
The last few days have been a bit surreal. I walked in some areas that I don’t often walk in. I spend a great amount of time reading and studying and this week I was reminded again that it is a very broken world. I was also reminded that the people who are the most broken more often than not wouldn’t see themselves as broken. All their lives have been spent in brokenness and so all they know is brokenness.

In this last few days I was exposed to a young 20 something woman, who, while being married to one man was trying to get pregnant by a different man. What’s more she didn’t seem to think there was anything particularly bizarre about that kind of behavior. Further, she insisted to custody officials that she knew the child that was eventually conceived belonged to man ‘A’ even though she was having sex with both man ‘A’ and man ‘B’ during the time frame in question. She did not seem capable of understanding that there was no way that the custody officials could accept with certainty her “certainty” that the guy was the father who she said was the father. She seemed genuinely perplexed that her child would be required to have a paternity test.

Scenario 2 found me observing the divorce proceedings of two different couples who were 20 something and who hadn’t been married two years.

Scenario 3 found me hooking up with an old friend who is a chief lieutenant for Hugh Hefner and his “Playboy” empire. Seems he works in marketing. I found myself wondering what his ad campaign was like and then I realized I probably didn’t want to know.

Scenario 4 found me interacting with city-wide clergy. The older I get the more inclined I am to just listen, if only because I am becoming increasingly convinced that it is literally not possible for these clergy to hear what I am saying. Let’s just say that its time to clean out the Augean stables.

Scenario 5 found me in the middle of discussions of divorced people with young children. Again, I’m just listening but my heart is breaking inside of me as I listen to all the hurt roll off these people. There is so much hurt and there is so little I can do to fix the hurt. Their wounds will mark them the rest of their lives and it wounds me to think that will be so.

All of this reminds me of the Larry Norman “Only Visiting This Planet” album. The older I get the more I feel like a “resident alien.”

I know that I know that bad theology hurts people but trying to get people to see the connection between their hurt and their bad theology is a herculean task that is beyond my ability.

And that works within me my own brokenness.

The Way To Spin Your Readership

Obama calls cloning ‘dangerous, profoundly wrong’

This was the headline for Obama’s decision to have the government become officially involved again in the destruction of human life through the sanctioning of fetal stem cell researching.

So, Obama approves of something grossly immoral and wicked and the headline gives us Obama standing in the gap against moral perfidy. What a joke.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to discuss with the President why he thinks cloning is wrong?

The Winds Of Hell

Emergent Churches, homosexual marriage, Seeker Friendly philosophy, abortion, Liberation theology, Keynesianism, intellectually vapid Pentecostalism, existentialism, Arminianism, collectivism, Radical Two Kingdom theology, the decline of public morality …

All of these seeming disparate movements and many more like them have one thing in common and that is they are arid and life destroying winds that blow in from hell which are given to the complete destruction of the Western Church and so Western civilization.

It is not as if these movements and the ideas that motivate them are not inner connected. Only the fool would think that we are bent over at the force of hurricane winds and not realize that all of these winds serve blow in from the same pit and serve the same end. It may seem like Emergent churches have little to do with Keynesianism or that Pentecostalism and existentialism are isolated and unrelated breezes but we have need to realize that all of the breezes that blow from hell are resulting in a similar end. The work of the winds of government schools is one with the work of the winds of Radical Two Kingdom theology. The work of the winds of Arminianism is one with the work of collectivism. All these winds blow from West to East and all of these winds blow from Hell.

Ideas have consequences and the consequences of these ideational trade winds from Hell is to rob God of His glory while impoverishing and killing those made in His image. It is not as if these winds are random and isolated. They blow in at the beckoning of their master to take the life out of all that they swirl about. Taken together they have the ability to turn a verdant land into an arid desert and to reduce a land filled with a vibrant people to a wasteland populated by emaciated skull and bones.

We cannot allow ourselves to think that we can shelter ourselves from some breezes while allowing some to blow across us. They all are dedicated to destroying us. We will not save our churches by sheltering our churches from the winds of hell, for winds that destroy our families will destroy our Churches. We will not save our families by sheltering our families from the winds, for the winds, should they destroy our culture, will wreak havoc on our families. This is not a windstorm we can resist piecemeal. No, we must build wind shelters simultaneously for all our institutions — from family to church, from civil to educational, from the the arts to economics, from our structures of jurisprudence to all our cultural infrastructure.

With the intensity of these winds from hell we have come to the point where no one person or institution can find a safe way out for themselves alone. As such all must join together, out of interest for God’s glory, and stand together in the work of building shelter in the storm. At this moment in history there are none who are of like mind who can isolate themselves from those who share their interest. What is at stake is no less than God’s glory and our freedom.

DeMar On Hate Organizations & Muckraking Journalism

Gary DeMar has a great article,

calling the Southern Poverty League Center (SPLC) and National Public Radio out on some hate speech and muck raking yellow journalism.

The only advice I would give to Gary on this article would be on the following phraseology,

The euphemism “gay” has been used by the homosexual movement to hide the fact that homosexuality is really same-sex sex. This renaming tactic has been used by abortion advocates for years.

Gary gets the euphemism “gay” spot on but then he turns and uses “sex” as a euphemism for buggery. Christians have to come up with a different label as to what two homosexual men do to each other to find physical release. In brief, it is not possible for two men to have “sex” with each other any more than it is possible for two men to be “married.” Homosexual acts of buggery and Homosexual coupling cannot be called “sex” and “marriage” without destroying the meaning of the words “sex” and “marriage.”

It is a fine article by Gary and one that Christians should read in order to be aware of the attempt to push them into the closet.

This is the way it always works right? If one group comes out of the closet then the group that was responsible for keeping them in the closet previously has to the group that goes into the closet. Whereas once upon a time homosexuality was the love that “dare not speak its name” increasingly it is Christianity that is the religion “dare not speak it’s name.”