Public Service Announcement from Baptists For the Maintenance Of Room Temperature IQ

Setting: A lovely middle class living room complete with a bookshelf of library books against one wall with a collection of Hummels on another wall.

Music: Something softly classical with a thoughtful theme

A handsomely dressed 30 year old married Christian couple enters into the room. Their two children (boy and girl) are playing at their feet.Alternately they read their assigned parts from the Script…

“Have you ever considered that your children are aliens and strangers to the household of God?”

“Are you convinced that living in a nation governed either by God’s Natural Law or more especially Gods revealed law would be a tragic mistake?”

“Do you have absolutely zero ability to distinguish between a Biblical Nationalism and a unbiblical nationalism?”

“Are you convinced that the Crusades were blasphemous and a stain on the Church?”

“Do you think Doug Wilson is brilliant in combining Baptist churches with non-Baptists?”

Do you think that James White is God’s special gift to the Church?”

If you said “yes” to any of these questions then the Baptist faith may be just the faith for you.

We here among the Baptists pride ourselves in our break with the Church’s historical past… we labor hard at making sure that everyone knows that God is pleased with Democratic pluralism …. we take it as a mark of achievement that we don’t encourage our children to think of themselves as Christian until they decide for themselves.

There is always room for one more family in the Baptist faith.

Won’t you be that one more family?

Brought to you by the committee to maintain room temperature IQ.

Three Stages of Pre-Revolutionary Work of the Marxist

Marxism in all its forms follows the following methodology in their Revolutionary methodology.

1.) Separation stage
2.) Messaging stage
3.) Infiltration stage

Phase #1 — Separation

This is the stage where the work is undertaken to separate and divide society into distinct groups. These groups usually represent in some form or another the haves vs. the have nots. In WOKE culture this is expressed as oppressed vs. oppressor.

Just exactly how that division takes place does not matter. You can have, as in classical Marxism, the bourgeoise vs. the proletariat. You can have, as in feminism, the trodden upon woman vs. the sexist male. You can have, as in gender Marxism, the pervert vs. oppressive heterosexual mafia. In this stage of separation envy is stoke by assigning guilt and blame. This work expands as eventually whole classes, genders, professions, and/or races are dropped in the category of “oppressor” so that not only individuals but also large groups can be targeted as “haves” that must be brought down in order to achieve “fairness.”

In our culture we are seeing this in the creating categories between races (white race = evil oppressor) all other races are the oppressed. We also see it in sexual warfare. The pervert crowd (LGBTQ) is thought of as oppressed while the oppressors are all those who are for traditional (Biblical) sexuality.

By this separation technique Marxists create a grievance constituency upon which they will use as their shock troops to pull down the haves. Ironically enough, there may be times when there are some who are genuinely oppressed that the Marxists corral into supporting them. However, these people typically fare far worse when the the Marxist oppressed come to power. These people end up going from the frying pan to the fire.

Phase #2 Messaging stage

Once the oppressed are separated from their oppressors then maximum messaging of discontent is blared out from the media / educational organs.

In this stage the embers of envy are stoked. Emphasis is placed upon how raising awareness as to how the oppressed are exploited by the oppressor class. Think of this stage as the stage where the fire under the kettle of discontentment is stoked so that the oppressed become more and more bitter by how unfair the oppressors are to them. The goal of this stage is to build up the pressure so that when the revolution finally comes winning will be like ripe fruit falling from the tree.

This has gone on for a long time in the West via the work of Marxist Hollywood, as well as the work done in the Government schools which strongly emphasizes this messaging. Of course, our own media outlets (radio, TV, newspapers, magazines) continue to push this messaging stage.

Some of referred to this as the propaganda or coding stage. A cultural and societal climate and environment is created wherein people are first nudged and then pushed into thinking of themselves as oppressed have nots.

In this messaging stage, it is communicated that which is unfair will only change if people take matters into their own hands. Think…. “Workers of the world unite.” An “us vs. them” climate is created and what is underscored is that the have not “us” must overthrow in revolution the “them” oppressors.

It should be noted that historically this stage has included large amount of Bagel financing to pay for the messaging stage. The conniving always know how to get rich from Revolution, plus for the Bagel there is always the added plus that typically and historically what is being overthrown is the morality and ethics of Christianity.

Phase #3 — Infiltration

We are still pre-Revolutionary here. With each of these stages the ground is being made fertile for the coming violent bloody Revolution. The hopes are that with this pre-Revolutionary work found in Separation, Messaging, and now Infiltration, that the Revolution itself will be just an inevitable and natural course of action.

In the infiltration stage those who are sympathetic to the oppressor class weasel their way into positions of importance so as to be able to grease the rails for when the revolution comes. Often in this infiltration stage not only individuals but whole cultural institutions are owned by the Revolutionaries. All of this is a micro-accruing of power so that the macro-accruing of power can be more easily achieved.

By infiltration the Marxist can pivot to a pincer move against the established oppressor class by being able to, at one and the same time, strike from below provided by rioting useful idiots and strike from above by key institutions turning against the established culture as a whole. We see this happening in our culture with the complete compromise of the “Evangelical-Reformed” Church. The church is now a captured and infiltrated institution doing the preparatory ground work of pre-revolutionary of messaging. Once the Revolution finally comes here the “Conservative” Churches will be a leading institution gathering up the dissenters. Indeed, we’ve already seen that action taking place.

The goal of the three pre-revolutionary stages is to create a powder keg of resentment, envy, anger, and bitterness in any given culture as existing between the haves and the have nots — the oppressed vs. the oppressors. When the pre-revolutionary work has been successfully been done violence and blood is inevitable. Those who are against the Revolution will have to spill the blood of many revolutionaries who are non-epistemologically self-conscious about their being revolutionaries. Hopefully, the blood of many epistemologically self-conscious revolutionaries will be spilled as well. Think Franco’s work in Spain. Think Pinochet in Chile. Think Cromwell in England.

The cure for this before it gets started is by preaching Gospel Christianity. The cure for all this after this pre-evolutionary activity gains a toe hold is to preach Gospel Christianity as well as the work social ostracizing those who come creating envy with the view of separation, counter-messaging against the Marxist messaging, and proper discipline and criminalizing of infiltration when it is discovered. However, none of this can happen unless a people know what they believe and why they believe it and what they don’t believe and why they don’t believe it. People who just flow with the cultural current when pre-revolutionary work is being done will either become useful idiots for the Revolution or they will get eaten alive.

Here in the States we have lived with a great deal of pre-Revolutionary work for decades and decades. However, it seems we are coming to some kind of head in this matter. The enemy has been successful in spreading the disease of bitterness and envy so much that a oppressed vs. oppressor culture is where we now live. We are now in a position where we have to think carefully about who the cultural gatekeepers identify as “threats” or “dangers.” Since the cultural gatekeepers are often those who we have identified as “infiltrators” above we must realize that who our infiltrator institutions identify as “naughty” people may indeed by those people who need to be lionized above all.

Observations on White Boy Summer

I find it more and more the case that when Doug Wilson hates anything I find myself loving it — and make no mistake about it Doug Wilson hates “White Boy Summer” as seen in his cringe mocking attempt by labeling it “White Soy Bummer.” You know what they say about Liberals don’t you? They rightly observe that Liberals just don’t have a sense of humor, and Doug’s sense of humor regarding White Boy Summer amounts to a Ebenezer Scrooge “Bah Humbug.” Doug is being a grumpy old man.

Despite all the angst and chagrin coming from Doug and his lackey CREC sycophants (Toby Sumpter, Gabriel Rench, Chocolate Knox, Darren Doane etc.) White Boy Summer is here to stay. That is a good thing.

It is a good thing because “White Boy Summer” has become a rallying point especially for White Christian males who have finally decided that they refuse to eat anymore fecal sandwiches being served up by the burgeoning pagan culture, which is hell bound determined to blame the woes of the minority world on white people and the 1500 year old Christian theology and culture that together with his God ordained genetics made the white man the towering figure of world history. Let’s be honest here… it is not just pagan culture that is serving up the fecal sandwiches to Western Christian White men. It is also much of the visible Church in the West, including those expressions that like to think of themselves as “Conservative.”

“White Boy Summer” communicates that the embers of Western Christian Civilization still burn hot beneath the blackened ash that was once a raging fire that nurtured and warmed the whole globe. Those who have eyes to see can see that if the New World Order globalists/Satanists are to be defeated, they can only be defeated by the battalions that are beginning to form around the banner of White Boy Summer.

What White Boy Summer has done to propel itself into the National spotlight (shoot, even taking Lugenpresse head, Joy Reid — she of MSPMS fame–  mentioned the great racist danger that is White Boy Summer) is that it has pulled some jiu jitsu on the Cultural Marxists. The Cultural Marxists have been complaining for a couple decades (at least) about how evil the white man is. Books have been written by putative Academics like  Robin DiAngelo, Ibram X. Kendi, and Henry Louis Gates Jr. criminalizing and demeaning whites and whiteness. This attack on whites and whiteness has always been a clever proxy war against Christianity. These authors and their copycats understood that what made the white man so evil was that he was perfumed with Christianity. However, the Cultural Marxists understood that their cause would be better served to attack white people than to wage a frontal assault on Christianity. So, the proxy war against Christianity has been fought by the Cultural Marxists by attacking white people and whiteness. The jiu jitsu that the White Boy Summer crew has used on the Cultural Marxists is to take the proxy war against Christianity that has been waged against white people and turn it so that a proxy defense of Christianity is being fought by defending white people. White Boy Summer is indeed defending White People (it is good to be White, after all) but in defending White people the higher purpose is to defend Christ and Gospel Christianity.

The Cultural Marxists decided long ago to make White people the target so as to bring down Christian Western Civilization. The slogan “White Boy Summer” is the response. It is a subtle but unmistakable flipping of the table. White Boy Summer is saying to the Cultural Marxists, “You decided to attack Christ by attacking the people most perfumed with Christ. We have decided to meet you on the field of battle by defending Christ by defending the people, who throughout history have been, by God’s grace alone, perfumed with Christ.”

White Boy Summer then is a movement that has finally decided to fight back against those who have been seeking to “make Western Culture stink” for several generations.

Of course, the 95 IQ types jump up and down hollering “racist, fascist, bigot, blah blah blah” and this even though the White Boy Summer chaps have resolutely pointed out that all peoples are welcome to celebrate White Boy Summer just so long as they can honestly celebrate the Christianity that created White Anglo Saxon Protestant culture.

I have a friend in Europe who isn’t white and he constantly tells me that what he most earnestly wishes to do is to come alongside and support the work of heritage Europeans who share a White Boy Summer Christian world and life view. He doesn’t want to be the leader. He wants to support the white leaders who will be working to return the white man to the oaths of allegiance to Christ that they swore long ago.

So, there are minorities who understand and celebrate the superiority of historic white culture and the Christianity that accounts for it, and they certainly welcome to celebrate. At the same time there are cascades of white people who are self-haters because of their hatred of Christ. Part of this is accounted for by the propaganda that we are inundated with as delivered up by the Cultural Marxists. Part of this accounted for by the education that we submerge our children in from grade school to University and beyond. Part of this accounted for by lousy “conservative” churches and “clergy.” Instead of manfully fighting for Christ and their Christian people and family much of the clergy has cast their lot with the enemies of Christ and the enemies of White Boy Summer.

It really is incredible that the clergy in the West doesn’t understand the implications of the fifth commandment. It is stunning that they glide over Romans 9 where Paul speaks so highly of his own wayward people, demonstrating a natural affection for his people. It is shocking that the clergy today miss the direct statement of I Timothy 5:8 about responsibility to kin. It is bewildering that today’s clergy completely elide by Revelation 21-22 where we see all those Nations in their Nations entering into the new Jerusalem. Finally, it is nothing but a resolved historical ignorance that keeps the “conservative” clergy from acknowledging that all the Church Fathers would have been celebrants of White Boy Summer given their quotes that have been exhaustively documented.

What else can we say that most clergy and churches in the West are literally on the wrong side of history? By refusing to own movements like Kinism, White Boy Summer, and Christian Nationalism, etc. the churches and clergy of the West are anathematizing themselves. In God’s words they are “worse than an infidel (I Tim. 5:8).”

Let’s close by clearing something up. Recently, Joel Webbon and a couple other chaps did a podcast where Webbon said;

“Older theonomists are not fans of White Boy Summer.”
Joel Webbon
There are not many theonomists anymore who are much older than me and I love me some White Boy Summer. Indeed, I have to say that all the theonomists I know who are my age, give or take 15 years, love White Boy Summer. All Kinists, regardless of their age, love White Boy Summer, and  see White Boy Summer as an extension of Kinism.
I think Webbon sees guys like Sandlin and Doug Wilson carping about White Boy Summer and he concludes that guys like that are typical theonomists.
They ARE NOT. typical theonomists. Indeed, it is doubtful that they are theonomists at all. Indeed, both Sandlin and Wilson long ago left the Rushdoonian theonomy world. Anyone who has listened to and read  Rushdoony (the Grand-Daddy of theonomy) knows that on the whole Rushdoony would have saluted White Boy Summer. This is especially true of the early Rushdoony.
So as an older theonomist, I salute the White Boy Summer crew and say “Party on Garth.”


Statistics in on Juneteenth Celebration

“During the Juneteenth celebration just completed, authorities now tell us that bike theft, and sucker punching white people reached all time highs during this year’s celebrations. Rape and shoplifting however, did not reach all time highs. Experts say that the intense heat in the Midwest most likely accounted for the fall off in those numbers.”

Online Article
Discretion Webzine

Even though Juneteenth is over keep in mind that it is White Boy Summer all Summer long, and the greatest crime of WBS is intense mocking of Doug Wilson and his CREC lackeys.

Doug Wilson Interviewed by Tucker Carlson…. McAtee on Carlson’s Interview of Wilson

“Rutherford was a practical and pastoral theologian who could soar to great heights of glorious consolation. . . But Rutherford was also a bare-knuckle brawler who was clearly able to hold his own in the theological bar fight that was the seventeenth century. You are now holding in your hands the evidence of that.”

Introduction to Canon Press’ Lex Rex
Douglas Wilson

Start @ the 5:13 point;

Doug Wilson — “Our current rulers are very ambitious and they want to aspire to that height (to be God). We don’t want to resist them in the name of Christ because we don’t want to launch another series of interminable religious wars.”

Tucker Carlson — Right

Bret responds;

1.) Will someone please send Pope Doug a copy of Wm. Cavanaugh’s “The Myth of Religious violence?”

2.) We don’t want to resist them in the name of Christ because we don’t want to launch another series of interminable religious wars? So, Doug prefers the current interminable religious war where the God state is attacking us? Honestly, what does it matter if we are fighting an interminable religious war against Jews and Muslims as opposed to fighting an interminable religious war against the humanist cultural Marxist?

I hope I am misunderstanding this because this sounds like Doug is not a Christian Nationalist but rather is a squishy Theistic nationalist where the God of the people can be the god of the Muslims, Jews, and Christians.

DW continues — “OK, because we don’t want the Muslims fighting w/ the Jews fighting w/ the Christians fighting w/, you know, all of that. OK that’s the most reasonable question.

When they say, ‘which God?’ – And here is the answer to your question of ‘What is Christian Nationalism,’ the Christian Nationalist is the one who is willing to answer that question and speaking into the microphone, ‘The true God. The living God. The one who exists. Not the God on our money…'”

Bret responds,

1.) Notice how Doug here avoids answering the question of what is Christian Nationalism. The answer to “what is Christian nationalism” is NOT what Doug says because what Doug says could be embraced by Jews, Mormons, Muslims, and Christians alike. They all believe they are serving the “true God, the living God, the God who exists.” No, the answer to the question “What is Christian Nationalism” is, “The Christian Nationalist is one who insists that Jesus Christ alone is the King of all the nations and those who conspire against His Lordship, whether they be the cultural Marxist State, or the Mormon, or the Jew, or the Muslim must all bow to Jesus Christ in this nation lest the Son become angry and they perish in the way.”

Now, I’m willing to admit that I may be misunderstanding the Protestant Pope but if I am somebody is going to have to show me how I am.

In the last minute of the clip Doug gets it partially right erring when he notes that the Preachers we need aren’t going to change this nation by preaching law. This only half right and so totally wrong.

It is half right because it is true that grace must be preached but grace never makes any sense without the prior preaching of God’s law. So, by all means Christian preachers must preach grace, but only after law has done its proper work of conviction. As preaching to those who hate Christ the first use of the law is thundered so that grace may be seen to be as gracious as it is. The preaching of the law is the hot needle that pulls through the scarlet thread of grace. If law is not preached there will be no desire for grace.

Secondly Wilson is half right on this score when he suggests that the nation can only be changed from the bottom up and that a top down concurrence isn’t part of the equation here. This idea that Reformation only comes from the bottom up is a Baptist idea that suggest renewal is purely individual and voluntaristic. Certainly, a bottom up approach is needed as Wilson suggests when he talks about preachers preaching a hot gospel, however, pursuing a Christian nation is both bottom up and top down at the same time. This has been seen throughout history. Whether it is Alfred the Great pressing on his people the book of doom or whether it was Luther’s Elector Fredrick making way for the Reformation in the area he ruled or whether it was Lord Protector Cromwell pressing on the English a particular expression of Christianity. It was seen in the Missionary efforts where early Missionaries would commonly go to the Chieftain or the Medicine man to convert him knowing if he were converted the whole nation would be forced to convert as well. When Wilson suggests that renewal is purely individual and voluntaristic his original Baptist impulses show themselves. Those who are not Baptist will not be impressed.

Finally, Wilson is not a Christian Nationalist because he clearly holds to the view of propositional nationhood. One cannot be a Christian Nationalist in the classical sense unless one understands that a nation is comprised both of a shared belief system along with a overwhelmingly shared genetic inheritance. Certainly, a nation does not have to aim at perfect genetic homogeneity but a overwhelming majority if required if homogeneity and true nationhood is to be achieved. You know, like what we had here in the States until 1980 or so.

Would that Wilson was more like Samuel Rutherford than like Doug Wilson.