Rev. McAtee Answers Questions in Preparation for a Radio Interview

Years ago, I participated in a interview on a media format. Below are questions that they sent me to prepare for the interview and the answers that follow were limned out before the program in order to prepare for the questions.

“What is your hopefulness for a return to a Christianity that is once again characterized by covenantal kinism.”

Well, our hope ultimately can be based on nothing but God’s Word and God’s Word teaches that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. As it is the case that covenantal kinism is nothing but Biblical Christianity I can be certain that where Biblical Christianity comes to the fore so will covenantal kinism. Covenantal kinsim will be part and parcel of the postmillennialist tide. Scripture teaches in Daniel about the Great rock cut out of the mountain which destroys the idolatrous nations and eventually fills all the earth. Scripture teaches that Christ must reign till he puts all things under His feet. Scripture teaches that the little Mustard seed becomes a tree that is home to the nations. Scripture teaches that all the nations will come to Christ to be taught the Scripture (Micah 4, Isaiah 2). Scripture teaches that Christ being victorious will go from victory unto victory and so our hope for a renewal of Christianity rests in God’s promises from Scripture. Now this does not mean there will not be times of the waning of Biblical Christianity and we are living through one of those epochs now but as Scripture teaches … tears may last through the night but joy cometh in the morning. I may not live to see Global Reformation in my lifetime but I know because of the promises of Scripture that Christ’s Word will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. That is the ultimate ground of my hopefulness. The penultimate ground of my hopefulness is knowing some of the saints that God has raised up for just such a time as this. If the Kinist movement was a Baseball team they’d exceed the 1927 Yankees in sheer quality. Our wives, and daughters and mothers in normal times would be considered Queens and the mothers of Kings. People like my wife and daughters, like the wife of John MacGregor in Atlanta, and Miss Emily Henry in the deep South, and like Miss Raudi there in Carolina. These are quality women who love Christ and demonstrate that in their homes and to their husbands. We are surrounded by quality men who know what they believe and why they believe it and what they don’t believe and why they don’t believe it. Read the writings of Davis Carlton, Luke Malsbury, Ehud Would, Darrell Dow and the Henry Brothers, Mickey and Robert. These are intelligent and humble people. Many or most of them should be in pulpits but they often can’t even find churches to attend. Tonight you’re reading a poem by Mark Chambers which would make Rudyard Kipling weep. Spend some time getting to know Dr. Shivers,  Joshua Parries, John Macgregor. Arnold Jagt has given us a great gift in organizing and releasing If Arnold never did another thing besides giving us pocket college and marketing Robinson curriculum he would have a great legacy indeed. The Elders, Mike and Dave, at the Church I serve are wonderfully solid men. My son Anthony is wise beyond his years and will be around another 60 years or so to be God’s witness. My sons-in-laws Ben and Joshua are good men. There are so many names. The problem is that we are so spread out. And lets not forget the handful of ministers out there. If all Lutherans could be Lutherans like Ross Mahan is Lutheran concourse with the Lutherans would be far easier. If all Baptists could be Baptists like John Weaver and Peter Hammond talking with the Baptist would be an easier time. These are great men… all the men I’ve mentioned are great men and so hope is to be had. So you ask me what my hope is for covenantal kinism, my answer is two fold. Ultimately my hope lies in God’s Word and His postmillennial promises. Penultimately my hope rests in the people God has raised up for just such a time as this. The godly Christians who God has opened the eyes to the wonders of His truth regarding peoples and nations are marvelous people and their greatness and excellence reveals what a Great God we serve. That God could take such a motley crew as ourselves and turn us into Kings and Captains, as well as Queens and Mother’s of a god-fearing people bespeaks God’s amazing Grace.

“What do you think is the leading challenge to overcome in the Church in the West today as it pertains to race realism?”

Cultural Marxism is, without doubt, our greatest worldview challenge because it is in Cultural Marxism that we find the heart and pulse of Alienism… the desire so Atomize men that they no longer have identity except as that identity is understood against the background of the pagan tyrant State.

Cultural Marxism is the belief that all our cultural productions such as the arts, our varying Institutions, our whole understanding of reality and ideas are emanations of underlying power structures. Reality thus is a social construct comprising of how power impresses itself on man collectively and individually. This means we must scrutinize and judge all culture and ideas based on their relation to power.

Following from this premise, Cultural Marxist advocates for the “persecuted” and “oppressed” must attack forms of culture that enforce the values of the ruling class and disseminate culture and ideas that support “oppressed” groups and “progressive” causes. Since White people have held all the power therefore White people must be seen as an evil to be wiped out.

From this definition we see that for the Cultural Marxist objective Transcendent truth does not exist. Rather truth is whatever the power brokers can impress upon the times. If there is no objective truth then the whole notion of “power” is completely arbitrary, and so power becomes defined as whatever the Cultural Marxist as God does not like.

Another great challenge is Gnosticism, putatively the polar opposite of the Materialism of Cultural Marxism and yet it’s constant bed partner.

Gnosticism is playing its dangerous game by insisting that only spiritual realities matter and therefore those creational material categories we received at birth are merely social constructs that can be changed around at will. The Gnosticism shows itself when people suggest that ethnicity doesn’t really matter for Christians.

What is it that has led to this vitriol against Nationalism?

Well, I’m not sure it is vitriol against all Nationalisms or rather just vitriol against white Christian nationalisms. If you view films like the Black Panther it is clear that Black Nationalism is a positive good. The theology of James Cone will quickly inform you that Black Nationalism is a positive good. Listen to Louis Farrakhan and it becomes clear that Black nationalism is a positive good. The vitriol is for Christian white nationalism and that is because it has been Christian at its foundation.

What did some of the Church Fathers think about ethno-nationalism?

See the entry on Iron Ink titles; “So say we all.”

Why is it that White people are so hated?

White people by God’s grace alone and in the context of His providence have been the carriers of Christianity. They are perfumed with Christ. They have built the great civilizations. They are envied by those who have not. Envy finds delight in the pulling down of the superior even if it doesn’t mean the rising up of the inferior. And Christian white civilization purely out of God’s grace has been superior to all other civilizations. This a fact that requires humility and repentance because of whom much is given much is to be required. Christian white people are going to be beaten with many stripes because they have turned their backs on God… in the words of Solzhenitsyn, they have forgotten God and so are fast becoming the tail and not the head.

On What is Necessary for Well Functional Social Orders & What Serves as Sand in the Gears

“I believe the Church is like the world, and consists of many forms, many races. I say to every race, maintain the integrity of your race; and to every nation, maintain the integrity of your nation, that it be not antagonized by other nations. This is the duty which God has historically devolved upon us.”
A. A. Hodge
Evangelical  Theology — p.  183

Philia. — Aristotelian concept signifying ‘friendship’ — ethno-cultural consensus between members of the same City.

Aristotle believed that democracy was only possible only within homogeneous ethnic groups. This belief is contrasted with the work of  despots who realized that their despotism could only work when the social-order was highly fragmented. This is the conclusion that Robert Putnam’s “Bowling Alone” also came to writing thousands of years after Aristotle.

We learn from Aristotle and Putnam that a multi-ethnic society therefore necessarily begets a top down despotic governmental type approach in order to bring order out of the ethnic/cultural chaos. Indeed, it would not be too much to say that a multi-ethnic society cannot be anything but anti-democratic and chaotic, for it lacks Aristotle’s “philia,” — the profound, flesh-and-blood fraternity of citizens.

Tyrants and despots divide and rule, they want the City divided by ethnic rivalries. Ethnic rivalries within one and the same social-order means that there must be a central power by which the rivalries can be tamed. For those with Despotic type ambitions the pursuit of racial/ethnic and cultural plurality is a must. for in such a social order one finds the indispensable condition for breaking up the a people’s natural sovereignty as found in its racial/ethnic and cultural unity. Ethnic/racial chaos prevents all philia from developing for the obvious reasons that there is very little common ground between people of vastly different racial/ethnic compositions. Even the common ground found among Christians of different ethnic/racial compositions may not be enough for a well oiled social order as we witness in the book of Acts where the Greek and Hebrew widows were at odds with one another in the Church over food distribution.

A national citizenry is formed on the basis of proximity — both in blood and faith — or it is not formed at all. The abstract, integrationist doctrines of the French Revolution envisage man as simply man as an abstract quite without a prior belongingness to a people. For the French Revolutionist types man is an interchangeable cog,  a resident, or a consumer. His racial/ethnic makeup is irrelevant. To the contrary the Biblical Christian insists that those things which bind a people together begins with a common lineal heritage and a shared religion/faith. Those elements that are necessary to make a people a people like civic spirit, safe neighborhoods, social harmony of interests, and solidarity, are based not on education, or persuasion alone, or a shared national creedal allegiance abstracted from a shared homogenous reality but instead are based on a cultural unanimity that is found in common values, lifestyles, and innate behaviors largely accounted for by both a shared genetic gene pool and a shared common religion/faith. Societies need something to glue them together; it turns out that having the same basic hardware, and thus the same basic inclinations and abilities, is a necessary but not sufficient condition. This means that without it, you have no glue, but you need other stuff as well to make a society work, chiefly of which is a shared common religion/faith but also including a shared language and history.

If we flip that around, it means that without ethnic nationalism, no society will survive. Mixed-race societies substitute ideology (propositional nationhood) or dogma (Political Correctness) for those innate bonds, but these are not as strong, which is why such societies tend to militarize and become totalitarian in order to preserve some unity.

This social order dysfunction has been pursued in these united States ever since the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965, advocated by Ted Kennedy, Phil Hart, Emanuel Celler and most of the Republican party at the time. It was Southern Democrats like Sam Ervin and Strom Thurmond (who had only recently become Republican) who opposed LBJ’s destruction of America. This was signed into law by LBJ, and it ended the immigration quota system that had been in effect since 1924 and which had been railed against by those who were only marginally American for decades. The proponents of the Hart – Celler act promised up and down that it would not change the demographics and so ethnic composition of the nation;

“First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia … In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think’. 

US Sen. Edward Kennedy
Democrat — Massachusetts

Senate. Senator Hiram Fong, the first Asian-American Senator and the son of Cantonese immigrants, stated to the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization that,

“Asians represent six-tenths of 1 percent of the population of the United States … with respect to Japan, we estimate that there will be a total for the first 5 years of some 5,391 … the people from that part of the world will never reach 1 percent of the population …Our cultural pattern will never be changed as far as America is concerned”.

Attorney General at the time Nicholas Katzenbach testified that,

“This bill is not designed to increase or accelerate the numbers of newcomers permitted to come to America. Indeed, this measure provides for an increase of only a small fraction in permissible immigration.”

Robert Kennedy stated that if the bill was passed;

“I would say for the Asia-Pacific Triangle [immigration] would be approximately 5,000, Mr. Chairman, after which immigration from that source would virtually disappear; 5,000 immigrants would come the first year, but we do not expect that there would be any great influx after that.”

Despite these assurance by 1980, *most* immigrants were coming from Latin America, Asia, and Africa, and at least 7 million entered the US legally during that decade. There has perhaps never been in all of US history such a deficit between political predictions about the impact of a piece of legislation and the reality that followed. When this Bill was passed 88.6% of the total US population in 1960 was white. In 2020 the percentage of the total population of Non-Hispanic white people is around 58% of America’s population. This is a decrease from the 2010 census when non-Hispanic whites made up 63.7% of the population.

All of this was accelerated and made worse by President Ronald Regan when he declared amnesty for illegal immigrants in 1986 which did nothing but provide an incentive for even more illegals to come and enter America illegally. Reagan perhaps did as much as LBJ to insure the browning of America. At least Reagan had the good sense to regret his signing of the 1986 immigration act. According to Ronald Reagan himself, as told to his trusted long-time friend and U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, the biggest mistake of his presidency was signing the 1986 amnesty for what turned out to be more than half the five million illegal immigrants in the country.

Clearly, we are now suffering the repercussions of the 1965 Hart-Celler immigration act and the 1986 Reagan Amnesty. This is clear to anybody who doesn’t deny reality — which would include people like America’s clergy class. Men like Rich Lusk, Doug Wilson, Michael Foster, Darrel Doane, James White, Voddie Baucham, J. Ligon Duncan, Russell Moore, John Piper, Al Mohler, Tim Keller, Sean Michael Lucas continue to insist things like “there is no such thing as race,” or “race is a social construct” or “race is only about the amount of melanin once does or does not have,” or “while ethnicity might exist race certainly doesn’t exist.” Try selling that bilge to the patient waiting to get a bone marrow transplant.

The clergy in the formerly White Hat denominations are the villains now in the work of preventing a solution to our immigration / social-order problems. All we get from the clergy crowd is Gnostic pollyanna-isms like, “But the gospel has the power to destroy nature so that all that has been true throughout history no longer need be true when it comes to building social orders that have a harmony of interests.” However, with these kind of statements or statements similar to this we find the clergy corps going all French Revolutionaries on us by insisting just as Danton and Robespierre did in the day that man is just an abstraction that has no belongingness that he is born with that has to be taken into consideration.

In the end the modern clergy corps is contributing to the genocide of the White man in the West and that all in the name of “the love of Jesus.” Yes, that is right… GENOCIDE

Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as,

“any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part ; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

The White man in the West is now being deliberately inflicted upon him via immigration patterns and legislation conditions of life calculated to bring about the White man’s physical destruction in whole or in part.

How is this Christianity to embrace this suicidal altruism which is being foisted upon us by the clergy corps in America?

Wherein Natural Law Approves Sodomy

Start the video at the 2minute mark and learn from this intellect the value of Natural Law.

Also, as pertaining to the value of Natural Law a Senior Bishop in the Church of England tells us that it is no longer ‘self-evident,’  that Natural law teaches how it is we can know what a woman is.

“A senior bishop of the Church of England said this week the Church has no ‘official definition’ of a woman amidst an evolving understanding of gender in the contemporary world.

Adam Kendry, a lay member of the General Synod, the Anglican Church’s legislative body, posed a written question: “What is the Church of England’s definition of a woman?” during the July 8-12 meeting of the synod.
In his response, Dr. Robert Innes, the Church’s Bishop in Europe and chairman of the Faith and Order Commission, declared there is currently “no official definition” of a woman.

“There is no official definition, which reflects the fact that until fairly recently definitions of this kind were thought to be self-evident, as reflected in the marriage liturgy,” Bishop Innes stated.

When the quote above notes, “were thought to be self evident,” this is another way of saying that Natural Law does not teach us what a woman is since the idea of “self-evident” is a natural law category.

Natural law sucks. It is only as good as the presuppositions one brings to whatever they are observing.

The problem with Natural Law is not that God’s world doesn’t declare His handiwork. The problem with Natural Law is that man is in epistemological rebellion against God and as such refuses to own as true what they can’t escape ontologically knowing as image bearers of God. So, appealing to Natural Law as a means by which social orders can be governed as existing among fallen men is just the kind of logic one would expect from those getting a degree from Wesmin-Cal (Escondido) having sat under the tutelage of that faculty which gives one the likes of David Ven Drunnen Q. Scott Clark, and Hike Morton.

You’d think smart guys like Stephen Wolfe would recognize this.

Rethinking Cultural Products of the Past in Light of the New Standards

In light of the demand for a more sensitive reference to “Mothers,” and even more broadly women that requires phrases like “Birthing Person,” or “Menstruating Person,” I offer up some alterations to previous insensitive cultural products.

1.) Birthing Person I’m Coming Home — Ozzy Osburne
2.) Menstruating Person Mia — ABBA
3.) Menstruating People Don’t Let Your Children Grow Up To Be Cow-Persons — Willie Nelson
4.) Throw Birth Person From the Train — Film
5.) Birthing Person’s Little Helper — Rolling Stones
6.) Your Menstruating Person Don’t Dance — Loggins & Messina
7.) Menstruating-Birthing Person and Child Reunion — Paul Simon
8.) It’s Alright Menstruating Person (I’m Only Bleeding)- Bob Dylan
9.) Menstruating Person’s Birthing Person – Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show
10.) Menstruating Person Told Me Not To Come — 3 Dog Night
11.) Don’t Tell the Menstruating Person that the Babysitter’s (Another Menstruating Person) is Dead
Christina Applegate, Joanna Cassidy, John Getz
12.) Mr. Menstruating Person — Terri Garr / Ann Jillian / Michael Keaton
You get the idea.
13.) Only Menstruating People Bleed — Alice Cooper

McAtee contra F. H. Glastonbury on Abortion & Kinism

F. H. Glastonbury writes

Also, very few are going to embrace “kinism” until it drops the incredibly goofy name, and the goofy principle that animates the goofy name. The word was only invented in a lame attempt to try to convince people that the “kinist” isn’t a racist. Also, it makes you sound like you believe in marrying your cousin or sister. “I’m not a racist – those evil people believe you should marry within your race. I’m a kinist – I believe you should marry within your family!”

BLMc responds,

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

KIN’DREDnoun [from kin, kind.]

1. Relation by birth; consanguinity.

Like her, of equal kindred to the throne.

2. Relation by marriage; affinity.

3. Relatives by blood or marriage, more properly the former.

Thou shalt go unto my country and to my kindred Genesis 26:1.

4. Relation; suit; connection in kind.

Goofy? On your say so? I think the word “Kinism” works just fine.

Secondly, people needed to be and need to be convinced that Kinists are not racists, because I think it is beyond doubt that racists exist. I mean there really are people who think that non-white people are animals, who believe in dual-seed theory, who believe that non-white people can’t go to heaven, who believe that white people should limit the breeding habits of non-white people. As such there needed to be a demarcation between people who think that way (racists) and people (Kinists) who merely insisted that race exists and that protecting one’s race is a noble thing and who do not agree with the desire to turn the whole world into one giant coffee with cream shade of pigmentation.

But if you don’t like the word “Kinism,” feel free to use your own word. Maybe “Familialism,” or, “Oikophilia-ism,” or “ethno-national,” or “race-realist.” I’m sure there is plenty of room for different words for those who are convinced the word “Kinism” is goofy.

F. H. Glastonbury wrote,

Also, consistent kinists are racemixers who believe it’s perfectly OK for a white girl to marry a mulatto, since he’s “kin” to both blacks and Whites. Some “kinists” disagree with that, so they should stop saying the principle is kinship, when it’s race. If kinship is what’s important, than marrying your daughter off to a mulatto is fine. If kinship isn’t the main principle, then stop calling yourself a kinist.
BLMc responds.

This is complete and utter bullspit. Name just one kinist you know that is a “race-mixer,” or “who believe it’s perfectly OK for a white girl to marry a mulatto, since he’s ‘kin’ to both blacks and Whites.” Kinists have been exhaustively precise on this and for you to now come along to try and muddy up the waters because you think the word is “goofy” is ridiculous.

You’re taking a page out of the Alienist playbook by beating down a strawman. No Kinist ever defined Kinism as you do above. You’re redefining Kinism from how the Kinists have defined Kinism and then you’re bludgeoning your definition of Kinism which no one holds. Well done sport. You have won the day.

Also, your “solution,” doesn’t solve the problem since on your principle if race is what is important than marrying your daughter to someone who is half one race and half another race isn’t a problem because that person also shares her race. If race is what is important than marrying your daughter off to a mixed race person is fine.

F. H. Glastonbury

So embracing “kinism” isn’t going to do much for our people. Liberals are fine with a world where everyone looks like Whoopi Goldberg. Consistent kinists are fine with a world where everyone looks like Hugo Chavez.

BLMc responds,

More straw men.

After your work there is enough straw laying around to provide fodder for the beasts dwelling in a large farm.

F. H. Glastonbury writes,

Forget kinism. It’s a dead end, and not close to being the answer. Millions of White people want their kids and grandkids to remain White; they don’t want their daughters marrying mulattos, even if kinists say it’s fine because mulattos are kin to White people. When people start embracing racism, then we’ll know we’re getting somewhere.

BLMc responds,

Well, I will certainly forget your strawman of Kinism.

No, kinist ever said it is fine to miscegenate between the races.

When people start embracing your definition of “racism,” then we’ll know the world has gone even more to hell in a handbasket.

F. H. Glastonbury writes,

Also, nearly all kinists are idolaters of black fetuses. Like most popular things these days, the “pro-life” movement means the exact opposite of its name. Pro-lifers are pro-death. Abortionists destroy fetuses; pro-lifers destroy families, communities, cities, and nations. Many kinists won’t even allow abortion for rape or incest. Which means that , on top of the goofy name, kinism will thankfully never attract very many White men of godly character and good sense. “Jesus came to give us bastards born to ugly, ignorant unmarried sluts who grow up to become violent, ugly felons who rape our wives and daughter and fill our prisons, and that more abundantly!” is not a winning message, no matter how many Francis Schaeffer books you own. Pro-lifers may hate their own grandchildren and want to create a monstrous world for them to try to raise a family in, but most normal White people do not yet hate their grandchildren. And in the Bible, God even provides a potion to cause an abortion in wife who’s been a whore, so He’s hardly a “pro-lifer.” But we’d rather boo-hoo about black fetuses than be Christians.

BLMc Responds,

I, for one am thankful for this paragraph above because it gives me the opportunity to distinguish myself from you.

1.) You reveal your pro-abortion for all non-Whites position by referring to the child in-utero as a fetus. This is contrary to the Scripture which views it as a child as seen in the Scripture’s command that the even the accidental killing of such an in-utero child is considered murder.

“When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman’s husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” Exodus 21:22-25

But let me guess … you think Black in-utero babies are fetuses and not children and so therefore can be murdered.

2.) Do I worship black in-utero children? Well, I suppose that someone such as yourself who worships White people might well think so. (This in response to your “idolater” quip.)

3.) I find irony in the idea that by not supporting the killing of in-utero babies we are hence supporting the killing of families, cities, and nations. Are we God that we should determine who lives and dies without warrant from Scripture in making that determination? You may think yourself capable. I trust myself less than that.

Yes, yes … I understand that your steroid pragmatism insists that I am a fool for not supporting abortion for only minorities since minorities, generally speaking, are seeking to destroy White Christian civilization. But it is a foolishness I am willing to live with for I am not ashamed of the power of the Gospel knowing that it can change hearts and minds of all men everywhere.

4.) There is zero traditional understanding of scripture and the faith which has affirmed the butchery of babies of rape and/or incest.

By contrast, in colonial/Reformation era America even mulatto babies were carried to term, and either held as slaves by the family which birthed them, or donated to churches to be used as slaves of Parsonages. In either case, their raising was entrusted to Slave mammies who viewed the lighter-complexion of mulattoes as a status symbol.

5.) The only godly men I know anymore who are of good character and sense are Kinists — white or non-white. I could name of a dozen or more of them with whom I would entrust my life. More than that, most of them I would even entrust my pulpit to on a Sunday Morning.  I shutter to think of the men you know who share your opinions who you count as “godly men who have good character and sense.” If they share your convictions please keep them away from me and mine.

6.) You’re right … it’s not a winning message. Good thing no Kinist is thumping for that message.

7.) The idea that Numbers 11 can be used to support the Abortion industry is mind numbing. When we once again have a temple, priests, and grain offerings I will be all for reinstating this means of abortion. Until then I am not making any exegetical flights of fancy that allow me to say that Numbers 11 supports the abortion industry.

You must have your bedroom decked out with Kermit Gosnell posters.

I’ve learned from you in the past F. H. Glastonbury and so I thank you for that but this is approximately 10 bridges to far.