1.) Sonia Sotomayor was a politically correct pick and Political correctness is just a shorthand way of describing cultural Marxist guidelines for speech and cultural action. That Sotomayor is part of the flotsam and jetsam of cultural Marxism and political correctness can be seen by the fact that her nomination is being floated on the back of her victim status as a Hispanic and a Woman. This victim status, which becomes the bulwark of the totalitarian system that is political correctness, is accentuated by Sotomayer’s membership of La Raza. La Raza is the Hispanic version of the Klu Klux Klan.
Quotes from Sotomayor reveal that Political Correctness (PC) is the basis of this nomination. PC teaches that all of history can be understood as one group having power over other groups. Listen to Sotomayor,
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion as a judge than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”
Sotomayor thinks in terms of groups and see’s herself as part of a group, the membership of which, makes her automatically superior to those in other groups. This is classical cultural Marxism. Victims like Female Hispanics are superior. Oppressors like White males are inferior. Sotomayor is only qualified for a Supreme Court position because she is a poster child for political correctness and cultural Marxism.
2.) This nomination by Obama proves something that I’ve contended all along and that is that Obama is an anti-white racist. With this nomination Obama reveals his continued pursuit of anti-white identity politics. If Obama gets another Supreme Court nominee I would be willing to bet a great deal of money that the seat will go to a Black “jurist.” Obama is a black liberation theology socialist. His whole administration is dedicated to making people of color the head while white people are the tail. This nomination by Obama proves that Obama, when he speaks at places like Notre Dame, must be completely ignored since his speeches are intended to defuse the cultural tensions that his policies and nominations create.
3.) Cultural Marxist identity politics only works when it is employed by those who are Cultural Marxists. For example, Clarence Thomas’ blackness made no difference to Cultural Marxist Democrats. Similarly, Alberto Gonzales’ “Latino” identity didn’t cut any slack with the Cultural Marxists Democrats.
4.) Sotomayor believes that legislative action should be made from the Judicial bench. This revels her utter disregard for Constitutional law. Sotomayor, as was seen by her New Haven Ct. reasoning, once on the bench will adjudicate cases based on group identity and not on what the law says. In classical cultural Marxist jurisprudence Sotomayor deconstructs the constitutional text thus removing all meaning from the text and re-inserts any meaning she desires.
5.) Conventional wisdom insists that Sotomayor should not be resisted since her nomination is inevitable. This is classic Stockholm syndrome thinking. Those with Stockholm syndrome begin to identify with their kidnappers to the point that they act the way their kidnappers desire. The Christian West has been kidnapped by Cultural Marxism and there is very little will left to resist the conventional wisdom that is spat out by the organs of cultural Marxism.
Sonia Sotomayor is a lightweight justice who only got as far as she has because of the cultural Marxism that has been prevalent for the last 25 years. She is the judicial equivalent of putting a 85 pound woman in a elite military special ops unit simply because she is a woman. She doesn’t know Constitutional Law. All reports suggest that she is a intellectual dwarf. She is anti-second amendment. She is pro Cultural Marxism.