Federal Government At War Against The Working Middle Class

1.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoWlJ77pMyg

In this 27 minute video Senator. Ted Cruz explains, from the well of the Senate, how it is the case that the proposed Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill that has passed the US Senate (S-744) will redistribute wealth and opportunity away from Americans and legal immigrants towards envisioned newly Amnestied immigrants since the employment of newly amnestied immigrants means that the employer doesn’t have to pay Obamacare taxes given the provision of the passed Senate Bill — S-744. This bill provides overwhelming incentive for employers with over 50 employees to hire newly amnestied immigrants over American citizens and legal immigrants. Further, the bill provides incentive to even exchange one’s American workforce with newly amnestied immigrants since every exchanged American employee for a amnestied immigrant means a potential $5000.00 profit in the pocket of the employer. Put briefly, if an employer with over 50 employees hires a US citizen over one of the new 11 million amnestied immigrants the employer (the business owner) will be penalized $5000 per head!

2.) http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2014-02-19.html

Obamacare premiums are set by your age, not your health. The older you are the more you pay in premiums. It doesn’t matter if you never go to the doctor. Obamacare punishes you for having a healthy lifestyle. The Obamacare tax is a massively regressive poll tax on the middle-aged and the middle class.

Once again, this is a redistribution of wealth away from the Middle-aged and middle class towards both the Lower class and the upper Class. The wealthy do pay the tax but because it is a regressive tax it represents a much less significant portion of their income. The lower class do not pay the tax because they don’t meet the income requirements. The people taking it on the chin are the Middle aged and the middle class.

So, the Obamacrare tax does a couple of things.

A.) It works to reduce the middle class so that we have an increasingly “have vs. have not” society.

B.) Depending on whether there is a profile of the typical people who disproportionately represent the middle aged and the working middle class in this country we would be seeing an attack on the people group who might hypothetically meet the profile of your average middle aged and working middle class.

Chesterton & McAtee on Courage

“Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die … The paradox is the whole principle of courage; even if of quite earthly or brutal courage. A man cut off by the sea may save his life if he will risk it on the precipice. He can only get away from death by continually stepping within an inch of it. A soldier surrounded by enemies, if he is to cut his way out, needs to combine a strong desire for living with a strange carelessness about dying. He must not merely cling to life, for then he will be a coward, and he will not escape. He must not merely wait for death, for then he will be a suicide, and will not escape. He must seek his life in a spirit of furious indifference to it; he must desire life like water and yet drink death like wine.”

G. K. Chesterton
Orthodoxy; The Romance of Faith — pg. 136-137

God’s demand of Joshua to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1) reminds us that God’s worth is such that it is better to perish courageously fighting for God while defending His character than to quail before His and our enemies. The same is true of our professional lives today. It is better to value God’s name so highly that one is willing to take courage in hand and make shipwreck of their career at the threat of the enemies of God in order to defend God’s name from their insult and depredations.

To few are willing to risk all for the honor of the great name of the Lord Christ, preferring to play it safe so that they can continue to be part of the con.

Boy Scouts Of America … Then and Now

When I was a Scout, I learned to tie the knots
I slept in nylon tents and on hard wooden cots
I learned the tourniquets to stop raging bleeds
But there never was a merit badge on the coupling of Male steeds

I learned the bark of oak and elm, of Maple tree and Fir
I learned the finery of distilleries and to guzzle hard liqueur
I learned to sharpen and throw a knife from Twenty paces afar
But I never earned a medal for attending the sodomite bazaar

I memorized a pledge and to recite the Boy Scout Law
I memorized Morse code and the rules for a power saw
I memorized all kinds of rules about Scout morality
But I never memorized a single thing about teenage sodomy

Now I am old and it seems the Eagle is something more
Then what it was when I earned it back in 1974
It seems that now the Eagle has become a Rooster Gay
And a whole new meaning is now in place for being a bird of prey

Birth Control and the Advent of Boundary-less Sex

I am not someone who would teach or insist that Birth control is always wrong all the time, though admittedly someday I might be. Still, when looking into the history of the advent of Birth control one can’t help but wonder if the trajectory we are on now, with the creeping legalization in state by state of sodomite marriage, was started with the legalization of birth control.

Of course, as others have noted, what Birth Control accomplished was to divorce sex both from marriage and from procreation. This had the effect of turning sex away from the intimacy sustained in the family that sex itself created. This divorcing sex from marriage and procreation also had the effect of straining stability and fostering personal irresponsibility. Separating sex from marriage and procreation turned sex into a entertainment function and created a casualness that did not previously exist. Birth control sex turned into a entertainment function that could be participated in as a cure to boredom for singles thus opened the door to other kinds of sex that could likewise be pursued as merely entertainment and with casual aplomb. With the 20th century marketing of birth control by Margaret Sanger and others we find the inevitable beginning point of all where we’ve arrived today in our sexually chaotic world. What putatively began as control for family size is now pursued in destruction of the whole idea of Christian family. The acceptance and even popularity of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality and any number of other perversions might legitimately be traced back to the advent of marketed birth control.

It is interesting that following the 1930 Lambeth Conference, where the first Christian denomination (Anglicans) made allowance for the usage of Birth Control the Washington Post wrote, when viewed in hindsight, an amazingly prescient and prophetic on what the implications of Birth control would be on a societal level.

“Carried to its logical conclusion, the committee’s report, if carried into effect, would sound the death-knell of marriage as a holy institution by establishing degrading practices which would encourage indiscriminate immorality. The suggestion that the use of legalized contraceptives would be “careful and restrained” is preposterous.”

The Washington Post, March 22, 1931

What I’ve noted above was seen even by “secular” Journalists when it was first approved.

How far our ability to connect the dots have fallen.

God’s Character Cleared In His Appointment Of Genocide For The Canaanites

Concerning Israel preforming genocide on the inhabitants of Canaan per God’s explicit instructions we would note that the total destruction of the inhabitants of the land is criminal only if the Deity who calls for such a measure is not worthy of all honor. If God’s worth is not so great that those who reject him have committed a crime that cries out for thorough and infinite justice, then the zero-tolerance policy against the people of the land is nothing but a brutal, unjust, and egomaniacal atrocity.

But God’s majestic character is not like the character of mere men whose character could never warrant the wholesale righteous slaughter of their opponents. The ban on the wicked Canaanites heralds the infinite majesty of the justice of God, whose holiness demands perfect loyalty of all creation, and whose worth is such that anything but absolute allegiance is worthy of immediate temporal and eternal death. The conquest of Canaan enacts the Glory of God’s justice against those who look to vain and worthless things to be for them what only God can be for them, and who in the looking to vain and worthless things attempt to de-throne God and enthrone themselves as God. The conquest and genocide of Canaan also displays God’s mercy inasmuch as God allowed them many generations of life despite their rebellion against His majesty. Also, the conquest revealed God’s mercy because in cleansing the land He was rescuing His people from the deleterious effects that the Canaanite putridness would have had on Israel.

And “no,” that supposedly evil God of the Old Testament Canaanite slaughter did not become a user friendly God in the New Testament. In point of fact the New Testament reveals God’s wrath with far more intensity than the Old Testament does. In the Old Testament God never poured His wrath out on the innocent and the righteous as He does in the New Testament.

What does the Canaanite genocide teach us then?

1.) It teaches us that those who sin against God deserve the greatest punishment because the greater the majesty against whom crime is committed the greater the punishment is exacted for the crime. God, having the greatest majesty and glory visits sustained rebellion and conspiracy against His majesty with exacting punishment.

2.) The genocide of the Canaanites is a picture of God’s intent to eternally destroy all His enemies who refuse to turn from their rebellion. The Canaanites did not Kiss the Son, so they perished in the way.

3.) The genocide of the Canaanites teaches us to repent for if God dealt with men of old who did not have the light of revelation we have, how much greater will His dealings be with a generation who has had the revelation of His light for hundreds of years.

However, there is good news in all this. God is patient and long-suffering. Just as he provided time for the Canaanites to fill their cup of wickedness so He provides time for man today to repent. Further, God has provided an ark from His just wrath and He commands all men everywhere to repent and so enter the Ark who is the Lord Christ & His Church to find not only safety but God’s good pleasure.