So I’m walking through the living room where my family is watching the New Year’s Days Parade, and a commercial comes on with the lead sentence, every 10 seconds some animal is abused in America.” From there they went to camera shots of pets that had been abused. It was obviously an appeal to sympathy.
Now, I’m as sensitive a guy as the next guy but personally I was disgusted by the commercial. Here we have a culture that is killing 1.3 million babies annually and I’m expected to feel sorry for a bunch of dumb animals? Certainly, seeing any of God’s creation abused is sad but can we get a sense of proportion?
I also noted the power of imagery. They put these poor suffering animals on the screen and instantly the instinct is to feel sympathy and yet it is considered taboo to show pictures of slaughtered babies.
This commercial reminded me how hardened and cynical this culture is. It disgusts me that this is “my culture.”
Anybody want to bet a large sum of money that the very people who made this “feel sorry for the pets of the world” commercial are also people who strongly support abortion?