Internet Legend — Said to have Happened in different locales
Subject: Name pronunciation
How would you pronounce this child’s name; “Le-a”?
Leah?? NO
Lee – A?? NOPE
Lay – a?? NO
Lei?? Guess Again.
The child (Le-a) in question attends a school in Detroit, Michigan and in Detroit Michigan, this child’s mother is irate because everyone is pronouncing her child’s name wrong.
It seems that the child’s name is to be pronounced as “Ledasha.”
When the Mother was asked how Le-a could be pronounced “Ledasha,” the mother said,
“the dash don’t be silent.”
So, if you see something with a dash in it come across your desk from Detroit, Michigan remember to pronounce the dash.
And if they axe you why…
Just tell them that — “the dash don’t be silent.”