More That Upsets The “Mean Cruel White People” Racial Narrative

Fact: As the census in the previous post revealed, given the opportunity, Negroes were 13 times more likely to own slaves than Whites were. Even if we reduce the percentage somewhat to account for free blacks purchasing their family and being required to continue to hold them as “slaves,” the numbers still de-mythologize the current cultural Marxist racial narrative that is crammed down our throats in this country.

Fact: The vast majority of slaves brought to the US came from the Caribbean, not directly from Africa, though clearly, they came to the Caribbean from Africa.

Fact: Slaves were almost never captured by Whites in Africa, and so we see that the whole ROOTS fantasia was a work of fiction. Slaves were usually the spoils of war of the incessant tribal conflicts in Africa, where, before they became an object of value, the ones the winning side didn’t need were usually killed out of hand, while the others had a short miserable life. After the international trade came into being, these slaves were brought down to the West African coast by their black owners, where they were traded to European, Jewish, and Mulatto (and years earlier Arab) interests for guns, spear points, cloth, rum, beads, etc. They were held in these factories until the trading ships arrived from Europe or Yankee New England with loads of these trade goods, and, after the exchange, they were packed for shipment to the Caribbean Islands. Once in the Caribbean, they were sold and cargoes of sugar cane molasses were taken on board, to be taken back to the home country to make rum. It was called the triangle; molasses, rum and slaves. Slaves coming here were later shipped from there. Over 90% of the slaves who reached the Americas’ mainland ended up in Latin America.

Fact: Slaves purchased in North America were delivered from the hell of working in the Sugar cane fields of Brazil and Cuba where life span expectancies were incredibly reduced as compared to those purchased by Southern Plantation owners. Also, the cruelty and bondage experienced by the slaves in those Sugar cane fields was barbaric. Though the Southern Plantation owners certainly did not intend to do those they purchased any favors the purchase of slaves by Southern Plantation owners certainly served to rescue those purchased slaves from a fate far worse than what they would have experienced in the Sugar Cane fields had they not been purchased by Southern Plantation owners.

Fact: Slaves had better working conditions, shorter hours, more benefits, and a notably longer average lifespan than the factory workers of the time — many of whom were woman and children who worked in Northern wage slave factories — and much better than the average Negro remaining in Africa, then and now. Slavery still exists in Africa, BTW, and is fairly widespread.

Fact: There seems to be no long lines to go back to Africa; instead, it looks like the Africans want to come here to this “racist” country.

Fact: No one is alive today who was involved in slavery in any way, shape or form, so why are people still whining about it?

Fact: there were more Irish slaves, or indentured servants imported in 1600-1700 than African slaves. Indeed, black slaves were so valued by Southern Plantation owners as property that this Irish would often be hired, at miserly wages, to do dangerous, life threatening work that the slave owners did not want their slaves to preform for fear of losing their property value in the case of death. White Irish, in this case were less valued than black slaves.

Fact: A large holder of Slaves were the native American Tribe the Navajo. The Navajo had been in the slave trade LONG before the Africans were brought to our shores.

All People’s Have A Story That Includes Hardship

“1860 census revealed that only 2-percent of white Americans owned slaves at
that time, but that 26-percent of free Negroes owned slaves!

I am utterly mystified that anyone would consider an objectively true fact such as the one above to be race-baiting, and yet that is what some have taken the posting of this statistic to be. I posted this nugget because, I, like many in this thread, am tired of the corporate guilt that Cultural Marxists (i.e. — Liberals) seek to cast upon white people. White people are no more, or no less guilty of race based slavery and/or abuse than any other ethnic group … including Blacks.

Ironically enough, This pseudo corporate guilt is being used, in such a way to enslave white people to the desires of cultural Marxist minorities who are serving the interests of cultural Marxist elites (many of whom are white).

Did Africans have it rough? Absolutely! From their being seized by their fellow Black Africans to their being sold to the middle man entrepreneur Black Africans, to being sold to either Arab, or European Yankee ship owners to being sold to Plantation owners up and down the Western Hemisphere coast Black Africans went through the sorrows of sin visited upon them.

HOWEVER, such hardship upon a people is nothing new. This is not a callous observation. The British visited terrible hardships upon the Irish (potato famine anyone?), the Black African has visited terrible hardship upon the White Rhodesian and is doing so now with the White Boer, the Scots were sorely abused at the hands of the English, the Picts were wiped out by the Celts, the indigenous tribes of Central America were nearly wiped out by Montezuma’s people, (and those oppressed people praised God when Cortez arrived upon the scene), The Japanese treated Chinese and Koreans horrendously during WWII, the Russian Communists slaughtered millions of Ukrainians, The Turks wiped out large portions of the Armenian people, and the American Indians were sorely treated by Americans after those Indian tribes wreaked mayhem and destruction upon one another for centuries in tribal internecine warfare.

This is the effect of sin. The only cure for such sin is the Gospel of Jesus Christ which holds out the promise of saving people from every tribe, tongue and nation so that whole people groups, in their people groups can together join in the praise of the lamb.

The idea that the politics of guilt and pity should be the basis of policy of any one people group over another is ridiculous and is just another different tool for enslavement. Christ has taken away my sin. I will not be loaded w/ false guilt in order to be maneuvered into a position where I concede the future to minority led Cultural Marxists.

Race & Christianity & The West!/jetbrane?v=wall&story_fbid=117193671635972

If you can access the thread above you can read an ongoing conversation on race, Christianity & the West.

The thread was kicked off by my comment that,

“The issue of race is and always has been a red herring. Even when there were problems that needed addressed that was never the concern of many of the people who were bitching & carping about race. The concern was (and is) to use race as a wedge issue to overthrow Western civilization in favor of humanistic Utopian arrangements – arrangements that, ironically enough, lead to far more oppression tyranny & bondage then the worst slavery that the West has ever known. Down w/ the race pimps.”

I posted this comment immediately after reading the below article by Dr. Thomas Sowell which confirms much of what I have learned about the issues of Race in the West through my own independent studies.

It reveals how explosive the issue of race remains when such a simple statement in the blockquote above can cause people to come unglued. Let’s examine sentence by sentence that blockquote comment.

Sentence #1 — The issue of race is a red herring.

Red herring is defined as any diversion intended to distract attention from the main issue. The issue of race is and always has been a red herring because the main issue that race is diverting from has been the desire of humanists to overthrow Christian culture in order to establish egalitarian Utopian social orders. (Which I say in the third sentence.)

Sentence #2a – 3 — I concede that there have been racial problems that needed addressed. There was no attempt to suggest that racial grievances were completely imaginary.

Sentence #2b – 3 — I insisted that many people who were fanning the flames of racial problems that needed to be addressed were more concerned with other issues besides the racial problems. Were I to elaborate on that I would say humanists were using minorities to achieve a egalitarian Nirvana that would mean more misery for all races if achieved, or alternately humanists were using minorities in order to keep themselves in power or to enrich themselves.

Sentence #4 — I insisted that we should suppress those who fan the flames of race in order to enrich themselves.

Now, for the life of me, I am absolutely floored that any of this would be in the slightest controversial.

However it was. Indeed, it was so controversial that it was suggested that my comments displayed a incredible lack of intelligence.

The following is the latest objection to what I have written.

“As someone who generally agrees with your point, I think you need to consider the delivery of the truth to the audience from the hearer’s (Andy’s) perspective.”

The problem Ricardo is that it is Andy’s perspective that is all messed up. The fact that he can go all alarmist over four such non-controversial sentences indicates that the very thing that needs to be hammered is the thing that you say I need to consider. It is precisely because I am considering it that I am hammering it.

“One of things I think important in the discussion of cultures and civilization is to have the attitude that Joshua had in Joshua 5:13-15. The issue isn’t whether Western Civilization (WC) or any of the African cultures is better, but whether does that culture or civilization reverence the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and his Law-Word throughout every aspect of the culture.”

I agree completely w/ the Joshua passage. The issue isn’t whether or not God is on our side but whether we are on God’s side. But I’m not sure you can use the passage to suggest that cultures can’t be adjudicated as “better or worse.”

Clearly Western culture is better than African cultures only because Western culture was informed in a significant degree by Christianity while African cultures on a large scales have not been. (Remember culture is defined as theology made incarnate.) Now obviously this is not to say that Western civilization has been perfect. It manifestly has not been. However, it is to say that Western Civilization, built largely by Christian people who, in God’s mysterious providence and due only to his sovereign choice, were White, has been superior to cultures built in Africa, the Orient, South America, and any number of other locations you would like to mention. Now, the superiority of Western culture lies not in the melanin level in the people who were saved by grace alone, but it lay in the Christianity that animated the people who were saved by grace alone. It is only God who causes one man to differ from another, and why he does it for one man and not another, or for one people and not another is a mystery that remains locked in His providence.

To deny that Christianity builds superior cultures as compared to other cultures is to deny that Christianity is a superior religion when compared to other religions which is to deny that Jesus Christ is a superior God to all the competing gods. The whole idea that all cultures are equal is a treasonous denial of Jesus Christ.

Now this superiority is a superiority unto mission and service. Christian cultures are to be a servant and a beacon to the nations bringing the peoples Jesus Christ in all of His saving offices with the prayerful hope that God will grant Reformation to other inferior cultures that they may know Jesus Christ and experience the culture of life that only Christianity can bring.

Now, what is happening today is that Western civilization is doing all it can to strip it of its Christian influence. Part of the means by which that is happening is by the work of the white Christ haters in introducing race as a wedge issue. The white Christ haters fan the animosities of minorities in order to overturn the hateful remains of the Christian social order. The white men who are Christ haters convince minorities that Biblical Christianity accounts for their misery when in point of fact what accounts for their misery is God’s cursing upon them as a people for having refusing to pledge allegiance, as a people, to the Lord Christ. What accounts for their misery is that God has turned them over to their sins (Romans 1). This cursing of God and this turning over to sins is the same thing that is happening now to the euro-Americans as they seek to flush their Christian influence. If the West goes down, the result will not be life for those white men who are Christ haters w/ their Utopian dreams and their minority shock troops and their pervert shock troops who are currently being manipulated by the white Christ haters as the instrumental means in the tearing of the West down but it will be death for all.

The way that men, regardless of their ethnicity or race will be blessed, is for them to turn to Jesus Christ and Kiss the Son. Only when that is done will peoples who bow to Christ build cultures of life, beauty and goodness.

“In light of this I judge WC in its epochs. The Kingdom of God is much bigger than WC, nor is it a given that WC will always be an expression of Christian civilization.”

I agree 100% that the Kingdom of God is much bigger then Western Civilization. Indeed, it is so big that having encompassed the whole world it will encompass the whole world.

“WC does not automatically command my allegiance, only Christ’s Kingdom does — and at any particular time a culture may not be under its influence, or may be an ally or enemy of that kingdom. In my judgment WC is today a committed enemy and many of its representative cultures and nation-states are full participants in the attempted suppression, corruption, and overthrow of Christ’s Kingdom in the earth.”

I agree again. Western Civilization is largely anti-Christ. However, the only place that you can still find a remnant of Christian culture on a civilizational level is in the West. The West is seeking to destroy the Kingdom of God but only in the West can you yet find the memory of Christian culture and so the means to destroy the elements of the West that is anti-Christ. Part of what it means to destroy the elements of anti-Christ in the West is to destroy political correctness and multiculturalism that informs the narrative and worldview of so many minorities today.

“That being said I think your original statement was overly broad. Any discussion about what folks today call “race” isn’t always “bitching and carping”, nor evaluating the trans-Atlantic slave trade and its impact on millions of Africans over generations by the various laws and mores of WC always about the “overthrow Western civilization in favor of humanistic Utopian arrangements”.

I think you are wrong about my original statement being overly broad but having already examined that original statement above I will not repeat myself.

How can anybody deny the awfulness of those matters you mention? Nobody denies it. What is denied is that the pulling down of the West that many minorities are pursuing will lead to deeds visited upon them that will make those deeds you mention look like nothing in comparison. If the white men who are Christ haters are successful in erasing all the memories of what made Western Civilization what it was in its best expression the people who will suffer the most will be the minorities that are being used by the white men who are Christ haters to pull the what remains of the West down.

Secondly, you did not read what I wrote. I didn’t say that any discussion on race was always about bitching and carping. I said,

“Even when there were problems that needed addressed that was never the concern of many of the people who were bitching & carping about race.”

Finally, I really think you need to re-read that Sowell piece I linked.

“In my series on Slavery and the Civil War on YouTube I attempt to use a theonomic philosophy of history to evaluate these subjects with a challenge to the class to see the Great Commission (especially that part about discipling the nations in the Word of God) to bring the healing that America desperately needs for the glory of God and the restoration of Christ’s rule in our land. I contend that only when the people of the today’s WC are willing to pray as Daniel did in Daniel 9 will we see change for God’s glory.”

Sounds good. I will try to look up your lectures and listen to them.

Perhaps Andy (and our fellow brothers and sisters who grew up in another culture) would more easily receive the truth you’re trying to communicate if you become a little more acquainted with our world and speak with that understanding close at hand.”

That sounds suspiciously like those, “Its a Black thing … You wouldn’t understand,” T-shirts that were all the rage 10 years ago.

1.) Having lived in this world for 50 years and having made a habit of continually studying it from as many different angles as one can possibly do in 50 short years I would say that, on the whole, I understand it — both the version that is kept from the children and the version that is being made into a movie — as well as the elites and those who the elites are feeding their dog food account of World History.

2.) It is precisely because I’ve looked behind the curtain where the great Oz is sitting that I don’t buy what is sold as “being rightly acquainted” with the subject matter. It’s all BS Ricardo. The other world of which you speak and which you intimate that you live in is a world that is pinioned on the smoke and mirrors of Political correctness, and Marxist multiculturalism. The people who live in that world will only be set free from it when they are wiling to embrace that it is all BS and turn their back on it.

3.) It is curious that I have to ask why you would assume that I am not acquainted w/ your world. How do you know whether or not I’ve spent time in Zimbabwe doing Mission work? How do you know whether or not I’ve spent time doing inner city missions? How do you know whether or not my wife spent time in the Ivory Coast doing missions work. How do you know whether or not my Dad worked for Martin Luther King? How do you know whether or not Spike Lee is my cousin? You know virtually nothing about me, so for you to assume that I am not acquainted w/ your world is a HUGE presumption. It may be the case (and I assure you that it is) that I am very familiar w/ it and have simply rejected it for being the poison that it is.

4.) It is my concern for Black folks that has me speaking as I am speaking. Only a foul hatred would countenance the current narrative that informs most of the Black community’s worldview. (I say most because the black community consistently votes in the 90 percentile upwards for candidates who espouse various expressions of cultural Marxism.

A cynic would look at your assumption that I am not familiar w/ your world as just a means to cavalierly dismiss my arguments because I’m not “black enough,” to have an opinion. (Whatever that means.)

Along w/ Andy, you’re one of the good guys Ricardo, but even the good guys can get things wrong.

Now, why do I spend so much time on such an issue. I do so because I am convinced that Gospel will not successfully go forward until the anti-Biblical Christianity narrative of the Cultural Marxists is strangled to death. The Cultural Marxists find their greatest success in resisting or bastardizing Christianity by pointing at Christian influenced Western civilization and preaching that Christian influenced Western civilization is the reason that the minority community has been kept down. It is just not true that Christian civilization keeps minorities down, and it is also not true that Cultural Marxists civilizations will lift minorities up. This lie needs to be ended.

Obama Administration Has Made It About Race

“And President Obama (is) expected to do a lot more (for the Black community),” said (Charles) Ogletree, referring to the challenges Obama faces in two wars and the struggling economy. Still, he predicted, the new health care law would affect uninsured black Americans more than any other segment of the population.

Charles Ogletree is an African-American Harvard Law Professor who has for years supported race based reparations. What we learn from the quote above is the confirmation of what I have been saying for some time and that is that the Obama-care legislation is really reparations by means of redistribution in a less overt form. Reparations was always an idea that resulted in visceral resistance in the American population. Outright reparations was an idea that could have never received the votes in order pass. However stealth reparations, by way of major legislation which is thought to be primarily economically advantageous for the black community has become the way that reparations is being achieved.

Second, Ogletree’s comments reveal that Obama is a true disciple of Jeremiah Wright who preached hatred of white people. Obama is pursuing policy that is designed to enrich the black community at the expense of Americans who are not black. Further, Ogletree, an adviser for Obama, observes that Obama is expected to do a lot more for blacks, but what people need to know is that this doing of more for Blacks as an interest group is at the cost of the impoverishment of white people.

Now this observation makes many white people uncomfortable because they have, for two or three generations, been inculcated with the idea that Black people are oppressed and so can’t be racist. Also, such observations as what I’ve offered above are considered in themselves to be racist. However, with the advent of the ubiquitous accusations against (mostly-White) Tea-party folks as being racist reveals we are long past the time when we can continue to ignore the racism that is emanating from the Pravda “American” media who are serving as spokesmen now for the new black power center. We simply must, not only refuse the accusations of “racism,” but we must also insist that it is the Obama administration that are the racists, haters of Christians, and haters of historical Western culture. It is the Black community (excluding many individual notable exceptions) who have been turned into the shock troops, along w/ the perverts and feminists, of the cultural Marxists in their attempt to destroy the last remnant of the West.

Some people are beginning to understand this but the battle that we are currently involved in, in resisting the Obama administration is not primarily about the economy, or even primarily about the size of Government. The battle we are currently involved in, is a battle to resist the success of Cultural Marxism to overturn the very little remains of Christendom. Unfortunately, the chief disadvantage that those who are resisting the cultural Marxist are saddled w/ is that they are not epistemologically self conscious regarding their belief system. Many of the tea-party types are operating off the fumes of Biblical Christianity when, in order to be successful in their resistance, they need to be fueled w/ the high octane petrol of Biblical Christianity.

In this contest, one tactic that needs to be constantly returned to in order to try and reason with the shock troops of the cultural Marxists is the attempt to explain to them that if they get what they want they will be worse off then where they are now. Most of these cultural shock troops really believe that their lot in life is going to be improved once Cultural Marixism reaches absolute ascendancy. Little do they know that the shock troops will be the first to be eliminated if their elitist masters take control.

It is most unfortunate that a war that is really primarily theological, ideological and cultural also has become a war where the dividing line is largely crossing race and ethnic boundaries as well.

Darwin on Race

“The more civilized, so called Caucasian races, have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world.”

Charles Darwin
Letter of 03 July 1881

If racism exists you will find it in the camp of the Cultural Marxist, Evolutionary Leftist crowd where they are doing all they can to extinguish the most recent carrier race of Biblical Christianity — the Caucasian race. The reason for this attempt to extinguishing White people who belong to the Historic West is because White people remain the largest significant ethnic block that still has a memory of Biblical Christianity. The attempt to eliminate white ethnicity is the attempt to eliminate Biblical Christianity. If White ethnicity wasn’t so often associated and bound up with the remains of Biblical Christianity the other ideological special interests (Cultural Marxism, Postmodernism, Evolutionary thought, etc.) and ethnic groups who are serving as the shock troops for those ideologies (La Raza, the NAACP, LULAC) and who are seeking that elimination wouldn’t bother. If Euro-Christians are reduced to an insignificant minority w/ no voice then all other Biblical Christians, regardless of their respective ethnicity, will be forced to choose between their ethnicity — which will allow them to fit into the new social order — and their faith, which will ostracize them along with the surpassed social order that was created, supported, and maintained by Christianity as it impressed Euro-Americans.

Make no mistake about it though. The racism that is characteristic of multi-culturalism and political correctness is a racism from the left. Biblical Christians are perfectly pleased to have other Biblical Christians from other ethnicity groups join in supporting Christian social order.