And so Horton was in need of getting a clue
So he picked up his pen and he grabbed the nearest mic
He’d “Teach them a thing,” and “He’d give them a strike”
He’d undress and lance those who were beyond childlike
He’d put all of their heads on proverbial pikes
How dare these children to think that Jesus was a King?
Or that America should bow and kiss the king’s ring?
Must the Church be filled with whites who are right-wing?
Fools to not know that Jesus died to lose all nations and things
So with all of the force found in his large Marxist brain
Horton began to cogitate, and write and he began to explain
How Jesus was no longer interested in having a National reign
How with the disappearance of Israel that’d not happen again
Horton droned on about the Mosaic and the end of the law
And Horton added a flourish that “showed” everyone’s flaw
He bobbed and he weaved making arguments of straw
Something about how all who disagreed were sons of Esau
“When Christ died,” Horton said, “Nations now were cast out
The Church was the only nation that Christ now cared about
He brought to the fore his name and his R2K clout
And if anyone dared disagree with him, Horton would pout
And yet people like me continue to laugh and continue to boo
We continue to insist that Horton lives on planet doo-doo
We delight in mocking, and satire, and glances askew
While we shout to the world that “HORTON HASN’T A CLUE”