Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of VE Day

Today is the 70th anniversary of VE day.

So … hip hip hooray … Congratulations to us for helping the Communist to conquer the world.

In honor of this 70th anniversary I cite a speech by former President Herbert Hoover warning Americans against going to war in Europe. This snippet warmed my heart because I hadn’t realized that high profile people were using this specific reasoning as a leverage to convince Americans that entry into Europe’s war, on the side of Stalin and th Soviet Union, would only guarantee the hegemony of Communist rule in much of Europe.

Former President Hoover, speaking 29 June, 1941, seeking to counterbalance FDR’s war making decision to support the Soviet Union by unfreezing Communist assets in America as well as paving the way to provide goods to Communist Russia two days following Hitler’s invasion of Russia warned,

“If we go further and join the war and we win, then we have won for Stalin the grip of Communism on Russia, the enslavement of nations, and more opportunity for it to extend in the world. We should at least cease to tell our sons that they would be giving their lives to restore democracy and freedom to the world.

Practical statesmanship leads in the same path as moral statesmanship. These two dictators — Stalin and Hitler — are in deadly combat. One of these two hideous ideologies will disappear in this fratricidal war. In any event both will be weakened. 

Statesmanship demands that the United States stand aside in watchful waiting, armed to the teeth, while these men exhaust themselves.

Then the most powerful and potent nation in the world can talk to mankind with a voice that will be heard. If we get involved in this struggle we, too, will be exhausted and feeble.

To align American ideals alongside Stalin will be as great a violation of everything American as to align ourselves with Hitler.

Can the American people debauch their sense of moral values and the very essence of their freedom by even a tacit alliance with Soviet Russia? Such an alliance will bring sad retributions to our people.

If we go into this war we will aid Stalin to hold his aggression against the four little democracies. We should stop the chant about leading the world to liberalism and freedom. 

Again I say,  if we join this war and Stalin wins, we have aided him to impose more Communism on Europe and the world.  At least we could not with such a bedfellow say to our sons that by making the supreme sacrifice, they are restoring freedom to the world. War alongside Stalin to impose freedom is more than a travesty. It is a tragedy …”

On this 70th VE day can we stop pretending that WW II was a admirable crusade? We crushed Nazism at the cost of copulating with Communism.  Because of agreements reached in WW II we are responsible for the death of millions and millions of people behind a Iron Curtain that our agreements insured would fall. Because of agreements reached in WW II we had operation Keelhaul, Eisenhower’s German death camps where a million disarmed German soldiers were slowly starved to death.

Was it a good thing that Hitler was stopped?


But we should not think we defeated Hitler without selling our souls.

Rushdoony & McAtee on the State

“The conflict of Christianity with Rome was political from the Roman perspective, although religious from the Christian perspective. The Christians were never asked to worship the Romans gods; they were merely asked to recognize the religious supremacy of the state. As Francis Legge observed, ‘The officials of the Roman empire in time of persecution sought to force Christians to sacrifice, not to any heathen gods but to the genius of the Emperor and the fortune of the city of Rome; and at all times the Christian’s refusal was looked upon, not as religious, but as a political offense. …. Whatever rivalry the Christian Church had to face in its infancy, it had none to fear from the deities of Olympus.’ The issue, then, was this; should the emperors law, state law, govern both the state and the church or were both state and church, emperor and bishop alike under God’s law? Who represented true ultimate order? God or Rome, eternity or time? The Roman answer was Rome and time,  hence Christianity constituted a treasonable faith and hence a menace to political order. The Roman answer to the problem of man was political and not religious. This meant, first, that man’s basic problem was not sin but political order. This Rome sought to supply religiously and earnestly. Second, Rome answered the problem of the One and the Many in terms of Oneness, the unity of all things in terms of the state, Rome. Hence, over-organization, simplification, and centralization increasingly characterized Rome. “

R. J. Rushdoony
The One and The Many — pg. 94

1.) If the State was asking for the Christians to have recognized its religious supremacy then the problem was religious even if the State would have defined the problem as “political.”

2.) This demonstrates that political problems cannot be cordoned off from religio-theological foundations. In point of fact, every political problem, before it is a political problem, is a religio-theological problem.

3.) Sacrifice to the genius of the Emperor and to the fortune of the city of Rome was a supremely religious act.

4.) Interesting that the current state also asks its citizens to sacrifice to the genius of the Political system. The only difference is that the sacrifice the current citizenry is asked to make is to offer up their children to the State via their attendance to state Churches (sometimes euphemistically referred to as “Public Schools.”)

5.) When fallen man makes the polis that which represent ultimate order the consequence is then that any concept of God or heaven is cast in the image of the polis that is understood to represent the ultimate order. To the contrary, when the ultimate order is seen as God and Eternity then the consequence is that the polis and the citizenry begin to incarnate, in various ways, God and eternity into Time and space.

The result of this is Augustine’s City of God vs. City of Man. The City of God, on earth, is built up as men bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ so that His will is increasingly done on earth as it is in heaven.  To the contrary, the city of man is built up as men bow to themselves, collectively considered, and so as man is taken as the ultimate man incarnates the ugliness of “hath God really said.”

6.) Christianity, when it is most vital, should always be considered a threat to pagan states and a menace to their political (and social) order since Christianity screams that such political and social orders are unreal and illusory and idolatrous to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

6.) Because Rome’s view that the problem of man was political and not religious therefore we know that Rome had made politics their religion.  Man without God will always turn religion into politics and politics into religion. Since, for fallen man, above them is only sky, therefore fallen men will always make a Idol out of the political process.

7.) Those who deny that the political order can be, should be, or is divinized will always be considered threats to the State. If the conviction is that “in the state we live and move and have our being” all those who deny that precept must be either marginalized or eliminated.

8.) When Rushdoony speaks of “unity of all things in terms of the state” what he is saying is that the state becomes the only point of integration of man. All things must find their meaning in terms of the state. The state becomes the background against which, “man as chameleon” must and does find his identity.

That we are at that point today is testified to by the necessity of the State to provide our health care. In that pursuit there is the thrust of “unity of all things — even medicine — in terms of the state.

9.)  If you can’t see our current situation in this country summarized in Rushdoony’s statement, “Hence, over-organization, simplification, and centralization increasingly characterized Rome,” you don’t have a pulse and you might consider that you are a Zombie.

10.) Theonomy or autonomy. The God of the Bible or Man as God. One never escapes either law or theocracy. It is never a question of “whether or not law,” or “whether or not Theocracy,” it is only a question of whose law and whose Theocracy. You can always tell which God is supreme by observing which law is enacted.



Crony Capitalism … Then and Now

“The mainstream (liberal) historians make much of the working class crisis of the 1870’s – 1890’s, saying that during those decades the federal government was obviously being run to satisfy the selfish interests of the Northern capitalists — and the workers subsequently endured cruel working conditions and bare subsistence. Further, the economy was grinding to a halt because workers and farmers weren’t earning enough to buy the vast array of products being manufactured. And all of that is quite true.

But then historians trot out the Progressive movement cited here to prove that the intrusive, unconstitutional, industrially-oriented big government created by Lincoln and the Radical Republicans in the 1860’s had been justified after all, because under Theodore Roosevelt it could and did react to the needs of the country after the turn of the century by haltering the capitalists. Those historians then have gusty editorial sighs of relief: the system worked! Big government did right, and thereby prevented the class warfare revolution of the poor which otherwise would surely have destroyed the United States. Therefore, they argue, the liberal’s socialistic government of today has precedent and is equally necessary and justifiable.

But in fact, those reform measures from 1887 onward were carefully designed to do very little to restrain the capitalists, even though they expanded the power of the federal government considerably. Viewed close up, they were mostly worthwhile-but-token measures…. None of that (what really turned the US economy around during the early progressive era) resulted from the socialist movement, or from big government per se.”

Frank Conner
The South Under Siege; 1830-2000 — pg. 237-238


A few observations

1.) These united States have been living with Corporatism to one degree or another for over a century and a half now. The “haltering capitalists” that Conner speaks of is the Gilded Age Robber Barons like Morgan, Rockefeller, Carnegie et. al. These men made their fortunes by being in bed with the Federal Government and manipulating it to pass legislation favorable to them at the expense of any potential competition. In point of fact these men were not “haltering capitalists” but “haltering socialists of the Corporatist variety (Crony Capitalism).

The Corporatism that we have today is merely a continuation of the Corporatism that gripped this Nation as a consequence of the War against the Constitution. This war was funded by Northern Crony Capitalists as they funded Lincoln’s war in order to turn the South into a colonial farm to be milked to the profit of the Crony Capitalists of the Railroad, Textile Mills, and Shipping variety.

2.) Note the pattern. The Feds create the problem. Then they decry the problem blaming the problem they created on Capitalism. Then they offer solutions that will enrich themselves and their Crony Capitalists – Socialists partners. Finally, when the Fed’s solution does not work and only magnifies the problem they again raise a hue and cry about the problem blaming their failed policies that have enhanced and magnified the problem to be the fault of Capitalism, when in point of fact, the fault is that free markets have not been allowed the opportunity to address the problem. This program of blame is being repeated right now with Health Care. Health Care has not failed because of Capitalism. Health Care has failed because the Government involved itself. The solution that the Government has created now (Obama-care) is designed to fail so that the Government can come back and blame somebody in the Capitalist tent with the purpose of finally arriving at the Socialist Single payer program.

Which itself will not work.

3.) Court Historians are epic liars. Our court Historian liars are as responsible for this Corporatist cycle of failure as much if not more than the Feds and the Crony Capitalists. The lying Court Historians keep blowing smoke so that the American public never wake up to the fact that the liberal-progressive-leftist-cultural Marxist-Centralized-Omnipresent Government has never succeeded in “fixing an economy.” Naturally, the court Historians always give credit to the Feds for coming through but the credit inevitably really goes to some free market aspect that survived and flourished despite the repeated attempt by the Feds and the Crony Capitalists – Socialists to choke it out.

4.) All of this suggests that today the people exist, as cattle, for the Government and the Crony Capitalists to milk at their leisure. Those who are not of the Politician and the Elite mega Corporatist class exist as grist to enrich them.

The answer to all this is to smash both Centralized Government and the Elite mega Corporatist class because they are both Marxist to the core in their economics. The failure of the rank and file American is that they tend to see one of the other of these players as the problem instead of understanding that they are both the problem. Consequently, some Americans see the Mega Corporatists as a problem and so they offer the answer of bigger Government to control the Corporatists but these Americans don’t realize that the bigger the Feds are made the better it is for the Corporatists. Similarly, other Americans get ahold of the other end of the stick and suggest that the way to end the problem is to empower the Mega-Corporatists as “Capitalists” and to shrink the Feds. However, empowering the Mega-Corporatists as Capitalists is to, at the same time, empower the FEDS. Both the Mega Corporatists and the FEDS have to be broken at the same time.

I get by with a little help from my Friends — Thomas Weddle On Constitutionalism

Every so often I will run something here written by a friend. This piece is by Thomas Weddle. Here Thomas explains why the current Federal Government is illegitimate. By extension this reveals that when Americans obey the Federal Government they are disobeying Romans 13:1-2.

This piece will require one to think through a different prism then one is accustomed. Read through it a couple times. See if you understand the central point that he is making.

In terms of the Federal Government Rebellion is our problem – just obey the Constitutions and laws, that’s the only thing missing, that’s what people, as individuals, refuse to do.

I believe God will bless obedience, He promises to in Scripture, and He’s not a respecter of persons. Christians, as individuals, have no excuse for sustaining their involvement in the rebellion against the established and ordained Constitutions and laws. I know a lot of people don’t like the Federal Constitution so they license their rebellion against it in their minds, if they want to change it there is a lawful way to do so. Nowhere does God promise to give us everything we desire on our own terms at all times, rather He instructs us to do what is right, overcome evil with good, and suffer patiently wrongs – suffering for righteousness sake is what is acceptable to God not suffering for doing wrong.

This claim that people can’t do what is right unless it’s some democratic thing is just the inverse claim of going alone with doing wrong because everybody else is. “I would obey the law if everybody else would too” is not valid reasoning.

I believe God blesses obedience and He curses disobedience.

Here’s the problem:

The American people are not constituent members of the Constitutional system of government anymore and they can’t do anything until they are. Rather, they sustain their secession from the several states and Federal Constitution to take up their citizenship and nationality in the Federal government itself via their individual voluntary political consent to the unlawful 14th Amendment. Nobody forces them to do that. Even after Reconstruction individuals taking up citizenship and nationality of the Federal government was voluntary – nobody was forced to do that. Of course they encouraged everybody too, in their Expatriation Act, but it’s voluntary. Really it wasn’t until the New Deal that everybody did that.

The Federal government was never, nor is it today, one of the several states of the Federal union. The American people voluntarily and willing empower it, instead of their several states, as their national government contrary to its establishment and ordination as a Federal government.

The Federal Constitution was not intended, designed, established or ordained to be a National Constitution nor does it restrict the plenary powers of a national government. The people of Michigan formed a state there, they created a constitution and restricted their national government and also became members of a constitution creating a federal government between the several states for certain limited purposes. That has never been lawfully changed, rather the people of Michigan decided to enjoin and sustain a political rebellion, form the Federal government into their new national government abandoning Michigan and have it overthrow and suppress Michigan’s constitutions and laws while sustaining residence there as foreign nationals. That has to end. That rebellion has to end.

Americans have consolidated themselves within the Federal government itself in violation of law and formed it into their national government. Nobody forces them to do that, they choose to – they can pick up and emigrate to Canada if they want to at any time, or they can pick and emigrate back to Michigan, Indiana, Tennessee, Virginia &c also. It’s one’s inalienable right to do so protected by the Constitutions and laws. Move to New Zealand if you want to, that’s your right; but combining with New Zealand to overthrow the government here is something else entirely, that’s sedition and treason. So is combining with domestic enemies within the Federal government to overthrow Michigan, Indiana, Tennessee, Virginia &c too.

If you live in Michigan and wanted to claim the nationality of Tennessee you would need to move here, establish legitimacy as one of the people of Tennessee. Cutting a deal with Tennessee to invade and overthrow the state of Michigan and its laws so you can live there claiming the nationality of a Tennessean under its laws but residing in Michigan is rebellion and unlawful.

That is precisely what the people are doing with the Federal government though, that’s not lawful. They may not form an alliance with the Federal government itself to convert their right to emigrate into a letter a marque and reprisal to overthrow their several states impairing their Constitutions and laws (see Article 1 Section 10). The Federal Constitution only permits a Federal union of free and independent states, they may not secede to create a new confederation among them nor may they secede to convert the Federal government into a National Government over them.

Just because everyone else does that doesn’t mean we have to, we can choose to obey the Constitutions and laws as established and ordained. That is what God requires in Romans 13:1-2, He judges this rebellion against that establishment and ordination. He’s forgotten their children in abortion. He’s raised up women to rule over them. He’s made them servants of wickedness in this political economy. Most recently, He’s raised up the Sodomite amongst and over them. It’s time to repent, stop rebelling and start obeying – nobody else is, be different.

A state is people – there are hardly any people claiming their birthrights living in their respective countries. The several states (republican) are politically unpopulated – there’s not enough legitimate Michiganers, Indianans, Tennesseans, Virginian’s living in the several states whereby their Enabling Acts as republican states are even in force. Rather, their are foreign nationals residing there in puppet governments that are political sub-divisions of the Federal government. These are legal fiction “states wherein [federal citizens] reside,” while within the geographic territory of the several states in violation of Article 4 Section 3.

Americans will either awaken from this “state of denial” that they live in or they may find themselves floating on the USS State of Denial in international waters scratching their heads wondering what happened to them after they are deported.”

From the Mailbag — Pastor I’m For Open Borders … Why Aren’t You?

Dear Pastor,

I ran across this quote from R. J. Rushdoony and I’m pretty sure you would support it,

We must render honor and justice to all men wherever due, but we have a particular responsibility to care for our own. This means first of all our families. . . . Biblical conduct is regulated by relationship, and to subvert this is to lead directly into welfare economics and socialism. If a man must exercise towards all men the same care, oversight, and charity he does towards his own family, then an impossible burden is placed on him. . . . Every system of ‘universal’ ethics is at one and the same time a system of universal slavery.”

R. J. Rushdoony
On illegal immigration and Amnesty
“Politics of Guilt and Pity”, p. 248

Pastor, I see this quote not as an argument for regulation of immigration, walls, and border patrols but rather as an argument against welfare. I do not see how the need to take care of my own family necessitates that I have a government that prohibits an individual from crossing an imaginary line in say Arizona. This is not logical. Furthermore, to construe this to mean that Rushdoony supported immigration laws is not honest. Could you help me see what I’m not seeing?

Lovey Jardine

Dear Lovey,

Thank you for writing. First let’s consider the RJR quote itself to see if it speaks to immigration. RJR says,

“If a man must exercise towards all men the same care, oversight, and charity he does towards his own family, then an impossible burden is placed on him…”

I would say that this indeed is an argument for regulation of immigration, walls, and border patrols as well as an argument against welfare. So, I do believe you misinterpreting the quote when you say it is not about immigration at all. To hopefully help you see where the relation is between “imaginary lines” and taking care of your family, allow me to offer,

1.) The need to take care of our own families includes the idea of having a stable culture and economy. The flooding of our nation with people of a different religion and culture means your family will not be taken care of because the consequence of such policy means the balkanization of this Nation into hostile religion, ethnic, and economic enclaves which demands a Centralized tyrannical Government can keep in order. One reason the FEDS are following this policy Lovey is that it creates a need for their presence since only a strong handed Government can mediate the hostilities that will arise from the policies of purposeful balkanization that they are pursuing.

2.) The depression of wages resulting in the destruction of the middle class is assured by the current immigration policy. This likewise will eventuate in the voiding of care for our current families. Harvard Professor and Immigration expert George Borjas has analyzed the effects of immigration on the middle class and the conclusion is that this immigrations redistributes capital upwards with the consequence that the mega-Rich get richer and the middle class are increasingly impoverished so that what is created by this policy is a have vs. have not social order. I’m sure you’ll agree with me Lovey that impoverishing your children in order to enrich the Mega-Rich Corporatism class, via this immigration policy, is not taking care of your family.

3.) This quote clearly advances the idea that RJR supported immigration laws when the consequence of them meant the voiding of the care, oversight and charity towards one’s own family. The current status quo does just that. Here is another quote from Rushdoony that communicates much the same idea that Scriptures do call for the extension of hospitality and justice, but not an open-borders re-ordering of social life.

“To call for the modern, humanistic society with an open relationship to all men would have appeared to the Israelites as the ultimate tyranny. The law did not require any such a re-ordering of any man’s private life: It simply required justice in dealing with all men.”

Highest Regards Lovey,


Lovey wrote back,

Dear Pastor,

Part of your answer was that “immigration “brings down wages”? So we should keep wages artificially high by regulating the number of people that can live or move through a particular area? I guess we not thinking in terms of a free market economy.

When Rushdoony said we need to “take care of our own families” I am sure you are right an he meant extending more power to the government to interfere with the natural right of individuals to move about freely. Yep, that sounds like something Rushdoony would say.

Lovey Jardine

Dear Lovey,

Thank you for writing back. Let’s see if we can tease this out for you.

First, I am not the kind of Libertarian that you seem to be. I do not support this free market economy that you are championing because it is most certainly not a Free Market economy. What you are supporting is the Corporatism wherein the Mega-Corporations are in bed with the Mega-Government to the end of turning the rest of the citizenry into slaves for their pleasure and use. This current immigration “policy” enriches the Mega-rich class and destroys the middle class. Statistics (See George Borjas’ work)

National Data | Economic Impact of Mass Immigration Worse than We Thought

clearly show that current policy means a transfer of wealth from the Middle class to the Mega Rich who are in bed with the Government class. I’m all for free markets when they are fair Markets but the game is rigged right now and I do not support a policy which destroys the infrastructure of the middle class in order to worship at the feet of Austrian Economics while at the same time serving the ends of creating a Globalist New World Order.

Second, per RJR, he was not the Libertarian that North is. North has been destroyed by his worshiping at the feet of Austrian economics.

Thirdly, I would challenge you on your individual natural rights language which is straight out of Enlightenment Humanism. Strictly speaking individuals have no natural rights. As Christians, we have duties. Only God has rights. In this case, per the first RJR quote, my duty and responsibility to care for my own is my particular responsibility. Since Biblical conduct is regulated by relationship my duty as a Christian to my family outstrips your Humanist idea of individual rights. I have already demonstrated in the first response how all of this impinges upon my duty to my family.

A good book to help you think through your whole “Individual Natural Rights” language is,


Fourth, you warn about artificially high wages but I hardly believe that anybody would make the case that we are currently living in a time where artificially high wages is a problem for our families which reflect the middle class. The real problem here is the artificially low wages that would result were we to turn this country into a huge sweatshop. Also, I would repudiate the idea that immigration restrictions necessarily lead to extending more power to the Government especially when the policies you are advocating concerning immigration works to the end of setting in concrete a Tyrannical state. The immigrants we are speaking of here are a natural constituency for the Marxist (Democratic) party. That party will use the votes of the immigration pattern to grow the Government into a centralized top down Usurping State. So, you chastise me for my alleged support of larger government because I want it to “provide for the common defense and yet your support of the current immigration imbroglio assures the rise of the totalitarian state. I fear you have not calculated the impact of Corporatism enough in your thinking Lovey. I also think that you need to listen to the RJR lectures where he points out that Libertarianism and Marxism are two sides of the same coin.

All the Best,
