Joseph Spurgeon; Statement On Natural Affections — A Kinder & Gentler Antioch Declaration

So, Rev. Joseph Spurgeon has taken it upon himself to ink a new declaration for everyone to sign touching the issue of race, and WW II. It seems that in the Evangelical/Reformed world you just can’t be somebody unless you’re writing a new declaration.

I’ll be glad to admit that this one is superior to its previous bastard statement (Antioch Declaration) but this one still demonstrates that neither Joseph nor its signers realize what time it is.

I see this document as a “Kinder and Gentler” version of the Antioch declaration. George H. W. Bush would be proud.

Below are some of the highlights (lowlights?) of the new document being offered. It is hilarious that Doug Wilson and Uri Brito have signed this thing. Spurgeon expects anybody to sign a document on this subject who have repeatedly been given the mailed glove by these black knights?

Behold the document;

“I affirm that while the Allied powers rightly opposed the evils of Nazis, that some of their actions violated Christian principles of justice and morality.”

Joseph Spurgeon
Statement On Natural Affections
A Kinder and Gentler Antioch Declaration

Bret responds,

Some of the actions?

Some of the actions?

You mean like lying about the Bagel death totals, the lampshades made of human skin, bars of soap made out of Bagel fat, knowingly allowing the bombing of Pearl Harbor in order to have casus belli, like Operation Keel Haul, you mean like the post-war German death camps where over a million surrendering Germans died and where the Geneva convention was operated around by labeling POWs as “disarmed enemy forces,” you mean like dropping the Atomic bomb when the peace settlement that was accepted after the dropping of the bombs was the same that had been agreed to 6 months prior to the dropping of the bombs, you mean like getting in bed with Joe Stalin, you mean like giving Stalin all of Eastern Europe?

I could go on and on but to suggest that “some of their actions violated Christian principles of justice and morality,” is like saying that some of Charlie Manson’s groupies could sometimes go a little overboard.

In the end the Nazis were no more evil than the Allies in that conflict and likely even less so. One could even just as accurately write that “while the Nazi powers rightly opposed the evils of the Allies some of their actions violated Christian principles of justice and morality.”


Additionally, I reject the egalitarian ideologies of communism and secular liberalism promoted by some Allied powers, as these are contrary to biblical truth

Joseph Spurgeon
Statement On Natural Affections
A Kinder and Gentler Antioch Declaration

Bret responds, 

Some Allied powers?

Which Allied powers didn’t promote Communism?

Inasmuch as all the Allied powers got in bed with the Christ hating Reds in that much they all promoted communism.

What Revisionist WW II History have you read? Any?

I affirm that marriage can lawfully occur between people of different ethnicities and races, as there is no biblical prohibition against such unions…

Joseph Spurgeon
Statement On Natural Affections

A Kinder and Gentler Antioch Declaration

Bret responds,

In our current climate this is an example of egalitarianism — a doctrine that another statement in this document said was not Christian. See below.

I affirm that children of mixed race are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, possessing equal dignity, value, and worth as any other human…

Joseph Spurgeon
Statement On Natural Affections
A Kinder and Gentler Antioch Declaration

Just exactly who denies this? This implies that there are people out there in the Church who deny this… who are these people? Names please.

Still, I’ll stick with Dr. John Edwards Richards statement who as recent as 50 years ago could write these words explaining the Causes of Separation in 1973 where the PCA separated from the liberal PCUS.

(We are separating from;)

The Socialist, who declares all men are equal. Therefore there must be a great leveling of humanity and oneness of privilege and possession.

The Racial Amalgamationist, who preaches that the various races should be merged into one race and differences erased in oneness.

The Communist, who would have one mass of humanity coerced into oneness by a totalitarian state and guided exclusively by Marxist philosophy.

The Internationalist, who insists on co-existence between all peoples and nations that they be as one regardless of ideology or history.

John Edwards Richards
One of the founders of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

“No human can measure the anguish of personality that goes on within the children of miscegenation… Let those who would erase the racial diversity of God’s creation beware lest the consequence of their evil be visited upon their children.”

John Edwards Richards

One of the founders of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

Look, we are in a position where the White race in general and the Christian White people in particular are fighting for their very existence. This document does not yet realize the peril we currently are in. Instead, it treats the wound of our situation lightly. This document, while an improvement over the Antioch Declaration will not provide a safe space for Christian White people in the Church or in this nation. What is required is a flame-thrower (Doug will like that reference) and all we are offered here is a glowstick.

Author: jetbrane

I am a Pastor of a small Church in Mid-Michigan who delights in my family, my congregation and my calling. I am postmillennial in my eschatology. Paedo-Calvinist Covenantal in my Christianity Reformed in my Soteriology Presuppositional in my apologetics Familialist in my family theology Agrarian in my regional community social order belief Christianity creates culture and so Christendom in my national social order belief Mythic-Poetic / Grammatical Historical in my Hermeneutic Pre-modern, Medieval, & Feudal before Enlightenment, modernity, & postmodern Reconstructionist / Theonomic in my Worldview One part paleo-conservative / one part micro Libertarian in my politics Systematic and Biblical theology need one another but Systematics has pride of place Some of my favorite authors, Augustine, Turretin, Calvin, Tolkien, Chesterton, Nock, Tozer, Dabney, Bavinck, Wodehouse, Rushdoony, Bahnsen, Schaeffer, C. Van Til, H. Van Til, G. H. Clark, C. Dawson, H. Berman, R. Nash, C. G. Singer, R. Kipling, G. North, J. Edwards, S. Foote, F. Hayek, O. Guiness, J. Witte, M. Rothbard, Clyde Wilson, Mencken, Lasch, Postman, Gatto, T. Boston, Thomas Brooks, Terry Brooks, C. Hodge, J. Calhoun, Llyod-Jones, T. Sowell, A. McClaren, M. Muggeridge, C. F. H. Henry, F. Swarz, M. Henry, G. Marten, P. Schaff, T. S. Elliott, K. Van Hoozer, K. Gentry, etc. My passion is to write in such a way that the Lord Christ might be pleased. It is my hope that people will be challenged to reconsider what are considered the givens of the current culture. Your biggest help to me dear reader will be to often remind me that God is Sovereign and that all that is, is because it pleases him.

14 thoughts on “Joseph Spurgeon; Statement On Natural Affections — A Kinder & Gentler Antioch Declaration”

  1. “I’ll be glad to admit that this one is superior to its previous bastard statement (Antioch Declaration) but this one still demonstrates that neither Joseph nor its signers realize what time it is.”

    Your good friend Tedd Sutton signed it.

  2. The Allied forces were not good, but neither was Nazi Germany, which in some ultimate sense “got what it deserved” – if for nothing else, for its proud presumption to be able to gain victory while despising the true God.

    And to prove my point I will not refer to any “postwar liberal consensus” source, but to the perhaps earliest written-down source of Germanic lore, the 6th century “History of the Goths,” written by the Nicene Gothic clergyman Jordanes:

    “So then, as we were saying, Fastida, king of the Gepidae, stirred up his quiet people to enlarge their boundaries by war. He overwhelmed the Burgundians, almost annihilating them, and conquered a number of other races also. He unjustly provoked the Goths, being the first to break the bonds of kinship by unseemly strife. He was greatly puffed up with vain glory, but in seeking to acquire new lands for his growing nation, he only reduced the numbers of his own countrymen.”

    And indeed, the lesson Jordanes demonstrates here is simply that those who aggressively go out their way to win “living space” from others, can expect grim consequences should they be worsted in arms:*.html#ref34

    “For some time the further inroads of the Goths were delayed by a quarrel with the kindred tribe of the Gepidae, the ‘Torpids’ of the primaeval migration from Scandinavia. This tribe, still lagging in the race, had not reached the shores of the Euxine, and were apparently stationed by the upper waters of the Vistula, perhaps in the region which we now call Galicia.35 Filled with envy at the successes of the Goths, and dissatisfied with their narrow boundaries, they first made a furious, successful, and almost exterminating raid upon their neighbours, the Burgundians, and then their king Fastida sent to Ostrogotha, saying, ‘I am hemmed in with mountains and choked with forests; give me land or meet me in battle.’ ‘Deeply,’ said Ostrogotha, ‘as I should regret that tribes so nearly allied as you and we, should meet in impious and fratricidal strife, yet land I neither can nor will give you.’ They joined battle ‘at the town of Galtis, past which flows the river Auha;’36 the Gepidae were thoroughly beaten, and Fastida fled humiliated to his home. So many fell in the battle that, as Jordanes hints with a grim smile, ‘they no longer found their land too strait for them.’37”

    1. The Versaille treaty created WW II.

      And frankly, finding living space by moving Eastward into Commie Controlled Soviet territory causes me to lose little sleep.

      I am not a German-phile. However, I don’t think people appreciate the position they were in. If you read Ice-Breaker you learn that they either invaded Russia or they were Invaded by the Soviets. Hitler beat Stalin to the punch.

  3. “And frankly, finding living space by moving Eastward into Commie Controlled Soviet territory causes me to lose little sleep.”

    This is a Slav-despising chauvinist reflex – more or less assuming that Slavic peoples are Untermenschen who should rightfully make way for their Germanic betters. Well, Germany paid very dearly for underestimating the Russians.

    And today the neocons still mentally assume that attitude, thinking that the Ukrainians can be employed as cheap, expendable cannon fodder against Russia. While the Russians are largely blaming the British for this war, accusing them of stillholding that old Anglo arrogance towards Russia.

    1. This is an uninformed response given that the Slavs were being liberated by the Germans given how they were under the oppressive, murderous, and tyrannical heel of the Bagel Bolsheviks. Anything that happened that would have ended the tyranny of the Reds that was foisted upon the Slavic and Russian people by the West was a positive.

      And you’ll have to hang Ukraine around someone else’s neck besides mine. I have no use for the neo-cons as they are just Reds under a different guise. Frankly, I hold the US and it’s proxy NATO responsible for what is happening in the Ukraine.

  4. “This is an uninformed response given that the Slavs were being liberated by the Germans given how they were under the oppressive, murderous, and tyrannical heel of the Bagel Bolsheviks.”

    Well, Russian nationalists – even ones with very little love in their hearts for Jews – are not going to listen to your Anglocentric revisionist sources. They have their own prejudices that they hold at least as strongly as you hold yours (they are bleeding and dying for them right now):

    Even Solzhenitsyn could not help but being amazed that Germans could have been so diplomatically inept (“so hopelessly arrogant and stupid”) as to quickly alienate the hearts and minds of Soviet subjects:

    And even if we ignore Russians, the Poles did not seem to appreciate German rule any more than they did.

    1. Fine …. so we have established that we each have our sources for our convictions.

      And I quite agree w/ Solzhenitsyn here. However, to alienate the Russians/Slavs those Russians and Slavs had to first rejoice in being initially liberated from the Jewish Bolsheviks.

      And if the Poles had treated their German population better and had been reasonable about a Danzig corridor they might have had a different result.

    2. It wasn’t ‘stupidity and arrogance’ so much as distrust. Furthermore, the policy finally pursued was opposed by many in the German high command such as Rosenberg, Ribbentrop, Zeitzler and Goebbels. Hitler’s considered opinion was that ‘If they work against their own country, they are devoid of character. If they work for it, they are useless as advisors to us.’ In hindsight, admittedly, it was an overly simplistic syllogism, and a big mistake. I think it bears mentioning though that, in spite of this, men like Pyotr Krasnov fought on the side of the Reich against Bolshevism. Hans Ulrich Rudel also mentions in his ‘Stuka Pilot’ how many Orthodox priests in the villages would help them. Russians might do well to consider the thanks their patriotism brought them from the hands of Stalin. He executed Russian prisoners of war returned to him at war’s end.

      I don’t hate patriotic Russians. I feel sorry for them. They remind me of many flag-waving Americans of today who just don’t realize they were then and are now living under an occupied government that hates them and wants them dead.

  5. And it was not just the Germans. Some of their allies also made some very bad errors of judgment, errors that mercilessly cancelled out the good they had managed to do.

    Fascist Italy sort of repeated, although on a smaller scale, the mistakes of Nazi Germany – in their case too, all the peacetime achievements of Fascism were nullified because of reckless and unjust foreign policy. What casus belli did Mussolini have to declare war on Britain and France in the summer of 1940 – when France was falling, and Il Duce looked like a mere jackal who wanted his own piece of carcass?

    But even worse was his unprovoked attack on Greece later on that year – the country that was at that time ruled by Christian Authoritarian Right:

    “Many Orthos wonder what an Orthodox Francisco Franco would look like. The answer is Ioannis Metaxas. Metaxism is a perfect replica of Dugin’s 4th political theory. It’s Pragmatic, Nationalist, Monarchist, Orthodox Traditionalist, anti-liberal, anti-communist, and anti-globalist.”

      1. Then let Adolf Hitler declare judgment on his own future self (“Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee…”) – this is what he wrote in the 1920s, in Mein Kampf:

        “Diplomacy must see to it that a people does not heroically perish, but is practically preserved. Every road that leads to this is then expedient, and not taking it must be characterized as criminal neglect of duty.”

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