Gnosticism and the Western Church

“The Gnostics soon posited a third opposition: The Savior God of the New Testament vs. The Creator God of the Old Testament.”

Pierre Courthial
A New Day of Small Beginnings — pg. 221

This is how it now works. The Savior God of the NT saves us from the Creational categories ordained by the Creator God of the OT. Courthial’s one simple sentence observation summarizes the Modern Evangelical and Reformed Church and in the train of this observation comes the necessary conclusion; “The Church in the West is Gnostic.”

The place that this Gnosticism is most apparent is the Western’s “Churches” hatred of Nationalism. Who we are, by way of our race and ethnicity, is a creational category with which God has made each one of us. Hatred and denunciation of race and ethnicity, along with increasingly shrill calls to denounce gender and patriarchy, are neon signs that the Western thing called the Church hates God’s creational categories and with that hatred the thing called the Church has become Gnostic.

You do remember Gnosticism don’t you? It was a heresy so dangerous in the early Church that St. John, upon finding out that the Gnostic Cerinthius was in the same bath house he was occupying for his daily ablutions went flying out of the bathhouse screaming for all to flee explaining that Cerinthus was inside and he didn’t want to be killed when the building collapsed under the righteous judgment of God!

Gnosticism was the ancient error that matter doesn’t matter and more than that was a positive evil to be shed. And in the spirit of Gnosticism we are being told by the modern cognoscenti that who we are in our ethnic (National) and racial makeup is a positive evil. We are being told that being saved and so Christian transcends our ethnicity and race. It’s as if some kind of made up Gospel Coalition in some tree-house somewhere has made a new club that requires for membership the oath, “the people I get saved will be taught salvation means that they are stripped of their national identity, familial identity, and gender identity (and don’t forget to tell them to send all their money.”)

The Modern Reformed Church could have given a few tips to the Albigensian / Cathri.

Seemingly everywhere in the contemporary Reformed and Evangelical Church (is there a difference any longer?) the siren song goes out on the dangers of Nationalism and / or love of one’s own people. From little known OPC Pastors in Buford, Geogria listing all the sins of our European Fathers without so much as a tip of the hat to their grace driven accomplishments, to the President of Southern Seminary going all “Danger Will Robinson” by writing how “toxic American Nationalism flies in the face of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” From the Pope in “Moscow on the Palouse” who never met a false dichotomy he wasn’t infatuated with to the theological law firm of Labberton, Moore, Carter, and Galli everywhere those reputed to be pillars in the Faith are seeking to make sure that the thought of Nationalism as a biblical option for social order among Christians “sleeps with the fishes.”

But this is not how the Church has spoke in Church history. Indeed, the Church Fathers spoke quite to the contrary as the below quotes – quotes which could be duplicated endlessly — begin to give a hint of,

“The ancient fathers… were concerned that the ties of kinship itself should not be loosened as generation succeeded generation, should not diverge too far, so that they finally ceased to be ties at all. And so for them it was a matter of religion to restore the bond of kinship by means of the marriage tie before kinship became too remote—to call kinship back, as it were, as it disappeared into the distance.”

Augustine – (A.D. 354 – 430)
City of God, book XV, Chpt. 16

“Since the intensity of an act results from the principle of action, and the principle of action is union and similarity, we ought to love in a higher degree and more intensely those who are more like us and more closely united to us.”

Thomas Aquinas 1225 – 1274
Commentary on Galatians

“According to every law, including the law of God, and the natural order of things, Czechs in the kingdom of Bohemia should be preferred in the offices of the Czech kingdom. This is the way it is for the French in the French kingdom and for the Germans in German lands. Therefore a Czech should have authority over his own subordinates as should a German.”

John Hus (1369-1415)
Jan Hus: Religious Reform and Social Revolution in Bohemia, p. 96

“It is the duty of parents to be more concerned and to pray more for the salvation of their children, than for the children of their neighbors; as it is the duty of a minister to be more concerned for the salvation of the souls of his flock, and to pray more for them, than those of other congregations, because they are committed to his care. So our near friends are more committed to our care than others, and our near neighbors, than those that live at a great distance; and the people of our land and nation are more, in some sense, committed to our care than the people of China, and we ought to pray more for them, and to be more concerned that the kingdom of Christ should flourish among them, than in another country, where it would be as much, and no more, for the glory of God. “

Jonathan Edwards (1703 – 1758)
Thoughts on the Revival; part iv. Section 3

To argue that the Scriptures are opposed to Nations and Nationalism and so the Church should be opposed to Nations and Nationalism is just a determined torpidity that should not be found among the clergy. Sigh, but one should one expect from pigs but grunts?

However, we need not only look to quotes of the Church Fathers which could be reproduced endlessly we might also consider how the Church has sang through the centuries. Contrary to what we might Imagine John Lennon has not been our Choirmaster through the centuries.


Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

Instead we have sang with verve about winning the nations. Again, these could be repeated endlessly.

Processional for Saint’s Day

What rush of hallelujahs
Fills all the earth and sky!
What ringing of a thousand harps
Bespeaks the triumph nigh!
O day, for which creation
O joy, for all its former woes
A thousandfold repaid!

We’ve A Story To Tell To The Nations

We’ve a Savior to show to the nations,
Who the path of sorrow has trod,
That all of the world’s great peoples
Might come to the truth of God,
Might come to the truth of God.

From Greenland’s icy mountains

From Greenland’s icy mountains,
From India’s coral strand,
Where Afric’s sunny fountains
Roll down their golden sand;
From many an ancient river,
From many a palmy plain,
They call us to deliver
Their land from error’s chain.

Well, if the Church has not had this visceral Gnostic hatred of Nations and Nationalism in the past where does all this “hoist the Jolly Roger and give no quarter to Nationalism” that we find in the contemporary Church come from? Well, people don’t like hearing this but this hatred of Nationalism comes from those who historically have vowed to destroy the Church. Again, please keep in mind that the quotes that follow could be repeated many times over,|

“The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into small states and end all national isolation; not only to bring the nations closer together, but to merge them….”

Vladimir Lenin
The Rights of Nations to Self Determination — pg. 76

 “Even the natural differences within species, like racial differences…, can and must be done away with historically.”

K. Marx’s Collected Works V:103,

As cited in S.F. Bloom’s The World of Nations: A

Study of the National Implications in the Work of Karl Marx, Columbia University Press, New York, 1941, pp. 11 & 15-19:

1.) ”What will be the attitude of communism to existing nationalities?

The nationalities of the peoples associating themselves in accordance with the principle of community will be compelled to mingle with each other as a result of this association and hereby to dissolve themselves, just as the various estate and class distinctions must disappear through the abolition of their basis, private property.”

~ Frederick Engels in “The Principles of Communism”, 1847

“The equality of races and nations is one of the most important elements of the moral strength and might of the Soviet state. Soviet anthropology develops the one correct concept, that all the races of mankind are biologically equal. The genuinely materialist conception of the origin of man and of races serves the struggle against racism, against all idealist, mystic conceptions of man, his past, present and future.”

Mikhail Nesturkh, Soviet anthropologist, 1959|
The Origin of Man” (Moscow)Mikhail Nesturkh, Soviet anthropologist, 1959:

There you have it. The Christianity that is being proclaimed from those reputed to be experts and as picked up by their “Can’t shoot straight” sycophant preacher boys is the message preached by Rev. Mephistopheles from time immemorial. Pogo was never more spot on… “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Make no mistake about it. This is the issue of our day. This is to us living in 2020 what the Deity of Christ was to Athanasius in the 4th century, what anthropology was to Augustine in the 3rd century, what Justification by faith alone was to Luther in the 16th century, and what the battle for the Bible against Neo-orthodoxy was in the 20th century. This is one of those, “If we get it wrong here we will never make progress until we turn back and get it right” moments.

One might think, with the paragraph above that I have left hyperbole for inanity but think about it for a second.

1.) Gnosticism is the oldest and has been the greatest threat to the Church throughout the centuries. It keeps coming back in one form or another.

2.) If matter doesn’t matter than all matter is equal matter. If matter doesn’t matter then women are men and men are women and so Beth Moore in the pulpit is only a matter of personal taste. If matter doesn’t matter than all peoples and cultures are equal and so the cultures created by James Cone or Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi are equal to the cultures created by Abraham Kuyper and James Orr.

3.) The Unitarian view of God that Gnosticism implies completely absents the whole notion of plurality that is found in the God of the Bible. Should we accept this Gnostic “theology” offered up by the doofuses in our midst we end up with a God who is a singular Demiurge. If we make that mistake we are no longer Christian.

Why is it so difficult to return the age old Reformed concept that grace does not destroy nature but restore nature? Being a Christian doesn’t mean I lose my National or racial identity. It doesn’t mean that I can quit being a boy or girl. It doesn’t mean that age no longer is a consideration. An older wisdom understood that,

“The revelation of Christ does not abrogate the natural and present life, but makes it recognized and practiced, from the viewpoint of Christ, exactly in its divine significance.”

Herman Ridderbos
Paul; An Outline of His Theology – p. 307, 315

Being in Christ means who I am in my ethnicity and race is now practiced from the viewpoint of Christ. It doesn’t go away. It become what it was originally intended to be sans the Fall. Being in Christ means who I am in my sexuality and gender is now practiced from the viewpoint of Christ. It doesn’t go way. It becomes what it was originally intended to be sans the fall. I am not more noble and more Christ-like all because I love my Fathers and share similitude with my ancestors. I am not more noble and more Christ-like all because I am androgynous.

God is not a singular Gnostic Demiurge but is a God of plurality. He likes our distinctiveness because as a God who loves matter He created us with varied corporeal and material plurality.

At least that is what the Church believed up until 1950 or so.

Forbidding The Strong God

“Multiculturalism focuses on disenchanting the Western tradition because it alone has a hold on our spiritual and political imagination and provides us with a home. So, for example, progressives in Europe attack strong expressions of Christianity but accommodate rigid and illiberal forms of Islam. They do this because Christianity is a strong God of the West whose return must be prevented. “

R. R. Reno
Return of the Strong Gods — p. 118

This quote inadvertently confirms what I’ve long been insisting. Multiculturalism (the Child of Cultural Marxism) exists only penultimately to get rid of White people. The ultimate target of Cultural Marxism is Christ and Christianity and Christendom. White people aren’t hated because they are White. White people are hated because they are Christian. They are the carriers of Christian civilization. As such they must be wiped out. Not for the crime of being White, but instead for the crime of being Christian.

Note, here that R2K aids and abets this Cultural Marxist multiculturalist agenda when it agrees (as it ALWAYS DOES) with the idea of ridding ourselves of Christendom. Let it be said here though, that without Christendom, Christianity wanes and become just another kooky cult like L. Ron Hubbard’s Christian Scientism or Anna Bell Lee’s Shaker community. If Biblical Christianity is going to wax then it must build a Christendom to express itself. If R2K is successful Christianity will be the religion of only hobos, derelicts, and moon-bats. A religion that cannot incarnate itself into a distinct social order is a religion that is Gnostic. May God cast R2K as a kooky religion into the dustbin of cultic “Christianity” and grant repentance in the R2K community, who in the name of Christ are pulling down Christ from His throne and may He damn R2K’s dancing partner Cultural Marxism who right now is playing girl on top in many putatively conservative Reformed denominations.

The Pearls of Wisdom From President J. D. Greear

J.D. Greear, President of the Southern Baptist Convention, demonstrates the curio status that walks in modern pulpits today.

I.) “Jen Wilkin says we should whisper about what the Bible whispers about and shout about what it shouts about. The Bible appears more to whisper on sexual sin compared to its shouts about materialism and religious pride.”

A.) Maybe we should have some new bible translations that code for us the time God is whispering and the time God is shouting? We could put God whispering in blue letters and God shouting in teal letters, remaining with the red letters that show us what Jesus says.

B.) God, many times, refers to sexual perversions as “an abomination.” Then there is all that brimstone and fire reigning down from Heaven in Genesis 19. Now add the fact that God called for the death penalty for several sexual sins. I’m sorry President Greear, but sounds like shouting. However, I’m sure this is just a matter of me having untrained ears.

C.) Does this mean that having sex with your Mother is less problematic than having too much money in your bank account? Is President Greear suggesting that God whispers about incest? Bestiality? Kiddie Porn?

D.) The idea that God whispers about sexual sin is jejune. The great presupposition of the Scripture on sexuality is male and female. There is the distinction created in the garden. There is the bringing together of the male and female into a union. Everywhere in Scripture God shouts that sexuality is only sexuality when it includes a male and a female. From Adam with Eve, to the Song of Solomon, to Christ as the Groom and the Church as the bride, all of Scripture resonates with the reality that God shouts on sexuality.

The height and depth of how vapid Greear must be in order to put this claptrap in a high profile sermon demonstrates that people who go to ministers for wisdom are themselves well on the path to be cognitive instability.

II.) “Thank you, Beth (Moore) ! Hoping that we are entering a new era where we in the complementarian world take all the Word of God seriously–not just the parts about distinction of roles but also re: THE TEARING DOWN OF ALL HIERARCHY & his gracious distribution of gifts to all his children!”

J. D. Greear President Southern Baptist Convention

A.) Tearing down of all hierarchy?

Tearing down of Fathers and Mothers over children?
Tearing down of Husbands over wives?
Tearing down of Employers over employees?
Tearing down of Elders over laity?
Tearing down of Princes over their people?
Tearing down of God over man?

B.) A Christianity that tears down all hierarchy is not Christianity but some version of leveling, whether Anabaptist or Marxist. President Greear with this utterance proves that he is just another Minister with no ability to think critically who has embraced, knowingly or unknowingly, the zeitgeist of egalitarianism.

C.) Gracious distribution of gifts to all his children?

Of course this implies that if God desires to distribute His gifts of Pastors or Elders to women who are we to stand in God’s way?
Except, that God Himself has said that women are not to be in the office of Minister. God Himself has said that it is a sign of the curse to be led by women and children. God Himself has chose twelve men to be Apostles while His church chose seven men to be deacons.

I wish I could say that President Greear is some kind of aberration in an otherwise fine clergy corps but I can’t. President Greear is the norm. The Clergy corps has become a redoubt full of the sons of Washington Gladden, Walter Rauschenbush, and Harry Emerson Fosdick.

Answering R2K On “Continuing Cities”

For here we do not have a continuing city, but we are seeking the city which is to come. (Heb. 13:14)

Radical Two Kingdom “Theology” in order to prove that Christians should NOT be politically involved or political activists as armed with a Church endorsed understanding of Scripture twist this Hebrews passage to support their public square Quietism. Per R2K, Christians are to not worry about the culture because that is being culture warriors. This passage in Hebrews is leveraged by R2K fanboys in order to communicate that since we don’t have a lasting city therefore we shouldn’t be over involved in the non-lasting cities while we are seeking this non corporeal city.

How do Biblical Christians counter this fallacious handling of the text?

Well, first we understand the Hebrews 13 passage in context. The writer to the Hebrews is NOT saying that since Christians are seeking out a disembodied city we are to be unconcerned with the cities we inhabit to the point that we don’t seek to have our cities reflect the character of God.

The writer to Hebrews was communicating to the Hebrew Christians that THE city of all cities (Jerusalem) though still standing was not the beau ideal. The recipients of the letter to the Hebrews were to understand that there was a better and more permanent city that they had already come to and that was the Jerusalem of above (Hebrews 12:22-23). This was important to communicate to these Hebrews because the temptation that they were prone to was to give up Christianity in order to return to Judaism. So, the point here wasn’t that the Hebrews were to become Retreatists in terms of their place of residence but rather it was to tell the Hebrews “Don’t go back to anti-Christ Judaism.” After all, they had a heavenly city to cling to (Heb. 12:22-24) as it relates to the cult function for which they were looking. Those Hebrews didn’t need an Aaronic Priesthood, daily blood ablutions, or the venerating of the Temple. Those were obsolete because fulfilled in Christ.

In point of fact and quite to the contrary to the insistence of the R2K fanboys that Christians shouldn’t seek to transform our cities and cultures in a Christ honoring direction we see that in Acts 17 in Ephesus, the Gospel does challenge city-state power structures. There in Acts 19 the Christians, upon the impact of the Gospel, did understand their current city as lasting enough to bring magic books to be burned, old gods to be eschewed, and economic realities reorganized.

Further, Matthew 5:5 teaches that Christian are to inherit not only lasting cities but also the whole earth. How can we inherit the earth if we are to eschew it per R2K malfeasance.

Of course there remains a “not yet” to the Christian eschatological understanding. Scripture teaches that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Scripture teaches that these light and momentary afflictions are nothing to be compared to the weight of glory that shall be revealed in us. But until the time we join the Church at rest we are to be part off the Church militant and that means seeking to exercise the dominion that we have been given in Christ Jesus.

Christendom (and the Church as seen by the prevalence of R2K “theology”) is currently occupied by a foreign pagan people and is being ruled over by usurpers and this is, in part, due to the fact that we have putative theologians in the Reformed Church insisting that those who are most Holy are those who most quickly surrender to those who hate Christ. Quite to the contrary the role of the people of the Kingdom of Christ is to overthrow the usurpers, to turn the foreign pagan people back into hewers of wood and drawers of water unless they repent and to incarnate the ever present Lordship of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom into every nook and cranny of existence.

This is, in part, what…”Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as in heaven” means.

Renounce the Mephistophelian R2K… become Christian.

A Delightful Recipe For National Populism

National populism is characterized by four realities in the body politique.

1.) Distrust

National populism could not gain traction were it not for the widespread distrust by Joe and Sally Sixpack that Johnny and Mary Elite are selling them out. National Populism gains steam because of this public distrust. Barack Obama understood this when he talked about people clinging to their guns and religion and then Obama gave them every reason to keep clinging to their guns and religion. The rank and file, while perhaps not wise, are not stupid. They can see that they were the losers in the 2008 bail out where those who caused the crisis were those who profited by the crisis. They can see that it is the future of they and their seed that is being sold out by the open borders elite. They can see that their clergy and churches are no longer places that can be trusted. Distrust of the elite makes for populism.

2.) Destruction

National Populism is National populism because the historic Europeans and Americans have a sense that the Elite intend to cut their throats. From being forced to accept wild Immigration to being forced to shut up via strident political correctness to the ever shrinking ownership of the American pie, the traditional American realizes that they are playing for keeps and that if they do not respond with a National Populist impulse they will be sleep with the fishes.

3.) Deprivation

There is a sense among the historic Americans that the future is not promissory of something better for their children then it was for them. This strikes at the heart of the age old concept of the American dream. Traditional Americans are convinced that they are being deprived the future, the income, and the identity that was their birthright and the birthright of their parents before them. Their dollar buys less, their employment is less certain, and their safety less taken for granted. National Populism rolls because of this sense of deprivation.

4.) De-Alignment

The old alignments are failing. This is in part because of the Academic community’s ability to destroy meta-narrative narratives. As such there is a weakening of bonds between what was once traditional alliances. Increasingly the idea of a “mainstream” of thought or tradition or party loyalty has disappeared. This has in turn allowed for a desire to de-align from old alignments and to realign with the idea of Nation as found in National Populism.

National populism rolls because of the presence of these culturally characteristic traits. One can be sure that now that the genie is out of the bottle National Populism is NOT going away. The impulse is going to continue to identify with a point of stability and that point of stability is going to be found in the Nation — a point of stability that has survived for over 500 years.