“What is your hopefulness for a return to a Christianity that is once again characterized by covenantal kinism.”
Well, our hope ultimately can be based on nothing but God’s Word and God’s Word teaches that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. As it is the case that covenantal kinism is nothing but Biblical Christianity I can be certain that where Biblical Christianity comes to the fore so will covenantal kinism. Covenantal kinsim will be part and parcel of the postmillennialist tide. Scripture teaches in Daniel about the Great rock cut out of the mountain which destroys the idolatrous nations and eventually fills all the earth. Scripture teaches that Christ must reign till he puts all things under His feet. Scripture teaches that the little Mustard seed becomes a tree that is home to the nations. Scripture teaches that all the nations will come to Christ to be taught the Scripture (Micah 4, Isaiah 2). Scripture teaches that Christ being victorious will go from victory unto victory and so our hope for a renewal of Christianity rests in God’s promises from Scripture. Now this does not mean there will not be times of the waning of Biblical Christianity and we are living through one of those epochs now but as Scripture teaches … tears may last through the night but joy cometh in the morning. I may not live to see Global Reformation in my lifetime but I know because of the promises of Scripture that Christ’s Word will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. That is the ultimate ground of my hopefulness. The penultimate ground of my hopefulness is knowing some of the saints that God has raised up for just such a time as this. If the Kinist movement was a Baseball team they’d exceed the 1927 Yankees in sheer quality. Our wives, and daughters and mothers in normal times would be considered Queens and the mothers of Kings. People like my wife and daughters, like the wife of John MacGregor in Atlanta, and Miss Emily Henry in the deep South, and like Miss Raudi there in Carolina. These are quality women who love Christ and demonstrate that in their homes and to their husbands. We are surrounded by quality men who know what they believe and why they believe it and what they don’t believe and why they don’t believe it. Read the writings of Davis Carlton, Luke Malsbury, Ehud Would, Darrell Dow and the Henry Brothers, Mickey and Robert. These are intelligent and humble people. Many or most of them should be in pulpits but they often can’t even find churches to attend. Tonight you’re reading a poem by Mark Chambers which would make Rudyard Kipling weep. Spend some time getting to know Dr. Shivers, Joshua Parries, John Macgregor. Arnold Jagt has given us a great gift in organizing and releasing www.Pocketcollege.com. If Arnold never did another thing besides giving us pocket college and marketing Robinson curriculum he would have a great legacy indeed. The Elders, Mike and Dave, at the Church I serve are wonderfully solid men. My son Anthony is wise beyond his years and will be around another 60 years or so to be God’s witness. My sons-in-laws Ben and Joshua are good men. There are so many names. The problem is that we are so spread out. And lets not forget the handful of ministers out there. If all Lutherans could be Lutherans like Ross Mahan is Lutheran concourse with the Lutherans would be far easier. If all Baptists could be Baptists like John Weaver and Peter Hammond talking with the Baptist would be an easier time. These are great men… all the men I’ve mentioned are great men and so hope is to be had. So you ask me what my hope is for covenantal kinism, my answer is two fold. Ultimately my hope lies in God’s Word and His postmillennial promises. Penultimately my hope rests in the people God has raised up for just such a time as this. The godly Christians who God has opened the eyes to the wonders of His truth regarding peoples and nations are marvelous people and their greatness and excellence reveals what a Great God we serve. That God could take such a motley crew as ourselves and turn us into Kings and Captains, as well as Queens and Mother’s of a god-fearing people bespeaks God’s amazing Grace.
Cultural Marxism is, without doubt, our greatest worldview challenge because it is in Cultural Marxism that we find the heart and pulse of Alienism… the desire so Atomize men that they no longer have identity except as that identity is understood against the background of the pagan tyrant State.
Cultural Marxism is the belief that all our cultural productions such as the arts, our varying Institutions, our whole understanding of reality and ideas are emanations of underlying power structures. Reality thus is a social construct comprising of how power impresses itself on man collectively and individually. This means we must scrutinize and judge all culture and ideas based on their relation to power.
Following from this premise, Cultural Marxist advocates for the “persecuted” and “oppressed” must attack forms of culture that enforce the values of the ruling class and disseminate culture and ideas that support “oppressed” groups and “progressive” causes. Since White people have held all the power therefore White people must be seen as an evil to be wiped out.
From this definition we see that for the Cultural Marxist objective Transcendent truth does not exist. Rather truth is whatever the power brokers can impress upon the times. If there is no objective truth then the whole notion of “power” is completely arbitrary, and so power becomes defined as whatever the Cultural Marxist as God does not like.
Another great challenge is Gnosticism, putatively the polar opposite of the Materialism of Cultural Marxism and yet it’s constant bed partner.
Gnosticism is playing its dangerous game by insisting that only spiritual realities matter and therefore those creational material categories we received at birth are merely social constructs that can be changed around at will. The Gnosticism shows itself when people suggest that ethnicity doesn’t really matter for Christians.
Well, I’m not sure it is vitriol against all Nationalisms or rather just vitriol against white Christian nationalisms. If you view films like the Black Panther it is clear that Black Nationalism is a positive good. The theology of James Cone will quickly inform you that Black Nationalism is a positive good. Listen to Louis Farrakhan and it becomes clear that Black nationalism is a positive good. The vitriol is for Christian white nationalism and that is because it has been Christian at its foundation.
See the entry on Iron Ink titles; “So say we all.”
White people by God’s grace alone and in the context of His providence have been the carriers of Christianity. They are perfumed with Christ. They have built the great civilizations. They are envied by those who have not. Envy finds delight in the pulling down of the superior even if it doesn’t mean the rising up of the inferior. And Christian white civilization purely out of God’s grace has been superior to all other civilizations. This a fact that requires humility and repentance because of whom much is given much is to be required. Christian white people are going to be beaten with many stripes because they have turned their backs on God… in the words of Solzhenitsyn, they have forgotten God and so are fast becoming the tail and not the head.