Noonan On Sotomayor

“Does anyone believe that (Sotomayor) is a racist?”

Peggy Noonan

Good night Peggy … the woman is a member of La Raza whose motto is “All for the Race, None for the rest.” She is a freaking member of this group Peggy. Peggy … Sotomayor is a member of a group whose motto is the call for Hispanic racial supremacy to such a degree that nothing is left for other races.

Noonan represents the reason why there is no hope in the Republican party. She is the poster child on why Sam Francis called the Republican party “the stupid party.” I mean how stupid is it for this high brow Republican to act like it is immature to point out Sotomayor’s in your face hatred for white people.

People like Noonan will guarantee that La Raza’s motto will come to pass. Peggy, do you realize that Sotomayor would not even be empaneled to be a juror if she revealed that she was a member of La Raza and that she believed that Latina women can reach better judicial decisions then white males. If she would be rejected to sit as a juror on a trial why should she sit on the Supreme Court.

Does anyone believe that Peggy Noonan is politically savvy?

Lasch On The American Character

“In an age of diminishing expectations, the Protestant virtues no longer excite enthusiasm. Inflation erodes investments and savings. Advertising undermines the horror of indebtedness, exhorting the consumer to buy now and pay later. As the future becomes menacing and uncertain, only fools put off until tomorrow the fun they can have today….In earlier times, the self-made man took pride in his judgment of character and probity; today he anxiously scans the faces of his fellows not so as to evaluate their credit but in order to gauge their susceptibility to his own blandishments. He practices the classic arts of seduction, and with the same indifference to moral niceties, hoping to win your heart while picking your pocket. The happy hooker stands in place of Horatio Alger as the prototype of personal success. If Robinson Crusoe embodied the ideal type of economic man, the hero of bourgeois society in its ascendancy, the spirit of Molly Flanders presides over its dotage.”

Christopher Lasch
The Culture Of Narcissism — pg. 52

Lasch insists that American character has shifted so as to be something that earlier Americans would have found detestable.

What Lasch saw in the culture is present in spades in the Church. The Church growth model suggests to me that Pastors are more inclined to look at people not in order to assess their character but rather to see how susceptible people are to having their pockets picked by their willingness to financially support the church.

Lasch later picks up the implication of this phenomenon,

“The latest success manuals differ from earlier ones — even surpassing the cynicism of Dale Carnegie and Peale — in their frank acceptance of the need to exploit and intimidate others, in their lack of interest in the substance of success, and in the candor with which they insist that appearances — ‘winning images’ — count for more than performance, ascription for more than achievement….Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success.”

Part of the lack of American character is found in the seemingly universal pursuit of style over substance and appearance over accomplishment. Part of the problem here, as this reality has gained steam, is that people no longer have the ability to press past style and appearance in order ascertain if there exists any genuine substance and accomplishment. My experience suggests that the majority of the time there is no there “there” when one encounters those who excel at style and appearance.

Part of the evidence of all of this is found in how little Americans read. Part of the evidence of all of this is found in how easily Americans can be manipulated by both the Major Media and by Talk Radio. A people who had substance couldn’t be fooled by the ridiculous things that are said in both these formats. (Though it does remind one of the descriptions of the Gladiators in the Roman Coliseums fighting one another to the death.)

All of this, of course, is a harbinger of approaching cultural doom. There is no way that a culture can survive long when its character is all wind, and threatening clouds but no rain. Unreality can not survive long as reality.

In conclusion, I have found the result of what Lasch describes is a population that has no soul. It is as if people don’t even realize that they are alive but instead are just going through the stylistic motions of life.

Not Quite The Idea

Gulliver passed the boundaries into a strange country named “Notquiterightistand” where people seemed to grow up out of the ground from the shoulders up. At the same time a low, indecipherable chant could be heard bubbling up from under the ground. Curious, Gulliver took a stethoscope and placed it against the earth from which these bodies sprouted and the indecipherable mantra suddenly became coherent. In a thousand different timbres and a million different pitches Gulliver could make out the unmistakable words repeated endlessly … “God is Sovereign.”

Observations On Sotomayor, Obama, American Culture & Conventional Wisdom

1.) Sonia Sotomayor was a politically correct pick and Political correctness is just a shorthand way of describing cultural Marxist guidelines for speech and cultural action. That Sotomayor is part of the flotsam and jetsam of cultural Marxism and political correctness can be seen by the fact that her nomination is being floated on the back of her victim status as a Hispanic and a Woman. This victim status, which becomes the bulwark of the totalitarian system that is political correctness, is accentuated by Sotomayer’s membership of La Raza. La Raza is the Hispanic version of the Klu Klux Klan.

Quotes from Sotomayor reveal that Political Correctness (PC) is the basis of this nomination. PC teaches that all of history can be understood as one group having power over other groups. Listen to Sotomayor,

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion as a judge than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Sotomayor thinks in terms of groups and see’s herself as part of a group, the membership of which, makes her automatically superior to those in other groups. This is classical cultural Marxism. Victims like Female Hispanics are superior. Oppressors like White males are inferior. Sotomayor is only qualified for a Supreme Court position because she is a poster child for political correctness and cultural Marxism.

2.) This nomination by Obama proves something that I’ve contended all along and that is that Obama is an anti-white racist. With this nomination Obama reveals his continued pursuit of anti-white identity politics. If Obama gets another Supreme Court nominee I would be willing to bet a great deal of money that the seat will go to a Black “jurist.” Obama is a black liberation theology socialist. His whole administration is dedicated to making people of color the head while white people are the tail. This nomination by Obama proves that Obama, when he speaks at places like Notre Dame, must be completely ignored since his speeches are intended to defuse the cultural tensions that his policies and nominations create.

3.) Cultural Marxist identity politics only works when it is employed by those who are Cultural Marxists. For example, Clarence Thomas’ blackness made no difference to Cultural Marxist Democrats. Similarly, Alberto Gonzales’ “Latino” identity didn’t cut any slack with the Cultural Marxists Democrats.

4.) Sotomayor believes that legislative action should be made from the Judicial bench. This revels her utter disregard for Constitutional law. Sotomayor, as was seen by her New Haven Ct. reasoning, once on the bench will adjudicate cases based on group identity and not on what the law says. In classical cultural Marxist jurisprudence Sotomayor deconstructs the constitutional text thus removing all meaning from the text and re-inserts any meaning she desires.

5.) Conventional wisdom insists that Sotomayor should not be resisted since her nomination is inevitable. This is classic Stockholm syndrome thinking. Those with Stockholm syndrome begin to identify with their kidnappers to the point that they act the way their kidnappers desire. The Christian West has been kidnapped by Cultural Marxism and there is very little will left to resist the conventional wisdom that is spat out by the organs of cultural Marxism.

Sonia Sotomayor is a lightweight justice who only got as far as she has because of the cultural Marxism that has been prevalent for the last 25 years. She is the judicial equivalent of putting a 85 pound woman in a elite military special ops unit simply because she is a woman. She doesn’t know Constitutional Law. All reports suggest that she is a intellectual dwarf. She is anti-second amendment. She is pro Cultural Marxism.