McAtee on McCarthy

“A nation like ours has many power centers. The alignment of those power centers is what determines cultural force and, in the long run, political success as well. Corporate executives, celebrities, academics, editorialists, and even many religious leadersnot at all exclusively from liberal denominations — in general oppose the police and support the protests, and if they think the rioters go to excess, they’re inclined to think it’s just a case of misplaced zeal or an excusable response to oppression. The master framework that applies before any facts are considered — facts like the real cause of most violent deaths among blacks in America today, or even investigation into the facts about George Floyd’s death — is a moral framework that designates saints and sinners, victims and oppressors.”

Daniel McCarthy

And this is … as I have exhausted myself in saying, at least as it pertains to putatively religious leaders, the results of a R2K type thinking that refuses to teach civil narratives because they are “not in the Church’s purview.” As such Christians come to believe skubala narratives and eventually even the Christian leaders come to believe those skubala narratives. So, what we eventually get is conservative Christians who love them some Jebuss but are believing narratives that are anti-Christ because not rooted and grounded in truth. Instead, what is dished out is the 6 millionth altar call, or pietistic sentimental mush about not being “worldly,” or Redemptive Historical treatments that are always only indicative and never ever imperative.

Where are the sermons in the Church that touches on these false narratives that Christians (leaders and laity alike) are believing that move them to support criminal riotous protests as well as criminal anti-Christ organizations like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and various Communist Fronts? The information on these skubala narratives is out there for those with eyes to see and courage to believe. The information that American slavery wasn’t the genocide attempt characterized by cruelty and lasciviousness that the Academic left has insisted that it was ever since Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” – itself a tissue of lies and a foundation of centuries of propaganda. The information that American Lynching was not an exclusively black experience, nor even fell disproportionally on blacks is out there for those with eyes to see and courage to believe. The information is out there that the American Civil Rights movement was organized and funded by Marxists is out there for those with eyes to see and courage to believe. The statistics for black on white crime vis-a-vis white on black crime is out there for people with eyes to see and courage to believe. The idea that White people are routinely abusing black people is absurd, especially in light of the fact that the very opposite is true. LOOK AT THE STATISTICS ON VIOLENT CRIME.

Yet the Church remains silent in the task of dismissing these skubala narratives — narratives that need to be corrected because the accepting and owning of the skubala narratives is intended ultimately to pull Christ off His throne. They are intended to say, “Just look how these Christian White people acted towards minorities. Obviously their religion, their Fathers, and their savior is wicked.” And this quite without providing any historical context, qualification, or nuance. It is the narrative of the Marxist, the Jacobin, the Abolitionist and it is the skubala narrative that nobody in the Church wants to beat back. Partially because the clergy corps is just stupid about history. Partially because the clergy corps wants to be hale and well met and not upset the apple cart thus jeopardizing their jobs and paychecks. Partially because the clergy themselves are only Christian in the sense of having a thin patina of Christianity covering them. Their real essence is Marxism. These clergy fools are going to get us all killed by swarthy peoples who hate white people for the sole reason that historically white people have been the carriers of Biblical Christianity.

Can anybody see an Augustine, or a Calvin, or a Knox, or a Luther put up with this skubala narrative that finds Christ’s people denounced and murdered all because they brought their faith to bear on those who became the white Christian’s burden? Luther loved the Germans. Knox loved the Scots. In this climate that by itself is enough to toss them on the ash heap with Whitfield and Edwards because they owned slaves.

Honestly, Churches where these skubala narratives are supported, either by refusing to damn them or by explicitly supporting them, need to be emptied and left impoverished. By supporting these Churches that support these skubala narratives the laity is supporting the redefining of Jesus Christ, Christianity, and civilization, and are turning their descendants over to a dystopian future that can only be read about wherever Marxist Revolution has successfully planted its flag. (If you have the stomach to read it.)

PCA Study Committee Opens Door To Celibate Sodomites As Pastors

“Insofar as such persons display the requisite Christian maturity, we do not consider this sin (same sex attraction) struggle automatically to disqualify someone for leadership in the church (1 Cor. 6:9-11, 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9; 2 Pet. 1:3-11).”

From the PCA Ad-Interim Committee on Human Sexuality
Regarding those who identify as gay Christians and deal with same-sex attraction

In some PCA church in America someone is going to hear from the pulpit…

“‘Hi … I’m Rev. Pete. I’m your new Pastor. I am a gay Christian but don’t worry, I’m celibate in this sin struggle that finds me physically attracted to men.'” Now, let us turn to the text this morning. In Gen. 19, we find …”

From having skimmed over this report, I must admit that overall it is not as bad as I might have expected. However, this statement quoted above is a poison pill for the whole document and if the committee’s work is one day adopted without excising the above finding the PCA is toast.

You see, if the PCA, eventually adopts this report has opened up a Pandora’s box by way of principle. The principle they are allowing is that as long as one struggles against sexual sin it does not matter the nature of the sin. For example, per this principle one can easily envision a time when some new PCA committee in the future releases a report that says,

“Insofar as such persons display the requisite Christian maturity, we do not consider this sin (sexual attraction to farm animals) struggle automatically to disqualify someone for leadership in the church (1 Cor. 6:9-11, 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9; 2 Pet. 1:3-11).”


“Insofar as such persons display the requisite Christian maturity, we do not consider this sin (sexual attraction to little boys and girls) struggle automatically to disqualify someone for leadership in the church (1 Cor. 6:9-11, 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9; 2 Pet. 1:3-11).”

Now, some might protests that, “what you’re talking about could never happen. No Church is ever going to allow a Pastor in the pulpit who is sexually attracted to cows or children.” And 35 years ago people would have said that, “what you’re talking about could never happen. No Church denomination is ever going to allow celibate sodomites into the pulpit.”

Yet here we are.

With this one section in the committee report every perversity you can possible imagine has had the door open to it as long as a candidate for leadership can say, “I’m struggling against this sin.”

There is another point that needs to be mentioned here. You will notice the study committee continues to use the word “gay,” even spending several paragraphs studying its belly-button about the usage of the word “gay.” Yet, there is not one occurrence of the word “sodomite.” I would insist that this is significant.

The idea of sodomy has, over the decades, gone through a metamorphosis in people’s minds and with that metamorphosis the word used to define the act and condition has changed. In the days of n Magnus Hirschfeld a battle was started to decriminalize sodomy and one of the effects was to introduce and mainline a new word for sodomy. That word was homosexuality. “Homosexuality” softened the sharp edges that existed in people’s minds when they heard the word “sodomite.” Over the course of time though even “homosexual” began to be laden with negative connotations and so a word was seized on that heretofore had positive connotations and was applied to the sodomite community. That word, as people now know, is “Gay.” “Gay,” became perhaps one of the most famous enantionymy words ever created. (A enantionymy is a Janus – [two faced]) word, which is to say it is a word with multiple meanings (senses) of which one of the meanings is the reverse of another meaning.) So, “gay,” can mean “lighthearted and carefree,” or “gay” can used to describe a man who is engaged in some of the most perverse and foul behavior imaginable. By seizing on the word “gay” as a word to replace “homosexual” (which had previously replaced “sodomite”) the sodomite community successfully sanitized as normative the whole disgusting and sick behavior resulting in the mainstreaming of the whole condition.

Now, we find in this report the Church continuing to sanitize the word. The committee could have named sodomy as sodomy but instead decided to go with “gay” while at the same time giving us sentence upon sentence showing how self-reflective the committee was in using the wrong word (Gay).

All of the above doesn’t even begin to deal with the qualifications for the office of Elder as seen in 1st Timothy 3 and Titus 1 which includes the idea of an Elder being above reproach? If someone is tempted to have carnal knowledge with another man how can that someone be above reproach?

If this committee report is adopted with the very first italicized quote that we opened with it matters very little what else the committee says. That is the very definition of a poison pill.

BLMc vs. TGC

The Gospel Coalition (TGC) continues to be the outpost for cultural Marxism as seen most recently in this column

TGC Mistake #1

“As I reflect on the unjust deaths of these black image-bearers.”

BLMc corrects

It has not been established by a jury that either of these deaths were unjust and for Holmes to make this bald assertion means the man desperately needs a Watson to keep him on track. The Arbery case is especially dubious as being characterized as “unjust,” and the Minneapolis case finds us agreeing that the death sure looks unjust but as we know video is seldom the whole story. Is it too much for Holmes to wait for a jury to have their say on what case is and is not just?

TGC Mistake #2,

“While so much progress has been made over the last decade, we still have such a long way to go.”

BLMc responds

This has become such a trope that it is accepted without push back. I’m pushing back. First, I disagree that much progress has been made over the last decade. The last decade has seen racial relations in the US become as raw as they have been since the race riots of the 1960’s. The last decade as seen Barack Obama fanning the racial flames at every possible turn, from Obama’s “The Cambridge Cops acted stupidly,” (before even knowing the facts of the case) to Obama’s “If I had a son he’d look like Trayvon Martin.” (Hopefully if Obama had had a son he would not have acted like Trayvon Martin who a jury decided was justly killed. Then in the last decade where all this progress is supposed to have been made we have the whole Michael Brown incident where a young thug was justly shot by a white cop Brown was seeking to pulverize. There are other examples but to suggest that we’ve made progress in race relations over the last ten years is a knee slapping howler.

Second, if this is progress, you’ll excuse me if I also disagree with TGC that we “still have a long way to go.” Actually, I might agree that we have a long way to go but I’m pretty sure the long way I want to go is the opposite direction of the long way to go in which Holmes wants to go.

TGC Mistake #3

While it certainly has its place in some commentary, we won’t experience progress if the only people we listen to are the people who “take race out it.”

BLMc corrects

Right … because how would the Cultural Marxist agenda ever continue to advance if race was taken out of it? If we take race out of it then we can’t blame Whitey. If we take race out of it then we will not be able to practice liberation theology.

But let’s leave race in it and then break down our crime rate in the states. Let’s leave race in it and then look at the per capita abortion rate per race. Let’s leave race in it and examine our inner city urban problems. Let’s leave race in it and …. you get the idea.

TGC mistake #4

“it (racism) is still threatening black lives across this country.”

BLMc corrects

1.) Notice the cultural Marxist technique of trying to laden white people with false guilt.

2.) The racism that is threatening blacks across this country is the soft bigotry of low expectations routinely practiced by leftists who don’t think blacks can get jobs based on ability and so they create affirmative action programs and set aside quotas … who don’t think blacks have the native ability to get into Universities and so instantly have added a couple 100 points just for being black on the SAT entry admissions test… who don’t think blacks can reach the character required for civilized behavior and so look the other way when black on black crime is committed. This is the only racism that is threatening blacks across this country.

3.) What about the racism that is still threatening white lives across this country? Ever heard the name of Jesse Smollett? Mohamed Noor? Try reading the book, “White Girls Bleed A Lot,” and tell me again about the racism that is still threatening black lives across this country.

TGC author Holmes continues on in this vein seeking to subtly foist false guilt on white people while refusing to take a look at the other side of the coin in terms of the problems of race relations in this country. He tells stories about how scared his wife is for the possibility of their son being killed by some evil white Cop. Pregnant through the rest of the article is the idea that Whitey is a demon that minorities need to spend all their lives designing how to escape.

I utterly reject this Cultural Marxism narrative.

Keep in mind that Holmes is some muckety muck working at Reformed Theological Seminary. He likely got the position based on some affirmative action program or due to some WOKE White liberal “Christian” feeling guilty about his own position at RTS and how unfair it is that more unqualified minorities don’t have jobs in “Christian” Seminaries.

The Curious, Quite Authentic Inability To Think

“However monstrous the deeds were, the doer was neither monstrous nor demonic, and the only specific characteristic one could detect in his past as well as in his behavior during the trial and the preceding police examination was something entirely negative: it was not stupidity but a curious, quite authentic inability to think.”

Hannah Arendt
Speaking of Adolf Eichman

Arendt’s observation on Eichman here is fascinating if only because this phenomenon she locates is ubiquitous currently. If Arendt is correct about Eichman we might even be justified in labeling our culture “The Eichman Culture.”

There is, perhaps, a connection between the cultural environs in which Eichman was raised and in our current cultural environs. That connection may well be the presence of the Prussian model for education. The Prussian model was known for its ability to inculcate conformity in students and over time eventually matriculated to America and other countries. (Including Austria where Eichman was educated.) The Prussian education model was adopted by an oppressive Prussian system that wanted to brainwash its citizens into loyalty.

The American “Educator,” Horace Mann brought the Prussian model to America, though in bringing the model here even Mann admitted, “The Prussians were using public education to crush the independent spirits of their children and ensure loyalty to their leader.”

Herein lies the potential connection between Adolf Eichman and, to use Arendt’s words, “(his) curious, quite authentic inability to think,” and our current Eichman culture in which we are now living and have been for quite some time. Just as Eichman was formed by a Prussian educational model so as to learn to check his thinking (reasoning) ability at the door so modern Americans have been trained like so many circus seals, to do the same in our public education system.

What else accounts for the absolutely ghastly exhibition of instant conformity by so many Americans to the diktats of the State during this Wuhan virus except that we, as a people, have been, via the public educational system, brainwashed into loyalty?

Alternately, perhaps the fact of the repeated heavy dosages of Huxley’s Soma by the American public accounts for the “Night of the Living Dead” unthinking Zombie like behavior that is characterized by the Zombie’s curious, quite authentic inability to think.” Perhaps it is a combination of both being publicly educated and taking large doses of Soma that accounts for American torpidity in the face of the most egregious outrages.

Consider, despite the facts that

1.) The statistics, from right out of the gate, never came close to being representative of the future impact of the disease. Some very smart people were saying this from day #1 and this was out there in the information glut to be discovered.

2.) It was soon apparent that it was blue states which were curiously overwhelmingly more affected and infected than red states, thus communicating soon after this plannedemic started, that more was in the air than a virus.

3.) This plannedemic curiously arrived right on the heels of the failed attempt to impeach the President and strangely timed to impact the upcoming Presidential election.

4.) The scores of decades long and consistent train in the same direction of the US Government lying to the American people

Despite these known or soon known facts Americans have chosen to agree to their own economic seppuku (self-disemboweling) as opposed to telling various Governments to go “bugger themselves.” What else can explain this absolute Eichmanian impulse to remain characterized by our “curious, quite authentic inability to think?”

But wait … there’s more. Eight weeks later we continue to cling to our Eichmanian “curious, quite authentic inability to think,” despite the fact that we have,

1.) Almost 40 million Americans filing for unemployment benefits.
2.) Upwards to over 40% of our small businesses never reopening.
3.) The Bill of Rights (1-10) being stamped out before our very eyes.
4.) Invoked a social distancing which has alienated us more than ever.
5.) Endangered the health of non-Wuhan people by denying them accessibility to needed hospital treatment.
6.) Fostered a climate where suicide, depression, domestic violence, anxiety, dejection, despondency, loneliness, etc. have all spiked.
7.) Universally masked ourselves, even to the point of wearing the damn things when we are alone in our vehicles or are out riding our bikes and/or walking.
8.) Universally masked ourselves despite the fact that the damn things are nearly irrelevant.
9.) Quite possibly have insured a world wide depression
10.) Created a “Stasi” like informant culture that finds the drones eagerly on the lookout for those who actually do think so that the jejune drones may turn them in to the proper authorities.

Despite all that, I still routinely stumble on conversations like what is found below;

(Eichmanian “curious, quite authentic inability to think,” Drone says);

“I really don’t get why so many folks are all angry about mask-wearing and *still* saying people are wearing masks because they are afraid. From the beginning, all I heard officials and medical professionals saying was that it reduced the risk of the wearer spreading the virus, not getting it. So why do people keep banging on the idea that mask wearers are doing it to protect themselves? They’re doing it to protect others, or at least that’s supposed to be the reason for doing it and has been from the beginning. What’s the big deal?”

Who then, despite being given evidence of all that’s been said above, plus,

1.) Masks don’t work
2.) Asymptomatic transmission is a myth
3.) The WHO says “If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19”
4.) Masks that are not fitted cause more illness

Still, despite all those realities, the Eichmanian Drone in the end says,

“I find it a low-impact consideration, especially given its apparent controversy these days. I find it better to err on the side of caution for something that has the potential to negatively impact others; and that applies regardless of whether or not anyone thinks masks are effective. To me, that does not seem like an unreasonable accommodation.”

End conversation.

There is just no curing this kind of defiance of the facts. We have a whole nation of Eichmanian drones upon whom no logic…. no facts …. no science will make any dent. They are indeed infected by the “curious, quite authentic inability to think.”

Keep in mind dear reader that this is not an affliction that merely affects us peasants — no, indeed. Some of the most shining examples of people I’ve ever met afflicted with the “curious, quite authentic inability to think,” have been Ph.D.’s working as Professors or Lawyers or Doctors. One’s “learning” or position or status has little to do with sidestepping the “curious, quite authentic inability to think.” This is a malady that is occupationally and educationally omnipresent in our culture. It crosses lines of gender, class, race, education, occupation, and religion. (Just try having an intelligent conversation with the average Reformed cleric).

And so those of us that somehow were able to escape, by God’s grace alone, the impact of the Prussian education model as well as the heavy dosages of Soma just have to plug along reminding ourselves after every contact with the Eichmanian drones that “on the island of the insane only the sane are considered insane” and that only God’s grace can pull them out of living in jejune-ville.

Now, in closing, I remind myself that one consequence of this article will be to send the Eichmanian drones into a fit because if there is anything an Eichmanian drone knows it is that in no way is he or she and Eichmanian drone.

Here’s the point: While those in Big Government and Big Media are of course responsible for all of these types of pain and the fundamental transformation of the country that, some are candid enough to admit, they hope it brings about, culpability lay not with them alone.

The masses of Americans who have bought hook, line, and sinker, without a moment’s hesitation, the Zombie tale of an Apocalyptic Virus are as well responsible for the immense suffering that their endorsement has left in its wake.

Singer on Historiography

“Without the Biblical doctrine of God, a valid interpretation of the realm of history is impossible. It is the sovereign God who created the world, and by His creation brought history into being. In creation God gave meaning and purpose to the world. It is ONLY in this setting that man can meaningful interpret and understand history. In his understanding of the Trinity, Augustine furnished the Christian study of history with an insight lacking to classical students. The Trinitarian God in Augustine solved the problem of the one and the many in ancient philosophy and made history possible to a Supreme Being rather than to fate or chance. It is this Supreme Trinitarian Being who created man in his image, and thus conferred meaning and purpose upon human existence. History is not subject to the dictates of fate, which is neither the beginning nor end of the historical process, and which cannot give to it any purpose. In these doctrines, Augustine rescued historiography from the grip of the classical concept of determinism which could only render history meaningless and irrational.”

C. Gregg Singer
Christian Approaches; Philosophy / History – p. 28-29

Without a Sovereign God determining history and meaning, all man is left is history by impersonal fate or impersonal chance. Interestingly enough, when God is eliminated from Historiography then fate and chance together work as limiting concepts that provide the framework in which history is penned. So, despite the idea that fate and chance are opposites, fate and chance work together as two wash-women taking in each others wash off the line. Pure chance will finally slip into fate and pure fate will finally slip into chance.

All of this means that we must read history through a definitively Christian theological gird which means that we will come to different conclusions from historians who are not epistemologically self-consciously Christian. Historical events then will be for the Christian historian interpreted diametrically differently then for the non-Christian.