McAtee Examines One of Wilson’s Most Important Articles Ever Written

I really don’t have a thing for Doug Wilson, though doubtless, it may be beginning to look that way. I have also tried to be honest with myself about my critiques of Wilson not being born of envy. What Christian minister wouldn’t want his influence? At the end of the day though, nobody gets a “get out of having your position critically examined for free” card just because they present themselves as being on the right — and that even if multitudes of people really do believe that Doug is “hard right-wing.”

Today Doug posted an article on his website insisting that it may be “one of the most important things he has ever written.” Now, as Doug has long demonstrated over the years that he buys his cyber-ink and real-ink by the oil tanker this is bound to be a stand-up and notice piece that scads of people will tune into. As such it is worthy of being examined. We are happy to oblige here at Iron Ink. It is a dirty thankless job but somebody has got to do it.  I will not be examining the piece exhaustively so you will want to go and read the whole piece for yourself. I’m just going to hit the high parts the way that Babe Ruth would hit hanging curves.

Doug tees up his piece with a “water is wet” observation by telling us;

“…I do believe we are converging on a crisis moment in our nation, and the way we respond to that crisis moment when it comes will be critical.”

Jeepers Doug … did you have to look into your crystal ball to come up with that insight? I mean… I am left slack-jawed at how you pulled this deep wisdom out of your southernmost aperture.

Paging Captain Obvious.

Honestly, if Doug’s readers have to be told by their guru that we are converging on a crisis moment in our nation then we are deeper down the outhouse hole than anybody could have guessed. Once a people or readership is that far down the outhouse hole there is no time or ability left to man the ramparts.

A few sentences later Doug says,

 “How would that (bringing on a crisis) benefit anybody? Cui bono? Who stands to benefit from a deliberate dismantling and degradation of the American way of life? Surely no elected official, right?”

I think DW is being sarcastic here but I’m not sure. So, just in case he is not being sarcastic let me answer by saying that those who benefit are the legion (for they are many) authoring and behind the plans of the New World Order. These are the putatively elected officials who will benefit. Now, Doug, can’t yet talk about the NWO because that would be too conspiratorial for him at this point (wait a month and that might change) but we plebes in the fly-over country believe Klaus Schwaab and the Great Reset lads when they say they have a plan. We are not shy here in Michigan to talk about the NWO. I mean…  believing in the NWO is a piece of cake after learning that the FBI attempted to kidnap our Governor. (Why anybody would bother is beyond me.)

Doug next suggests that he is thinking like a chess player three moves ahead of the pack. Lou Costello, Jerry Lewis, Eddie Murphy were never so funny. I say this because the rest of what Doug writes suggests the man has been checkmated for 24 hours while he has been cleverly contemplating his next three moves.

And Doug’s big reveal?

The FEDS are trying to goad the citizenry into premature resistance so that martial law type of FED reaction can follow complete with (even more) repressive measures.

That’s it. That’s the Great and Awesome reveal of our mighty Moscow Magician. Remember … this is one of the most important pieces the man has ever written. Is anybody really surprised by this insight? Are we really at the point where the man who is thought to be the most conservative Christian leader in America genuinely believes that this is connecting the dots kind of material? If people find this “prophetic insight” of Wilson to be eye-popping and jolting we are indeed in deep weeds.

Next Doug suggests that the populace must not overreact to provocation because such over-reaction could lead to the elimination of the 2022 election cycle where the Democrats are sure to lose, thus producing the Messianic Republicans.

America … can you hear me laughing from Michigan? Does Doug think that if the Democrat majority is turned out of the House and Senate in favor of Republicans that is going to save the day?

1.) We are where we are at because a Republican President panicked and listened to Fuhrer Fauci and then made it clear before God and Man that he was a co-conspirator by pushing for this quackzine bull fecal matter. Does Doug think Republicans are going to save us?

2.) Republicans across the country in states like Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona have been co-conspirators in the whole 202o election boondoggle and subsequent cover-up. Does Doug think Republicans are going to save us?

3.) Let’s remember some of the names of the Republicans who Doug thinks are going to save the day. Mitch McConnel. Lindsey Graham. Kevin McCarthy. Mike DeWine. How many Republicans have voting for these obscene stimulus bills, and budgets? How many years have Republican Lucy Politicians promised Republican Charlie Brown voters that this time she really is going to let Charlie Brown kick the ball? Doug must be smoking the very finest homegrown Idaho gold hemp if he thinks Republicans are the cavalry who are going to come over the ridge to save the day.

4.) Even if the Republican candidate intended to descend upon Democrats like Ghengis Khan descending down the Russian Steppes have we forgotten that 2020 taught us? 2020 taught us that Stalin was right when he said it doesn’t matter who votes but only who counts the vote. Has Doug forgotten so quickly that voting harder won’t change who counts the vote?

Now, on #4 Doug insists that it will be more difficult to cheat in 2022 than it was in 2020 because the same politicians who cheated in 2020 and then covered it up afterward have passed new election laws to make sure that cheating can’t happen in 2022. Something about Fox and Henhouses.

Doug continues to write as if things are as they appear to be on the surface. Doug seems to think that the Biden administration didn’t want to happen in Afghanistan what happened in Afghanistan. Doug might want to dip into this interview with Lara Logan who makes the prescient point that the Biden administration has gotten exactly what they desired in Afghanistan.

Doug, for whatever reason, has not gone down the rabbit hole and looks to be taking seriously that matters are what they are as they are presented upon the surface. The Biden administration wanted the chaos and mayhem. They organized this two-car funeral just fine Doug.

Doug’s overall advice is to “not take the bait.” By that, Doug means that we in middle America should resist the idea of resisting since that is what the criminal FEDS desire. On this much Doug might be right. He also might be wrong. If I am correct in thinking that elections don’t mean much then choices concerning resistance are more fluid. Besides, I’m not convinced there is not the will out there in middle America to resist whether before or after the election cycle. I hope there is.

Doug next complains that he is going to be accused of being … wait for it … someone who believes in conspiracy theories.

Oh, the shame of it all.

Doug … dude … if you’re not accused of believing in conspiracy theories you’re not even on the sidelines let alone in the game. Quit with your fear of people labeling you a “conspiracy nut.” The people who are going to be the Captains in the movement you are trying to lead have long proudly worn the label of conspiracy nut for years if not decades now. Quit trying to make the case Doug, that conspiracies surround us. If people do not see that by now they have tucked their heads up their southernmost aperture and they are never going to see it.

Along the way Doug offers,

” but they (the Deep State) have not yet gotten to the point where they have been willing to disregard the external forms of liberty. “

I’m going to start referring to Wilson as Rumpelstiltskin.

Was Wilson sleeping during this last election cycle? Has Wilson not been following the stymied audits in Arizona, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania? To paraphrase a line from Jerry Lee Lewis, “There looks to me to be a whole lot of disregarding going on.”

Oh .. and Rumpelstiltskin, what of all those people arrested and buried in prisons without due process for your so-called “breach” of the capital? Are we not disregarding the external forms of liberty already?

Have you seen all that fencing around DC? Is that not disregarding external forms of liberty Doug?

For Pete’s sake … they’re masking our children when they aren’t quackzining our children. They are now threatening (in Allegan county Michigan) to take our children if we don’t follow the Michigan Health Departments Deep State Virus guideline. In Illinois Doug, a judge has taken a woman’s son because she refused to be quackzined. Come on Doug … quit talking to me about the threat of the FEDS completely disregarding our external forms of liberty.

Oh sure Doug … they can always disregard our external forms of liberty even more but we are already several exits past the FEDS disregarding our external forms of liberty. That ship has sailed.

Wilson is like the little kid that has arrived at a 100 car pileup on the Interstate and suddenly finds it important to start warning people about the possibility of a crash coming. “They will go further and completely disregard our external forms of liberty,” Doug warns, while judges are seizing children, people languish in prisons arrested for who knows what happened on 06 January — and they are there without habeas corpus. Children sit in cubicles at the local children’s penitentiary (sometimes mistakingly called government schools) and we are thinking maybe the FEDS will take even more of our external forms of liberty? Well, yes, the FEDS just going out in the street and randomly shooting people would be far far worse, but I’m pretty sure that our external forms of liberty are already being disregarded Rumpelstiltskin.

All of this is consistent when Doug writes,

“I am not advocating sedition against the United States. I am advocating resistance to something called the United States, but then only after the Klingons have taken it over. Surely there can be no objection to resisting the Klingons, right?”

Wait … Wilson believes that the Klingons have not yet taken over? This is the difference between Wilson and me. Wilson thinks the Klingons might well seize power. I think that the Klingons have for years been swilling our best booze and raiding the White House and Congressional food pantries and impregnating our women-folk.

Elsewhere the maven of Moscow offers,

“Always remember how the responsible voices like to coo to us. First, they tell us that situation x will never happen. Then they tell us that it might happen, but that it is too soon to act on it. To act now would be premature and irresponsible. And then they tell us, once it has happened, that it is too late to do anything about it now. We have to reckon with the post-Christian realities on the ground.”

I’m sorry, but let us look at the irony here. I certainly hope this is unintentional on Doug’s part.

1.) Wilson has said very recently that situation X is never going to happen (“The Great Reset is NOT going to happen.”)

2.) Wilson is now telling us in his most recent URGENT article, “It is too soon to act (against the Great Rest). Wait till after the 2022 election. To act now would be premature and irresponsible”

3.) What is next I fear is an Article from Doug arguing that “it is too late to do anything about it now. We have to reckon with the post-Christian realities on the ground.”

Et Tu Doug?

Look, even after saying all this, I want to believe that Doug wants to resist if that becomes necessary but I wonder if Doug is going to wait too long to pull the trigger. It is wise to caution against taking the bait when unready but it is also wise to say that if action is delayed too long against the Klingons the Klingons will be treating us like we are the aliens.














Pactum Institute Announces Research Assistance Project

Research Assistance – Pactum Institute

In School, in College or at Work, Christians are currently being bombarded with a Leftist worldview. The normative framework for research in contemporary society, regardless of the field, is unfortunately informed by anti-Christian theoretical viewpoints. In fact, there currently exists a prevalent bias against any research output from a distinctly Christian framework throughout the Western world.

This is where the Pactum Institute’s research assistance project comes in. If you or a family member are doing a research project for school, for university, for work or even for private purposes, we are here to help provide you with assistance in terms of the resources you need to counter Leftist views through rigorous scholarship. Our experienced scholars will provide you with the relevant information, sources, literature, as well as proofreading and editing services to ensure not only the academic integrity of your project (relevant to its desired level), but also that your project reflects a thoroughly Christian worldview. We also assist parents and/or communities with structuring their homeschool curricula.

By helping you, the Pactum Institute seeks to fulfill its mandate of constructively contributing to Christian scholarship all over the globe.

This service is provided at a standard fee of $8 per hour. For more information or to make use of this service, please contact us at

Contradiction between Evolution and the Idea of Inevitability of Progress

Given Darwin’s mantra of “survival of the fittest,” it is clear that Darwinian evolution is a worldview that intrinsically requires a “conflict of interest.” In point of fact the whole notion of a “harmony of interests,” would be bad news in a climate that insisted that advance is only achieved by the survival of the fittest. When one combines this with the reality that there is no mind behind the unwinding of evolution one must add that the survival of the fittest is a survival that happens completely by chance in a random universe.

Further, because of the randomness necessary in a mindless universe all “facts,” are uninterpreted facts and therefore are brute meaningless facts with no stable meaning. These brute facts, like the survival of the fittest, are facts without relation to any other facts as they likewise struggle to exist. Facts can be wiped out just as species can be wiped out.

Conflict is thus inherent and is the substance of worldview Darwinian evolution. Whether the conflict for survival among the fittest or the conflict among various facticities conflict of interest is the mother’s milk of Darwinian evolution.

But here we come face to face with another key doctrine of humanism and that is the idea of the inevitability of progress. If “conflict of interest” is characteristic of worldview Darwinism then how can progress be inevitable? Indeed, in a mindless world governed by time + chance + circumstance how can progress even be measured or determined? In a mindless world where fact itself is in a contest of survival, how can humanists even be sure that the inevitability of progress is a warranted good to be desired?

If evolution is mindless and governed only by time + chance + circumstance then any notion of progress is itself subject to evolution. Progress at one point of the march of evolution might be Stalin’s Holodomor while progress at another point of the march of evolution might be Huxley’s “Brave New World.” Because of this to speak of the inevitability of progress is an automatic non-sequitur in Evolution’s own world and life view.

Only Christianity posits a sovereign creator God who orders all things to the end and purpose of a harmony of interest found in glorifying God in all things (Romans 11:33-36). Only Christianity holds to all of the creation longing to glorify God (Romans 8:19f). Only Christianity envisions all things enjoying the service of the interests of God anticipating that day when Christ so reigns so that all things are put under His feet so that all things serve His interests. This is the inevitability of progress that Christianity presupposes.

So, advance by the conflict of interests is contrary to Christianity except as that advance is characterized by defeating those interests which are in conflict with God’s harmony of interests. Since those things that make for conflict of interests in God’s cosmos are doomed for failure we can anticipate the one-day dawning of the postmillennial vision where the harmony of interests that is a metaphysical reality by nature of God’s rule will overcome the conflict of interests introduced into God’s reality by man’s ethical attempt to overthrow Christ’s Kingship. This is the Christian reason for embracing the inevitability of progress.

Reformed Baptist Ironies (or) Things we’d Like Reformed Baptists to Think About

There is an inescapable irony to tell people that grace is irresistible and unconditional only to tell people that infants can’t be baptized because they aren’t old enough to meet the condition of showing that irresistible grace wasn’t resisted.

A Few Observations on the Jared Taylor vs. E. Michael Jones Debate

There is an interesting debate on the issue of race over here;

The question being debated is “Is Race an Important Reality or is it a Fiction.” Jared Taylor argues that Race is an important reality and Dr. E. Michael Jones takes the position that Race is a fictional reality. One would have to view the debate to get the gist of Taylor’s and Jones’ distinction.

Contra both E. Michael Jones and Jared Taylor the white man is who he is because of his genetic legacy and because of the grace of the God of the Bible who has ordained civilizational Christianity as authored and carried by the Christian White man. To suggest, as Jared Taylor does, that the White man is what he is only because of genetics is rank materialism. On the other hand to suggest, as E Michael Jones does, that the White man is what he is only because of his “culture, language, and religion,” is embracing some kind of environmentalism. This Gnostic type of reductionism can be seen in this quote from the debate from Dr. Jones;

“What is the vehicle for the continuity of the Irish people? It’s not DNA. It is language, religion, and culture. That is the vehicle and that has in the past absorbed all different kinds of DNA (among the Irish).”

Jones here has completely dismissed genetics as having any influence on people and people groups opting instead to assert that people and people groups are only products of their environment.

In the end, in my estimation, Taylor vs. Jones in this debate reduces down to nurture (Jones) vs. nature (Taylor) argument. All a Biblical Christian can say to such a debate is “a pox upon both your houses.”

Man is a modified unichotomy — which is to say that man is body and soul that exists as united in life with each aspect identifiable as distinct but as so intertwined that only at death does a divorce take place.

It does us no good like Jones and Taylor to try and play man’s material reality against his spiritual reality. Man is a modified unichotomy and can not be understood outside of his modified unichotomous reality.

It is interesting that the Alienists in our discussions with them years ago made the same mistakes that Jones makes in his debate with Taylor while Taylor makes the same mistakes that the Marxists make when debating with Kininsts. So far as I know only Kinists — being Biblical Christians — understand that man is a modified unichotomy that must not be reduced to either only his corporeal side or only his spiritual side. Man is indeed influenced by his religion, culture, history, language as Jones maintains but man is not only influenced by his environment. Man is a corporeal being and that corporeality contributes to the identity of people and people groups.  In point of fact, it could be argued that environment (Jones) and genetics (Taylor) provide a kind of information loop that reinforces the influence of each — a loop that sinful man can only rise above by a supernatural conversion that has the ability to alter both nurture and nature.

If E. Michael Jones had his way there would be little diversity (maybe language) in Unity. If Jared Taylor had his way there would be little if any unity in diversity. Jones’ gives us the vision of a “Christianized” John Lenon. Taylor gives us the vision of Madison Grant.

There are some areas in which I think that Dr. Jones was correct. You go ahead and view the debate and tell me where I might agree with Jones.