Musings On Genesis

In Genesis, in the Isaac on Mt. Moriah account, God gives a metaphor that He will bring the promised seed through death to life. In Genesis 23, in the burial of Sarah account, God gives to Abraham as his first titled possession of the promised land a grave to bury his wife. This grave was a representative deposit on the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham that he would have a land. In that grave God gives the Land to Abraham representatively and definitively.

In the Old Testament, in both the promised seed and the promised land God surrounds the fulfillment of the promise with shadows of death. In the New Testament the promised seed does die and, like Sarah, is laid in a grave. But with the resurrection, death is swallowed up in life and the former occupant of the grave, by Messianic title, becomes the King over all the earth. As the elect are united with Christ they share in His resurrection life and become inheritors of the whole earth which in the New Covenant is the Christian’s promised land.

Like Joshua possessing the land that God promised and that Sarah was buried in, Christians are now then to progressively conquer the earth, by means of teaching, baptism and discipleship, what God has given to us definitively in the Resurrection.

Sundry Observations On The Regnant Follies

1.) Rev. Rick Warren has given his imprimatur to the Rt. Rev. Gene “The Sodomite” Robinson praying at one of Obama’s more important soirees. It seems that the reasoning goes something like this;

a.)Obama is President of all the people — (Perhaps better put, Obama is President over all the people.)

b.)Therefore all the people ought to have a representative of theirs praying

Honestly, this is what we should expect in a country controlled by religious pluralism. In this pluralistic country the God is the State and it is up to the God to determine how many of the representatives of the lesser gods will be praying for the coronation service where the elected President is invested with the Messianic right to ascend to the god’s throne. As many gods as the people may want may exist in the nation’s pluralistic pantheon as long as each newcomer knows his or her place at the foot of the God of the State. If a God exists who insist that he is God above all the other gods including the God that is the State that God will never be tolerated.

2.) Timothy Geithner failed to pay his taxes for several years and now he is set to become the boss of the Department that is charged with making sure everyone pays their taxes. Geithner also didn’t realize a housekeeper he paid in 2004 and 2005 did not have current employment documentation as an immigrant for the final three months she worked for him.

We must also keep in mind that Geithner was at the heart of the failure of the Banking industry which resulted in their needing to be bailed out.

Now everyone keeps insisting that Geithner is one of those smart guys we just can’t live without. Personally, I’m tired of smart people who get to play by a different set of rules as everybody else. Do you think that if you or I are ever in a position where we’ve been caught cheating on our taxes that we could make the problems all go away but saying, “I forgot”?

And please … we are all adults here. Don’t give me this bushwah that Geithner forgot to pay his taxes. He was attempting to swindle the State. He ought to be rejected for coming up with the same lame excuse for not paying taxes as 5th graders come up with for not bringing their homework to class. If he would only say, “The State steals to much of my income so I was trying to keep some of my money from the thief,” I could understand. But instead as one of the smartest people in the room he tries to sell the line that “he forgot.”

3.) You do realize don’t you that this stimulus plan is going to largely be about social engineering? There will be incentives for this or that behavior. There will be disincentives for this or that other behavior. This is all about the Government manipulating you with your money. Also keep in mind that for every dollar that is poured into make work jobs that is one dollar that won’t be used for jobs that actually produce something that people want.

4.) Carol Browner, incoming President Barack Obama’s freshly appointed Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change – the so-called White House “Climate Czar” – is a Socialist, and there is no question about the socialism. Browner is a member of the Commission for a Sustainable World Society (CSWS), which is a formal organ of the Socialist International. Now, as Global Warming was invented for the express purpose of redistributing wealth throughout the World from these United States to the rest of the World can there be any doubt that Carol will make the US Browner with her policies?

5.) It’s become vogue to say that we wish the President elect success. Count me out of that sentiment. B. Hussein Obama will take office as a man who is further left then any other person who has ever occupied the office of President. Why would I want him to succeed?

Good Riddance Bush

In defense of the departing Bush William Duane Yelley wrote,

“How soon we forget what Bush went through. Constant attacks on our assets stopped after 9/11. We don’t have Osama but he can’t stop running. The liberal cry (lie) of no WMDs ignores the 40,00 munitions, 690 tons of chemical agents and 3,000 tons of chemicals to produce agents found and the 500 plus WMDs found since 2003.

Inheriting a budget that had been “deferred” by the previous administration and unsound housing and economic policies he attempted to reverse since 2001 has given him the reputation Clinton deserves. Giving Bush the credit for private financial failures only indicates our country is ready for socialism.

It’s a good thing we had a man with testicular fortitude who could care less what the liberal media said than the alternatives.”

Bret responds,

1.) Even the Bush administration concedes they were wrong about WMD in Iraq. That dog won’t hunt. Their intel was wrong and invading Iraq was a major error that some of us warned about at the time.

2.) That Clinton was worse than Bush is no reason to recommend Bush. Read Hayek’s book ‘Road To Serfdom’ to see why the worst rises to the top in Totalitarian States. Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II have been pond scum rising to the top. (And by the way, everyone should keep in mind that it is Ronald Reagan that we have to thank for the Bushes. Apart from Reagan there is no way Bush I gets elected and so no way that Bush II has the skids greased for him to the top. Thanks Gipper.)

3.) Bush did not try to reverse Clinton’s housing policies. See,

From Carter forward the politicos have been on this mad rush to multi-culturalism and diversity. The housing industry has been one way they’ve been trying to destroy American brand identity in favor of political correctness brand identity.

4.) Bush does share the credit for helping creating a housing bubble that burst, as the Sailer article proves, and he will share credit for socializing our financial markets with his foolish bail-out.

5.) Bush was a liberal idiot. The Liberal Media is a idiot. Their differences lay in the fact that Bush was Fascist while the media is more international socialist. The fact that the media has criticized Bush does not prove that Bush is not a liberal.

6.) Josef Stalin had testicular fortitude also. I’m not sure that is a particularly noble attribute when you’re as glaringly wrong as Bush has consistently been.

It is a curious trait of the human creature to get all nostalgic at the changing of the guard. Bush’s departure ought not to gin up nostalgia but rather disgust. Disgust for his “No Child Left Behind” idiocy, disgust for his prescription medicine for Senior’s bankruptcy, disgust for his attempt to give amnesty to 15 million illegal aliens, disgust for his locking us into socialism with the bailout, disgust for the Iraq war, disgust for his role in the minority mortgage meltdown, disgust for the “Patriot Act,” disgust for muscling up the position of chief executive thus setting the table for a even larger tyrant, disgust for Bush’s signing statements that basically turned all legislation into whatever he wanted it to mean, disgust for garbled syntax, trying to dress Harriet Miers in a black robe, inviting an Imam and a Rabbi to the 9/11 pantheon “worship” service, and for working so assiduously to surrender our sovereignty as a nation (North American Union). And finally disgust because for eight years we’ve had to put up with looking at a President that looks like Alfred E. Newman.

The Bush II presidency has been shameful, and the fact that any Christian desires to get all sentimental about seeing him leave office is quite beyond me.

Now B. Hussein Obama will be even worse but there is very little to nothing to go all nostalgic over regarding the Bush administration.

Coulter Strikes Again

Why can’t we get more people who are willing to shove it up the pie hole of the “never met a lie I wouldn’t tell” Main stream media?

Why is it that a white Female is the last person you can find that

a.) Isn’t scared
b.) Understands her worldview enough to not be intimated by attacks
3.) Is willing to give as good as she gets


Update From Zimbabwe

Dear Brethren

New Year greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.Amen! The Lord is so gracious and compassionate. He is love! How He moved you to come to our rescue at the appropriate time. Only He knows. For the first time in over 15 months …

To be able to sit down as family and make a budget for family groceries etc.

To be able to secure some food that you expect to last the family for a month on a decent meal per day.

To be able to provide some clothes and shoes for the children.

To be able to make some lunch packs for the kids walking to school(cant afford to drive them anymore)

To be able to send all our children to a youth Bible Conference(camping fees)28 Dec-01 Jan 2009.

To be able to give to our Lord in a very significant way.

This was all because you shared with us the love of Jesus.Praise be to God.Continue to pray for us that the Lord will heal our land. Humanly speaking there is no end in sight.Inflation continues to gallop at a very fast rate.Even the US$ seems to decrease its purchasing power in our shops.So for our grocery shopping we have to drive to South Africa and Zambia. Schools will be charging their fees in US$ and each child will require about $650 by the end of January. This is a mammoth task and we ask for your prayers. Also pray for our political situation. There is literary a stalemate and there is practically no government at the moment.

We would love to communicate frequently but most of the time we are out of network.Also our computer broke down so we have to do it from other places yet networks are usually available in the evenings.

Till next half. God bless you all

As usual, if our Lord Jesus Christ prompts you to give to this family you can send checks to Charlotte CRC and we will make sure the money gets to them.

(No administration or handling fee — smile)