Bavinck Promoting A Now Lost Expression Of Christianity

“The centuries preceding the French Revolution (1789) are in many ways different from the epoch that followed. The radical change of direction introduced into the life and thought of the nations by this tremendous event shattered the continuity of history. We can project ourselves into the thought and life of those preceding ages only with great difficulty. They were the ages of authority and objectivity, whereas in our era the subject proclaims its freedom and asserts its rights in every area of human existence… After the middle of the eighteenth century this situation gradually changed. The subject came into its own. It became aware of its true or presumed rights and slowly broke all the ties binding it to the past. In an unlimited sense of freedom it emancipated itself from everything the past held sacred. All authority that demanded recognition and obedience had to answer first the foundational question: By what right do you demand my obedience? Critical reason had been awakened, launching an inquiry into the ground of all authority. Naive, simple, childlike faith all but vanished. Doubt has now become the sickness of our century, bringing with it a string of moral problems and plagues. Nowadays, many people take into account only what they can see; they deify matter, worship Mammon, or glorify power. The number of those who still utter an undaunted testimony of their faith with joyful enthusiasm and complete certainty is comparatively small. Families, generations, groups, and classes have turned away from all authority and broken with their faith. Even among those who still call themselves believers, how many must screw up their courage into a forced, unnatural belief? How many believe as a result of habit, laziness or lack of spirit? How many act out of an unhealthy attempt to recover the past or out of a misleading conservatism? There is much noise and movement, but little genuine spirit, little genuine enthusiasm issuing from an upright, fervent, sincere faith.”

Herman Bavinck 
The Certainty of Faith — 1891

Of course the change that Bavinck refers to is what we retrospectively refer to as “The Enlightenment,” or if one prefers not to embrace the enemies nomenclature, “The Endarkenment.”

With the rise of the Endarkenment on the scene of Western Civilization the motif of the Reformation in Europe was turned aside and reversed in favor of the subjectivism of which Bavinck speaks. The Reformation had championed the authority of God as centered in the Scriptures and had moved away from the subjectivism of the Renaissance. The Reformation had removed the autonomy of fallen man as exhibited in the Roman Catholic Magisterium, wherein fallen man was given authority over the Scripture and had returned to the objective authority of Scripture Alone. The Reformation had returned the Church — and consequently Western Civilization — to a time of “authority and objectivity.”

With the rise of the philosophy and theology that drove the Endarkenment individual man was given autonomy to ascend to the most high so becoming his own authority and so his own objective. The subjective (fallen man) had become his own objective. The subjective had been objectivized but this objectification could never change the reality that at its core the objective remained subjective.

The two worlds — the world created by the Reformation and the world created by the Renaissance and later institutionalized by the Endarkenment could never really communicate with one another in any substantive manner. These two movements created two different worlds with two different languages, creating two different kinds of men. Subjective man who takes himself as his own objective can never understand man who stands on an authority that is outside and beyond himself. And so it remains today. There remains a small remnant of people who still believe in an objectively objective world wherein the authority of God’s Word remains the North Star for fallen man. This small remnant lives, cheek by jowl, with the majority of people — both inside and outside the church — who live with themselves as their own objective authority and standard. They can communicate with one another the way that a porcupine might communicate with a Weather Balloon. Ontologically they have all things in common but epistemologically they have nothing in common. They are living in two competing realities. This explains why Bavinck can write; “We can project ourselves into the thought and life of those preceding ages only with great difficulty.” Those of us who belong still to those preceding ages continue to have great difficulty but our great difficulty is projecting ourselves into the thought and life of the current age we now live in.

That Bavinck is correct here one only has to lift one’s eyes and look around. To the person who is conversant with the mindset of the preceding ages, having immersed themselves in those preceding ages via their reading habits, it is a daily reality that we have broke with what was once considered “sacred.” Whether it is the way we speak, the way we dress, or the way we worship as “Christians” all of what was once considered “sacred” is passe. In order for the idea of “sacred” to gain traction there must exist this concept of objective authority but with the disappearance of an objective authority so also has gone into remission any idea of “sacred.” If man is the measure than nothing can be set apart as unto God.

One of the pieces of irony in all this is the rise of “critical reason.” The irony is found in the fact that once the idea of authority and the objective is removed the idea that critical reason can still exist in a completely subjectivized and subjective world is a real knee-slapper. Without an authority or objective outside of us “critical reason” has no basis by which it can defend itself as either “critical” or as “reason.” Without authority to anchor it critical reason is just another subjective opinion. Indeed, “critical reason,” must presuppose what it is denying (objectivity and authority) in order to deny what it is denying. Before it can slap objectivity and authority in the face it must first climb up into its lap. Without objectivity and authority critical reason can be neither critical nor reason.

Do not move on from this quote without considering Bavinck’s final words here. In such an age as which we now live he notes that even most of the remaining Christians are in trouble. The remaining Christians, bitten by the zeitgeist, themselves have trouble returning to any real foundation. They exist as trying to return to a time, via a method (conservatism) which itself has very little eternal substance to it. They are seeking to “keep the faith,” but as Bavinck notes that faith has been planted in very shallow soil. Indeed, Bavinck’s words ring true again in thunderous tones for our day as he concludes; There is much noise and movement, but little genuine spirit, little genuine enthusiasm issuing from an upright, fervent, sincere faith.”

Answering An Objection To Presuppositionalism Raised By A Natural Law Fanboy

 “It’s (presuppositionalism) epistemological brain rot. They (Presuppositionalists) assume a coherence theory of knowledge, which redefines and subjectivizes knowledge, grounding it in your own “worldview” consistency rather than the objective world.

I once asked a staunch presup guy if an unregenerate person can understand the number 4. The response I got: “The unbeliever can’t A C C O U N T for the number four or understand why it is meaningful”. And it does quickly turn into arrogance on the popular level, spraying genetic fallacies in every direction.”

Natural Law Fanboy

1.) Inasmuch as one’s worldview is consistent with and reflective of the objective world I don’t see how this is a problem. Is it the case that our Natural Law Fanboy (NLF) believes that an objective world can be arrived at by beginning with the subjective categories of the fallen self as the epistemological legislating authority?

2.) It is only the Christian presuppositionalist who can have an objective world since the Christian presuppositionalist presupposes that an objective God has created an objective world and made it knowable by an objective revelatory word. The objectiveness of the world can only be obtained as in a presuppositionalist world and life view since only the presuppositionalist is beginning the reasoning process by presupposing an objective God who created an objective world that can be known by objective revelation.

3.) If our unregenerate person in question is a materialist he certainly can’t understand the number 4 since the number 4 is not a material reality. Now, he may well use fourness in any number of ways but his avowed worldview of materialism means that he indeed can’t account for the number 4 that he uses with regularity. If our unregenerate person in question is a spiritualist (believing that all reality is spiritual) then the number 4 is a spiritual reality but then so are the numbers 5 – 9 and every other number and as all is spiritual then any distinctions between any of the numbers is completely arbitrary on the part of our New Age friend.

So, “no,” the unregenerate person cannot “understand the number 4,” though we are glad to concede that the unregenerate person seldom acts consistently with his unregenerate Natural Law world and life view. Because the unbeliever acts inconsistently with his self-avowed world and life view you can find him everywhere fouring and fiving all over the place.

Of course it is Greg Bahnsen himself who said that the unregenerate can indeed count but he cannot account for his ability to count. Bahnsen was correct and I should think that folks dealing with Bahnsen seldom got away with accusing Bahnsen of “spraying genetic fallacies in every direction.”

Of course it is the view of the presuppositionalist that it is the Natural Law types who are the arrogant ones. Here we find folks who are championing the idea that starting from their subjective selves and their fallen minds they can arrive at the objective. But fallen man is like a zero in a multiplication problem. No matter how many other numbers one puts in the equation that 0 is going to make the answer 0.

The fact that fallen man gets right whatever it is he gets right is not explained by fallen man’s native epistemological ability. No, fallen man gets right what he gets right because he surreptitiously borrows from the Christian world and life view in order to get his Christ denying world and life view off the ground and operating.

It reminds us of the old joke Van Til used to enjoy telling.

One day a bunch of scientists came to God and said; “God, we have decided we don’t need you anymore. We have arrived to the point where we can create life and we are now quite done with any need of your services.”

God looked upon them amusingly and said … “Very well then, let us have a contest. You create life and then I’ll create life.”

This was amenable to the Natural Law scientists and so they agreed.

At that point they grabbed some dirt in order to create life whereupon God objected saying… “Oh no you don’t. That is my dirt. You get your own dirt.”

Natural Law fallen man may indeed get things “right” but they only do so by using borrowed capital from a Christian world and life view.

Whose brain is rotting now I wonder?

Talking About WOKE With A PCA Pastor’s Wife

Recently, a PCA Pastor’s wife (Laurel Johnson) asked me if I could define what I mean when I say WOKE. Keep in mind that Mrs. Johnson tends to have theological views that are vastly different from mine. This wasn’t a question without something lying behind the question.

Below is the definition of WOKE that I sent back to Mrs. Johnson (Sassiterain on Twitter);

WOKE The act of making sacred, historically allegedly marginalized race, gender and sexual identity groups. Out of this arises a kind of folk theology that teaches that these groups may not be offended as the idea of “offense” is defined by these particular sacralized groups.

The penalty for violating WOKEness is that the one who offends one of these sacralized groups (minorities, feminists, perverts) is excommunicated from society (what we call cancel culture) since the offending party has committed blasphemy.

It’s all very religious…. a “new” faith.

From here Mrs. Johnson, whose husband Pastors a PCA church in Blaine, Washington asked;

Do you believe that supporting racial unity in the churches and interracial marriage is woke?

I responded by answering;

How are you defining “racial unity?” If you’re asking whether or not Christians should support racial unity if racial unity requires reinterpreting Christianity through a Cultural Marxist grid in order to arrive at that holy grail of “racial unity”, the answer is obviously, “NO.”

Interracial marriage by itself is not necessarily WOKE (though it might be and often is). However, the way Interracial marriage is pushed in our culture and by many churches is definitely WOKE; the result of the pervasive influence of Cultural Marxism.

Certainly, interracial marriage should be discouraged. I agree with Muhammed Ali on this point;

Quote Flurry From Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyan

“A man does evil not only because he is a villain, but also because he is accustomed to this weak-willed self-abasement in others. Slavery not only corrupts the slave, but also the slaveholder; unbridled man is unbridled not only by himself but also by the social environment, which allows him to unbridle himself; a despot is impossible if there are no reptiles; ‘everything is permitted,’ only where people have allowed each other everything.”

Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyan
On Resistance to Evil by Force

I’ve only read a few books (comparatively speaking) by EO writes but whenever I have those authors strike me as incredibly thoughtful.

“All of the great many people who have not developed a strong-willed character have neither a ‘king in their head,’ nor reigning sanctities in their hearts and so prove with their acts their inability to self-govern and their need for social education. And the tragedy of those who run away from this task is that it remains for them inescapable.

“All people continuously educate each other, whether they want to or not, whether they are aware of it or not, are good at it or not, are sincere or careless. They educate each other with every one of their manifestations: their replies and inflections, a smile and its absence, arrival and departure, exclamation and silence, request and demand, treatment and boycott. Every objection, every disapproval, every protest corrects and strengthens the outer edge of the human personality: man is socially dependent and socially adaptive being, and the more spineless a person is, the stronger this law of return and reflection.”

Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyan
On Resistance to Evil by Force — p. 31

This underscores what I’ve contended for quite some time and that is that most people are social chameleons and that regardless of their age. Most people will reflect and parrot the social background in which you place them. It’s just the nature of the human-animal to do so. This truth, in part, explains the impact of polling. If societally, there is an overwhelming movement towards consensus on this or that issue then precisely because humans are social chameleons it makes any contentious issue more likely to be permanent in change. In our unfortunate democracy massive social change only occurs because people are social chameleons.

It is only those who have quality character and who are of the leadership class who change their surroundings and don’t blend in to the social setting. It is these same people who are roundly hated by all the chameleons who want to just go with the herd.

“To educate a characterless child or, that which is almost the same, a spineless adult, means not only to awaken in him a spiritual sight and to spark love within him, but to teach him cathartically in the discipline of self-compulsion and peremptorily in the discipline of self-restraint. For a man incapable of good self-inducement, the only way to lead him to this art is to subject him to external pressure emanating from others.”

Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyan
On Resistance to Evil by Force — p. 31

Ilyan is spot on here. Character is built only by love of the good and love of the good will not come without that standard of good being set in the community around the characterless child and the spineless adult. Peer pressure can be a positive thing. This is why it is danger to let the collective character go down the tubes.

“In the face of evil, which can be contained by no other means, a forceful response, is not only permissible but becomes a knightly duty. Heroic courage consists not only in recognizing this duty but in bearing its heavy moral burden without fear.”

Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyan
On Resistance to Evil by Force

McAtee Engages Rev. Chris Gordon on Eschatology

One problem with Amillennialism is that it ignores that with the victory of Christ over the Cross and with His Ascension Christ has brought in the age to come so that it is rolling back this present wicked age. Amillennial eschatology is old covenant eschatology inasmuch as it is front loaded with the “not yet” (this present wicked age) while ignoring that we are, because of Christ’s victory, living in the “now” ( age to come). For the Amill everything, practically speaking, is still yet to come. The Victory of Christ is only a “Spiritual Victory,” and does NOT impact planet earth except so as to save a person here or there. The Amill insists that planet earth will always be under the tutelage of the evil one until Christ visibly returns to conquer a previously untamed Satan.

Amillennialism (along with Full Preterism) are a Gnostic. Both relegate Christ’s Ascension and Victory and rule to a spiritual realm and deny any impact on culture, nations, lifespan, disease, sin, etc. All the blessings of Isaiah 65 and 66 (end of war, poverty, disease, long life) are spiritualized and relegated to the realm of paradise and the departed saints.  Such eschatology is defeatist.

“The problem with postmillennialism in American today is just that, it’s just too American. To wait eagerly for the second coming and the destruction of all enemies, doesn’t make us pessimists and defeatists with regard to Christ’s victory, it drives us to live in confident hope that Christ’s kingdom victory will soon be realized in glory when he returns on the clouds of heaven.”

Rev. Chris Gordon

And the problem with Amillennialism is that it’s just too masochistic. They long for defeat. They relish the thought of seeing the Kingdom of Christ beaten back. They spend so much time eagerly waiting for the second coming and the destruction of all God’s enemies that they refuse to fight now. Why fight if it is ordained that Christ will not visibly reign over His enemies until He returns? If Christ has promised that He will not visibly reign over His enemies until He returns then per Amillennialism, the postmills are absolutely in disobedience to God’s Word in expecting Christ to have the victory in space and time.

Gordon insists that the Postmill vision detract from preaching the Cross. He apparently assumes that preaching the Cross and preaching the visible victory of Christ and His Kingdom are mutually contradictory.

Amillennialism makes certain that Christianity will forever be in the catacombs or cowering against the might of the State or masochistically enjoying some defeat at the hands of some anti-Christ somewhere.

Next, the whole crap about postmill being “too American” is just beyond silly given that the Reformed Church up until the creation of Westminster was, in its majority report, postmillennial in its eschatology. Postmillennialism is stamped all over the writings of the Puritans and the Southern Presbyterians.  Postmill advocates of varying proclivities include such notables as OT Allis, Athanasius, Augustine, Greg Bahnsen, John Calvin, RL Dabney, Jonathan Edwards, Eusebius, AA Hodge, Charles Hodge, J Marcellus Kik, J Gresham Machen, Iain Murray, John Murray, Gary North, John Owen, RJ Rushdoony, WGT Shedd, Augustus Strong, JH Thornwell, and BB Warfield. I wonder if Gordon notices all the non-American names here?

I loathe militant and pessimistic Amillennials. They are a absolute hindrance to the march of the Kingdom.

Gordon, being on a roll, continued,

“If we were witnessing widespread repentance in America and people falling at the feet of Jesus, then I might be able to take the current popularity of postmillennialism more seriously, but it strikes me as odd that in the midst of the sweeping moral revolution that characterizes our time, all of the sudden the idea of a golden age breaking into America is finding great approbation in certain quarters of the American church. What gives? Championing postmillennialism and dominion victory at a moment in history when the church is on the brink of serious persecution feels more like a desperation cry and a last-ditch effort to save an incompatible eschatology with life in America.”

Rev. Chris Gordon
R2K Fanboy

I can see Gordon that you would have concluded that Christianity was not true were you alive to see Jesus crucified because at that moment it was hardly self-evident that Jesus Christ was/is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

Per your reasoning, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ would have proven that the claims of Christ were NOT true. Is that the way you come to truth Rev. Gordon? “Well, if it is popular, then of course it must be true and if it is unpopular, well, then, obviously it is not true.”

Do you always judge what is and is not true based on the circumstances of any given particular moment?

But, you know what Gordon … you’re right. Let’s us just surrender and ask for our amillennial bullet in the nape of the neck right now and be done with contending for Christ and His Kingdom. After all, we are going to lose anyway.

And for the trilogy Gordon adds;

“Postmillennialism has, as of recent, become the rage in online discourse and in popular books like Stephen Wolfe’s “Christian Nationalism.” This has been curious to me as a pastor in the Reformed tradition due to the fact that most Christians recognize that we have come to the end of Christendom in America.”

Rev. Chris Gordon
Really Chrissie?

Most Christians recognize that we have come to the end of Christendom in America? Even were that true, how does that alone prove that postmillennialism shouldn’t be advocated for in books? Oh, and is it your habit to come to truth by counting noses? Do you always reason in such a way; “Most Christians recognize that governments schools are good for their children therefore governments schools are good for their children?” This is a very odd way for clergy to assess truth… or maybe not so odd given the quality of our current clergy?

And Gordon, did you slip there by implying that at one time America was Christian? After all, Christendom in America can’t end unless it at one time Christendom in America really did exist. But you can’t mean that because R2K does not believe that Christendom as a category is even possible.

Finally, Pastor, did you take a poll so as to know that “most Christians recognize that we have come to an end of Christendom in America?”