Responding to Rev. Jeff Durbin’s Virtue Signaling

“Racism is a real thing. It’s an abomination that deserves eternal punishment. I know it exists. I know people hate others because of the color of their skin. However, when we focus on the issue of color, and not justice, we influence people to make war with the opposite community and not against the injustice. The crime is no longer the focus. It’s no longer about making things right. It’s about strife between other groups. It’s about destruction. An image-bearer of God was murdered. This demands swift justice for all those involved and should set a clear warning to anyone who would engage in such a treacherous act that they will suffer the same consequence. Badge or no badge. This is the opportunity for the Church to rise up and say, “This is justice. Uphold this. These are the Words of God. Do this for every son or daughter of Adam.” There are two alternatives: Christ or chaos.

Our culture, for a long time now, has chosen the latter. Now, they are eating its choicest fruit.”

Pomo Rev. Jeff Durbin

1.) This is pure 100% virtue signaling on Durbin’s part. It seems that if one is in the ministry and doesn’t virtue signal about the evils of “racism” then they somehow are being untrue to their calling.

2.) If Racism is a real thing why are there no stable definitions that are not either self-refuting or self-contradictory? Racism is one of those words that means everything and so nothing. It is merely a word intended to heap false guilt on people. What is Racism Jeff? Please… give us a definition so we can work on whether or not it really is some kind of evil that Scriptures failed to explicitly mention. In my book, “Racism” is a contrived, elastic term that has no fixed meaning, other than to be used to de-legitimize and attack traditional, white Christian civilization.

3.)  Racism was popularized by radical bolshevik Leon Trotsky for the purpose in the early 20th century to advance the communist revolution and was popularized with the intent of creating division within Christendom by ladling false guilt on Christians who believed that love of one’s own people was perfectly legitimate. Durbin won’t win the battle by letting the devil set the terms of the debate.

Much of what is characterized as “racism” today is simply the normal, natural human preference for self-association with our own race. Are you a “racists” because you married someone of your own race? Because your children did? Because you live in a predominately white neighborhood and eschew the ghetto? In this sense, “racism” serves a very practical and effective role in making decisions about who to marry, where to live and what school to attend.

4.) I know of absolutely nobody who hates people solely because of the color of their skin. Oh, such people might exist but their numbers are so insignificant that they hardly merit mentioning. People like Durbin can’t seem to understand that race is about much more than skin color.

5.) Of course people want Justice. And if the officer in question (who is innocent until proven guilty) is convicted in a fair trial (something almost impossible to achieve now) then that officer should be greeted with the full force of penalty. I know of nobody who disagrees with that. So why is Durbin making such a point of the need for justice except to virtue signal.

6.) It is true that an image-bearer was murdered. That is horrific. However we note the integrity of Jeff’s virtue signaling. Now, was Jeff virtue signaling like this when in 2009 in Houston Tx. on the Ft. Hood military base a brown man murdered 9 White people in a shooting rampage. Did Jeff go public on that about the racism of brown people? Oh … and no riots followed.

Now, was Jeff virtue signaling like this when in 2015 a brown man unleashed a barrage of gunfire at two military facilities in Tennessee, killing four white Marines and wounding two other service members and a police officer. Did Jeff go public on that about the racism of brown people then? Oh … and no riots followed.

Now, was Jeff virtue signaling like this when in 2002 John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo — two black men — (known as the Beltway Snipers) had a plan to kill six white people a day. Though never reaching that goal on a day in and day out basis Muhammad and Malvo murdered 17 white people before they were caught. Did Jeff go public on that about the racism of black people then? Oh … and no riots followed.

Now, was Jeff virtue signaling like this when in December of 1993, a black male named Colin Ferguson walked down the aisles of a commuter train on the Long Island Railroad, shooting white commuters. Did Jeff go public on that about the racism of black people then? Oh … and no riots followed.

Now, was Jeff virtue signaling like this when on January 6, 2007 five black assailants carjacked and then kidnapped a white young couple by the names of Christopher Newsome and Channon Christian only to kill them later that evening in the most sadistic torturous way imaginable? Did Jeff go public on that about the racism of black people then? Oh … and no riots followed.

7.) Did Jeff lecture us on the need to demand “justice” when these other crimes of injustice were committed? When chaos reigned in the previous examples where was Jeff pleading for “Justice,” and against “Racism?”

It is just my opinion but I am of the opinion that when Durbin tacitly endorses the narrative of the guilty white man (as seen by conveniently leaving out the other side of the equation) I am of the conviction that Durbin is choosing chaos and is forcing Christians to eat the choicest fruit.

In the end Durbin needs to learn that “Racism,” is the ultimate word that means everything and nothing. When used it is not intended to convey any objective meaning but is used as a expletive deletive to pillory an opponent. Its intent is to shut down a conversation because if someone is a racist that means they don’t need to be heard.

However, “racist” is losing its power and it is beginning to be like the famous ad hiterlum logical fallacy.

Jeff and all of us have to remember that when Christ said “love your enemies” he envisioned hallowing the enemy so as to achieve a future reconciliation. Instead Christian White men like Jeff have taken this command as means to seek in our enemy the means of our own destruction.

In the words of Mark Collett in his “The Fall of Western Man,”

“The word ‘racist’ has turned Western man into a creature that can only be equated with a whipped dog. On the cry of that one word Western man rolls over and begs for mercy – just as an abused animal would. White guilt, self-hatred and the word ‘racist’ have been used to break the Western heart and subdue Western bravery and courage in order to prevent Western man from standing up in the defense of his own people. Western man is now so cowed that he dare not speak out against any foreign enemy or threat to his people for fear of being branded a ‘racist’.

“Woe Unto You Experts”

Matthew 22:34 And when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they themselves gathered together. 35One of them, an expert in the law, tested Him with a question:

Luke 11:52 Woe to you experts in the law! For you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.

These are but two examples among many examples in the Gospel that could be elucidated where we find the experts in the law explicitly or implicitly condemned. Obviously, Jesus didn’t have much use for the “experts” in the law. Only the experts could have gotten everything as wrong as they obviously did and Jesus wasn’t slow to point that out and for that habit He earned their enmity. Jesus mocked them, condemned them, and expressed incredulity at their slowness in understanding. Jesus was having nothing to do with their so called “expert” status and demonstrated that expert status — a status today typically gained by all kinds of degrees — was often bogus.

I’m going to pursue a thread here where it should be said to our modern “experts” both within and outside the Church, “Woe to you, experts…” As a result some are bound to accuse me of “anti-intellectualism.” This was the cat-call brought against the Fundamentalists by the Modernists during the Modernist vs. Fundamentalist controversy in the early part of the 20th century. The Fundamentalist had rightly sniffed out some of the ridiculous claims of the Higher Critical Modernists who fancied themselves as “experts.” The problem then was the Fundamentalists were often just as ridiculous as the expert Modernists and so the Modernist cat-call of “anti-intellectual” stuck.

However, just as Jesus was not being anti-intellectual when He called out the “experts in the law,” so I am not being anti-intellectual here. Jesus was anti-expert because the experts he was dealing with were idiots and the culture of experts that we are living in today are all too often likewise idiots.

Take as the most recent example the experts in the last four months who screamed “The sky is falling. The sky is falling. You must cancel life and hibernate because the Wuhan is coming to get you, oh my.” Clearly these experts should be pivoted upon and shouted at, “Woe unto you, you experts in Medicine.” Take as an example how the experts claimed that the birth control pill was perfectly safe for women only to be found out decades later that there is a connection between women taking birth control pills and breast cancer. “Woe unto you, you experts in Medicine.” Take as an example in the Church how the experts are telling us right now that Jesus Christ doesn’t have direct, express and explicit Sovereignty (R2K) over the public square. “Woe unto you, experts in Christianity.” Take as an example in Psychology of electric shock therapy which for decades the experts told us was a legitimate way to treat patients. “Woe unto you, experts in Psychology.” How many more examples do I need where the self-annoited experts were just idiotic in what they were pushing? Take as an example the Governmental experts declamation during the run up to WW II that the Feds could build needed landing craft better than the private sector. You guessed it … the experts were wrong again. “Woe unto you, experts in the Federal Government.” Take as an example the experts in the Church right now who are telling us by repeated books and conferences that celibate sodomites in the ministry is perfectly acceptable per God’s Word. “Woe unto you, experts in the Clergy.” Take as an example the experts in the Law who have arranged for us to redefine the meaning of marriage so as to include the marital union of sodomites. “Woe unto you, expert lawyers and judges.” Really I could go on for paragraph after paragraph on the reality that the idea of a culture of experts, where we the hoi polloi, are supposed to passively listen to the experts and follow their guidance is pure skubala.

This kind of reciting example after example is necessary because now the experts are threatening us with their expertise which is on the cusp of demanding, that given their expertise we need to, by way of force of law, require our children to get vaccines. This kind of reciting example after example is necessary because now the experts are threatening us with their expertise which is on the cusp of demanding, that given their expertise we need a Universal Basic Income so that we can be taken care by the experts in the Federal Government. This kind of reciting example after example is necessary because now the experts are threatening us with their expertise which is on the cusp of demanding, that given their expertise we need to coalesce into a New World Order Government. “Woe unto you experts in nearly any field.”

So what is with our putative “experts.” What was with the “experts in the law” during Jesus time? In both case their expertise existed as in a pagan world and life view. In both cases, experts then and now, are earning and basing their expertise on assumptions that are anti-Christ in their nature and are contrary to revelation. For example, much of vaccine theory is based on Darwinian evolutionary thinking. For example, much of psychology is based on reality that the God of the Bible does not exist. For example, much of law today is not based on God’s revelation but on Postivistic law, which presupposes man’s autonomy from God. For example, much of sociology is based not on principles drawn from God’s Word but rather is anchored in an anthropology that man is basically good and on the inevitability of humanist progress. The Lion’s share of our experts have been gained their expertise in Universities that are anti-Christ. As such most of our experts — from Clergy to Lawyers to Psychologists to Educators to Sociologists to Medical Doctors to Judges to Politicians is just so much skubala that is at its core anti-intellectual. Our need is to turn upon them and proclaim “Woe unto you experts.”

All of that leaves us having to become our own experts as much as possible, and that because we desire to be intellectual about our expertise. We must become experts in law, medicine, sociology, psychology, economics, politics, Christianity, ethics, and art. Of course we should employ the division of labor as much as possible but it simply is the case that the cynical attitude towards the “experts” we have developed over the last few decades needs to be set in stone. The experts, exceptions notwithstanding, are our enemies and the enemies of all men. They should no more be automatically be trusted than the traveling snake-oil salesman was trusted once upon a time. In all disciplines we must be like the Bereans who studied to see if the things they were being told were true.

There will be times we get it wrong, but in the times we get it wrong we must remind ourselves of the multitude of times the experts got it wrong. File this under, “If I am going to mess up then I’d rather mess up according to my lights and research as opposed to an ‘expert’ who has a track record of messing up.”

Of course there will still be times we will have to entrust ourselves to the “experts.” If I’m arguing before SCOTUS I want an expert. If I’m going under the knife for a kidney replacement I want an expert. However, even then I’d like to find a Christian whose expertise looks different than his colleagues pagan expertise.

Of course this kind of talk drives the experts rabid. How dare we question their bailiwick? How dare the peasants take up their pitchforks against the citadel of tower Expert? Don’t they know their place? It’s the same kind of protest the Rome raised against the Reformers. It’s the same kind of protest that Charles I raised against the Puritan Round-heads. It is the same kind of protest that British General Cornwallis raised as he surrendered to Washington at Yorktown. Cornwallis was so miffed that his expert Generalship was trounced that he even had his troops march out of town to the tune of “The World Turned Upside Down.” It is the same kind of protest we have seen the last 4 years in Washington DC with the arrival of the non-expert Trump. Experts do not like being challenged by the peasant class as Jesus found out when he challenged them in the first century.

As Dan Brannan argues in his column that inspired this one,

the instinct to vest interests in experts is a largely feminine and effeminate one. I won’t repeat Dan’s argument again here but it is an argument that is worth your time and consideration.

There is another implication that needs to be drawn out here and that is that as Christians we have to absolutely give up on the University (especially “Christian” Universities) to become experts. The University system as been co-opted and is owned root, stem, and branch by the Marxists and so should be absolutely verboten for Christians. Any “expertise” gained at the University will be gained at the cost of our children’s souls. We only have to point at experts in the Church today to demonstrate that in spades. Whether it is the expert Rosario Butterfield, or the expertise of Sean Michael Lucas, or the expertise of Al Mohler, or the expertise of Tim Keller, or the expertise of R. Scott Clark it is clear that the experts in the Church now, having their worldview shaped by their University education leaves the Church vacuous. This causes us to conclude that if you value your own soul as well as your children’s souls that not only will you flee the university system, you will flee the contemporary conservative Reformed Churches which are anthills of expertise. Remember … “Woe unto you experts.”

I recommend if you want to make your children scholars and experts you set them about a routine diet of I suggest that you have them feast on Dabney’s “Secular Discussions.” I suggest that you have them read Blamire’s “Disappearance of the Christian Mind,” or Esolen’s “Out of the Ashes,” or Machen’s “Christianity and Liberalism.” Have them read daily. Have them listen to Dr. Glen Martin’s lecture series. If we want to be experts again we have to gain our expertise as existing in our own Weltanschauung while telling the pseudo-experts to bounder off.

The only other option we have is to commit the chief sin of Medieval Roman Catholics which we have been committing in spades and with increasing intensity over the last decades and that is the putting of our minds in park and letting the Magisterium do our thinking for us in one field after another. We could call that “Expert-olatry.” Consider where our expert-olatry has led us. Because of our expert-olatry the Conservative Reformed Church is on the cusp of accepting celibate sodomites in seat of Elder. Because of our expert-olatry in the Medical field we are on the cusp of injecting our children with vaccines which contain the type of assorted garbage, chemicals, and fetal DNA which would make a hardened Marine quail. Because of our expert-olatry we are on the cusp of actually letting the Federal Government become our outright explicit owners (that’s called slavery). We must rid ourselves of the idea of an expert Magisterium and start thinking God’s thoughts after him again.

So, while acknowledging exceptions, I say, “piss on the experts. ” Those people are getting us killed and if I am going to die I’d rather die at my own hand then the hand of the Christless “experts.” They may be well intention-ed in some cases but their good intentions won’t make you any less dead by listening to them.

Let our theme in these matters become, “Woe unto you experts.”

Our Current Fourth Generation Warfare Civil War

A case could be easily made that we are at this point in a civil war. This case is augmented by the reality of 4th generation warfare (4GW) as the means by which the present civil war is being fought.

4GW is non-traditional military conflict that is characterized by making indecipherable and permeable boundaries between the heretofore distinct categories of war vs. politics, combatants vs. civilians and massed armies vs. decentralized and highly mobile mobs as armies.

4GW is to war and combat what farmers markets are to a Wal-Marx super food mart. 4GW is warfare as highly decentralized and as mobile as the breeze. 4GW prevails in the context of either the nation-state’s loss of ability to bring force to bear or the nation-state’s loss of monopoly on combat forces. The current context speaks to the nation-state’s loss of ability (lack of will) to bring force to bear on the current rioters.

4GW also can be identified as sporadic in intensity and as such it tends to be sustained over a longer course of time. When we note 4GW’s sporadic characteristic this means, in part, that it is punctuated in intensity by terrorist incidents aimed at advancing its cause. When we note 4GW’s drawn out character this is due to the fact that it is a warfare that can only succeed as it attacks the Institutional structures (political, religious, social, military, economic, judicial, etc.) of the culture that it is at war with. This takes a prolonged amount of time. It is warfare as by Chinese water torture.

Like 3rd Generation warfare 4GW looks to leverage the weight of its opponent against it. This means that its attack points will be rapid and brief, not allowing its enemy to coalesce their force to respond. In brief insurgent and guerrilla tactics are used wherever the attack occurs. (The insurgent and guerrilla tactics can be non-violent as in applying propaganda moves or as in seeking to win the culture war by quick striking Alinsky type tactics.)

The consequence is combat is waged with a comparative dumbed-down military arsenal. Warfare becomes low tech and personal as opposed to the high tech impersonal warfare of the type we saw in Desert-shield and Desert-storm.

Consequences in 4GW also includes command and control by social media as well as a Lugenpresse major communications to provide air cover for what is occurring. The Lugenpresse’s role in 4GW is disinformation and propaganda spin.

Getting to the nub of 4GW, 4GW requires one of the participants in the conflict to be a non-state participant. In the current 4GW civil war in America the non-state participant is the coalition of the forces of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Occupy Wall Street and other Marxist organizations which occupy serial false front positions.

If 4GW is indeed a identifiable reality there can be little doubt that we are currently fighting a civil war along terrain that is new as far as civil wars go.

The Embrace of the Noble Savage Moment

The left would speak in rapturous tones that “in China throughout a whole day of work, you will never hear anyone complain or disobey or talk back, because what you see in the man on the street is not politeness but ‘a deep brotherhood, an almost passionate seriousness, the selflessness of socialist man.”

Obviously these mesmerizing beliefs made it impossible to see anything other than their own (the Leftists) spellbinding in the Other. At that very moment when these kinds of words of praise were being spoken of the average man in the street in China, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Chinese were being killed, massacred, or deported on the orders of the Great Leader, as the Chinese Communist party revealed several years later. The shock of this discovery would have been comical if the Western intelligentsia had not drowned the cries of China’s martyrs with its shouts of praise, thereby making itself an accomplice to the crimes committed. It made no difference since those who followed a phony dogma could paint their cartoon-like version of China at a time when the Middle Kingdom was being put to the sword and the torch. They painted a picture of a perfect nation with no crime, no poverty, no madness, no sickness, and even no dirt. It was as place where the blind could see, the deaf could hear, and, of course, the mute could speak, as if it were the step of Lourdes.”

Pascal Bruckner
The Tears of the White Man; Compassion as Contempt — p. 30

The same is going on right now in America. The rioters now are being seen as the Chinese described above. The leftists (Marxists) see those rioting as the noble savages who can do no wrong. They are the heroes in the drama and if any excesses is among them it can only be the fault of the White Christian man who has pushed them into those excesses. The black man (generally but not universally speaking) and his ethnomasochistic white pagan pets can do no wrong per the Media and much of America’s political and academia class.

The rioters are now the noble savages and as noble savages, we non rioters must learn to aspire to their purity and greatness, and if we refuse to learn from them we must be exterminated in order that the new social order may come to pass. Christianity and the social order it creates must be displaced in favor of the Egalitarian Shangri-La.

This kind of thinking that supports the rioting obtains among our leadership because,

1.) Many see themselves as the leadership of the noble savage. If the noble savage is pure than those who lead must be pure also.

2.) Our leadership tends, by way of habit, to always hurry to get in front of the parade whichever way it is marching.

3.) Our leadership has been trained in humanist institutions and so they are pre-programmed to accept this train of thinking. It really is the case that many of our leadership, regardless of what field you are talking about, are crypto-Marxist in their thinking though they do not realize that.

Sasse Embarrassed By Bible In The Public Square

There is no right to riot, no right to destroy others’ property, and no right to throw rocks at police. But there is a fundamental — a Constitutional — right to protest, and I’m against clearing out a peaceful protest for a photo op that treats the Word of God as a political prop. Every public servant in America should be lowering the temperature and that means saying two basic truths over and over: (1) police injustice — like the evil murder of George Floyd — is repugnant and merits peaceful protest aimed at change; (2) riots are abhorrent acts of violence that hurt the innocent. Say both things loudly and repeatedly, as Americans work to end the violence and injustice.”

US Sen. Ben Sasse

1.) Sen. Ben Sasse complains about Trump using the Bible as a political prop thereby himself turning Christianity into a means by which he can score political points. I realize Trump is no Christian in any orthodox sense (just as Sasse isn’t being R2k) but Trump is a public official and when he, as President, holds up the Bible, as a political prop or otherwise the God of the Bible is honored. Sen. Sasse is more than unwise in this pronouncement.

2.) Would Sasse prefer Trump to hold up a Koran or a Torah? You know, I’d bet good money that if Trump has held up a Torah in front of a Synagogue Sasse would have been mute.

3.) Did the Trump team “clear out” peaceful protesters or just ask them to move on? I wouldn’t believe the Lugenpresse’s characterization of the protesters being “forcefully removed,” or Sasse’s version of “cleared out,” as being a fair representation of what happened. One also must keep in mind that these gentle protesters were required to give up only 37 minutes of their protest time since that was when the curfew was going in effect anyway. Sasse is whining about protesters not getting 37 minutes of peaceful protest time?

4.) Remember this Church he was standing in front of had been vandalized by the looters. Trump was seeking to honor both the Church and Christianity by doing what he did and all Sasse can whine about is using the Bible as a political prop. Would to the God of the Bible that more Presidents had used the Bible as a political prop to speak up the Christian faith.

5.) Sasse hypocritically calls for lowering the temperature at the very moment he is raising the temperature while accusing Trump of using the Bible as a political prop. Sasse is the one dishonoring God in all this. How dare anybody hold the bible up in front of a Church for a photo-op?

6.) Sen. Sasse does not know that George Floyd was murdered. A man is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers. Sasse saying this prejudices any jury that might be assembled. Here is Sasse preaching on what needs to be done in the public square and Sasse himself apparently doesn’t know Civics 101.

I suppose one could drain an ocean of cyber-ink writing on the hypocrisy of Politicians.