, A. McClaren, M. Muggeridge, C. F. H. Henry, F. Swarz, M. Henry, G. Marten, P. Schaff, T. S. Elliott, K. Van Hoozer, K. Gentry, etc. My passion is to write in such a way that the Lord Christ might be pleased. It is my hope that people will be challenged to reconsider what are considered the givens of the current culture. Your biggest help to me dear reader will be to often remind me that God is Sovereign and that all that is, is because it pleases him.

8 thoughts on “Forbidding The Strong God”

    1. Susan,

      R2K, is that “theology” which posits that God does not rule explicitly in the public square via His divine revelation as found in Scripture but rather rules implicitly by the following of Natural law. This has the implication that the Church has no “thus saith the Lord” for the public square, but rather sins by speaking to the common realm from the pulpit. This means the church as institution must be silent on social order issues, on culture, on politics, on sociological trends. The Church’s only “Thus saith the Lord,” is for the flock in their personal and individual lives. Practically, this means that a Church could not discipline an Abortion Doctor, a Marxist Professor, or a Politician who supports abortion since that is not the Church’s calling.

      What R2K does is dualistically hyphenates life so that the God of the Bible is comparatively unconcerned about the public realm vis-a-vis His concern for the Church realm. Practically what this means is that there is no such thing as Christendom, Christian Education, Christian law, Christian Marriage, Christian families or Christian anything except Christian Churches and individual Christians.

      There is a good deal more but this hits the highlights. The modern Reformed Church is neck deep in this fecal theology and so in need of Reformation.

      1. “The modern Reformed Church is neck deep in this fecal theology and so in need of Reformation.” Very true. Thank you for explaining, this is a new term I had not heard before that I recall anyways.

  1. I like what Ted Weiland refers to Christianity today or Modern Christianity as no longer Christendom but Christendumb.

    1. Ted does some good work though I thoroughly disagree with him that the Constitution was a pagan document. The Constitution, though imperfect, was indeed a Christian document.

  2. Hubbard’s cult was “Scientology,” not to be confused with Mary Baker Eddy’s “Christian Science” cult.

    But what does “R2K” mean? I think that was what the earlier commenter was asking.

    1. Thank you for the reminder J. J.


      R2K, is that “theology” which posits that God does not rule explicitly in the public square via His divine revelation as found in Scripture but rather rules implicitly by the following of Natural law. This has the implication that the Church has no “thus saith the Lord” for the public square, but rather sins by speaking to the common realm from the pulpit. This means the church as institution must be silent on social order issues, on culture, on politics, on sociological trends. The Church’s only “Thus saith the Lord,” is for the flock in their personal and individual lives. Practically, this means that a Church could not discipline an Abortion Doctor, a Marxist Professor, or a Politician who supports abortion since that is not the Church’s calling.

      What R2K does is dualistically hyphenates life so that the God of the Bible is comparatively unconcerned about the public realm vis-a-vis His concern for the Church realm. Practically what this means is that there is no such thing as Christendom, Christian Education, Christian law, Christian Marriage, Christian families or Christian anything except Christian Churches and individual Christians.

      There is a good deal more but this hits the highlights. The modern Reformed Church is neck deep in this fecal theology and so in need of Reformation.

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