The Ubiquitous Race Card

“Their (Tea-party attendees) stated fears — socialism, communism, liberalism — are just proxies for the one fear most of them dare no longer speak … it insults intelligence to deny that race is in the mix.”

Leonard Pitts
Miami Herald Newspaper
March 24, 2010

With the passages of the Marxist Death care legislation the Democrats have turned to the race card and government arrests of Christian Constitutional nutcases in order to try to intimidate the American electorate. The subtle but clear message seems to be that,

1.) If you associate w/ the Tea-Party fringe element in America you are associating with racists, misogynists, homophobes and assorted nutcases and fruit loops.

2.) If you are a Tea-party fringe element (and by the Feds standard any association w/ the Tea-party puts one in the “fringe element” category) you better watch your step because we will throw your sorry white cracker arse in jail.

The Obama administration, and before that the Obama campaign has played the Race card ceaselessly. During the campaign they pulled the race card on Bill Clinton, and Obama was forever warning against “those people who would remind you that I don’t look like the rest of those other presidents on our dollar bills.” Once Obama was victorious in November of 08, through the manipulation of white guilt, Obama had an inauguration benediction that was all race card,

“Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen”

Then, there was the the whole Cambridge cop imbroglio, where, quite apart from knowing any facts, Obama turned a comparatively pedestrian incident into a National issue of race. Obama, it may be said, is our Racist in Chief.

And now, the race card is being played, by Obama hacks and flacks in the American Pravada media, on anybody who points to the Constitution and screams in concert with tens of thousands of others, “We will not be enslaved by the State.”

For my part, I think we should go ahead and admit that race is in the mix. We should publish broadly and widely that it can be seen that race is in the mix by the fact that so few minorities desire to be free. We should publish broadly and widely the curiosity that finds such a large percentage of minorities voting to support Marxism. Yes indeed, race is in the mix, but it is only in the mix because, percentage wise, minorities choose not to attend protests that cry for freedom for all people.

However, Tea-party types should go out of their way to explain how the policies of the Obama administration will disproportionally hurt minorities. Tea-party types should go out of their way to explicitly set out how the Marxist policies of the Democrats and the Obama administration are racist, for these policies, in direct pursuit of hurting the white man, will instead bring untold suffering on minorities.

So, yes, Mr Pitts, “race is in the mix,” but it is only in the mix because the Obama administration and people like Pitts have put it in the mix.

Of course, I suppose it is possible, though I don’t like to think or believe it, that minorities on the basis of being minorities, don’t like liberty. I mean, given the voting record in the 90-95 percentile of the black community for Democrat Marxist candidates, maybe it is possible that race has something to do w/ an aversion to liberty. But even if this is so, it would be the minorities that are putting race into the mix, not the Tea-party denizens. The only thing that the majority of the Tea-party activists have in the mix is liberty.

Americans who are pro-liberty only want liberty and any individual who shares a desire for liberty for their people are welcome to come to protests that cry for freedom for all peoples.

Answering Olberman Regarding White Racism

The video link above is a brief one, lasting about 90 seconds. In this link MSNBC host Keith Olbermann (who both are really just shills for Cultural Marxism) continues to insist that MSNBC’s and his observations, that the Tea Parties were, and are, racist is proven by the fact that the attendance at the Tea Parties is overwhelmingly white. Repeatedly in this clip he answers his critics by asking, Where are the people of color at the Tea Parties.”

Let us note that Olbermann says to much if he intends by that question that there are absolutely zero people of color at the Tea Parties. I’ve been to my share of Tea Parties and I’ve seen people of color at the Tea Parties. Indeed, one of the Tea Parties I attended had a local Black minister give the invocation and benediction. His prayers indicated that he “got it” far more then most of the speakers at the Tea Party.

We have to admit though that the vast percentage of numbers of people who attend the Tea Parties have been White and that for the most part people of color have not been well represented. But one can conclude that this means that the Tea Parties are racist the same way that one could conclude that Black’s are racist for the simple reason that very few White people show up at Black Churches on Sundays.

If I had to answer Olbermann’s question, Where are all the people of color,” at the Tea Parties I would answer by saying they are are at the same place that all the Cultural Marxist White “Intellectuals” like Olbermann are. You see the Tea Parties are not only missing people of color but they are also missing White “Intellectual” Ivy League educated Marxists.

And there is a connection here. People of color don’t attend the Tea Parties because they know that the White “Intellectual” Ivy League Marxists intend to take wealth from the White working middle class in order to redistribute it to the people of color. The people of color refuse to get off the plantation of the White Marxist “intellectuals,” believing that they are going to make their car payments, pay their mortgages and buy their gas with the money confiscated from the White working middle class.

White “intellectuals” like Olbermann have turned much of the people of color into a slave class that are beholden to the state. As the Tea Parties are populated by the producing class rising up to throw off the White “intellectual” Cultural Marxists and their people of color serf class, White “intellectuals” as well as their people of color serf class, wisely, from their Marxist perspective, don’t attend Tea Parties.

The White Tea Parties have just as little use for the White “Intellectual” Cultural Marxists, like Olbermann as they do for the people of color shock troops that are used by the White Cultural Marxist “Intellectuals” to make slaves of all citizens to the state.

So, in conclusion I would say that Olbermann is right. There is racism in the context of Tea Parties. But it is the racism of people of color not wanting anything to do w/ the working white people whose wealth is being confiscated in order that it might be redistributed to a serf class that is composed of far to many people in it that are both White and people of color.

I would say that Keith Olbermann is a cultural Marxist racist who has turned against his own people. And those are the worst racists of all.

Chairman of the NAACP Characterizes Martin Luther King

“We don’t remember the (Martin Luther) King who was the critic of capitalism who said to Charles Fager when they were in jail together in Selma in 1965 that he thought a modified form of socialism would be the best system for the United States. We don’t remember the Martin Luther King who talked ceaselessly about taking care of the masses and not just dealing with the people at the top of the ladder. So we’ve kind of anesthetized him. We’ve made him into a different kind of person than he actually was in life. And it may be that that’s one reason he’s so celebrated today because we celebrate a different kind of man than really existed. But he was a bit more radical. Not terribly, terribly radical but a bit more radical than we make him out to be today.”

Julian Bond
Chairman of the Board — NAACP

I post this 3 days following Martin Luther King day because I got some push back for my views on Martin Luther King that ironically, Julian Bond, Chairman of the Board of the NAACP, happens to share with me. I said that King was a Marxist and Mr. Bond agrees that King advocated socialism. I said that the Martin Luther King that the nation celebrates is a myth and Mr. Bond agreed by saying that “that we celebrate a different kind of man than really existed.” Now y’all can keep on celebrating a man who was a radical and a socialist but as I know that Marxism is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of lives in the 20th century when you say “celebrate Martin Luther King day,” I’ll just keep sucking on my lemon while I rain on your parade.

“Racist” — The Last Refuge Of The Defeated Cultural Marxist

The following stories are just a smattering of the “news” stories that are circulating in the “shape the public mind through false information” business. You will notice that there is a theme of alleged racism that unites all the differing stories.

I could, with great ease, multiply many times over this theme of racism that has suddenly surfaced with great repetitiveness in the American Pravda media.

Why this sudden uptick in “White Americans are Racist” stories? The answer is found in fact that the accusation of “Racism” has recently been the chief means of leverage for advancing an anti familial-centric organizing of men, anti-American sense of nationality, anti-Christian faith, and anti-Western Civilization agenda. These traits that advocate the importance of a Christian sense of family, A Christian idea of country, The Christian faith, and Western civilization have, for decades now, been labeled as “White” and those who embrace family, country, Christian faith, and Western civilization have been attacked as “Racist.” The Cultural Marxists sense they are on the edge of thoroughly re-making America by legislative fiat and the resistance that has suddenly resurfaced — a resistance driven by the remnant memory of Christian civilization — has them reasoning that the only way such resistance can be beat back is by the taming charge of “racist.”

The experiment of civilization built upon Cultural Marxist tenets, pursued now for the last sixty years, is on the verge of collapse. The only way it can be propped up is by a force that has always been latent in its revolutionary praxis. This force first exhibits itself by the means of seeking to confine men by means of words like “racist,” and “intolerance.” When this verbal hostility fails (and it looks like it will fail) the next step is hostility by means of arms. I will be surprised if the current tension in America between the Cultural Marxists and those who have not yet been thoroughly brainwashed by the cultural Marxist agenda will not end in some kind of violence.

The fact that the disagreements that are dividing America are ideological and cultural more then they are racist is seen by the existence of a small percentage of minorities who prioritize the Christian concept of family, and who have a love for God, country, and Western Civilization. There does exist within America many minorities who hate the cultural Marxism that is destroying their people.

However having said that, it must be admitted that America has a racial problem to go with its ideological, and cultural problem. The minority community has been largely co-opted by the Cultural Marxist mindset and ethos. America’s social engineering programs, based on Cultural Marxist ideology, and implemented heavily among the minority communities has failed with the result that the minority family cohesiveness has been decimated, ressentiment against whites has been nourished, educational performance has declined, and allegiance to and support for the cultural Marxist state has been fostered. The overwhelming percentages of minorities voting for candidates who offer more cultural Marxist programs as a solution for already failed cultural Marxist agendas is the proof that America has a racial problem.

There is also a racist problem among white people but it is not the white people that so often are accused of “racism.” The racist problem that I’m speaking of is the racism that believes that minorities are so inept, so stupid, so unworthy, that no minority can make it without their cultural Marxist massa’s twisted soul killing benevolences extended to minorities through the redistribution of other people’s wealth, and the artificial quota system that proclaims that minorities can’t successfully compete against whites apart from artificially inflating minority scores. Our universities, government agencies, and “churches” are filled with these kind of white racists. The 40 year attempt by white racist Cultural Marxists to empower the minority community has instead done what all racism finally does and that is it has enslaved, impoverished and kept ignorant large swaths of the minority community.

The recent charges of “racism” being promulgated by the American Pravda media and the American cultural Marxist politicians will not succeed in 2009. The race card has been so overplayed that it has lost its bite. Indeed, speculation arises that the tension raised by introducing the charges of “racism” may have the opposite effect than desired creating a hardness of heart towards wherever the minority plight is legitimate.

Black = Marxist?

The recent word that is saturating the airwaves and the print media is that people who oppose the proposed socialist health care legislation are racist.

So, is what we are being told is that what it means to be “Black” or “Minority” is that one is Marxist? After all if opposing Marxist health care “reform” is equal to being “racist” one can only conclude that to oppose Marx is at the same moment to oppose minorities.

I have often contended that the problem with minority America today is that they have allowed themselves to have their minority status defined by Marxist ideology. Since Marxism is implacably opposed to Christianity the way this works out is that Minorities understand what it means to be a minority in such a way that they stand in opposition to Christianity. The fact that minorities are indeed defined by Marxist ideology can be seen by the super majorities that minorities provide in their vote for Marxist candidates in election cycles.

Now, obviously it would be ridiculous to suggest that a race is automatically identified with a ideology but that is what the main stream media is telling us. Were I a minority I would be outraged by being defined in this way.