Category: Marxism/Cultural Marxism
Hey Indiana Wesleyan University Bureaucrats … Leave Those Kids Alone
I grew up Wesleyan and so there will always be a place in my heart for Wesleyans. When I say I grew up Wesleyan, I don’t mean merely that I attended a Wesleyan Church. I mean that Wesleyans were my best friends. I mean Wesleyans shepherded me through some pretty tough adolescent times. I mean Wesleyans took me in as a foster child at age 17 and helped me finish high school. I mean Wesleyans educated me on the first leg of the higher education journey. I mean the first sermon I preached was in a Wesleyan pulpit. I attended their summer camps, I dated their daughters, and I studied their theology. Because of all this and more, I will never cease being grateful to God for the Wesleyans.
I think (at least I hope) that it is this gratitude that every once in a while finds me dipping into their culture to see what is going on as well as prompting me to go after the same kind of stupidity they are pursuing as you find in spades in the “Reformed” world. Recently, that stupidity was brought before me as my wife directed my attention to the Alumni magazine that we receive (and which I almost never look at).
The stupidity of this June 2020 edition of “Triangle” is so jejune that I just had to write something here on Iron Ink. Below find III Roman numerals and my engagement with them.
I.) “Under Vice President Diane McDaniel’s leadership within the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, many important initiatives began or have strengthened in the last six years.”
BLMc responds,
I comment here in order to put into the absolutely ridiculous nature of the titles these people are holding. We are looking at three people here and here are the offices/titles they are associated with putting back to back;
1.) Office of Diversity and Inclusion
2.) Intercultural and Global Office
3.) Executive Director for Inclusive Excellence and International Education
4.) Executive Director of Multicultural Learning & Engagement
The least egregious sin of #1 is that it is redundant. If you have an office of Diversity doesn’t that automatically mean you’re chasing down Inclusion? I mean, how can an Office of Diversity be exclusive at the same time?
All of these offices and Titles are sucking off the Worldview teat of Cultural Marxism and Critical Race Theory. Having an Office of Diversity and Inclusion is just another way of saying, “Office of We Need Fewer White People.” Think about it … How many Universities in Peking, China have an “Office of Diversity and Inclusion?” No… it is only stupid white people swigging away at Marxist hooch who create an “Office of Diversity and Inclusion.”
All of these Offices/Titles suffer from Job Title Inflation. What a resume enhancer it must be to have once been the Executive Director of Multicultural Learning & Engagement of some backwater Wesleyan University who was a Critical Race Theory wannabee.
Next, consider the money that is being bored into the budgets of these nonsensical (make-work) offices and positions. Every year I have my Alma Mater — Indiana Wesleyan University — calling me or sending me junk mail begging me for money. Never once have I called them or sent them junk mail asking them to support the Church I serve. Yet, were I to send them money they would pour it down the rat-hole that is “The Office of Diversity & Inclusion,” or give it to some feminists working in the “Intercultural and Global” Office. You know these people with the titles of “Executive Director” are making 6 figures easy. And yet despite the fact that Indiana Wesleyan University is pursuing an anti-Christian Worldview as part of their University culture (Critical Race Theory), they want the working blue-collar people of the Denomination to send them money to fill their blood money coffers. This goes beyond being criminal to become sacrilege since it is all being done in the name of Jesus.
If you’re a Wesleyan, and you’re sending money to support Indiana Wesleyan University you’re doing the Devil’s work.
II.) “Dr. Joel Olufowote joined IWU Marion’s Intercultural and Global Office in 2018. He serves as the executive director for inclusive excellence and international education.” During his first two years, Dr. Olufowote laid a conceptual foundation for inclusive work that is Kingdom-focused. He helped to systematize aspects of our protocols and culture that reflect the Lord’s color-blind love.
The “Lord” is color blind? The “Lord” doesn’t know the color of the people He calls to Himself? Certainly, when it comes to salvation, the “Lord” is no respecter of persons, but to suggest that he’s color blind would suggest some imperfection in the “Lord,” and that I find quite curious.
Alternately, maybe they are saying that God doesn’t care about the color of one’s skin when building the Kingdom. But if God is color blind on these matters shouldn’t His people be as well and so not emphasize color by having an Executive Director of Inclusive Excellence? I mean, what else is the University doing but emphasizing that God does see color by having an office that is all about seeing color and making sure that the color quota on campus is met every year? It seems to me that God indeed is color blind but all the University is seeing is color everywhere.
I mean … understand that Olufowote’s work is to make sure the Campus is not too White. The man was hired to see color … to be “Inclusive.” God may not see color but I guaran-damn-tee you that Olufowote does. If nobody was seeing color nobody would notice that color was lacking and needed to be pursued.
II. B) With the events of this past summer, Joel’s work quickly moved to action. “Because of COVID-19, our students were not here [on campus],” said Dr. Olufowote. “Still, we wanted them to know that we are always here for them. We knew our students were being impacted but they did not have a community to process with, to lament with. At the same time, they were being overwhelmed by the media. We thought ‘we should reach out and listen.’” Through “I Can’t Breathe” forums for students and employees, Dr. Olufowote fostered an opportunity for the residential community to lament, to listen, and to learn. It gave him the chance to arm IWU’s commitment to move along the spectrum of inclusion…. The outflow of these conversations will manifest themselves during this 2020-2021 academic year; one of note is the formation of the Black Student Union.
BLMc responds,
a.) Let me get this straight … students were doing school online at home because of COVID and so not on campus but the poor tender darlings couldn’t cope with the stress of it all? The students — now off-campus — needed some “lament outlet” because the media was bruising them so badly and Joel was there to rescue them by providing a “I Can’t Breath” forum? This is the stuff of a stand-up comedy routine. Who comes up with this drivel? Indiana Wesleyan University is paying this guy six figures to be a hand-holder and wet nurse for adults who can’t find the intestinal fortitude to go on with life because of the pain coming from TV media anchors?
I can only speak for myself but I found myself constantly thinking when I was a student at IWU, “I wish the bureaucrats would just leave me the hell alone.” Apparently, now the students need bureaucrats to help them get through life even when the students are not on campus.
b.) I’m sure it is just coincidental that Dr. Olufowote, who is black, is forming a Black Student Union. I’m wondering which Latino IWU is going to hire now so that he can justify his salary by forming a “Hispanic Student Union.”
III.) Dr. Karen A. Dowling, executive director of multicultural learning &
engagement, collaborated with IWU National & Global leaders to address these same missional interests. As a team, they organized two “Hoping Together” forums for online students and another ten “Growing Together” sessions for employees as a response to the “Sharing Our Hearts” employee forum….move forward in this important work. One faculty member took the initiative to form a task force to evaluate program curricula for more integration of inclusion and equity content.
When is the work done? When Biblical justice and equity is the common culture of our communities, and specifically IWU…
a.) I’d bet my retirement that Dr. Karen A. Dowling is a full-blown feminist.
b.) Hoping Together/Growing Together/Sharing Our Hearts? Is this University or is this pre-school? Did she put on her sweater and tennis shoes before getting started like Mr. Rogers used to do?
Honestly, if students really do need this kind of stuff we are in more troubled waters than I even thought we were.
C.) Twice in #3 the word “equity” is used. This is the main tip that we are talking about Critical Race Theory in this whole agenda. Keep in mind that equity is a step beyond equality. (And equality the way Progressives define it is already a step too far.) Equity is about redressing past grievances. Equity says that since perverts, women, and minorities were (allegedly) discriminated against in the past, therefore, it is fitting, proper, and necessary for white people (especially white males) to be discriminated against today. Equity is about settling old scores against the putative way white people treated minorities, perverts, and feminists. When the word “equity” is used it means payback.
Indiana Wesleyan University has now become an arm of the Cultural Marxist movement to marginalize white Christians by reinterpreting Christianity through the prism of Critical Race Theory. I would guess that many of the Professors there who are contributing to this worldview shift are just useful idiots who don’t know what they are doing. I suspect even President David Wright falls into this category. However, you can be sure that there are some people on that campus who know exactly what they are doing. You can also be sure that some people are on campus who are against this but who are too fearful for their professional careers to speak out against this nonsense.
All of this is ubiquitous on Christian campuses of every Denominational stripe.
The Purpose of Critical Race Theory … and its Origins
Recently, I made the point that one of the purposes of Critical Race Theory is so that the putative oppressed have the means to go from alleged oppressed status to an oppressor status. Indeed, I would insist that is the main reason for the existence of Critical Race theory is to empower the weak so that they can dominate the strong. I do not believe the CRT has very much to do with “justice” or righting previous wrongs.
In response to this one of my more articulate and educated readers responded by writing,
If i’m covered in 10 layers of oppression I assure you i’m not advancing in anybody’s world. Where is this black, female, gay, handicapped, poor, under-resourced person that is “ruling” over whites??????
stupid **6ix9ine voice
One has to keep in mind that Cultural Marxism has replaced the proletariat class with the oppressed class and has replaced the bourgeoisie with the oppressor class. The reason for this switch is the Frankfurt School (Cultural Marxists) realized that the working class (proletariat) was never going to accomplish the long march through the Institutions since they themselves realized that they could be upwardly mobile in the Christian and Capitalist system. The Frankfurt school realized that they needed a new proletariat to accomplish Revolution and that this new proletariat had to be based not on an economic foundation but on a cultural foundation. That which needed to be attacked was not so much the economic bourgeoisie as the cultural gatekeepers. Christian culture was the object of destruction.
Like in classical Marxism the intent is for the proletariat (oppressed) to eventually overthrow the bourgeoisie (oppressor). In Cultural Marxism, the tool that is used to achieve that overthrow is Critical Race theory. The difference is that now whereas in the past the proletariat was the worker class, the current proletariat is comprised of minorities, feminists, LGBTQI, disabled, and under-resourced persons who have bought into the myth that they are victims of white Christian normies. Likewise, the current bourgeoisie class is now comprised of epistemologically self-conscious white Christian normies who refuse to embrace the Marxist narrative combined with a small handful of epistemologically self-conscious minorities who likewise refuse to embrace victim status. Minorites like Voddie Baucham, Candice Owens, Michelle Malkin, Thomas Sowell, and others are paying a huge price by standing up to the race pimps and new proletariat class. Similarly, white Christians who refuse to bow are being routinely bloodied by the hatemongers and racial gargoyles.
Now it is reasonable to ask where do we find the alleged oppressed class benefiting by their oppressed status as Mr. 6ix9ine inquires above. The examples are abundant;
1.) The alleged oppressed class benefits from their oppressed status by having SAT points automatically added to their SAT scores simply because they are part of a putative victim class.
2.) The whole quota system that is now characteristic in this country has been implemented with the vision of fixing centuries of oppression. Numerous white Christian males need not apply for promotions, terminal degree programs, or career positions because they are being displaced by members of the new less qualified Marxist proletariat.
3.) The recent massive stimulus relief package proposes to pay billions of dollars to Black farmers while leaving white farmers to go pound sand simply because they are white.
4.) All of this that is pursued by the FEDS is accomplished from taking from white Christian Peter to transfer wealth to proletariat Ximinez. In the process, the whole former notion of a meritocracy has been eclipsed in favor of the bromides of Critical race theory.
Now, these are considered “hate facts” but facts they remain. It is an absolute truth that the purpose of CRT is to displace white Christian males with the new proletariat.
This kind of thing has been pursued in the past. When the Freedman’s Bureau was established in 1866 its purpose was clearly to accomplish what CRT is being used today to accomplish — and that is to keep Christian white people impoverished with high sounding language about how blacks were going to get ahead by Freedman’s bureau policies. Instead what happened is that both blacks and whites were impoverished while the FEDS and those sucking off the FED teat were enriched.
The dirty but not-so-secret truth in these pursuits is that these pursuits seldom advantage the hoi polloi that they are supposed to advantage but they are good at lining the pockets of the race pimps and grievance mongers — the professional bitch class.
Of course, all of this is very Nietzschian. Nietzche taught that the socially weak upon becoming aware that they would never overcome the strong by strength instead opted to seize the day by pursuing the transvaluation of all values. By this method, the weak play the Lilliputians to the strength of the strong Gullivers except in this version the Lilliputians tie Gulliver down not by cords but by grievance legislation. No Christian could ever agree with Nietzsche’s solution of the Ubermensch but we can agree that Nietzsche’s prognosis of the transvaluation of all values has descended upon us.
Now to all this the oldest Law Student in America, Mr. Joel McDurmon replied with his usual depth and clarity;
“apparently believe there is a black conspiracy to overthrow all whites.”
I do not believe that there is a black conspiracy to overthrow all whites. I believe that any such conspiracy has been cobbled together by a mind that has for millenniums hated Jesus Christ and Christianity and those who have been the primary civilizational carriers of Christianity. I believe this is Lucifer’s conspiracy as implemented by those who are of their Father, the Devil. The Cultural Marxist proletariat are themselves just the victims though they think that they will achieve bottom rail on top by all this tomfoolery.
Observations on Mike Horton’s Determination to Surrender Christianity — Part I
I take some time here exposing Horton’s lack and my own frustration with Horton’s lack. Keep in mind that Horton is training young men for the Gospel ministry and that what he says here is going to in turn be said in pulpits all across America.
“Islam is not an external threat in the United State to Christianity but Christian Nationalism is a Christian heresy. It is, therefore, an internal threat both to the message and the witness of the Church.”
2.) Are we to wait till Islam becomes an external threat to the US before we understand that as Americans and Christians Muslims are other than us and so should be restricted from coming here?
Horton also, in the “Christian Nationalism” podcast denounces the Crusaders for splitting the skulls of infidel while confessing “Christ is Lord,” saying that in that context the statement “Christ is Lord” is not faithful.
As we move on in this interview we find this gem of an exchange;
BLMc responds,
“For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race…”
Here Paul says of his blood kin what he says nowhere else about other Christians who are not his blood kin. Obviously, there is a kind of Nationalism we see here coming from St. Paul — a Nationalism that Mike desires to summarily dismiss as being heresy.
Elsewhere Horton suggests that Christian Nationalism by necessity inverts the Old Testament by viewing Israel as presaging America as opposed to pointing to Christ. While certainly, that might be true of some versions of non-Biblical Christian Nationalism it is by no means true of all Christian Nationalism that is Biblical.
From The Mailbag — Define Marxism
I had a smart arse BLM dimwit demand I give her a definition of Marxism after I kept insisting that BLM was Marxist. It seems that she thought I was just throwing around words and didn’t know what I was saying.
So… I decided to indulge her. Here is my answer.
Marxism is based on a materialistic and atheistic philosophy that embraces the Hegelian dialectic (thesis/antithesis/ synthesis) as divorced from Hegel’s Idealism and uses the dialectic as its means to realize “progress.” Its intent is the arrival of Utopia and its effect is to level all distinctions into an egalitarian social order wherein there is no longer an oppressor vs. oppressed paradigm existing. Its result wherever it has been tried in history is rivers of blood as the state forces Utopia on unwilling men and women. Its chief technique in seizing power is terror. It is constantly at war with distinctions since distinctions violate their envisioned egalitarian order. Having no extra-mundane personal transcendent God Marxism practices moral relativism. Right and wrong are completely determined by the State in which men live and move and have their being. As such what is right today could very well be wrong tomorrow depending on the necessities of the State. (As seen during the WW II era when one minute the comrades are violently opposing the National socialists in Germany and then the next moment they are singing the praises of their Nazi allies and then flipping again to denounce the Fascists.) Marxism holds to the community of goods as seen in its maxim, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Historically speaking this has included women and wives so that women are considered property of the state to be passed around as needed. (See Alexandra Kollontai) The epistemology of Marxism is humanistic reason. The axiology of Marxism is the progress of the Soviet man. The Ontology of Marxism is time plus chance plus circumstance. The teleology of Marxism is the Kingdom of man.
Well, I could give you a good deal more but this should help you in your studies. I would recommend reading several books I have read if you want to learn more.
Francis Nigel Lee — Communist Eschatology
Fred Schwarz — You Can Trust The Communists to be Communists
W. Cleon Skousen — The Naked Communist
Alexander Solzhenitsyn — From Under the Rubble
Igor Shafarevich — The Socialist Phenomenon
When you get through with those come back to me and I’ll give you some more homework.
Or you could just get your undergrad degree in political philosophy like I did.
I trust your reading goes well.