A New Pledge Of Allegiance

While attending the Lansing Tea party, and while listening to reports of other tea parties it became apparent that Americans are hopelessly in love with saying the pledge of allegiance. The irony of hundreds of thousands of Americans gathering to protest government oppression all the while reciting a pledge that was created and legislatively exalted with the express purpose of uniting people to the unitary state was overwhelming. It was like viewing people who gathered to protest their enslavement opening their ceremony with a ritual that sang the praise of chains.

I hate the pledge of allegiance for the following reason,

1.) It was written by a Baptist minister (Francis Bellamy) who identified himself as a Socialist and was even defrocked for preaching that “Jesus was a socialist.”

2.) Francis Bellamy once admitted that one purpose of the pledge was to help achieve the totalitarian (socialist) fantasy that his cousin (Edward Bellamy) once wrote about in one of his novels.

3.) By forcing generations to plight their trough to the Nation State more important bonds of loyalty to family and church were implicitly superseded. As such a civil religion and nation state family were created.

4.) The Constitution does not, and never has taught, that the nation is indivisible.

5.) Between 1892 when the pledge was written until 1942 the pledge was said with the right arm stiffly held out with the right hand palm up. Can you say Hail Caesar? Heil Hitler?

6.) The pledge of allegiance is a paean of praise to the borg Nation State.

Since Americans are apparently hopelessly stuck on sentimental pledges, allow me to suggest a pledge for the next batch of tea parties.

I pledge allegiance to the U.S. Constitution
And to the Constitutional Republic it created
Sovereign states
bound, by a dissoluble compact
committed to limiting the actions of tyrannical government
against all

Welcome To Moron University

My oldest daughter is attending the area Community College in order to get her general education requirements out of the way at a very inexpensive price. The ‘educators’ in this place are a hoot and as such she has already had her share of brain dead professional teachers. Now Laura Jane is far far more polite and far far less prickly than her curmudgeon Patriarch but already Laura Jane has had to defend the Old South. She has had to defend the 6th commandment. She has had to defend originalist understandings of the Constitution and much more. Last year Laura Jane went from failing a writing class for her essay on ‘The Problems of Contemporary Churches’ to getting an ‘A’ in the class upon appeal. You see the initial ‘F,’ ironically enough, was for the superior writing quality that clearly expressed the vacuity of the Contemporary Church scene and so convicted the Proffessors on the essay grading committee that were attending area Contemporary ‘Churches.’

The latest brain dead outrage happened this week in her ‘History’ class. The Professor said in class in context of the Scopes Monkey Trial,

“Now I am not trying to convince anybody of anything. I don’t care what you believe in terms of your religion. But I do have to tell you that it is just a fact that the Bible can’t stand up in a court of law. You see the Bible is full of contradictions and that is just the way it is.”

Oh, no … he’s not trying to convince anybody of anything. What a Dunderhead. What a Poltroon. What an Idiot.

Now children, I don’t care what you believe as long as you understand that if you are a Christian you are believing something that no court in the World would ever accept as reasonable or provable. You children can believe whatever you want to believe as long as you’re willing to accept that your belief system is unbelievable by legally recognized methods of acceptance. Go ahead children and believe stupid things and see if I care.

But this isn’t the end. No sirreee Bob. You see, later that week her brain dead math teacher believed that he had to try and one up his brain dead History teacher colleague. The Math teacher said,

“Math is basically made up and it is just by chance that it works out in the world. Most of the people who are writing their Doctorates now in Math are just making it up.”

Math is just made up? 2+2 = 4 only equals 4 because everybody decided and agreed that it would equal 4, and ‘Wow isn’t it fortunate that it ended up working out in the world’?

Not to be outdone the Chemistry teacher this week chimed in with,

“There is more intelligent life out there and the gasses that we are releasing in the atmosphere will notify the intelligent life that is out there that we are here.”

This guy has been watching way to much Star Trek for his own good.

Look, I’m a patient man. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt as much as possible and try to hear what people are saying with a generous amount of charity but this is beyond the pale.

In case anybody wants to know why American children are stupid, I offer these three pieces of evidence that the reason that our children are so stupid is that their teachers are brain dead troglodytes.

And, ‘no’ I don’t think Laura Jane’s school is some kind of notorious exception to the rule.

When Presidents Still Understood The 10th Amendment

“I presume the general proposition is undeniable that Congress does not possess the power to appropriate money in the Treasury, raised by taxes on the people of the United States, for the purpose of educating the people of the respective States. It will not be pretended that any such power is to be found among the specific powers granted to Congress nor that “it is necessary and proper for carrying into execution” any one of these powers. Should Congress exercise such a power, this would be to break down the barriers which have been so carefully constructed in the Constitution to separate Federal from State authority. We should then not only “lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises” for Federal purposes, but for every State purpose which Congress might deem expedient or useful. This would be an actual consolidation of the Federal and State Governments so far as the great taxing and money power is concerned, and constitute a sort of partnership between the two in the Treasury of the United States, equally ruinous to both.”

President James Buchanan
Veto Message To Congress — 1859

Just A Teaser On Government Schools And The Heart Of The Problem

The introductory line may be the best thought of a 8 minute segment that is chock full of good thoughts.

“Schooling is a form of adoption. You give your child away at his or her most plastic years to a group of strangers. You accept a promise, sometimes stated, but more often implied, that the state, through its agents, know better how to raise your children and educate them than you, your neighbors, your parents, your community, your local traditions and that your child will be better off so adopted. By the time the child returns to the family or has the option of doing that very few want to. Their parents are some form of friendly stranger to them. And why not — in the key hours of growing up strangers have raised the child.”

Government schooling is a classic example of ritual being maintained long after it made any sense to begin with. Christians continue to send their children to government schools even though if they would only take a step back and try to look at the ritual with fresh eyes they would have to see how ridiculous the whole ritual is.

I mean would any sane person ever reason in such a way as to suggest that it is a great idea to put 200 15-18 year olds together in a building in the middle of their raging puberty years with scant supervision. Only habit and ritual keeps this insane practice going.

Would any sane person, ever reason that it is an acceptable idea for a parent to put their five year old on a bus with one driver and 70 other germ infested five year olds in order to ship them to educational concentration camps? We only think this normal because we have done it by habit for such a long time.

Would any sane person turn their children over to be raised and instructed by complete strangers for 8-10 hours a day? And yet we do that year by year and decade by decade only because that is the way we’ve been doing it year by year and decade by decade.

Would any sane person believe that their children are going to be genuinely educated in these holding tanks when the evidence for decades now has been screaming at us that government education is sub standard at best?

When a person takes a step back and looks at this whole American ritual and tries to see it again with fresh eyes they can only conclude that this is not something we would do if we were to think of good ways to educate our children.

Ask The Pastor

Terri Schoolteacher wrote,

“1. I am not sure what the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, has to do with Barack Obama, other than another opportunity to blame him for something. Canadian PM Stephan Harper supports it to.

2. Working in a school, I WISH the state would step in and save some of these kids, because THEIR OWN PARENTS can’t, or don’t make good decisions for them. Just because you do, doesn’t mean all do.

3. I am actually doing a unit of the UN Rights of the Child resolution with my class right now, and we are studying this document. And yes, there are parts that make me pause, but we have to remember that we have a very western view of things. That some of these things are in there because of the nature and of the vast number of countries and governments in the world. While maybe there is a bad instance, you should not blame the entire document, or the world leaders for supporting the overall theme.”

Dear Terri,

1.) Having worked with social workers over the years in cases where difficult family situations exist I can tell you that, generally speaking, a child is better off suffering at the hands of their family then the suffering they go through at the hands of the state when the state seizes them.

2.) The fact that other liberal leaders (and all leaders in the West are liberal / statist) support the UN doesn’t mean that Christians should support the UN’s Convention on the rights of Children. You can not come to truth by counting noses — not even the noses of the “leaders” of the West. If every leader of the West were for the UN’s Convention on the rights of Children it would provide no cover for people who believe the state has no business having jurisdictional teeth over the family.

3.) I would say that any child being in a government school is proof either that their parents don’t love them or that their parents are terribly confused over what constitutes parental responsibility. Consider Terri, when parents send their children to government schools they are basically putting them up for adoption to be raised by strangers. In light of that I don’t know why we would start picking on some subset of those who are unloved.

4.) If we have a very Western view it means we have a very right view of things. Non Western views of things come from countries where they burn widows with their deceased husbands or limit the population to one child per family or kill their wives by chopping their heads off.

5.) Of all the things for children to learn why in the world would any teacher worth her salt spend any time studying a UN resolution? How about studying the travels of Marco Polo or the impact of Christianity on the West or the rise of the Reformation or the development of the Long Bow or stirrup and the impact those technologies made upon the world, or any number of other things that might make for real knowledge?

I do blame the entire document. Lock stock and barrel. It is an attempt on the part of the global governance crowd to steal children from their familial jurisdiction. It is the same kind of thing that Hitler youth and the Stalin communist club were subjected to.

Terri, please keep in mind that as a government employee that you have a real interest in seeing this treaty pass.